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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 123

107.01White So is My Washing Done by Night, First and Last Only
107.01+(the washerwomen, who will end up turning into a tree and a stone as night falls) [196.01]
107.01+phrase first and last and only: only (intensified)
107.02True Account all about the Honorary Mirsu Earwicker, L.S.D.,
107.02+Motif: true/false (true, truths, falsely) [.04] [.07]
107.02+Messrs Earwicker, Ltd
107.02+VI.B.35.053g (o): 'Mirsu (irrigat god)'
107.02+The Mythology of All Races vol. V (Semitic), 191: (in Sumerian mythology) 'Mirsu, god of irrigation'
107.02+L.S.D.: pounds, shillings and pence
107.03and the Snake (Nuggets!) by a Woman of the World who only can
107.03+Nuggets: a periodical (1892-1906)
107.03+phrase woman of the world: a woman who is experienced in the ways of the world (Obsolete a married woman)
107.04Tell Naked Truths about a Dear Man and all his Conspirators how
107.04+phrase naked truth: plain truth [.02]
107.04+(truths about nakedness)
107.05they all Tried to Fall him Putting it all around Lucalizod about
107.05+(by putting)
107.05+Lucan, Chapelizod (two villages on the Liffey west of Dublin)
107.06Privates Earwicker and a Pair of Sloppy Sluts plainly Showing all
107.07the Unmentionability falsely Accusing about the Raincoats.
107.07+unmentionables: underwear
107.07+falsely [.02]
107.08     The proteiform graph itself is a polyhedron of scripture.
107.08+{{Synopsis: I.5.1.C: [107.08-107.35]: initial inspection of the letter and its authorship — closer inspection reveals more}}
107.08+proteiform: varying in form
107.08+Latin graphicus: writing
107.08+Latin scriptus: writing
107.09There was a time when naif alphabetters would have written it
107.09+naïf: naïve
107.09+(described it as)
107.10down the tracing of a purely deliquescent recidivist, possibly
107.10+deliquescent: liquifying by absorption of atmospheric moisture
107.10+recidivist: one who habitually relapses into crime
107.11ambidextrous, snubnosed probably and presenting a strangely
107.12profound rainbowl in his (or her) occiput. To the hardily curio-
107.12+HCE (Motif: HCE)
107.13sing entomophilust then it has shown a very sexmosaic of nym-
107.13+entomophilous: (of flowers) insect-pollinated (literally 'insect-loving') [.18]
107.13+sexual mosaic: sexual chimera: an organism with some male parts and some female parts (Motif: mixed gender) [.13-.14]
107.13+nymphosis: the gradual passage from larva to adult, through successive nymph states, in non-metamorphosing insects, such a grasshoppers or mayflies
107.13+nymph: in Greek mythology, a minor nature deity
107.13+American Slang nympho: nymphomaniac, sexually insatiable woman
107.14phosis in which the eternal chimerahunter Oriolopos, now frond
107.14+Colloquial sis: sister
107.14+ECH (Motif: HCE)
107.14+Orion: legendary hunter in Greek mythology
107.14+Ouroboros: an image of a serpent swallowing its own tail, a symbol of eternal cyclicity
107.14+frond, leaf (near synonyms)
107.15of sugars, then lief of saults, the sensory crowd in his belly
107.15+Archaic lief: beloved
107.15+Archaic sault: a jump, a leap (like a grasshopper)
107.16coupled with an eye for the goods trooth bewilderblissed by
107.16+phrase an eye for the goods
107.16+phrase the God's truth: the absolute truth
107.16+wildebeest: gnu, a type of large antelope (from Afrikaans wilde: wild + Afrikaans bees, beeste: ox, oxen)
107.16+Obsolete blissed: made happy, made joyful
107.17their night effluvia with guns like drums and fondlers like forceps
107.17+some moths emit sexual attractant odours at night
107.17+song Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye: 'and guns and drums'
107.17+(earwig's forceps)
107.17+Slang forceps: hands
107.18persequestellates his vanessas from flore to flore. Somehows this
107.18+Latin persequi: to pursue
107.18+Persse O'Reilly
107.18+Swift's Stella and Swift's Vanessa
107.18+vanessa: a genus of butterflies
107.18+flower to flower (like a pollinating insect; Latin flore: flower (ablative, i.e. from flower)) [.13]
107.18+floor to floor
107.19sounds like the purest kidooleyoon wherein our madernacerution
107.19+Armenian kidout'iun: science, knowledge
107.19+dooley [010.05]
107.19+Armenian madenakrout'iun: literature, bibliography
107.19+Mother Nature: a female personification of nature
107.19+mother nation
107.20of lour lore is rich. All's so herou from us him in a kitchernott
107.20+Armenian lour: news
107.20+lour: gloominess of the sky
107.20+Armenian herou: far, distant
107.20+Armenian kisher: night
107.20+Italian notte: night
107.21darkness, by hasard and worn rolls arered, we must grope on till
107.21+a thousand and one (The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night)
107.21+Armenian hazar: thousand
107.21+French hasard: chance (possibly from Arabic az-zahr: the die)
107.21+Colloquial Hansard: the official record of the proceedings of the British parliament
107.21+rolls: an official record (e.g. of a court or parliament)
107.21+(rolls of the die)
107.21+Obsolete arered: raised, erected; fallen back, receded, withdrawn
107.22Zerogh hour like pou owl giaours as we are would we salve aught
107.22+zero hour [164.10] [403.20]
107.22+Armenian zereg: day
107.22+Armenian pou: owl
107.22+poor old
107.22+Pooh, Owl, Eeyore: characters in Milne: Winnie-the-Pooh (1926)
107.22+Armenian gouyr: blind
107.22+giaour: term of reproach applied by Turks to non-Muslims, especially Christians (including Armenians)
107.22+Byron: other works: The Giaour
107.22+French ours: a bear
107.23of moments for our aysore today. Amousin though not but. Closer
107.23+Armenian aysôr: today
107.23+Armenian amousin: husband
107.24inspection of the bordereau would reveal a multiplicity of person-
107.24+a document known as the bordereau (French bordereau: memorandum, inventory, docket) played a central part in the Dreyfus affair, eventually leading to Dreyfus's false conviction (e.g. mentioned in Crépieux-Jamin: Les Éléments de l'Écriture des Canailles 47-48 and in The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. II, 'Anti-Semitism', 143d)
107.25alities inflicted on the documents or document and some prevision
107.26of virtual crime or crimes might be made by anyone unwary
107.27enough before any suitable occasion for it or them had so far
107.28managed to happen along. In fact, under the closed eyes of the in-
107.28+VI.B.3.127a (r): 'he happened along'
107.29spectors the traits featuring the chiaroscuro coalesce, their con-
107.29+(Motif: coincidence of contraries)
107.29+chiaroscuro: an artistic technique that uses strong contrasts between light and dark to give an illusion of depth and volume (From Italian chiaro, oscuro: bright, dark; Motif: dark/fair)
107.30trarieties eliminated, in one stable somebody similarly as by the
107.31providential warring of heartshaker with housebreaker and of
107.32dramdrinker against freethinker our social something bowls along
107.32+dram-drinker: one addicted to drinking drams (small measures of liquor), tippler
107.33bumpily, experiencing a jolting series of prearranged disappoint-
107.33+VI.B.5.019i (r): 'experienced a jolt'
107.33+Freeman's Journal 21 May 1924, 7/7: 'Girl's Sad Fate': 'Did you experience any jolt in the quarter-mile about where the accident took place? No, everything was perfectly smooth'
107.33+VI.B.5.050f (r): 'life a series of prearranged disappointments'
107.34ments, down the long lane of (it's as semper as oxhousehumper!)
107.34+French Sem: Shem
107.34+Latin semper: always
107.34+simple as ABC
107.34+the Hebrew letters aleph, beth, ghimel (A, B, G; the first three letters of the alphabet) historically meant 'ox', 'house', 'camel', respectively (Motif: alphabet sequence: ABC)
107.34+(*E*'s hump)
107.35generations, more generations and still more generations.
107.36     Say, baroun lousadoor, who in hallhagal wrote the durn thing
107.36+{{Synopsis: I.5.1.D: [107.36-108.07]: who wrote it? — under what circumstances?}}
107.36+(*V* narrating, perhaps)
107.36+Armenian baron: Mr
107.36+Armenian lousadour: light-giver
107.36+all hell
107.36+German Hagel: hail
107.36+Armenian khaghal: to play
107.36+Russian durnoi: bad

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