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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 147

063.01ing in a bytheway that he, the crawsopper, had, in edition to
063.01+by the way
063.01+CHE (Motif: HCE)
063.01+Anglo-Irish crawthumper: ostentatiously devout Roman Catholic (pejorative)
063.01+grasshopper (Motif: Ondt/Gracehoper) [.04]
063.02Reade's cutless centiblade, a loaded Hobson's which left only twin
063.02+Thomas Read and Company: Dublin cutlers (established 1670)
063.02+cutlass, blade
063.02+VI.B.10.031d (o): 'Hobson's Choice'
063.02+phrase Hobson's choice: a choice between one thing offered and nothing at all, take it or leave it
063.02+(two fists)
063.03alternatives as, viceversa, either he would surely shoot her, the
063.03+Little Sure Shot: an epithet of Annie Oakley [.04]
063.03+Slang shoot: fuck
063.04aunt, by pistol, (she could be okaysure of that!) or, failing of such,
063.04+Slang aunt: prostitute
063.04+ant [.01]
063.04+Slang pistol: penis
063.04+Annie Oakley: American sharpshooter [.03]
063.05bash in Patch's blank face beyond recognition, pointedly asked
063.05+patch, blank [379.09]
063.06with gaeilish gall wodkar blizzard's business Thornton had with
063.06+Motif: Gall/Gael
063.06+German geil: lascivious, lewd, insolent
063.06+Polish wódka: vodka (from 'water of life')
063.06+what in blazes
063.06+Ned Thornton: original of Tom Kernan in Joyce: Ulysses
063.07that Kane's fender only to be answered by the aggravated
063.07+Matthew Kane: original of Martin Cunningham in Joyce: Ulysses
063.07+Motif: Cain/Abel [.16]
063.07+fender: a fire-guard, a low metal frame placed in front of a fireplace to shield the room from falling embers or ash (the suspicious parcel is some sort of fender; Motif: fender) [062.28-.29]
063.07+(defender or offender; Motif: fender)
063.07+phrase aggravated assault
063.08assaulted that that that was the snaps for him, Midweeks, to sultry
063.08+(Motif: stuttering) [.21]
063.08+Danish snaps: schnapps, spirits
063.08+German Mittwoch: Wednesday (literally 'midweek')
063.08+Wednesbury [062.28]
063.09well go and find out if he was showery well able. But how trans-
063.10paringly nontrue, gentlewriter! His feet one is not a tall man, not
063.10+gentle reader
063.10+six feet one
063.11at all, man. No such parson. No such fender. No such lumber. No
063.11+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...all, man...} | {Png: ...all man...}
063.11+phrase no such thing!: not at all!, quite the contrary!
063.11+person, gender, number, case (grammar terms)
063.11+Motif: fender
063.12such race. Was it supposedly in connection with a girls, Myramy
063.12+(Motif: 7 rainbow girls)
063.12+Latin mira me: admire me
063.12+Greek euhemerema: success, good luck [011.12] [102.27]
063.12+Archaic myria-: countless-, ten-thousand-
063.13Huey or Colores Archer, under Flaggy Bridge (for ann there is
063.13+hue, colour
063.13+Swift was born at 7 Hoey's Court (a small street in central Dublin)
063.13+arch of colours (rainbow) [011.12] [102.27]
063.13+VI.B.16.059k (b): 'Flaggy Bridge'
063.13+Connacht Tribune 19 Apr 1924, 3/3: 'Maintenance Contracts. District Roads': 'To maintain for 43 years, 400 perches, of road 16 ft wide, from Portumna to Gort, between Derrybrien Chapel and Flaggy Bridge'
063.13+Flaggy Bridge: roadbridge in County Galway, five kilometres east of Derrybrien on the Gort-Portumna road
063.13+Anna Livia (*A*)
063.13+Irish ann: there; in him, in it
063.13+Scottish Gaelic ann: in existence, alive (in addition to all the Irish meanings of 'ann')
063.13+The Shahada (the Muslim declaration of belief): 'There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet' (sometimes given by Christians as 'There is but one god and...', echoing I Corinthians 8:6: 'But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him')
063.14but one liv and hir newbridge is her old) or to explode his
063.14+one life [.16]
063.14+Danish liv: life
063.14+New Bridge, near Leixlip, was believed at some point to be the oldest standing bridge in the United Kingdom, in Ireland, or on the Liffey river (built 1308)
063.14+Pont Neuf (French New Bridge) is the oldest standing bridge on the Seine river in Paris (completed 1607)
063.14+Motif: old/new
063.15twelvechamber and force a shrievalty entrance that the heavybuilt
063.15+twelve-chambered revolver
063.15+forced entry
063.15+shrievalty: a sheriff's office or jurisdiction
063.16Abelbody in a butcherblue blouse from One Life One Suit (a
063.16+Abel [.07] [172.05]
063.16+phrase able-bodied: in full health, robust
063.16+Motif: butcher's or bishop's apron or blouse (blue)
063.16+one life [.14]
063.16+phrase one man, one vote
063.16+phrase one flesh, one blood
063.16+(a suit that will last one a lifetime)
063.17men's wear store), with a most decisive bottle of single in his
063.17+Obsolete were: man
063.17+Creasy: The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World
063.17+single: mild ale or beer
063.18possession, seized after dark by the town guard at Haveyou-
063.18+HCE (Motif: HCE)
063.19caught-emerod's temperance gateway was there in a gate's way.
063.19+Obsolete emerods: hemorrhoids
063.19+VI.B.5.001i (r): '*F* temperance hotel'
063.20     Fifthly, how parasoliloquisingly truetoned on his first time of
063.20+{{Synopsis: I.3.2.C: [063.20-064.21]: the assailant comes up with excuses for the gate incident — the boots is awakened by the noise}}
063.20+fifth [064.05] [064.14]
063.21hearing the wretch's statement that, muttering Irish, he had had
063.21+Motif: Murthering Irish (a 19th century anti-Irish phrase referring to the supposedly murderous nature of Irishmen and to their pronunciation of the word 'murder'; Joyce: Ulysses.9.579: 'Murthering Irish')
063.21+(Motif: stuttering) [.08]
063.22had o'gloriously a'lot too much hanguest or hoshoe fine to
063.22+Motif: A/O [.29]
063.22+Hoang Ho river, China (Chinese Yellow River)
063.22+Hengist and Horsa: 5th century brothers who led the Saxon invasion of England
063.22+Irish (a) thoise efíon: (his) capacity of wine
063.23drink in the House of Blazes, the Parrot in Hell, the Orange Tree,
063.23+Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 93: (of 18th century Dublin public houses and inns) '"House of Blazes" on Aston's Quay'
063.23+Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 95: (of 18th century Dublin public houses and inns) '"The Orange Tree" was likewise in Castle Street, and "The Glibb" near to "The Sun". "The Parrot" was in "Hell"'
063.24the Glibt, the Sun, the Holy Lamb and, lapse not leashed, in
063.24+Motif: Father, Son, Holy Ghost
063.24+Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 96: (of 18th century Dublin public houses and inns) '"The Holy Lamb" was in the old Corn Market'
063.24+lamb, ram, sheep
063.24+phrase last but not least
063.25Ramitdown's ship hotel since the morning moment he could
063.25+the Muslim Ramadan fast is observed from dawn, defined as the time when a black and a white thread can be distinguished, till dusk (Muslims are not allowed to drink alcohol) [.23]
063.25+ram it down (e.g. drink down one's throat)
063.25+VI.B.1.021m (r): 'Ship hotel'
063.25+Ship Hotel and Tavern, 5 Lower Abbey Street, Dublin (Joyce: Ulysses.17.966: 'the Ship hotel and tavern, 6 Lower Abbey street (W. and E. Connery, proprietors)')
063.26dixtinguish a white thread from a black till the engine of the
063.26+Motif: dark/fair (white, black)
063.26+prayer Angelus: 'The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary' (said at six a.m., at noon, and at six p.m.; the Virgin Mary)
063.27laws declosed unto Murray and was only falling fillthefluthered
063.27+(pub closing time)
063.27+Murray: Joyce's mother's maiden name
063.27+song Phil the Fluter's Ball
063.27+German Flut: flood
063.28up against the gatestone pier which, with the cow's bonnet
063.28+VI.B.25.164i (r): 'gatepier'
063.28+pier: each of the pillars or posts of a gate
063.28+French pierre: stone
063.29a'top o'it, he falsetook for a cattlepillar with purest peaceablest
063.29+Motif: A/O [.22]
063.29+Slang caterpillar: soldier
063.30intentions. Yet how lamely hobbles the hoy of his then pseudo-
063.30+Colloquial hobbledehoy: awkward adolescent boy
063.30+Spanish hoy y entonces: today and then, now and then
063.31jocax axplanation how, according to his own story, he was a
063.31+Joacax: a nickname of Joyce when at university (presumably from his surname and from Latin Artificial jocax: jocose, given to joking)
063.31+VI.B.16.038f (b): 'According to his own story to his theory' (last three words not crayoned)
063.31+Freeman's Journal 11 Apr 1924, 5/5: 'Labourer Shot': (of shots fired in Waterford) 'According to his own story, Furlong was armed with a revolver and immediately returned the fire of his assailants... Furlong collapsed opposite his own door on a military ground sheet which, according to his theory, was placed there previously by the attackers to ensure correctness of aim'
063.32process server and was merely trying to open zozimus a bottlop
063.32+process server: sheriff's officer who serves processes or summonses
063.32+pantomime Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves: 'Open Sesame!' (a magical phrase used to open a sealed treasure cave)
063.32+Zozimus: the nickname of Michael Moran, an early 19th century Dublin street singer and poet
063.32+bottle of stout (beer)
063.33stoub by mortially hammering his magnum bonum (the curter the
063.33+German Staub: dust
063.33+Italian martello: hammer
063.33+magnum: a two-quart bottle of wine or spirits
063.33+Latin magnum bonum: great good
063.33+curt: short, shortened
063.34club the sorer the savage) against the bludgey gate for the boots
063.34+Charles Selby: Boots at the Swan (one-act farce; put on at Clongowes in 1890, when Joyce was there; the "boots" is Jacob Earwig, is deaf, impersonates a policeman, gets locked in a closet after drinking too much, thumps loudly at the door, etc.)
063.35about the swan, Maurice Behan, who hastily into his shoes with
063.35+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...swan, Maurice...} | {Png: ...swan Maurice...}
063.35+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...hastily into...} | {BMs (47475-116v): ...hastily threw on a pair of old Sir Bunchamon's pants, stepped into...}
063.36nothing his hald barra tinnteack and came down with homp,
063.36+(nothing in)
063.36+Irish barra: bar, hindrance
063.36+barring a
063.36+Irish bara: palm of hand
063.36+Irish tinnteach: scabbard
063.36+tintack: short tin-coated iron nail
063.36+Irish teinteach: fiery; lightning
063.36+phrase hop, step and jump: the athletic event now called triple jump; a short distance
063.36+Motif: Shem, Ham and Japhet

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