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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 99 |
118.01 | the whole, the meaning of every word of a phrase so far de- |
–118.01+ | |
118.02 | ciphered out of it, however unfettered our Irish daily indepen- |
–118.02+ | Irish Independent: Irish daily newspaper (nationalist, Catholic, pro-business, anti-Parnellite, anti-Easter-Rising, pro-Treaty, pro-Fascist) |
118.03 | dence, we must vaunt no idle dubiosity as to its genuine author- |
–118.03+ | (must have no doubt) |
118.04 | ship and holusbolus authoritativeness. And let us bringtheecease |
–118.04+ | VI.B.3.081f (r): 'holusbolus' |
–118.04+ | holus-bolus: all at once, in one gulp |
–118.04+ | Greek holos: whole |
–118.04+ | hocus-pocus |
–118.04+ | bring the case |
–118.04+ | Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais II.15: 'Brinde, verre à porter des toasts, aujourd'hui toast... et le mot remonte, comme son correspondant italien brindisi, à l'allemand dialectal ich bring dir's, je te porte (le verre) à ta santé' (French 'Brinde, a glass for toasting, nowadays a toast... and the word derives, like the corresponding Italian brindisi, from the German dialect ich bring dir's, I bring you (the glass) to your health') |
–118.04+ | Italian brindisi: a toast |
–118.04+ | cease |
118.05 | to beakerings on that clink, olmond bottler! On the face of it, |
–118.05+ | beaker: large drinking glass |
–118.05+ | bickerings on that point |
–118.05+ | (sound of glasses clinking against each other in a toast) |
–118.05+ | Butler family, Earls of Ormonde |
–118.05+ | face, back (Motif: back/front) |
118.06 | to volt back to our desultory horses, and for your roughshod |
–118.06+ | French voltiger: perform on horseback |
–118.06+ | vault |
–118.06+ | Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.81: 'Les chevaux desultoires de Gargantua (souvenir de Pline) sur lesquels il avait "apprins à saulter hastivement d'un cheval sur l'autre sans prendre terre" voisinent avec son habileté à voltiger' (French 'the desultory horses of Gargantua (a reminder of Pliny) on which he had "learned to jump hastily from one horse to the other without touching ground" relate to his competency at equestrian vaulting') |
–118.06+ | desultory: skipping about, unsteady, irregular |
–118.06+ | [111.27-.30] [116.04-.05] |
118.07 | mind, bafflelost bull, the affair is a thing once for all done and |
–118.07+ | Buffalo Bill: William Cody (1846-1917) |
118.08 | there you are somewhere and finished in a certain time, be it a |
–118.08+ | |
118.09 | day or a year or even supposing, it should eventually turn out |
–118.09+ | |
118.10 | to be a serial number of goodness gracious alone knows how |
–118.10+ | VI.B.3.138a (r): 'goodness gracious' |
–118.10+ | Colloquial phrase goodness gracious! (exclamation of surprise or alarm) |
–118.10+ | VI.B.2.056j (r): 'goodness alone knows' |
118.11 | many days or years. Anyhow, somehow and somewhere, before |
–118.11+ | (somehow, somewhere, somebody wrote it) [624.03-.04] |
118.12 | the bookflood or after her ebb, somebody mentioned by name in |
–118.12+ | |
118.13 | his telephone directory, Coccolanius or Gallotaurus, wrote it, |
–118.13+ | Cock Lane ghost: a highly publicised 1762 case of purported haunting at a house in Cock Lane, London, eventually proved to be a hoax |
–118.13+ | Cúchulainn: legendary Irish hero |
–118.13+ | Italian cocco: darling, favourite, loved one |
–118.13+ | Italian coccolare: to cuddle |
–118.13+ | Latin lanius: butcher |
–118.13+ | phrase cock and bull story: a fanciful and implausible tale |
–118.13+ | Latin gallus: cock, male fowl |
–118.13+ | Latin taurus: bull |
118.14 | wrote it all, wrote it all down, and there you are, full stop. O, |
–118.14+ | Motif: Full stop |
118.15 | undoubtedly yes, and very potably so, but one who deeper thinks |
–118.15+ | potable: fit for drinking |
–118.15+ | possibly |
–118.15+ | Mechthild von Magdeburg (13th century mystic and the first woman to write a book in German): 'Je tiefer ich sinke, je süsser ich trinke' (German 'The deeper I sink, the sweeter I drink') |
118.16 | will always bear in the baccbuccus of his mind that this down- |
–118.16+ | phrase in the back of his mind |
–118.16+ | Bacchus |
–118.16+ | Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais II.30: 'temple de la Dive Bouteille, dont la dame d'honneur est Bacbuc (nom hébreu de la bouteille)' (French 'temple of the Divine Bottle, where the maid of honour is Bacbuc (the Hebrew word for bottle)') |
–118.16+ | Hebrew bakbook: flask, bottle |
–118.16+ | back pocket |
–118.16+ | bugbear: bogey, dreaded monster, terrifying person |
118.17 | right there you are and there it is is only all in his eye. Why? |
–118.17+ | phrase all my eye!: nonsense! |
118.18 | Because, Soferim Bebel, if it goes to that, (and dormerwindow |
–118.18+ | {{Synopsis: I.5.4.G: [118.18-119.09]: the everchanging nature of anything connected with it — we should be thankful that we have even this much}} |
–118.18+ | Soferim: a non-canonical Talmudic tractate (i.e. is not considered part of the standard text of the Babylonian Talmud, but is a later addendum) that deals primarily with the specific rules for the transcription of holy Jewish texts (Hebrew soferim: writers, scribes) |
–118.18+ | sovereign |
–118.18+ | suffering |
–118.18+ | Hebrew Babel: Babylon |
–118.18+ | Bible |
–118.18+ | German Pöbel: rabble, mob [.20] |
–118.18+ | VI.C.7.041c (r): 'donnerwindow gossip' === VI.B.8.053h ( ): 'dormerwindow gossip' |
–118.18+ | Dodd: Up the Seine to the Battlefields 21: (of 16th century Havre) 'dormer-windows so neighborly Havre gossips could air all the scandals of the growing port without the trouble of peopling their doorways' |
–118.18+ | dormer-window: a vertical window in a projection built out from a sloping roof |
118.19 | gossip will cry it from the housetops no surelier than the writing |
–118.19+ | phrase hue and cry: outcry, public cry of alarm or pursuit or disapproval (but given that 'hue' also means 'colour', Motif: ear/eye) [.20] |
–118.19+ | phrase the writing on the wall: warning signs of an impending disaster (from Belshazzar's feast in Daniel 5) |
118.20 | on the wall will hue it to the mod of men that mote in the main |
–118.20+ | (will show it) |
–118.20+ | Old English Mod: mind, spirit |
–118.20+ | mob [.18] |
–118.20+ | Norwegian møte: to meet (Motif: meet/part) [.23] |
118.21 | street) every person, place and thing in the chaosmos of Alle |
–118.21+ | Motif: person, place, thing (in 19th century grammar books, a noun or substantive was often defined as the name of a person, place, or thing) |
–118.21+ | chaos |
–118.21+ | chiasmus |
–118.21+ | cosmos |
–118.21+ | German All: universe, space |
–118.21+ | German alle: everyone, all |
–118.21+ | Greek allê: other, another |
–118.21+ | Allah |
118.22 | anyway connected with the gobblydumped turkery was moving |
–118.22+ | gobble: the characteristic cry of the male turkey |
–118.22+ | German gottverdammt: goddamned |
–118.22+ | turkey |
–118.22+ | Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais II.10: 'La turquerie — une turquerie conventionnelle et fantaisiste — continue à défrayer les comédies de Rotrou et de Molière' (French 'The turquerie — a conventional and a fantastical turquerie — continues to play an entertaining part in the comedies of Rotrou and Moliere') |
–118.22+ | turquerie: a fashion for imitating aspects of Turkish art and culture in Western Europe in the 16th to 18th centuries |
118.23 | and changing every part of the time: the travelling inkhorn |
–118.23+ | part [.20] |
118.24 | (possibly pot), the hare and turtle pen and paper, the continually |
–118.24+ | (chamber pot; excrement as ink) |
–118.24+ | Aesop: The Hare and the Tortoise (fable) |
118.25 | more and less intermisunderstanding minds of the anticollabora- |
–118.25+ | |
118.26 | tors, the as time went on as it will variously inflected, differently |
–118.26+ | Greek theas: goddess's |
118.27 | pronounced, otherwise spelled, changeably meaning vocable |
–118.27+ | |
118.28 | scriptsigns. No, so holp me Petault, it is not a miseffectual why- |
–118.28+ | Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.236: 'Roy Petault... L'Hostel du Roy Petaud où chascun est maistre... Ce roi Pétaud est, à notre avis, tout simplement le Roitelet... dans le patois: Roi pétaud, c'est-à-dire péteur' (French 'King Petault... The Hotel of King Petaud where everyone is master... This king Petaud is, in our opinion, simply the Wren... in dialect: King petaud, namely farter') |
–118.28+ | VI.B.11.032f (r): 'miseffectual' |
–118.28+ | Graves: Irish Literary and Musical Studies 88: 'William Allingham': (quoting Allingham about a review of Tennyson's Morte d'Arthur) 'Sterling's review, meant to be friendly, was a thin, pretentious piece, and of no value whatever; a pity it should have chanced to prove so miseffectual!' |
–118.28+ | hyacinth: a type of flower; a type of precious stone |
118.29 | acinthinous riot of blots and blurs and bars and balls and hoops |
–118.29+ | |
118.30 | and wriggles and juxtaposed jottings linked by spurts of speed: |
–118.30+ | VI.B.6.055b (r): 'juxtaposed linked by speed spurts of' |
–118.30+ | Crépieux-Jamin: Les Éléments de l'Écriture des Canailles 212: 'L'écriture posée donne 124 letters à la minute, malgré l'inhibition qui accompagne le tracé juxtaposé... Aussitôt que le mouvement s'accélère, avec 152 lettres, les liaisons apparaissent' (French 'Slow writing yields 124 letters a minute, despite the inhibition accompanying the juxtaposed layout... As soon as the movement accelerates, at 152 lettres, the ligatures appear') |
118.31 | it only looks as like it as damn it; and, sure, we ought really to |
–118.31+ | |
118.32 | rest thankful that at this deleteful hour of dungflies dawning we |
–118.32+ | delightful |
–118.32+ | (late) |
–118.32+ | Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.394: 'vers le soir... alba di tafani, l'aube des mousches, le soir... "some three or four hours after sunne-rise". C'est l'heure où le soleil est dans toute sa force et où les taons piquent avec le plus d'âpreté' (French 'towards evening... alba di tafani, the dawn of flies, the evening... "some three or four hours after sunrise". It is the hour when the sun is at its most powerful and when the gadflies bite with the most harshness') |
118.33 | have even a written on with dried ink scrap of paper at all to show |
–118.33+ | VI.B.6.114b (r): 'written on in ink' ('in ink' uncertain) |
118.34 | for ourselves, tare it or leaf it, (and we are lufted to ourselves as |
–118.34+ | phrase take it or leave it: the offer is non-negotiable, it can only be accepted or refused |
–118.34+ | German Luft: air |
–118.34+ | lifted |
–118.34+ | left |
118.35 | the soulfisher when he led the cat out of the bout) after all that |
–118.35+ | (said when) |
–118.35+ | Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.314n: '"Les pêcheurs diéppois ne parlent jamais dans leurs bateaux ni de prêtres ni de chats"' (French 'The fishermen of Dieppe never speak in their boats of either priests or cats') |
–118.35+ | phrase let the cat out of the bag: reveal a secret, usually inadvertently |
118.36 | we lost and plundered of it even to the hidmost coignings of the |
–118.36+ | VI.B.18.187d (k): 'hintermost corner of earth' |
–118.36+ | Impey: Origin of the Bushmen and the Rock Paintings of South Africa 55: (of prehistoric periods) 'the periods as represented by stone implements do not coincide exactly in the various parts of the world... when a new fashion was started it may have taken thousands of years for it to reach the uttermost part of the earth' |
–118.36+ | HCE (Motif: HCE) |
–118.36+ | hindmost |
–118.36+ | Archaic coign: corner-stone, quoin |
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