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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 200

013.01sound of Irish sense. Really? Here English might be seen.
013.01+Motif: sound/sense
013.01+(description of Joyce: Finnegans Wake)
013.01+Really?... Really?... Really?
013.02Royally? One sovereign punned to petery pence. Regally? The
013.02+royal, sovereign, regal (monarchy)
013.02+sovereign, pound, pence (currency)
013.02+Peter's Pence: donations to the Holy See of the Roman Catholic Church
013.03silence speaks the scene. Fake!
013.03+Irish feach!: look!
013.04     So This Is Dyoublong?
013.04+M.J. MacManus: So This Is Dublin (1927; derided Joyce)
013.04+do you belong?
013.05     Hush! Caution! Echoland!
013.05+HCE (Motif: HCE)
013.06     How charmingly exquisite! It reminds you of the outwashed
013.06+{{Synopsis: I.1.1B.D: [013.06-013.19]: the engraving on the wall — look and listen}}
013.06+HCE (Motif: HCE)
013.06+(reminds us of a picture that used to hang in the tavern)
013.06+washed out: faded [.10]
013.07engravure that we used to be blurring on the blotchwall of his
013.07+French gravure: engraving
013.07+blotch of ink
013.08innkempt house. Used they? (I am sure that tiring chabelshovel-
013.08+inkbottle house [182.31]
013.08+shuffler: a shifty person
013.09ler with the mujikal chocolat box, Miry Mitchel, is listening) I
013.09+mujik: a Russian peasant
013.09+French chocolat: chocolate
013.09+miry: marshy, swampy, muddy, dirty
013.09+Gipsy miro: my, mine (Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil 45)
013.10say, the remains of the outworn gravemure where used to be
013.10+outworn: worn out, out of date [.06]
013.10+remains, grave, buried
013.10+Latin murus: wall
013.11blurried the Ptollmens of the Incabus. Used we? (He is only pre-
013.11+blurred [.07]
013.11+Ptolemy wrote an account of Ireland in the 2nd century
013.11+Greek ptôma: corpse
013.11+tall men
013.11+dolmen: a type of prehistoric megalithic tomb, consisting of a large flat stone supported horizontally by two or more upright ones
013.11+incubus: an evil spirit personifying the nightmare
013.11+French prétendant: claiming; pretender; suitor
013.12tendant to be stugging at the jubalee harp from a second existed
013.12+phrase tugging at the heartstrings: eliciting emotions of pity or sadness
013.12+Genesis 4:21: 'Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ'
013.12+the harp is the official symbol of Ireland [.18]
013.12+exhausted listener
013.13lishener, Fiery Farrelly.) It is well known. Lokk for himself and
013.13+Feardorcha O'Farrelly: 18th century Irish poet
013.14see the old butte new. Dbln. W. K. O. O. Hear? By the mauso-
013.14+Motif: ear/eye (see, hear)
013.14+Motif: old/new
013.14+Butt Bridge, Dublin (the easternmost road bridge over the Liffey until 1978)
013.14+D + B + L + N = 32, W + K + O + O = 64, using A-Z = 1-26
013.14+Well-Known Optophone which Ontophanes [.13] [.16]
013.14+Motif: By the Magazine Wall, zinzin, zinzin
013.15lime wall. Fimfim fimfim. With a grand funferall. Fumfum fum-
013.15+lime is used for plastering walls
013.15+Motif: The Letter: grand funeral/fun-for-all
013.16fum. 'Tis optophone which ontophanes. List! Wheatstone's
013.16+Colloquial 'tis: it is
013.16+optophone: an instrument invented in 1914 by E.E. Fournier d'Albe (the author of Fournier d'Albe: Quo Vadimus? Some Glimpses of the Future) to enable the blind to read by sound, using light sensitive cells to translate print into musical notes (the circuit included an electrical device known as a Wheatstone bridge)
013.16+Greek onto-: being, reality
013.16+Greek phaino: show
013.16+Archaic list!: listen!
013.16+Wheatstone invented a box shaped like a lyre, into which a piano's vibrations were passed, and which then appeared to play itself
013.17magic lyer. They will be tuggling foriver. They will be lichening
013.17+Yeats and Gregory: Cathleen ni Houlihan (play): 'They shall be remembered for ever, They shall be alive for ever, They shall be speaking for ever, The people shall hear them for ever'
013.17+struggling for Ivor
013.17+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation foriver: forever
013.17+Archaic lich: body
013.17+lichens (on stones) [.16]
013.17+listening for Olaf
013.18for allof. They will be pretumbling forover. The harpsdischord
013.18+Danish forover: forwards
013.18+German vorüber: past, gone
013.18+the harp is the official symbol of Ireland [.12]
013.19shall be theirs for ollaves.
013.19+Anglo-Irish ollaves: sages, learned men (in ancient Ireland)
013.19+Spanish llaves: keys (including the keys of a harpsichord)
013.20     Four things therefore, saith our herodotary Mammon Lujius
013.20+{{Synopsis: I.1.1B.E: [013.20-013.28]: the history book — the major characters}}
013.20+VI.B.15.116h (o): 'herodotary'
013.20+Clodd: Tom Tit Tot 191: 'In his references to Osiris, Herodotus remarks in one place... 'one of their gods whose name I am unwilling to mention'... The Father of History here gives expression to a feeling dominant throughout every stage of culture'
013.20+Herodotus: ancient Greek historian, traditionally referred to as 'The Father of History'
013.20+(doting on heroes)
013.20+dotard: one whose intellect is impaired by old age, one who is in his dotage
013.20+Motif: 4 evangelists (Mamalujo) (*X*)
013.20+Mammon: the personification (often as a devil) of greed and covetousness (from Hebrew mammon: riches, wealth)
013.20+Titus Livius: Roman historian, traditionally known as Livy
013.21in his grand old historiorum, wrote near Boriorum, bluest book
013.21+Latin historiarum: of histories (the title of Herodotus's Histories was often given as Latin Historiarum Libri IX: Nine Books of Histories)
013.21+Annals of the Four Masters (*X*) was written in Donegal, which was called Boreum by Ptolemy
013.21+VI.B.17.069b (r): 'the bluest book in history'
013.21+Robbins: Parnell: The Last Five Years 119: (of the report of the Parnell Commission) 'Parliamentary booksellers declared that no blue-book in their memory had had such an extraordinary sale'
013.21+Blue Books: the official reports of the English Parliament [014.29] [179.27]
013.21+Slang blue: obscene
013.22in baile's annals, f.t. in Dyfflinarsky ne'er sall fail til heathersmoke
013.22+Irish baile: town (as in Irish Baile Átha Cliath: Town of the Ford of the Hurdles (the Irish name of Dublin))
013.22+Annals of the Four Masters (*X*)
013.22+Norwegian f.t.: at present (short for 'for tiden')
013.22+four things (abbreviation by initialising was common in medieval Irish chronicles) [.20]
013.22+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Dyfflinarsky...} | {Png: ...Dyffinarsky...}
013.22+Dyfflinarskidi: territory around Norse Dublin
013.22+'Dyflin' on 11th century Dublin coins
013.22+never shall
013.22+HCE (Motif: HCE)
013.23and cloudweed Eire's ile sall pall. And here now they are, the fear
013.23+Irish Éire: Ireland
013.23+shall fall
013.23+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...are, the...} | {Png: ...are the...}
013.23+German vier: four (pronounced 'fear'; Motif: The four of them; *X*)
013.24of um. T. Totities! Unum. (Adar.) A bulbenboss surmounted up-
013.24+Portuguese um: one
013.24+Slang umpty: a large but indefinite number
013.24+teetotum: four-sided disk with letter on each side; in game of chance spun to see which side finished uppermost (originally written as 'T. totum')
013.24+Greek tautotêtes: likeness, sameness, identities; identity cards
013.24+Latin toties: so many times, as many times
013.24+Latin unum: one
013.24+Adar: the twelfth (or sixth) month of the Jewish year (Cluster: Months)
013.24+Mount Ben Bulben, County Sligo
013.25on an alderman. Ay, ay! Duum. (Nizam.) A shoe on a puir old
013.25+Motif: Ay, ay! (Matthew's sigh)
013.25+Roman numeral II: two
013.25+Latin duum: of two (rarer form, the classical one being 'duorum')
013.25+Nisan: the first (or seventh) month of the Jewish year (Cluster: Months)
013.25+Anglo-Irish Shan Van Vocht: Poor Old Woman (poetic name for Ireland, strongly associated with Irish nationalism, especially through song The Shan Van Vocht)
013.26wobban. Ah, ho! Triom. (Tamuz.) An auburn mayde, o'brine
013.26+Irish bean: woman (pronounced 'ban')
013.26+Motif: Ah, ho! (Mark's sigh)
013.26+Latin trium: of three
013.26+Tammuz: the fourth (or tenth) month of the Jewish year (Cluster: Months)
013.26+Oliver Goldsmith: The Deserted Village 1: 'Sweet Auburn!' [.27]
013.26+Motif: A/O
013.26+Motif: Bride of the brine (bride of the sea, of Brian, of O'Brien)
013.27a'bride, to be desarted. Adear, adear! Quodlibus. (Marchessvan.) A
013.27+Saint Bride: another name for Saint Brigid, a well-known 5th century Irish saint
013.27+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation desarted: deserted [.26]
013.27+Dysart O Dea, County Clare
013.27+Motif: Adear, adear! (Luke's sigh)
013.27+Latin quodlibet: what you please
013.27+Marcheshvan: the eighth (or second) month of the Jewish year (better known as Cheshvan) (Cluster: Months)
013.28penn no weightier nor a polepost. And so. And all. (Succoth.)
013.28+Motif: pen/post (*C*/*V*)
013.28+proverb The pen is mightier than the sword: words are more effective than violence in bringing about change (from Bulwer-Lytton: Richelieu)
013.28+Motif: And so. And all. (John's sigh)
013.28+VI.B.3.008c (r): 'Succoth (Patrick)' (Saint Patrick)
013.28+Flood: Ireland, Its Saints and Scholars 10: (of Saint Patrick's captivity) 'King Niall of the Nine Hostages went on successive expeditions against the peoples of Gaul and Britain. Amongst the captives... was Succoth, a lad of sixteen... afterwards called Patricius, probably in allusion to his noble birth'
013.28+Hebrew Succoth: Feast of Tabernacles, a Jewish holiday commemorating the Israelites' camping in tabernacles (temporary dwellings, tents) after their exodus from Egypt
013.29     So, how idlers' wind turning pages on pages, as innocens with
013.29+{{Synopsis: I.1.1C.A: [013.29-014.15]: leaves of time — four entries from the annals}}
013.29+VI.B.14.018k (o): 'wind turns over pages'
013.29+Schuré: Les Grandes Légendes de France 162: 'un ouragan passa sur le livre et en froissa toutes les feuilles. Il resta ouvert au XIIe chapitre de l'Apocalypse' (French 'a hurricane passed over the book and turned all the pages. It remained open on the XIIth chapter of the Apocalypse')
013.29+Latin innocens: harmless
013.29+Anacletus II, antipope, opposed Innocent II, pope, in the years 1130-1138 (including 1132; Motif: 1132) [.33]
013.30anaclete play popeye antipop, the leaves of the living in the boke
013.30+leaves of The Book of the Dead (Budge: The Book of the Dead)
013.30+book of deeds
013.31of the deeds, annals of themselves timing the cycles of events
013.31+VI.B.14.188b (r): 'annal'
013.31+Studies, An Irish Quarterly Review, vol. 13, no. 50, 190: Comments on the Foregoing Article (Paul Walsh): 'Readers will have noticed in the annal entries that ecclesiastics and men of learning generally get the leading mention'
013.31+Annals of the Four Masters (*X*)
013.31+VI.B.6.003d (r): 'timed his cycle'
013.31+events... national [039.04]
013.32grand and national, bring fassilwise to pass how.
013.32+Grand National: a famous steeplechase horse race, run annually in Liverpool
013.32+(tell how)
013.32+German fassweise: by the barrel
013.32+French facile: easy
013.32+German Passah: Passover
013.33     1132 A.D. Men like to ants or emmets wondern upon a groot
013.33+Motif: 1132 [.36] [014.07] [014.11]
013.33+1 (*E*) + 1 (*A*) + 3 (*VYC*) + 2 (*IJ*) = 1132 (Motif: 1132; i.e. the core family)
013.33+Annals of the Four Masters I.119: 'The Age of Christ, 283... Finn... fell... upon the Boinn' (i.e. death of Finn at A.D. 283; 283 x 4 = 1132)
013.33+Crone: Concise Dictionary of Irish Biography 199: 'O'TOOLE, ST. LAURENCE, archbishop; b. Castledermot in 1132'
013.33+A.D. for Ante Diluvium [014.16]
013.33+Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section 1331: 'A great famine relieved by a prodigious shoal of fish, called Turlehydes, being cast on shore at the mouth of the Dodder. They were from 30 to 40 feet long, and so thick that men standing on each side of one of them, could not see those on the other. Upwards of 200 of them were killed by the people' (whales, not fish) [549.31]
013.33+Archaic emmet: ant
013.33+German wandern: to wander
013.33+Dutch groot: great, big, large
013.34hwide Whallfisk which lay in a Runnel. Blubby wares upat Ub-
013.34+Danish hvid: white
013.34+white whale (Moby Dick)
013.34+German Walfisch: whale
013.34+Danish fisk: fish
013.34+runnel: small stream of water, brooklet
013.34+(bloody wars for Dublin) [014.05] [014.09-.10] [014.14-.15]
013.34+up at
013.34+Eblana: Ptolemy's name for Dublin (or so it was mostly believed in Joyce's time)
013.36     566 A.D. On Baalfire's night of this year after deluge a crone that
013.36+566 x 2 = 1132 (Motif: 1132) [.33] [014.07] [014.11]
013.36+(566 is half of 1132, as Eve is "half" of Adam)
013.36+A.D. for Ante Diluvium [014.16]
013.36+Danish bål: bonfire ('aa' is an alternative spelling of 'å')
013.36+Beltane: ancient Celtic May Day celebration, on which large bonfires were lit on the hills of Ireland (Irish Bealtaine, popularly etymologised in old Irish texts as 'Baal's fire')
013.36+bale-fire: a great open-air fire (originally, specifically that of a funeral pile)
013.36+Louis XV: 'After me, the deluge' [352.12]
013.36+(postdiluvian) [014.16-.17]
013.36+Kronenhalle: a Zurich restaurant, a favourite of Joyce [014.01]

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