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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 161

067.01boleros one games with at the Nivynubies' finery ball and your
067.01+bolero: a type of short jacket
067.01+VI.B.17.052k (o): 'came up with upright'
067.01+Latin niveae: snowy (feminine plural)
067.01+Latin nubes: clouds
067.01+Latin nubilis: marriageable
067.02upright grooms that always come right up with you (and by jingo
067.02+song We Don't Want to Fight, But, by Jingo, If We Do
067.03when they do!) what else in this mortal world, now ours, when
067.04meet there night, mid their nackt, me there naket, made their
067.04+Motif: 4-stage Viconian cycle
067.04+German mit: with
067.04+German Mitternacht: midnight
067.04+German nackt: naked
067.05nought the hour strikes, would bring them rightcame back in the
067.05+phrase in the flesh: in bodily form, incarnate; in life, living; in person
067.06flesh, thumbs down, to their orses and their hashes.
067.06+horses, asses (equines)
067.06+Slang arse: buttocks
067.07     To proceed. We might leave that nitrience of oxagiants to take
067.07+{{Synopsis: I.3.2.I: [067.07-067.27]: proceeding with the gate assault — the special constable's evidence}}
067.07+VI.B.18.005i (o): 'To proceed'
067.07+Warburton, Whitelaw & Walsh: History of the City of Dublin I.69: (a two-word sentence at the end of a long paragraph) 'To proceed'
067.07+leave, take
067.07+VI.B.45.126j (g): 'N & O free in air'
067.07+Roscoe: Chemistry 41: 'We have found... that oxygen is contained in the air mixed with nitrogen... The oxygen exists in the air in the free state as a colourless gas'
067.07+giant oxen
067.07+phrase take its leave: to depart, to bid farewell
067.08its free of the air and just analectralyse that very chymerical com-
067.08+free [.10]
067.08+analects: gleanings, fragments (especially literary)
067.08+anal [.09]
067.08+electrolyse: to decompose by means of electricity
067.08+VI.B.45.126k (g): 'H & O ch. comb. in W'
067.08+Roscoe: Chemistry 41: 'in water the oxygen is chemically combined with hydrogen, and when united together these two gases form liquid water'
067.08+chemical combination
067.08+chimera: a fabled monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail
067.09bination, the gasbag where the warderworks. And try to pour
067.09+Colloquial gas-bag: someone who talks too much; a boaster
067.09+Joyce: Ulysses.17.1819: 'The Wonderworker, the world's greatest remedy for rectal complaints' [.08]
067.09+VI.B.45.126h (g): 'pour up H'
067.09+Roscoe: Chemistry 38: 'hydrogen is much lighter than air. For this reason we can pour hydrogen upwards'
067.09+pour some more hydrogen up the atmosphere (Motif: some/more)
067.10somour heiterscene up thealmostfere. In the bottled heliose case
067.10+German heiter: merry; (of weather) fair
067.10+almost free [.08]
067.10+Latin fere: almost
067.10+Greek helios: sun
067.10+Greek eliôse: melted, dissolved
067.11continuing, Long Lally Tobkids, the special, sporting a fine breast
067.11+Tomkins/Tobkids [.24]
067.11+Colloquial special: a special constable (Constable Sackerson)
067.11+(nice breasts (Motif: mixed gender))
067.12of medals, and a conscientious scripturereader to boot in the brick
067.12+scripture reader (i.e. Protestant)
067.12+Black and Tans: British men (mostly unemployed World War I veterans) recruited by the thousands into the Royal Irish Constabulary during the Irish War of Independence (1920-1), notorious for their violence and brutality
067.13and tin choorch round the coroner, swore like a Norewheezian
067.13+The Little Church Around the Corner, New York City
067.13+phrase swear like a sailor
067.13+Norwegian tailor (the Norwegian captain, Kersse the tailor)
067.13+snore, wheeze
067.14tailliur on the stand before the proper functionary that he was up
067.14+Irish táilliúr: tailor
067.15against a right querrshnorrt of a mand in the butcher of the blues
067.15+right, err (opposites)
067.15+queer sort of a man (Motif: Queer man) [016.01]
067.15+Der Querschnitt: a German periodical, published poems by Joyce in 1923 (from German der Querschnitt: the cross-section)
067.15+German Colloquial schnorren: to cadge, to obtain by begging
067.15+Danish mand: man
067.15+Motif: butcher's or bishop's apron or blouse (blue)
067.16who, he guntinued, on last epening after delivering some car-
067.16+VI.B.3.104b (o): 'on last evg'
067.16+Motif: pen/post (pen/deliver)
067.17casses mattonchepps and meatjutes on behalf of Messrs Otto
067.17+VI.B.31.186c (r): 'muttonchepp'
067.17+Douglas: London Street Games 40: (a chant) 'Cold meat, mutton chops, Tell me when your mother drops' (children's game)
067.17+Mutt and Jeff: American comic-strip characters [016.10]
067.17+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Messrs Otto...} | {Png: ...Messrs. Otto...}
067.18Sands and Eastman, Limericked, Victuallers, went and, with his
067.18+Eastmans (limited), victuallers, Dublin (multiple locations)
067.18+County Limerick
067.19unmitigated astonissment, hickicked at the dun and dorass against
067.19+hiccupped [.20]
067.19+kicked at the door
067.19+Irish dún an doras: shut the door
067.20all the runes and, when challenged about the pretended hick (it
067.20+hic(cup) [.19]
067.21was kickup and down with him) on his solemn by the imputant
067.21+up and down (Motif: up/down)
067.21+phrase down with him (expressing disapproval)
067.22imputed, said simply: I appop pie oath, Phillyps Captain. You
067.22+impute: to attribute, to ascribe
067.22+why, upon my oath
067.22+(Motif: stuttering)
067.22+phrase apple-pie order: thorough order
067.22+Apophis: Egyptian demon-god
067.22+(Phelps) [.26]
067.22+Motif: O felix culpa!
067.23did, as I sostressed before. You are deepknee in error, sir, Madam
067.23+so stressed
067.23+stuttered (Motif: stuttering)
067.23+(bow) [.25]
067.24Tomkins, let me then tell you, replied with a gentlewomanly
067.24+Tomkins/Tobkids [.11]
067.24+Tom King: 18th century Dublin actor (mentioned several times in Hughes: The Pre-Victorian Drama in Dublin) [.26]
067.25salaam MackPartland, (the meatman's family, and the oldest in
067.25+salaam: an oriental salutation of ceremonial obeisance, often accompanied by a deep bow (from Arabic salaam: peace, a greeting of peace) [.23]
067.25+Irish Mac Parthaláin: son of Bartholomew [602.17]
067.25+Motif: Mick/Nick [.26]
067.25+(butcher) [.15]
067.26the world except nick, name.) And Phelps was flayful with his
067.26+Mr. Phelps: 19th century Dublin actor (mentioned several times in Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin) [.24]
067.26+(Phillyps) [.22]
067.26+flay, peel (remove skin)
067.26+(with his brother)
067.27peeler. But his phizz fell.
067.27+Anglo-Irish peeler: policeman
067.27+VI.B.6.110h (b): 'face fell'
067.27+Lamy: Commentarium in Librum Geneseos I.250: 'Iratusque est Cain vehementer, et concidit vultus ejus' (Latin 'And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell'; Genesis 4:5) [.26]
067.27+Colloquial phiz: face, facial expression, countenance
067.28     Now to the obverse. From velveteens to dimities is barely a
067.28+{{Synopsis: I.3.3.A: [067.28-069.04]: the fate of the two maids — his reaction to it, or lack thereof}}
067.28+VI.B.3.041h-.042a (o): '— obverse of this less idiotic' ('less' replaces a cancelled 'more'; 'idiotic' uncertain; last three words not crayoned)
067.28+obverse: the front side of anything, such as a coin (the opposite of 'reverse')
067.28+velveteen: a cotton fabric resembling velvet
067.28+dimity: a stout cotton fabric with raised stripes
067.29fivefinger span and hence these camelback excesses are thought
067.29+five-finger span: a cluster of keys on the piano
067.29+HCE (Motif: HCE)
067.30to have been instigated by one or either of the causing causes of
067.30+one or other
067.31all, those rushy hollow heroines in their skirtsleeves, be she ma-
067.31+The Hollow: a bandstand in Phoenix Park and the area around it [034.20]
067.31+hollow: valley
067.31+phrase in their shirtsleeves: with their coats off
067.31+Irish sliabh: mountain
067.31+(be she the wife of)
067.31+Irish bhí sé: he was
067.31+Italian magretta: rather thin
067.31+margarita: a Spanish wine
067.32gretta be she the posque. Oh! Oh! Because it is a horrible thing
067.32+Shaun the Post
067.32+posca: an ancient Roman drink composed of water, flavouring, and either vinegar or sour wine
067.32+song I've a Terrible Lot to Do Today
067.33to have to say to say to day but one dilalah, Lupita Lorette, short-
067.33+(Motif: stuttering)
067.33+Delilah: Samson's lover and betrayer (an epithet for any treacherous temptress)
067.33+di-: two-, double-
067.33+(*J* or *I*) [.36]
067.33+Lupita: Spanish female given name, diminutive of Guadalupe (a placename meaning 'Valley of the Wolf'); also, the name of one of Saint Patrick's sisters
067.33+Latin lupa: she-wolf; prostitute (Cluster: Prostitution) [.36]
067.33+French Slang lorette: prostitute (as many prostitutes used to go to church at Notre-Dame-de-Lorette; Cluster: Prostitution)
067.34ly after in a fit of the unexpectednesses drank carbolic with all
067.34+VI.B.10.116i (r): 'she had drunk carbolic'
067.34+Evening Standard 27 Jan 1923, 7/3: 'Drowned in a Bath. Tragic End of Three Children. Mother Poisoned': '"I called a Mrs. Rogers to come across, and went in, when I heard my daughter going to a drawer. I was told afterwards that she drank carbolic"'
067.34+carbolic acid: phenol, a disinfectant
067.35her dear placid life before her and paled off while the other
067.35+pale (red) [068.10]
067.36soiled dove that's her sister-in-love, Luperca Latouche, finding
067.36+Slang soiled dove: prostitute (Cluster: Prostitution)
067.36+Colloquial lovey-dovey: loved one (term of endearment)
067.36+(*I* or *J*) [.33]
067.36+Luperca: the she-wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome [.33]
067.36+Luperca: a priestess of Lupercus (the Roman equivalent of Pan)
067.36+Rose La Touche: pubescent Irish paramour of John Ruskin (thirty years her senior)

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