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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 154 |
139.01 | of nature set a veiled world agrin and went within a sheet of |
–139.01+ | phrase without the option of a fine (said of an incommutable prison sentence) |
139.02 | tissuepaper of the option of three gaols; who could see at one |
–139.02+ | |
139.03 | blick a saumon taken with a lance, hunters pursuing a doe, a |
–139.03+ | Joyce: other works: The City of the Tribes: (of the parish house of Saint Nicholas) 'In the same place there is a curious document... in which the writer says that... he had never seen in a single glance what he saw in Galway — a priest elevating the Host, a pack chasing a deer, a ship entering the harbour under full sail, and a salmon being killed with a spear' |
–139.03+ | German Blick: glance, look |
–139.03+ | French saumon: salmon |
139.04 | swallowship in full sail, a whyterobe lifting a host; faced flappery |
–139.04+ | VI.B.18.277e (b): 'swallowship' |
–139.04+ | Quiller Couch: Cornwall's Wonderland 219: 'The Story of Sir Tristram and La Belle Iseult': (of Tristan and Iseult) 'So, on a certain day a dainty vessel, all painted white and silver, and furnished with the utmost richness and beauty, set sail from Ireland. At the prow glittered a golden swallow, all set with gems, and on board were Tristram and Iseult' |
–139.04+ | (a priest elevating the host at Mass) |
–139.04+ | flattery |
139.05 | like old King Cnut and turned his back like Cincinnatus; is a |
–139.05+ | VI.B.18.206e (b): 'Cnut' |
–139.05+ | Worsaae: An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland vi: (Scandinavian pronunciation guide) 'C has invariably the sound of k... Where c or k precedes another consonant, it retains, as in German, its distinct and proper power. In order to represent this power, Latin and English writers have sometimes substituted the syllable ca for the initial c or k; as, for instance, in the name of Canute (Dan., Cnut or Knud)' |
–139.05+ | according to legend, King Canute the Great reproached his courtiers who constantly flattered him by showing them that he was unable to command the sea to turn back |
–139.05+ | Cincinnatus assumed dictatorship while danger lasted, then immediately returned to plough |
139.06 | farfar and morefar and a hoar father Nakedbucker in villas old as |
–139.06+ | Danish farfar: paternal grandfather |
–139.06+ | Danish morfar: maternal grandfather |
–139.06+ | prayer Lord's Prayer: 'Our Father... on earth, as it is in heaven' |
–139.06+ | Father Knickerbocker: New York City |
–139.06+ | Motif: old/new |
139.07 | new; squats aquart and cracks aquaint when it's flaggin in town |
–139.07+ | Slang crack a quart: drink a quart bottle |
–139.07+ | athwart: across from side to side, usually in an oblique manner |
–139.07+ | Slang crack: deflower |
–139.07+ | Slang quaint: female genitalia |
139.08 | and on haven; blows whiskery around his summit but stehts |
–139.08+ | Danish haven: the garden |
–139.08+ | song Finnegan's Wake: 'With a gallon of whisky at his feet, And a barrel of porter at his head' (Motif: head/foot) |
–139.08+ | Motif: top/bottom (summit, foot) |
–139.08+ | German stehen: to stand |
–139.08+ | German stets: steadily, always |
–139.08+ | Dutch steeds: always |
139.09 | stout upon his footles; stutters fore he falls and goes mad entirely |
–139.09+ | Dutch stout: naughty |
–139.09+ | Slang footle: nonsense, twaddle |
–139.09+ | foot-hills |
–139.09+ | stutters (Motif: stuttering) |
139.10 | when he's waked; is Timb to the pearly morn and Tomb to the |
–139.10+ | (awakened) |
–139.10+ | (be the object of a wake) |
–139.10+ | Motif: Tom/Tim |
–139.10+ | song Finnegan's Wake: 'Tim Finnegan' |
–139.10+ | early |
139.11 | mourning night; and an he had the best bunbaked bricks in bould |
–139.11+ | morning light |
–139.11+ | Archaic an: if |
–139.11+ | sunbaked |
139.12 | Babylon for his pitching plays he'd be lost for the want of his |
–139.12+ | place |
139.13 | wan wubblin wall? |
–139.13+ | Anglo-Irish wan: one (reflecting pronunciation) |
–139.13+ | wobbling |
–139.13+ | Dublin |
139.14 | Answer: Finn MacCool! |
–139.14+ | Finn MacCool: Irish mythical warrior, hero of the Finn cycle of tales |
139.15 | 2. Does your mutter know your mike? |
–139.15+ | {{Synopsis: I.6.1A.C: [139.15-139.28]: question and answer #2 (*A*) — her marvelousness}} |
–139.15+ | song Cecilia (1925): 'Does your mother know you're out, Cecilia?' |
–139.15+ | German Mutter: mother |
139.16 | Answer: When I turn meoptics, from suchurban prospects, |
–139.16+ | (partly-rhymed metred poem) [.16-.28] |
–139.16+ | (to the rhythm of song The Bells of Shandon: 'With deep affection and recollection I often think of those Shandon bells, Whose sounds so wild would, in days of childhood, Fling round my cradle their magic spells') |
–139.16+ | (my eyes) |
–139.16+ | myopic eyes |
–139.16+ | suburban |
139.17 | 'tis my filial's bosom, doth behold with pride, that pontificator, |
–139.17+ | Archaic 'tis: it is |
–139.17+ | Archaic doth: does |
–139.17+ | Latin pontifex: high priest; pope (literally 'bridge builder'; *E*) |
139.18 | and circumvallator, with his dam night garrulous, slipt by his |
–139.18+ | circumvallate: to surround with a rampart or ditch |
–139.18+ | asleep |
139.19 | side. Ann alive, the lisp of her, 'twould grig mountains whisper |
–139.19+ | phrase man alive! (expression of surprise or shock) |
–139.19+ | Anna Livia (*A*) |
–139.19+ | lisp of her (Motif: lisping) |
–139.19+ | Anglo-Irish grig: Irish griog: excite desire, tantalise |
139.20 | her, and the bergs of Iceland melt in waves of fire, and her spoon- |
–139.20+ | German Berg: mountain |
–139.20+ | icebergs |
139.21 | me-spondees, and her dirckle-me-ondenees, make the Rageous |
–139.21+ | spondee: a metrical foot (long-long; according to BMs (47473-137), Joyce apparently associated spondees with *V*) |
–139.21+ | Italian sponde: riverbanks |
–139.21+ | trickle |
–139.21+ | tickle me |
–139.21+ | Italian onde: waves |
–139.21+ | on the knees |
–139.21+ | Undine: Greek water spirit |
–139.21+ | underneath |
–139.21+ | righteous |
139.22 | Ossean, kneel and quaff a lyre! If Dann's dane, Ann's dirty, if |
–139.22+ | Ossian, Finn's son |
–139.22+ | ocean |
139.23 | he's plane she's purty, if he's fane, she's flirty, with her auburnt |
–139.23+ | auburn [137.07] [137.23] |
–139.23+ | burnt |
139.24 | streams, and her coy cajoleries, and her dabblin drolleries, for to |
–139.24+ | Archaic for to: in order to |
139.25 | rouse his rudderup, or to drench his dreams. If hot Hammurabi, |
–139.25+ | Slang rudder: penis (i.e. erection) |
–139.25+ | wet dream |
–139.25+ | Hammurabi: king of Babylon |
–139.25+ | HCE (Motif: HCE) |
139.26 | or cowld Clesiastes, could espy her pranklings, they'd burst |
–139.26+ | Ecclesiastes |
–139.26+ | (the prankquean) |
139.27 | bounds agin, and renounce their ruings, and denounce their do- |
–139.27+ | again |
–139.27+ | (renouncing Satan as part of final exorcism at Baptism) |
139.28 | ings, for river and iver, and a night. Amin! |
–139.28+ | for ever and ever, amen (a common biblical and liturgical phrase) |
–139.28+ | Dutch min: love |
139.29 | 3. Which title is the true-to-type motto-in-lieu for that Tick |
–139.29+ | {{Synopsis: I.6.1A.D: [139.29-140.07]: question and answer #3 (*F*) — its name}} |
–139.29+ | (what is the title of Joyce: Finnegans Wake?) |
–139.29+ | (what is the name of the tavern?) |
–139.29+ | prototype |
–139.29+ | VI.B.8.056a (b): 'motto for brothel' [.31] |
–139.29+ | mother-in-law |
–139.29+ | phrase tit for tat: retaliation of a commensurate nature |
–139.29+ | Rhyming Slang tit for tat: hat (Motif: White hat) |
–139.29+ | Irish tig: house (South) |
139.30 | for Teac thatchment painted witt wheth one darkness, where |
–139.30+ | Irish teach: house (West) |
–139.30+ | hatchment: escutcheon, armorial shield |
–139.30+ | Dutch wit: white |
–139.30+ | white with |
–139.30+ | Motif: dark/fair (white, darkness) |
139.31 | asnake is under clover and birds aprowl are in the rookeries and |
–139.31+ | snake, clover (phrase snake in the grass: a secretly treacherous person) [210.26] |
–139.31+ | under cover |
–139.31+ | birds, owl, rook |
–139.31+ | of prey |
–139.31+ | Slang rookery: brothel [.29] |
139.32 | a magda went to monkishouse and a riverpaard was spotted, |
–139.32+ | Sudermann: Magda (a highly successful 1893 play, originally called 'Heimat' (German 'Home'), but better known as 'Magda', which was also the title of its English translation) [.33] |
–139.32+ | German Magd: maid [046.25-.27] |
–139.32+ | monkeyhouse |
–139.32+ | Dutch nijlpaard: hippopotamus (literally 'Nile-horse') |
–139.32+ | Dutch paard: horse |
–139.32+ | leopard (spotted) |
139.33 | which is not Whichcroft Whorort not Ousterholm Dreyschluss |
–139.33+ | (twenty-four wrong answers) [139.33-140.05] |
–139.33+ | witchcraft |
–139.33+ | croft: a small piece of arable land with an adjacent house (often rented to and worked by a peasant tenant) |
–139.33+ | whore |
–139.33+ | Sudermann: Magda: (the title character is a famous singer whose stage name in Italian is 'Maddalene dall'Orto'; magdalene: a reformed prostitute) [.32] |
–139.33+ | German Vorort: suburb |
–139.33+ | German Ort: place |
–139.33+ | Swedish öster: east |
–139.33+ | Archaic holm: small island, islet (common as a suffix in placenames) |
–139.33+ | Dreyfus affair: a famous case of French antisemitism (in which Dreyfus, a French captain of Jewish descent, was convicted for treason, whereas Esterhazy, a French major, who was the real culprit, was acquitted) |
–139.33+ | German drei: three |
–139.33+ | dry |
–139.33+ | German Schluss: end |
–139.33+ | German Schloss: castle |
–139.33+ | (the Dublin coat of arms shows three burning castles) |
139.34 | not Haraldsby, grocer, not Vatandcan, vintner, not Houseboat |
–139.34+ | Harald: the name of several Medieval Danish and Norwegian kings |
–139.34+ | Obsolete by: village, town (common as a suffix in placenames) |
–139.34+ | Norwegian våt: wet |
–139.34+ | Vatican |
–139.34+ | VI.B.18.090d (o): 'vintners' |
–139.34+ | Power: Medieval English Nunneries 5: 'The knight or the county gentleman could not apprentice his superfluous daughters to a pursemaker or a weaver in the town... nor was it theirs to make the parti-coloured bed and shake the coverlet, worked with grapes and unicorns, in some rich vintner's house. There remained for him... only marriage or else a convent' |
–139.34+ | husband and wife |
139.35 | and Hive not Knox-atta-Belle not O'Faynix Coalprince not |
–139.35+ | Latin nox atrabilis: gloomy night |
–139.35+ | Obsolete atte: at (surviving as an infix in some placenames, such as Havering-atte-Bower) |
–139.35+ | Slang attaboy! (exclamation of encouragement or admiration) |
–139.35+ | Irish Baile Átha Cliath: Town of the Ford of the Hurdles (the Irish name of Dublin) |
–139.35+ | Motif: O felix culpa! |
–139.35+ | Motif: dark/fair (ofay, coal) |
–139.35+ | American Slang ofay: a white person (black American dialect) |
–139.35+ | French Les Rois Fainéants: The Lazy Kings, The Do-Nothing Kings (epithet of the last of the Merovingian kings, a dynasty of Frankish monarchs that ruled Gaul in the 6th-8th centuries) |
–139.35+ | Slang nix: nothing |
–139.35+ | phrase as black as coal |
–139.35+ | prince |
139.36 | Wohn Squarr Roomyeck not Ebblawn Downes not Le Decer |
–139.36+ | the Joyces lived at 2 Square (de) Robiac, Paris, from 1925 to 1931 |
–139.36+ | German wohnen: to live, to reside |
–139.36+ | one square room |
–139.36+ | (square is siglum for *F*) |
–139.36+ | square root |
–139.36+ | German Eck, Ecke: corner |
–139.36+ | Eblana: Ptolemy's name for Dublin (or so it was mostly believed in Joyce's time) |
–139.36+ | Epsom Downs |
–139.36+ | John Le Decer: 14th century provost of Dublin (built a bridge across the Liffey) |
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