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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 111

108.01anyhow? Erect, beseated, mountback, against a partywall, below
108.01+(on horseback)
108.01+mountebank: a charlatan, a quack
108.01+phrase back against the wall: in a tough situation with limited options
108.01+party wall: a wall between two buildings jointly owned by the occupiers on either side
108.02freezigrade, by the use of quill or style, with turbid or pellucid
108.02+freezing, centigrade (the freezing point of water is defined as zero degrees centigrade)
108.02+style: stylus
108.03mind, accompanied or the reverse by mastication, interrupted
108.04by visit of seer to scribe or of scribe to site, atwixt two showers
108.04+vision, seer, sight (seeing)
108.04+visit, seer/scribe, site (Motif: person, place, thing)
108.04+VI.B.3.010b (r): 'scribe'
108.04+Flood: Ireland, Its Saints and Scholars 106: 'The position which the artist and the craftsman held in society, is an indication of how the arts were loved and esteemed in Ireland. The title of scribe is frequently used in our ancient literature to enhance the dignity of a bishop'
108.04+Archaic atwixt: between
108.04+Motif: 2&3 (two, trike)
108.05or atosst of a trike, rained upon or blown around, by a right-
108.05+Colloquial trike: tricycle
108.05+Gilbert and Sullivan: The Gondoliers: song A Right Down Regular Royal Queen
108.06down regular racer from the soil or by a too pained whittlewit
108.06+phrase racy of the soil: characteristic of Irish
108.06+two-paned: spectacled
108.07laden with the loot of learning?
108.08     Now, patience; and remember patience is the great thing, and
108.08+{{Synopsis: I.5.1.E: [108.08-108.28]: patience — if the very existence of Earwicker is questionable, what could be said about the letter?}}
108.08+Gilbert and Sullivan: Patience
108.09above all things else we must avoid anything like being or be-
108.10coming out of patience. A good plan used by worried business
108.11folk who may not have had many momentums to master Kung's
108.11+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...master...} | {Png: ...mastes...}
108.11+Master Kung: name of Confucius (Crow: The Story of Confucius, Master Kung)
108.12doctrine of the meang or the propriety codestruces of Carpri-
108.12+Confucius's grandson wrote The Doctrine of the Mean
108.12+Crow: The Story of Confucius, Master Kung 156: (ancient China's) 'strict puritanical rules of propriety'
108.12+phrase the God's truth: the absolute truth
108.12+Carp Primus: son of Confucius (anticipating other sons, Carp Secundus, etc.)
108.13mustimus is just to think of all the sinking fund of patience pos-
108.13+most, -imus (double superlative; Latin -imus (used to form superlatives))
108.13+sinking fund: one formed by periodically setting aside revenue, usually to pay a debt
108.14sessed in their conjoint names by both brothers Bruce with whom
108.14+Robert the Bruce, through his brother Edward Bruce, invaded Ireland from Scotland in 1315 (in order to create a second front in their war against Norman England) [.15] [.19]
108.15are incorporated their Scotch spider and Elberfeld's Calculating
108.15+according to legend, Robert the Bruce learned perseverance by watching a spider spin its web, repeatedly trying to stretch a thread from one area to another [.14] [.19]
108.15+ECH (Motif: HCE)
108.15+Clever Hans, first of troupe of Elberfeld Calculating Horses; they tapped answers to sums
108.16Horses. If after years upon years of delving in ditches dark one
108.17tubthumper more than others, Kinihoun or Kahanan, giardarner
108.17+Slang tubthumper: parson
108.17+Armenian kini: wine
108.17+Armenian kinedoun: tavern
108.17+Chinese Han dynasty and their chief enemies, the Huns
108.17+Armenian k'ahana: priest
108.17+Italian giardiniere: gardener (Motif: Grand Old Gardener)
108.17+Armenian charder: clever; able
108.18or mear measenmanonger, has got up for the darnall same pur-
108.18+Irish méar: finger
108.18+Irish meas: act of measuring
108.18+Armenian misen: the meat
108.18+French maison: house
108.18+Italian mise mano: put his/her hand on
108.18+Armenian manoug: child
108.18+Armenian darnal: to return
108.18+Slang darn all: nothing at all
108.18+darnel: tare
108.19pose of reassuring us with all the barbar of the Carrageehouse
108.19+Motif: alphabet sequence: ABC
108.19+Armenian barbar: language, dialect, speech
108.19+the word 'barbarian' derives from Greek barbaros: foreign, assumed to be onomatopoeic from 'bar-bar', a representation of the unintelligible stuttering sound of foreign languages (Motif: stuttering)
108.19+Barbour's account of Robert the Bruce's expedition [.14-.15]
108.19+carrageen moss: a type of edible seaweed, also known as Irish moss (famous for having been a source of food during the Great Famine)
108.19+carriage horse
108.19+Armenian karejour: beer
108.20that our great ascendant was properly speaking three syllables
108.20+ascendant: ancestor
108.20+('Earwicker' has three syllables)
108.21less than his own surname (yes, yes, less!), that the ear of Fionn
108.21+VI.B.3.062j (r): 'Yes — and less'
108.21+Corkery: The Hounds of Banba 214: 'The Price': '"Could you have a place ready in an hour's time?" "Yes, certainly, in less"'
108.21+Earwicker [.23]
108.21+Irish fionn: fair (of hair or skin)
108.22Earwicker aforetime was the trademark of a broadcaster with
108.23wicker local jargon for an ace's patent (Hear! Calls! Everywhair!)
108.23+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...jargon...} | {Png: ...jargot...}
108.23+HCE (Motif: HCE)
108.23+phrase here, there, everywhere: everywhere (intensified)
108.24then as to this radiooscillating epiepistle to which, cotton, silk or
108.24+radio-oscillating: involved in the production of oscillating radio waves (e.g. crystals, circuits)
108.24+(Motif: stuttering)
108.24+Greek epi: upon
108.24+Cottonian library (now in British Museum)
108.24+ancient Chinese wrote on silk with mixture of brick dust and water as substitute for ink
108.25samite, kohol, gall or brickdust, we must ceaselessly return, where-
108.25+samite: rich silk fabric worn in the middle ages
108.25+Kohl: black colouring agent
108.25+German Kohle: coal
108.25+(ink from nutgall)
108.26abouts exactly at present in Siam, Hell or Tophet under that
108.26+Slang Sam Hill: a euphemism for hell (possibly from 'damn hell')
108.26+Motif: Shem, Ham and Japhet
108.26+Tophet: place of burning dead bodies, southeast of Jerusalem (the name came to stand for hell)
108.26+under that glorious sun (phrase under the sun: on earth, in the world; Latin sol: sun)
108.27glorisol which plays touraloup with us in this Aludin's Cove of
108.27+Armenian glor: round
108.27+Armenian sokh: onion
108.27+tour, loop (the earth revolving around the sun)
108.27+song Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral, That's an Irish Lullaby (1913 Irish-American song, using a much earlier nonsense refrain)
108.27+Wyndham Lewis called Joyce: Ulysses 'an Aladdin's cave of incredible bric-à-brac'
108.27+Armenian abaodan: refuge, sanctuary
108.27+Latin ludi: games
108.28our cagacity is that bright soandsuch to slip us the dinkum oil?
108.28+Italian Slang cagare: to defecate
108.28+Armenian k'aghak': city, town
108.28+so and such (Motif: So and so)
108.28+VI.B.25.157n (r): 'give me the dinkum oil'
108.28+Australian Slang phrase give us the dinkum oil: tell us what it all means, tell us the truth
108.28+VI.B.25.156j (r): 'dinkum'
108.28+Australian Slang dinkum: work, toil; honest, true, thorough, genuine
108.29     Naysayers we know. To conclude purely negatively from the
108.29+{{Synopsis: I.5.1.F: [108.29-108.36]: beware of rash conclusions — especially relating to absent features}}
108.29+naysayer; one who consisently refuses or opposes (something; from Archaic nay: no)
108.29+nay, no
108.30positive absence of political odia and monetary requests that its
108.30+absence [.33]
108.30+Latin odia: hatreds
108.31page cannot ever have been a penproduct of a man or woman of
108.31+CEH (Motif: HCE)
108.31+pen product
108.32that period or those parts is only one more unlookedfor conclu-
108.32+proverb Look before you leap: carefully consider the consequences before taking an action
108.32+phrase leap at conclusions: make hasty judgements without all the facts (more commonly phrased 'jump to conclusions' or 'leap to conclusions')
108.33sion leaped at, being tantamount to inferring from the nonpre-
108.33+nonpresence: absence [.30]
108.34sence of inverted commas (sometimes called quotation marks)
108.34+Joyce rarely used inverted commas (quotation marks)
108.35on any page that its author was always constitutionally incapable
108.36of misappropriating the spoken words of others.

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