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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 199 |
017.01 | where the liveries, Monomark. There where the mis- |
–017.01+ | coyne and livery [016.31] |
–017.01+ | The Liberties: district of Dublin |
–017.01+ | Greek monomachos: gladiator |
–017.01+ | (Mark the First) [021.18] |
–017.01+ | Colloquial missies: girls |
017.02 | sers moony, Minnikin passe. |
–017.02+ | Greek Slang mouni: female genitalia |
–017.02+ | Manneken Pis: a famous statue in Brussels of a child urinating [.06] |
–017.02+ | French Slang passe: a fuck |
017.03 | Jute. — Simply because as Taciturn pretells, our wrongstory- |
–017.03+ | (killed simply because) |
–017.03+ | Tacitus briefly mentions Ireland (has a concise style) |
–017.03+ | taciturn, prattles (opposites) |
–017.03+ | phrase to make a long story short |
017.04 | shortener, he dumptied the wholeborrow of rubba- |
–017.04+ | dumped the wheelbarrow of rubbish |
–017.04+ | (formation of midden heap) [110.22-111.04] |
–017.04+ | nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty |
–017.04+ | emptied |
–017.04+ | (defecated) |
–017.04+ | Dialect rubbage: rubbish |
–017.04+ | cabbages |
017.05 | ges on to soil here. |
–017.05+ | onto |
017.06 | Mutt. — Just how a puddinstone inat the brookcells by a |
–017.06+ | (just like) |
–017.06+ | German wie: how; like |
–017.06+ | VI.B.14.003n (o): 'poudingue pudding stone' (only last two words crayoned) |
–017.06+ | Boulenger & Thérive: Les Soirées du Grammaire-Club 263: 'Il faut un travail plus subtil de l'esprit pour séparer et classer les éléments de ce poudingue' (French 'We need a more subtle working of the mind to separate and classify the elements of this pudding-stone') (glossed in a footnote: 'Ceci n'est pas une francisation arbitraire, mais un mot de géologie' (French 'This is not an arbitrary frenchisation, but a word of geology')) |
–017.06+ | pudding-stone: a conglomerate rock consisting of naturally-cemented pebbles (French poudingue) |
–017.06+ | French Bruxelles: Brussels [.02] |
–017.06+ | German Dialect Bruck: bridge |
–017.06+ | Celbridge (Church of the Bridge), County Kildare, on Liffey river, west of Dublin |
017.07 | riverpool. |
–017.07+ | Liverpool |
017.08 | Jute. — Load Allmarshy! Wid wad for a norse like? |
–017.08+ | Lord Almighty! |
–017.08+ | phrase Lord have mercy! (exclamation of frustration; from prayer Lord, have mercy (Greek Kyrie eleison)) |
–017.08+ | all marshy |
–017.08+ | Anglo-Irish Pronunciation wid: with |
–017.08+ | Cornish wad: forefather |
–017.08+ | what |
–017.08+ | noise |
017.09 | Mutt. — Somular with a bull on a clompturf. Rooks roarum |
–017.09+ | similar to |
–017.09+ | phrase like a bull in a china shop |
–017.09+ | bull-roarer: a piece of wood or bone making a roaring noise when swung round on the end of a string (used by druids and Australian aborigines for religious purposes) |
–017.09+ | Clontarf (coastal parish three miles northeast of Dublin centre and site of Brian Boru's famous battle; name means 'Bull Meadow') |
–017.09+ | Latin rex rerum: king of wealth |
017.10 | rex roome! I could snore to him of the spumy horn, |
–017.10+ | Latin rex Romae: king of Rome |
–017.10+ | Swiss German schnore: chatter, talk |
–017.10+ | swear |
–017.10+ | spumy: covered with sea-foam, frothy |
–017.10+ | horn: a piece of land projecting into the sea, a promontory (e.g. Howth Head (pronounced 'hoath'; hence, oath)) |
017.11 | with his woolseley side in, by the neck I am sutton |
–017.11+ | song Brian O'Linn: (had breeches with) 'The skinny side out and the woolly side in' [.12] |
–017.11+ | linsey-woolsey: a fabric woven from a mixture of linen and wool; a strange medley |
–017.11+ | Arthur Wellesley, first Duke of Wellington |
–017.11+ | isthmus of Sutton, joining Howth Head and the mainland (Greek isthmos: neck) [.21] |
–017.11+ | sitting |
–017.11+ | certain |
017.12 | on, did Brian d' of Linn. |
–017.12+ | song Brian O'Linn [.11] |
–017.12+ | Dublin |
–017.12+ | Black Linn: the highest peak on Howth Head |
–017.12+ | Irish linn: pool, lake, sea |
017.13 | Jute. — Boildoyle and rawhoney on me when I can beuraly |
–017.13+ | boiled oil and raw honey (both were used as forms of torture, the former by immersion, the latter by attraction of biting insects) |
–017.13+ | Baldoyle and Raheny: districts of Dublin |
–017.13+ | German wenn: if |
–017.13+ | French beurre: butter |
–017.13+ | Irish Béarla: English language |
–017.13+ | barely understand a word |
017.14 | forsstand a weird from sturk to finnic in such a pat- |
–017.14+ | Danish forstand: understanding |
–017.14+ | Doctor Sturk: a character in Le Fanu: The House by the Churchyard, who lives in Chapelizod and is knocked unconscious in Phoenix Park, but recovers briefly before dying (his damaged skull inspires the book, a century later) [.18] |
–017.14+ | phrase from start to finish: entirely, throughout |
–017.14+ | Turkish to Finnish (both languages belong to the previously-hypothesised Uralo-Altaic or Turanian family of languages) |
–017.14+ | VI.B.15.173f (o): 'finnic' |
–017.14+ | Conder: The Rise of Man 36: 'Slavs in Russia, and the Teutons, within historic times, have mingled with Turanian stocks — Tartar and Ugric, Finnic and Basque' |
–017.14+ | Finnic: pertaining to the Finnish people, or to a branch of languages comprising Finnish, Estonian and related languages |
–017.14+ | Scottish finnoc: a fish of the salmon family, commonly known as brown trout or sea trout or salmon trout, and in Ireland as white trout (usually spelled 'finnock') |
–017.14+ | VI.B.17.104d ( ): 'patwhat' |
–017.14+ | Chervin: Bégaiement 302: 'On sait que dans le parler patois notamment, la prononciation de certaines diphtongues est considérablement modifiée (loué, moué, roué, pour toi, moi, roi, etc.)' (French 'We know that in vernacular dialect in particular, the pronunciation of certain diphthongs is considerably modified (loué, moué, roué, for toi, moi, roi, etc.)') [497.22] |
–017.14+ | French patois: dialect, cant |
017.15 | what as your rutterdamrotter. Onheard of and um- |
–017.15+ | Rotterdam: city, Netherlands |
–017.15+ | German Götterdämmerung: Ragnarok (literally 'twilight of the gods'; also, the name of an opera by Wagner) [018.16] |
–017.15+ | Dutch on-: un- |
–017.15+ | Motif: ear/eye (unheard, unseen) |
–017.15+ | German umsehen: look around |
–017.15+ | obscene |
017.16 | scene! Gut aftermeal! See you doomed. |
–017.16+ | German gut: good |
–017.16+ | good afternoon! |
–017.16+ | Matthew 16:23: 'Get thee behind me, Satan' |
–017.16+ | phrase I'll see you damned first |
–017.16+ | see you soon |
017.17 | Mutt. — Quite agreem. Bussave a sec. Walk a dun blink |
–017.17+ | {{Synopsis: I.1.1E.C: [017.17-018.16]: Mutt tells of the fallen — the dialogue of Mutt and Jute ends}} |
–017.17+ | agree |
–017.17+ | a dream |
–017.17+ | but |
–017.17+ | (wait a second) |
–017.17+ | Dunsink Observatory, Dublin |
017.18 | roundward this albutisle and you skull see how olde |
–017.18+ | all but isle (i.e. peninsula; from Latin paene: almost + Latin insula: island) |
–017.18+ | Prince Albert Island, Canada |
–017.18+ | shall |
–017.18+ | skull [.14] |
017.19 | ye plaine of my Elters, hunfree and ours, where wone |
–017.19+ | Moyelta: the old plain of Elta, where the Parthalonians died of plague and were buried; probably an area adjacent to Howth Head, perhaps south of Dublin |
–017.19+ | German Eltern: parents |
–017.19+ | Humphrey |
017.20 | to wail whimbrel to peewee o'er the saltings, where |
–017.20+ | whimbrel, peewee (birds) |
–017.20+ | Archaic o'er: over |
–017.20+ | VI.B.25.155f (o): 'Saltings' |
–017.20+ | salting: meadow flooded by tide |
017.21 | wilby citie by law of isthmon, where by a droit of |
–017.21+ | will be |
–017.21+ | Danish by: town, city |
–017.21+ | city |
–017.21+ | isthmus (of Sutton, joining Howth Head and the mainland) [.11] |
–017.21+ | droit de seigneur: the supposed right of a feudal overlord to deflower the bride of any of his tenants on the first night of her marriage |
017.22 | signory, icefloe was from his Inn the Byggning to |
–017.22+ | Genesis 1:1, John 1:1: 'In the beginning' |
–017.22+ | Danish bygning: building |
017.23 | whose Finishthere Punct. Let erehim ruhmuhrmuhr. |
–017.23+ | finishing point |
–017.23+ | Latin finis terrae: land's end (Cape Finisterre is the northwesternmost tip of Spain; Finistère is the northwesternmost tip of France) |
–017.23+ | Phoenix Park: a large park northwest of Dublin city centre (the name derives from Irish fionnuisce: clear water (pronounced 'finishke'), anglicised 'phoenix') |
–017.23+ | German Punkt: point, full stop, period (Motif: Full stop) |
–017.23+ | Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Let Erin Remember the Days of Old [air: The Red Fox [.24-.25]] |
–017.23+ | German Ehre: honour, glory |
–017.23+ | German Ruhm: glory, fame |
017.24 | Mearmerge two races, swete and brack. Morthering |
–017.24+ | Italian mare: sea |
–017.24+ | merge |
–017.24+ | VI.B.5.136g (r): 'limit of 2 races child's grave' |
–017.24+ | Chateaubriand: Œuvres Choisies Illustrées I.41, Atala: 'Nous passâmes auprès du tombeau d'un enfant, qui servait de limite à deux nations' (French 'We passed close to the tomb of a child, that served as a boundary for two nations') |
–017.24+ | race: a strong current in the sea or a river |
–017.24+ | sweet and brack (salty) |
–017.24+ | Motif: dark/fair (white, black) |
–017.24+ | Motif: Murthering Irish |
–017.24+ | mothering |
–017.24+ | song Modereen Rue (Anglo-Irish little red dog, little red rogue; referring to a fox) |
017.25 | rue. Hither, craching eastuards, they are in surgence: |
–017.25+ | Archaic rue: sorrow, regret, pity |
–017.25+ | HCE (Motif: HCE) |
–017.25+ | VI.B.5.144c (r): 'here flux unites *T* & *L* reflux divides' |
–017.25+ | Schuré: Les Grandes Légendes de France 215: (of the tides of the Baie de Tréspassés) 'Une touchante imagination populaire fait se rencontrer ici les âmes de ceux qui se sont suicidés par amour et perdus dans le mort. Une fois par an, ils ont le droit de se revoir. Le flux les réunit, le reflux les sépare, et ils s'arrachent l'un à l'autre avec de longs gémissements' (French 'A touching folk legend has it that here meet the souls of those who had killed themselves for love and had been lost in death. Once a year, they are allowed to see each other. The flux unites them, the reflux separates them, and they tear away from each other amid prolonged lamentations') |
–017.25+ | French cracher: to spit |
–017.25+ | crashing |
–017.25+ | eastwards |
–017.25+ | estuary |
–017.25+ | insurgent |
017.26 | hence, cool at ebb, they requiesce. Countlessness of |
–017.26+ | HCE (Motif: HCE) |
–017.26+ | Obsolete requiesce: to rest |
–017.26+ | prayer Prayer for the Dead: 'Requiescat in pace' (Latin 'Rest in peace') |
–017.26+ | (many men have fallen) |
017.27 | livestories have netherfallen by this plage, flick as |
–017.27+ | life stories |
–017.27+ | German niederfallen: fall down |
–017.27+ | French plage: beach |
–017.27+ | German Plage: plague |
–017.27+ | place, thick as snowflakes |
017.28 | flowflakes, litters from aloft, like a waast wizzard all of |
–017.28+ | letters |
–017.28+ | Dutch waas: haze, mist, fog |
–017.28+ | blizzard |
017.29 | whirlworlds. Now are all tombed to the mound, isges |
–017.29+ | whirl worlds [597.29] |
–017.29+ | words |
–017.29+ | Archaic tomb: to entomb, to bury |
–017.29+ | French tomber: to fall |
–017.29+ | doomed |
–017.29+ | (burial mound) |
–017.29+ | French monde: world |
–017.29+ | Old English isge: ice |
–017.29+ | The Book of Common Prayer: Burial of the Dead: 'ashes to ashes, dust to dust' (prayer) |
–017.29+ | Greek gês: earth |
017.30 | to isges, erde from erde. Pride, O pride, thy prize! |
–017.30+ | VI.B.15.067d (o): 'erda to erda' (second 'erda' overwrites an 'ear') |
–017.30+ | Clodd: Tom Tit Tot 42: 'the mighty food-giving Earth-mother, known by many names, Erda, Demeter, Pachamama, Dharitrî, but everywhere worshipped as the giver of life' |
–017.30+ | German Erde: earth |
–017.30+ | French merde: shit |
–017.30+ | Motif: Bride of the brine |
017.31 | Jute. — 'Stench! |
–017.31+ | |
017.32 | Mutt. — Fiatfuit! Hereinunder lyethey. Llarge by the smal an' |
–017.32+ | Motif: Fiat-Fuit (so be it, and it was; Latin fiat: let it be, so be it; Latin fuit: it was, there was) [124.28] [613.14] |
–017.32+ | German pfui!: pew!, ugh! (exclamation of disgust) |
–017.32+ | herein: in this place |
–017.32+ | German herunter, hinunter: downward (viewed from below or above, respectively) |
–017.32+ | phrase here lies (tombstone) |
–017.32+ | German einander: one another, each other |
–017.32+ | under |
–017.32+ | lye: a strong alkali (in ancient times, used in the burial of plague victims) |
–017.32+ | lie they |
–017.32+ | (opposites: large, small) |
–017.32+ | Dutch smal: narrow |
017.33 | everynight life olso th'estrange, babylone the great- |
–017.33+ | (opposites: everyday, strange) |
–017.33+ | Oslo, Norway |
–017.33+ | also the stranger |
–017.33+ | French l'étrange: the strange |
–017.33+ | Babylone: district of Paris |
–017.33+ | Revelation 17:5: 'BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS' |
–017.33+ | Arnold Bennett: Grand Babylon Hotel (Bennett reviewed Joyce: Ulysses rather unfavourably (Outlook 29 Apr 1922; Deming: The Critical Heritage 219)) |
–017.33+ | (opposites: great, little) |
017.34 | grandhotelled with tit tit tittlehouse, alp on earwig, |
–017.34+ | (opposites: hotel, house) |
–017.34+ | (*F*; the title of Joyce: Finnegans Wake may have started out as 'Finn's Hotel') |
–017.34+ | (Motif: stuttering) |
–017.34+ | nursery rhyme 'Little Tommy Tittlemouse Lived in a little house' |
–017.34+ | Motif: 4 elements (earth, air, water, fire) |
–017.34+ | (opposites: *A*, *E*) |
–017.34+ | ALP (Motif: ALP) |
–017.34+ | German Alpdruck, Alpdrücken: nightmare (in the form of suffocating pressure on the sleeper's chest) [.35] |
–017.34+ | Earwicker |
017.35 | drukn on ild, likeas equal to anequal in this sound |
–017.35+ | (opposites: water, fire) |
–017.35+ | Danish drukne: to drown |
–017.35+ | Danish ild: fire |
–017.35+ | (opposites: equal, unequal) |
–017.35+ | (opposites: sound, sight (Motif: ear/eye)) |
017.36 | seemetery which iz leebez luv. |
–017.36+ | cemetery |
–017.36+ | is |
–017.36+ | German Liebes-: love- |
–017.36+ | Wagner: Tristan und Isolde (Tristan and Iseult): Liebestod ('love-death' aria) [018.02] |
–017.36+ | love |
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