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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 187

155.01his limb) though my corked father was bott a pseudowaiter,
155.01+Slang corked: drunk
155.01+Joyce's father was from Cork
155.01+cork, bottle
155.02whose o'cloak you ware.
155.02+whose cloak you wear
155.02+Colloquial phrase what o'clock it was: what time it was (Motif: What is the time?) [154.16] [154.21]
155.03     Incredible! Well, hear the inevitable.
155.03+Oscar Wilde (about fox hunting): A Woman of No Importance: 'The English country gentleman galloping after a fox — the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable'
155.04    — Your temple, sus in cribro! Semperexcommunicambiambi-
155.04+The Prophecies of St. Malachy no. 11: 'Sus in cribro': 'A sow in a sieve' (Urban III, whose family name was Crivelli (Italian crivelli: sieves) and whose coat of arms bore a sieve and two sows) (Cluster: Popes) [.13]
155.04+Latin semper: always
155.04+Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section 1286: 'The citizens of Dublin excommunicated for encroaching on the ecclesiatical rights'
155.04+Latin ambi-: both-; around-
155.05sumers. Tugurios-in-Newrobe or Tukurias-in-Ashies. Novar-
155.05+Italian tugurio: hut, hovel
155.05+Turkey divided into Turkey-in-Europe and Turkey-in-Asia
155.05+VI.B.27.037i (b): 'New Rome OldR' (Motif: old/new)
155.05+McCabe: The Popes and Their Church 18: 'In the year 381 the Greek bishops met at Constantinople, and in the third canon of the Council they expressly laid it down that the Bishop of "new Rome" (Constantinople) was equal in rank to the Bishop of "old Rome"' (Cluster: Popes)
155.05+Latin Nova Roma: New Rome (the original name under which Constantinople, now Istanbul in Turkey, was dedicated in the year 330 by Constantine, the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity, as his new imperial capital) [.09]
155.06ome, my creature, blievend bleives. My building space in lyonine
155.06+VI.B.27.042c ( ): 'my creature'
155.06+McCabe: The Popes and Their Church 29: (of Pope Leo III and of the nephews of his predecessor, Pope Adrian I) 'In the fourth year of Leo's pontificate they conspired to replace him either by one of themselves or by some creature of theirs' (Cluster: Popes)
155.06+Danish blivende: lasting, permanent
155.06+Dutch believen: to please, to like
155.06+Lyon: city in France
155.06+Leonine City: area around Vatican (Cluster: Popes)
155.06+Pope Leo IV fortified the Vatican (Cluster: Popes)
155.06+the lion is Zurich's heraldic animal
155.07city is always to let to leonlike Men, the Mookse in a most con-
155.08sistorous allocution pompifically with immediate jurisdiction
155.08+Latin consistorium: assembly place
155.08+pontifically (Cluster: Popes)
155.08+universal immediate jurisdiction (Cluster: Popes)
155.09constantinently concludded (what a crammer for the shape-
155.09+Constantinople, Constantine [.05]
155.09+(what a pity)
155.09+Slang crammer: lie
155.09+archbishop Thomas Cranmer was burned at the stake for heresy
155.09+Modern Greek krima: judgement, punishment, offence, sin
155.09+shipwrecked [.13]
155.10wrucked Gripes!). And I regret to proclaim that it is out of my
155.10+Obsolete wrucked: cast ashore
155.10+rucked: creased, wrinkled
155.10+(out of my reach)
155.11temporal to help you from being killed by inchies, (what a
155.11+VI.B.27.040c (b): 'Mookse wants temporal powers'
155.11+McCabe: The Popes and Their Church 23: 'I resume the story at the point where the Popes begin to win temporal power' (Cluster: Popes)
155.11+temporal: pertaining to time; secular (as opposed to ecclesiastical); pertaining to the temples of the head [154.35]
155.12thrust!), as we first met each other newwhere so airly. (Poor
155.12+Oscar Wilde (about meeting Douglas): De Profundis: 'but I met you either too late or too soon'
155.12+(young Joyce, on first meeting Yeats, may have said that they had met too late for Joyce to do Yeats any good)
155.12+nowhere so early
155.13little sowsieved subsquashed Gripes! I begin to feel contemption
155.13+sow, sieve [.04]
155.13+Modern Greek sôsibion: life-boat, life-belt (pronounced 'sosivion') [.09]
155.13+(squashed under)
155.13+Obsolete contemption: contempt
155.14for him!). My side, thank decretals, is as safe as motherour's
155.14+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...side, thank...} | {Png: ...side thank...}
155.14+VI.B.27.042e (b): 'decretals'
155.14+McCabe: The Popes and Their Church 30: (of Pope Nicholas I) 'In his day (about 850) was perpetrated one of the greatest forgeries of the Middle Ages, the Pseudo-Isidorean Decretals (commonly called "the False Decretals"). This is a collection of early decisions of Popes and Councils, an enormous proportion of which are forged, garbled, or put centuries before their proper date. It was fabricated in France, not in Rome, and its direct purpose was to justify appeals of distressed clerics to Rome against unjust prelates or lay authorities. It was written in the interest of these clerics. But it greatly increased the Papal power, and it also gave local prelates a basis for evading the commands of their secular rulers. It was an appalling ecclesiastical fabrication' (Cluster: Popes)
155.14+decretals: a collection of papal decrees, forming part of the canon law (Cluster: Popes)
155.14+phrase safe as houses
155.14+prayer Our Father: Lord's Prayer
155.14+George Bernard Shaw: Widowers' Houses (Mark 12:40)
155.15houses, he continued, and I can seen from my holeydome what
155.15+(my skull)
155.15+Archaic halidom: holy place, sanctuary; holy thing, relic
155.15+Dutch oliedom: very stupid
155.16it is to be wholly sane. Unionjok and be joined to yok! Parysis,
155.16+(Act of Union of Great Britain and Ireland, 1800)
155.16+Union Jack
155.16+(Laudabiliter) [154.22]
155.16+paresis: incomplete paralysis
155.16+Modern Greek parisos: equal
155.17tu sais, crucycrooks, belongs to him who parises himself. And
155.17+French tu sais: you know
155.17+The Prophecies of St. Malachy no. 101: 'Crux de cruce': 'Cross from a cross' (Pius IX) (Cluster: Popes)
155.18there I must leave you subject for the pressing. I can prove that
155.18+the press
155.18+(pressing grapes into wine)
155.19against you, weight a momentum, mein goot enemy! or Cos-
155.19+wait a moment
155.19+German mein Gott!: my God!
155.19+German mein gut: my good
155.19+Wyndham Lewis: The Enemy (periodical, 1926-7)
155.19+Wyndham Lewis: Enemy of the Stars (play, 1914; Lewis believed Joyce took the technique of the Circe episode of Joyce: Ulysses from it) [160.22]
155.20pol's not our star. I bet you this dozen odd. This foluminous
155.20+Wyndham Lewis: Constantinople Our Star (in Blast no. 2, 1915)
155.20+fulminous: pertaining to thunder and lightning
155.20+voluminous [.27]
155.21dozen odd. Quas primas — but 'tis bitter to compote my know-
155.21+dozen odd [.27]
155.21+'Quas primas': beginning of an argument in the Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas [.22]
155.21+Primas [014.12]
155.21+Colloquial 'tis: it is
155.21+bitter fruit [148.29]
155.21+forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:3)
155.21+compote: fruit preserved in syrup
155.21+Genesis 2:17, 3:3: (of the forbidden fruit) 'But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it... But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it'
155.22ledge's fructos of. Tomes.
155.22+The Prophecies of St. Malachy no. 62: 'Fructus jovis juvabit': 'The fruit of Jupiter will help' (Julius II) (Cluster: Popes)
155.22+Latin fructus: profit, fruit
155.22+tome: book, volume; papal letter (Cluster: Popes)
155.22+Thomas Aquinas [.21]
155.23     Elevating, to give peint to his blick, his jewelled pederect to
155.23+{{Synopsis: I.6.3.E: [155.23-156.18]: the Mookse proves his point — while the Gripes attempts to juggle church dogmas}}
155.23+Joyce: Ulysses.15.4243: (of Stephen) 'He lifts his ashplant high with both hands and smashes the chandelier'
155.23+German Pein: agony, torment
155.23+point (to his remark)
155.23+German Blick: glance, look, view (of things)
155.23+(staff) [153.28]
155.24the allmysty cielung, he luckystruck blueild out of a few should-
155.24+almighty ceiling
155.24+Italian cielo: sky
155.24+Lucky Strikes (cigarettes)
155.24+blue milk [215.06-.07]
155.24+Danish ild: fire
155.25be santillants, a cloister of starabouts over Maples, a lucciolys in
155.25+Italian santo: saint
155.25+Italian scintilla: spark
155.25+star cluster
155.25+stirabout: a kind of porridge
155.25+Maple's Hotel, Dublin (appears in Joyce: A Portrait)
155.25+Italian lucciola: firefly; prostitute
155.25+Danish Lucia lys: Saint Lucia's light
155.26Teresa street and a stopsign before Sophy Barratt's, he gaddered
155.26+Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat founded Congregation of Sacred Heart (order of nuns)
155.27togodder the odds docence of his vellumes, gresk, letton and
155.27+odd dozens [.21]
155.27+phrase odds and ends: miscellaneous things
155.27+Archaic docent: teaching
155.27+volumes [.20]
155.27+Danish Graesk: Greek
155.27+Shelta gresko: voice
155.27+Greek, Latin, and Russian Churches (Motif: Greek/Roman)
155.28russicruxian, onto the lapse of his prolegs, into umfullth one-
155.28+Budge: The Book of the Dead, introduction, p. li: 'Copies of the Book of the Dead... were placed... in the coffin with the deceased... the papyrus... frequently... was placed between the legs of the deceased, either just above the ankles or near the upper part of the thighs'
155.28+prolegs: fleshy abdominal non-segmented limbs (distinct from true thoracic legs) in caterpillars (the last pair of prolegs, in the anal region, are usually called claspers)
155.28+German Umfall: turnaround
155.28+John 10:16: 'there shall be one fold, and one shepherd'
155.29scuppered, and sat about his widerproof. He proved it well who-
155.29+set about his proof
155.29+one hundred and thirty three times [156.02]
155.30onearth dry and drysick times, and vremiament, tu cesses, to the
155.30+German drei-und-dreißig: thirty-three
155.30+Russian vremya: time
155.30+French vraiment, tu sais: really, you know
155.30+French tu cesses: you stop
155.30+Czech tucet: twelve
155.30+Russian chasy: clock; hours
155.31extinction of Niklaus altogether (Niklaus Alopysius having been
155.31+five popes were named Nicholas (Cluster: Popes)
155.31+Greek alôpêx: fox
155.31+Aloysius: Joyce's saint's name
155.32the once Gripes's popwilled nimbum) by Neuclidius and In-
155.32+Latin nimbus: cloud
155.32+Latin nomen: name
155.32+Anaxagoras, philosopher
155.33exagoras and Mumfsen and Thumpsem, by Orasmus and by
155.33+Theodore Mommsen: wrote Roman history (Römisches Strafrecht)
155.33+Latin oremus: let us pray (Motif: Let us pray)
155.33+Erasmus: Dutch humanist
155.34Amenius, by Anacletus the Jew and by Malachy the Augurer and
155.34+Arminius: Dutch theologian
155.34+Anacletus I: the third pope, circa 80-92 (Cluster: Popes)
155.34+Anacletus II: antipope, 1130-1138, was of Jewish descent (Cluster: Popes)
155.34+The Prophecies of St. Malachy [153.02] (Cluster: Popes)
155.35by the Cappon's collection and after that, with Cheekee's gela-
155.35+the Florentine families of Capponi and Aldobrandini were closely related [.36]
155.35+Gino Capponi: 18th century Italian historian, famous for his history of Florence (The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. V, 'Capponi, Gino', 289b: 'At his beautiful villa of Varramista be collected materials for a history of the Church; his work was interrupted by family troubles and by increasing blindness, but although by 1844 he had completely lost his sight he continued to work by means of amanuenses')
155.36tine and Alldaybrandy's formolon, he reproved it ehrltogether
155.36+Ippolito Aldobrandini of Florence became Pope Clement VIII and ordered Giordano Bruno's execution (Cluster: Popes)
155.36+Hildebrand became Pope Gregory VII (Cluster: Popes)
155.36+Greek formolê: poison
155.36+formalin: a formaldehyde solution, used as a preservative of biological tissues
155.36+German Ehre: honour
155.36+altogether [523.13]

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