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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 194 |
029.01 | haunt of the hungred bordles, as it is told me. Shop Illicit, |
–029.01+ | house of the hundred bottles [380.15] |
–029.01+ | Conn of the Hundred Battles: legendary Irish high king |
–029.01+ | hungry |
–029.01+ | French bordel: brothel |
–029.01+ | bottles |
–029.01+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: Shop...} | {JJA 44:132:, Shop...} (conceivably corrupted at JJA 44:171) |
–029.01+ | illicit drink shop |
–029.01+ | Chapelizod |
029.02 | flourishing like a lordmajor or a buaboabaybohm, litting flop |
–029.02+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...lordmajor...} | {Png: ...lord-major...} |
–029.02+ | Lord-Mayor (of Dublin) |
–029.02+ | (Motif: stuttering) [126.12] |
–029.02+ | Baobab: African tree with a very thick trunk |
–029.02+ | German Baum: Dutch boom: tree |
–029.02+ | letting |
029.03 | a deadlop (aloose!) to lee but lifting a bennbranch a yardalong |
–029.03+ | Colloquial dollop: a lump, a quantity |
–029.03+ | alas! |
–029.03+ | the lee side and the weather side of a ship [.04] |
–029.03+ | Benjamin Lee Guinness: first Baronet Guinness, 19th century Irish brewer and politician (father of Arthur Edward and Edward Cecil) |
–029.03+ | Hebrew ben: son |
–029.03+ | a yard long |
–029.03+ | first Baron Ardilaun: Arthur Edward Guinness, 19th-20th century Irish businessman and politician (son of Benjamin Lee and brother of Edward Cecil) |
029.04 | (ivoeh!) on the breezy side (for showm!), the height of Brew- |
–029.04+ | first Earl of Iveagh: Edward Cecil Guinness, 19th-20th century Irish businessman and politician (son of Benjamin Lee and brother of Arthur Edward) |
–029.04+ | German i wo!: heavens no!, not a bit of it! |
–029.04+ | Latin evoe: shout of joy (of the Bacchantes) |
–029.04+ | ivy |
–029.04+ | for show |
–029.04+ | for shame! |
–029.04+ | Motif: Shem/Shaun |
–029.04+ | Dialect brewster: brewer |
029.05 | ster's chimpney and as broad below as Phineas Barnum; humph- |
–029.05+ | Chimpden, Humphrey (Earwicker) [030.02-.03] |
–029.05+ | chimney |
–029.05+ | Phineas T. Barnum: American showman |
–029.05+ | hump |
–029.05+ | humphing: uttering humph (expression of doubt or dissatisfaction) |
029.06 | ing his share of the showthers is senken on him he's such a |
–029.06+ | shoulders |
–029.06+ | show |
–029.06+ | Howth (Howth Head) |
–029.06+ | there |
–029.06+ | theirs |
–029.06+ | German senken: to submerge, to lower |
029.07 | grandfallar, with a pocked wife in pickle that's a flyfire and three |
–029.07+ | grand fellow |
–029.07+ | Italian farfalla: butterfly (Cluster: Insects) |
–029.07+ | faller |
–029.07+ | (*A*) |
–029.07+ | Slang pock: syphilis |
–029.07+ | pocket-knife |
–029.07+ | phrase a pig in a poke: a thing bought without first being examined |
–029.07+ | Slang in pickle: venereally infected |
–029.07+ | Smollett: Peregrine Pickle [028.35] |
–029.07+ | firefly (Cluster: Insects) |
–029.07+ | fly (of one's trousers, behind which a venereal disease strikes) |
–029.07+ | Slang fire: venereal disease |
–029.07+ | (three children. two twin boys (*V*, *C*) and a girl (*I*)) |
029.08 | lice nittle clinkers, two twilling bugs and one midgit pucelle. |
–029.08+ | lice (Cluster: Insects) |
–029.08+ | nice little |
–029.08+ | sly |
–029.08+ | nits (Cluster: Insects) |
–029.08+ | Smollett: The Expedition of Humphry Clinker [028.35] |
–029.08+ | Danish twilling: twin |
–029.08+ | Colloquial bugs: insects (Cluster: Insects) |
–029.08+ | boys |
–029.08+ | midge: small gnat-like insect (Cluster: Insects) |
–029.08+ | Barnum exhibited midgets [.05] |
–029.08+ | French puce: flea (Cluster: Insects) |
–029.08+ | French pucelle: virgin |
029.09 | And aither he cursed and recursed and was everseen doing what |
–029.09+ | Anglo-Irish Pronunciation aither: either |
–029.09+ | Greek aithêr: ether |
–029.09+ | Italian corsi e ricorsi: flows and reflows, streams and recurrences (a phrase popularly associated with Vico in the context of the recurrence of historical cycles) [481.02] |
–029.09+ | ever seen |
–029.09+ | seen doing, saw, done seeing (Motif: tenses) |
–029.09+ | phrase what the butler saw: a euphemism for sex (especially in a voyeuristic context) |
029.10 | your fourfootlers saw or he was never done seeing what you cool- |
–029.10+ | (*X*) |
–029.10+ | Slang footle: to talk or act foolishly |
–029.10+ | seen doing |
–029.10+ | stool pigeons |
029.11 | pigeons know, weep the clouds aboon for smiledown witnesses, |
–029.11+ | with |
–029.11+ | Hebrews 12:1: 'compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses' |
–029.11+ | Dialect aboon: above |
–029.11+ | alone |
029.12 | and that'll do now about the fairyhees and the frailyshees. |
–029.12+ | Anglo-Irish shee: fairy (from Irish sídhe) |
029.13 | Though Eset fibble it to the zephiroth and Artsa zoom it round |
–029.13+ | Hebrew eshet: wife of (form of Hebrew isha: woman, wife) |
–029.13+ | East |
–029.13+ | Aesop's Fables |
–029.13+ | Colloquial fib: a trivial lie |
–029.13+ | fiddle |
–029.13+ | Zephyr: the west wind personified |
–029.13+ | Sephiroth: the ten emanations of Ain-Soph in kabbalistic lore |
–029.13+ | Hebrew artsa: to the earth (form of Hebrew erets: earth, country) |
–029.13+ | Latin astra: stars |
–029.13+ | World War I Slang zoom: fly an aeroplane sharply upward for a short distance at a great speed |
029.14 | her heavens for ever. Creator he has created for his creatured |
–029.14+ | Cluster: Create (x4) |
029.15 | ones a creation. White monothoid? Red theatrocrat? And all the |
–029.15+ | white dwarf, red giant: types of stars |
–029.15+ | White and Red political factions (especially during the Russian Civil War) |
–029.15+ | monotheist: a believer in one god |
–029.15+ | theatre |
–029.15+ | theocracy: priest-rule |
029.16 | pinkprophets cohalething? Very much so! But however 'twas |
–029.16+ | (red + white = pink) [.15] |
–029.16+ | coalescing |
–029.16+ | Hebrew qoheleth: Ecclesiastes (literally 'preacher', perhaps) |
029.17 | 'tis sure for one thing, what sherif Toragh voucherfors and |
–029.17+ | Colloquial 'tis: it is |
–029.17+ | Hebrew saraph: poisonous snake; angel, seraph |
–029.17+ | Hebrew Torah: law; Pentateuch |
–029.17+ | vouches for |
029.18 | Mapqiq makes put out, that the man, Humme the Cheapner, |
–029.18+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Mapqiq...} | {Png: ...mapqiq...} |
–029.18+ | Hebrew mappiq: a type of diacritic (a dot in the middle of the letter heh), indicating that it is to be pronounced as a consonant (H), rather than a vowel |
–029.18+ | Motif: P/Q |
–029.18+ | French homme: man |
–029.18+ | Hebrew hamma: sun |
–029.18+ | HCE (Motif: HCE) |
029.19 | Esc, overseen as we thought him, yet a worthy of the naym, |
–029.19+ | Esq.: the common abbreviation of Esquire (a title of no precise significance appended to the name of a man (in a formal setting) to indicate some degree of status (due to birth, occupation, etc.)) |
–029.19+ | Slang overseen: somewhat drunk |
–029.19+ | name |
–029.19+ | Irish neamh: heaven (pronounced 'nyav') |
–029.19+ | Hebrew nayim: pleasant |
–029.19+ | Hebrew mayim: water |
029.20 | came at this timecoloured place where we live in our paroqial |
–029.20+ | time-honoured |
–029.20+ | Motif: time/space (time, place) |
–029.20+ | parochial: belonging to a parish; provincial |
–029.20+ | Hebrew raqia: firmament |
029.21 | fermament one tide on another, with a bumrush in a hull of a |
–029.21+ | firmament |
–029.21+ | one time or another |
–029.21+ | proverb Time and tide wait for no man: one should not delay as opportunities are fleeting |
–029.21+ | Slang get the bum's rush: be forcibly turned out |
–029.21+ | Ulster Pronunciation hull: hell |
–029.21+ | phrase hell of a hurry |
029.22 | wherry, the twin turbane dhow, The Bey for Dybbling, this |
–029.22+ | wherry: a shallow boat |
–029.22+ | turban |
–029.22+ | turbine |
–029.22+ | dhow: a native vessel used in the Arabian Sea |
–029.22+ | bey: Turkish governor |
–029.22+ | Dublin Bay |
029.23 | archipelago's first visiting schooner, with a wicklowpattern |
–029.23+ | County Wicklow |
–029.23+ | willow pattern: a pattern of blue-white English crockery, depicting willow-trees as a prominent feature |
029.24 | waxenwench at her prow for a figurehead, the deadsea dugong |
–029.24+ | Obsolete waxen: grown up |
–029.24+ | Dialect wench: young woman; maidservant (Slang promiscuous woman, prostitute) |
–029.24+ | Dead Sea, Palestine (where Hebrew was spoken) |
–029.24+ | dugong: a marine mammal, perhaps responsible for mermaid stories |
029.25 | updipdripping from his depths, and has been repreaching him- |
–029.25+ | repreaching: preaching again |
–029.25+ | reproaching |
–029.25+ | repeating |
029.26 | self like a fishmummer these siktyten years ever since, his shebi |
–029.26+ | fishmonger |
–029.26+ | French soixante-dix: seventy (literally 'sixty-ten') |
–029.26+ | (his wife) |
–029.26+ | Sheba |
–029.26+ | Hebrew shevi: captivity |
–029.26+ | Hebrew sheva: seven (Motif: 7 rainbow girls) |
029.27 | by his shide, adi and aid, growing hoarish under his turban and |
–029.27+ | side |
–029.27+ | Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:18: (of the future Eve) 'an help meet for him') |
–029.27+ | Hebrew adey ad: for evermore |
–029.27+ | VI.B.1.008i (r): 'grow old under turban' |
–029.27+ | Horus: Egyptian god [.28] |
029.28 | changing cane sugar into sethulose starch (Tuttut's cess to him!) |
–029.28+ | VI.B.1.017a (r): 'plants turn sugar into starch & cellulose' (only first five words crayoned) |
–029.28+ | Haldane: Daedalus or Science and the Future 37: 'the average plant turns most of its sugar not into starch which is digestible, but into cellulose which is not, but forms its woody skeleton' |
–029.28+ | Cain and Seth (Genesis 4:25: 'And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew') |
–029.28+ | Set: Egyptian god [.27] |
–029.28+ | tut-tut (expressing disapproval, disdain or impatience) |
–029.28+ | Tut's curse (i.e Tut-ankh-amen's curse; a grain Osiris (mud molded into human form and sown with seed to grow within the tomb) was found in Tut-ankh-amen's tomb) |
–029.28+ | Italian tutto cessa: everything ends, everything comes to an end |
–029.28+ | Italian Colloquial phrase tutto un cesso: a real dump, a complete mess (literally 'all a latrine') |
–029.28+ | Anglo-Irish phrase bad cess to him: bad luck to him |
029.29 | as also that, batin the bulkihood he bloats about when innebbi- |
–029.29+ | Scottish bating: with the exception of |
–029.29+ | Hebrew beten: belly, abdomen |
–029.29+ | inn |
–029.29+ | inebriated |
–029.29+ | Italian annebbiato: clouded, foggy |
029.30 | ated, our old offender was humile, commune and ensectuous |
–029.30+ | old offender (Motif: fender) [356.13] |
–029.30+ | HCE (Motif: HCE) |
–029.30+ | Latin humile: lowly, humble (neuter, not masculine) |
–029.30+ | Latin commune: common, ordinary (neuter, not masculine) |
–029.30+ | insect (Cluster: Insects) |
–029.30+ | incestuous |
029.31 | from his nature, which you may gauge after the bynames was |
–029.31+ | byname: nickname, cognomen, surname (especially one given in ridicule) |
029.32 | put under him, in lashons of languages, (honnein suit and |
–029.32+ | Hebrew lashon: tongue, speech, language |
–029.32+ | Anglo-Irish lashings: plenty |
–029.32+ | Motif: Honi soit qui mal y pense |
–029.32+ | Hebrew khanneni: pity me |
029.33 | praisers be!) and, totalisating him, even hamissim of himashim |
–029.33+ | phrase praise be! (expression of joy or relief) |
–029.33+ | totalling |
–029.33+ | Hebrew khamishim: fifty |
–029.33+ | Hebrew khamisha khumshey: Pentateuch (literally 'five fifths') |
029.34 | that he, sober serious, he is ee and no counter he who will be |
–029.34+ | VI.B.14.229l (o): 'sober serious' |
–029.34+ | Evans: My People, Stories of the Peasantry of West Wales 25: 'A Heifer Without Blemish': 'What nonsense you talk out of the back of your head! Sober serious, mouth not that you have thrown gravel at Sara Jane's window!' |
–029.34+ | HEC (Motif: HCE) |
–029.34+ | he is he and no other he |
–029.34+ | the most famous of Pigott's forged Parnell letters begins: 'Dear E—... Let there be an end of this hesitency' |
029.35 | ultimendly respunchable for the hubbub caused in Eden- |
–029.35+ | ultimately responsible |
–029.35+ | Latin timendus: to be feared |
–029.35+ | end |
–029.35+ | punch |
–029.35+ | HCE (Motif: HCE) |
–029.35+ | Hebrew khibbubh: fondness |
–029.35+ | Garden of Eden |
–029.35+ | Eden and Burgh Quays, Dublin, face one another across the Liffey river |
–029.35+ | Edinburgh |
029.36 | borough. |
–029.36+ | |
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