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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 147 |
177.01 | wottle at his feet to stoke his energy of waiting, moaning feebly, |
–177.01+ | |
177.02 | in monkmarian monotheme, but tarned long and then a nation |
–177.02+ | The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk (Joyce: Ulysses.10.585) |
–177.02+ | Mon Khmer language [178.15-.16] |
–177.02+ | Mount Merrion: district of Dublin |
–177.02+ | Maid Marian: Robin Hood's sweetheart |
–177.02+ | monotone |
–177.02+ | American Slang tarnation: damnation |
–177.02+ | song Yankee Doodle: 'So 'tarnal long' |
–177.02+ | song Yankee Doodle: 'a nation louder' |
177.03 | louder, while engaged in swallowing from a large ampullar, that |
–177.03+ | Latin ampulla: flask |
177.04 | his pawdry's purgatory was more than a nigger bloke could bear, |
–177.04+ | Genesis 4:13: 'And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear' |
–177.04+ | VI.B.1.041e ( ): 'S. Patrick Purg' |
–177.04+ | Wright: The Historical Works of Giraldus Cambrensis 63: The Topography of Ireland, ch. II.V: 'There is a lake in Ulster containing an island divided into two parts. In one of these stands a church of especial sanctity, and it is most agreeable and delightful... The other part, being covered with rugged crags... contains nine pits, and should any one perchance venture to spend the night in one of them... he is immediately seized by the malignant spirits, who so severely torture him during the whole night... It is said that any one who has once submitted to these torments as a penance imposed upon him, will not afterwards undergo the pains of hell... This place is called by the natives the Purgatory of St. Patrick' |
–177.04+ | Saint Patrick's Purgatory: a small cave on an island in Lough Derg, County Donegal, said to have been revealed to Saint Patrick as an entrance to purgatory (a major pilgrimage site since at least the 12th century and possibly much earlier) |
–177.04+ | Archaic bawdry: lewdness, obscenity |
–177.04+ | Colloquial nigger: a black person |
–177.04+ | Knickerbocker: a descendant of the Dutch settlers of New York City; a New Yorker |
177.05 | hemiparalysed by the tong warfare and all the shemozzle, (Daily |
–177.05+ | tong: a Chinese secret society |
–177.05+ | VI.B.6.033l (r): 'shemozzle' |
–177.05+ | Slang shemozzle: a quarrel, rumpus, uproar; a muddle, complication |
–177.05+ | Daily Mail (newspaper) |
–177.05+ | prayer Hail Mary: 'Hail Mary, full of grace... Holy Mary, mother of God' (the Virgin Mary) |
177.06 | Maily, fullup Lace! Holy Maly, Mothelup Joss!) his cheeks and |
–177.06+ | Chinese Pidgin joss: God |
–177.06+ | VI.B.25.160a (r): 'his trousers changed colour' |
–177.06+ | (turning pale and shitting himself in fright) |
177.07 | trousers changing colour every time a gat croaked. |
–177.07+ | VI.B.6.035l (r): 'croak with a gat (shoot)' |
–177.07+ | American Slang gat: gun, revolver (gangsters' slang, 1920s) |
–177.07+ | American Slang croak: to die; to kill (gangsters' slang, 1920s) |
–177.07+ | cracked |
177.08 | How is that for low, laities and gentlenuns? Why, dog of the |
–177.08+ | VI.B.2.044g (r): 'how's that for dampness' |
–177.08+ | Ingersoll: Mistakes of Moses 10: (of the Flood) 'How deep were these waters? About five and a half miles. How long did it rain? Forty days. How much did it have to rain a day? About eight hundred feet. How is that for dampness?' |
–177.08+ | Joyce: Letters I.139: letter 13/03/20 to Frank Budgen: (at the end of a long paragraph about the design of the Oxen of the Sun episode of Joyce: Ulysses) 'How's that for High?' |
–177.08+ | how is that for low (*C*) [425.02] |
–177.08+ | Cluster: Lowness |
–177.08+ | ladies and gentlemen |
–177.08+ | VI.B.18.090a (b): 'gentlenun' |
–177.08+ | Power: Medieval English Nunneries 4: (quoting an upper class medieval nun) 'I am a gentlewoman, comen of the greatest of Lancashire and Cheshire' |
–177.08+ | phrase dog of a Christian! |
177.09 | Crostiguns, whole continents rang with this Kairokorran low- |
–177.09+ | Crossguns Bridge, Dublin |
–177.09+ | VI.B.6.042a (r): 'continents rang' |
–177.09+ | Karakorum: ancient capital of Mongolia, established by Genghis Khan |
–177.09+ | Cairo |
–177.09+ | Finnish koira: dog |
–177.09+ | Koran |
–177.09+ | Cluster: Lowness |
177.10 | ness! Sheols of houris in chems upon divans, (revolted stellas |
–177.10+ | Sheol: in the Bible, usually means the grave; sometimes, hell |
–177.10+ | shoals of herrings |
–177.10+ | (Joyce: Ulysses.13.791: (of women) 'Shoals of them every evening poured out of offices') |
–177.10+ | houri: nymph of the Muslim paradise |
–177.10+ | VI.B.5.085f (g): 'chem(ise)' |
–177.10+ | Freeman's Journal 23 Jun 1924, 1/6: 'CLERYS SOME WONDERFUL BARGAINS FOR THIS SUMMER': (of chemises) 'Useful Chem. In good quality Longcloth, daintly trimmed Swiss work with V or square shaped neck. Bargain Price 1/11' |
–177.10+ | divan: Oriental couch |
–177.10+ | Italian stella: star |
–177.10+ | Swift's Stella and Swift's Vanessa |
177.11 | vespertine vesamong them) at a bare (O!) mention of the scaly |
–177.11+ | vespertine: of evening |
–177.11+ | whispering among |
–177.11+ | mere |
177.12 | rybald exclaimed: Poisse! |
–177.12+ | ribald: a vulgar person |
–177.12+ | Russian ryba: fish |
–177.12+ | French Colloquial poisse: scoundrel |
–177.12+ | French Slang poisse!: catch!, nab!, apprehend! |
–177.12+ | French poisson: fish |
177.13 | But would anyone, short of a madhouse, believe it? Neither of |
–177.13+ | {{Synopsis: I.7.1.M: [177.13-178.07]: his vanity — his high opinion of himself}} |
–177.13+ | New York Times Book Review 28 May 1922, 6: 'James Joyce's Amazing Chronicle' (review of Joyce: Ulysses by Joseph Collins): (of Joyce) 'He is the only individual that the writer has encountered outside of a madhouse who has let flow from his pen random and purposeful thoughts just as they are produced' (Deming: The Critical Heritage 224) |
177.14 | those clean little cherubum, Nero or Nobookisonester himself, |
–177.14+ | VI.B.6.116k (r): 'clean little cherubs' |
–177.14+ | Sporting Times 1 Apr 1922, 4: 'The Scandal of Ulysses' (review of Joyce: Ulysses by Aramis): 'Joyce is more than a bit like that himself. Lenehan and Boylan are clean little cherubs compared with him' (Deming: The Critical Heritage 193) |
–177.14+ | VI.B.5.059g (r): 'Nobookishonester (Nabucco)' |
–177.14+ | no book is honester |
–177.14+ | Nebuchadnezzar II: 6th century BC king of Babylon and the subject of Verdi's Nabucco |
177.15 | ever nursed such a spoiled opinion of his monstrous marvellosity |
–177.15+ | New York Times Book Review 28 May 1922, 6: 'James Joyce's Amazing Chronicle' (review of Joyce: Ulysses by Joseph Collins): (of Bloom's thoughts) 'the product of the unconscious mind of a moral monster' (Deming: The Critical Heritage 225; also appears in Collins: The Doctor Looks at Literature 43) [.16] |
177.16 | as did this mental and moral defective (here perhaps at the |
–177.16+ | VI.B.25.165b (r): 'mental defective' |
177.17 | vanessance of his lownest) who was known to grognt rather than |
–177.17+ | Swift's Vanessa |
–177.17+ | quintessence |
–177.17+ | lowness (Cluster: Lowness) |
–177.17+ | love-nest |
–177.17+ | French grogner: to grunt, growl |
–177.17+ | Colloquial grog: to drink grog (any strong drink, originally rum and water) |
–177.17+ | French grognard: a grouser, a grumbler |
177.18 | gunnard upon one occasion, while drinking heavily of spirits to |
–177.18+ | French guignard: unlucky person |
177.19 | that interlocutor a latere and private privysuckatary he used to |
–177.19+ | VI.B.14.134k (r): 'a latere †i' |
–177.19+ | Latin a latere Christi: from the side of Christ (a term applied to a type of highly-ranked papal legate; usually just 'a latere') |
–177.19+ | private secretary |
–177.19+ | Sucat: Saint Patrick's original given name (various spellings exist) |
177.20 | pal around with, in the kavehazs, one Davy Browne-Nowlan, his |
–177.20+ | Hungarian kávéház: café, coffee-house |
–177.20+ | one day |
–177.20+ | Motif: Browne/Nolan |
177.21 | heavenlaid twin, (this hambone dogpoet pseudoed himself under |
–177.21+ | the heavenly twins: an epithet applied to Castor and Pollux (born from eggs laid by Leda) |
–177.21+ | Slang hambone: amateur |
–177.21+ | Greek pseudô: beguile |
–177.21+ | phrase give a dog a bad name and hang him |
177.22 | the hangname he gave himself of Bethgelert) in the porchway of |
–177.22+ | agnomen: name added to family name, generally on account of some exploit |
–177.22+ | Bethgelert: grave of Gelert, dog wrongfully killed in Welsh story |
–177.22+ | German gelehrt: learned, taught |
–177.22+ | German geleert: emptied, poured out |
177.23 | a gipsy's bar (Shem always blaspheming, so holy writ, Billy, he |
–177.23+ | Gipsy Bar, Paris, frequented by Joyce |
–177.23+ | B + (Motif: 5 vowels) + lly: I [.23], E [.24], O [.25], U [.27] (A may be 'Ballade' [.27] or 'Batty' [.29], or missing) [096.04] |
177.24 | would try, old Belly, and pay this one manjack congregant of |
–177.24+ | Old Bailey: central criminal court, London |
–177.24+ | VI.B.14.173i (r): '1 congregant' |
–177.24+ | manjack: a single person |
177.25 | his four soups every lass of nexmouth, Bolly, so sure as thair's a |
–177.25+ | French sou: a five centimes coin |
–177.25+ | last of next month |
–177.25+ | Latin nex: murder |
–177.25+ | phrase as sure as there's a tail on a cat |
177.26 | tail on a commet, as a taste for storik's fortytooth, that is to |
–177.26+ | tail, comet |
–177.26+ | Italian storico: historic |
–177.26+ | Russian starik: old man |
–177.26+ | Stoics' fortitude |
177.27 | stay, to listen out, ony twenny minnies moe, Bully, his Ballade |
–177.27+ | say |
–177.27+ | only twenty minutes more |
–177.27+ | VI.B.3.117d (r): 'Bully!' |
–177.27+ | O. Henry: The Four Million 219: 'After Twenty Years': '"How has the West treated you, old man?" "Bully; it has given me everything I asked it for"' |
–177.27+ | Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molière: Le Malade Imaginaire |
177.28 | Imaginaire which was to be dubbed Wine, Woman and Water- |
–177.28+ | in 1917, Joyce was approached by a man called Jules Martin to rewrite a screenplay entitled 'Wine, Women, and Song' |
–177.28+ | phrase wine, women and song (hedonistic pleasures) |
–177.28+ | water-closets |
177.29 | clocks, or How a Guy Finks and Fawkes When He Is Going Batty, |
–177.29+ | a magazine wanted Joyce to write 'What you feel and do when you are going blind' |
–177.29+ | Guy Fawkes: one of the perpetrators of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 (a failed attempt by a group of English Catholics to blow up the House of Lords and assassinate King James I) and the one best remembered since (lending his name to the annual commemoration of the event on 5 November, Guy Fawkes Day) |
–177.29+ | thinks and talks |
–177.29+ | Slang fucks: has sex with |
177.30 | by Maistre Sheames de la Plume, some most dreadful stuff in a |
–177.30+ | Shem the Penman |
–177.30+ | Thackeray: Diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq. (contains letters with many comical misspellings) |
–177.30+ | French plume: feather, pen |
177.31 | murderous mirrorhand) that he was avoopf (parn me!) aware |
–177.31+ | (writing can be read by holding up to mirror) |
–177.31+ | (hiccup) [.33] |
–177.31+ | pardon |
–177.31+ | darn |
177.32 | of no other shaggspick, other Shakhisbeard, either prexactly |
–177.32+ | shaggy |
–177.32+ | Shakespeare |
–177.32+ | Shakespeare |
–177.32+ | VI.B.6.091h (r): 'exactly unlike or precisely the same as what I know or imagine myself to be' [.32-.35] |
–177.32+ | Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 139 (sec. 135): (quoting Charles Dickens) 'they are exactly unlike. They are utterly dissimilar in all respects' |
–177.32+ | Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 136 (sec. 133): 'More than in anything else the richness of the English language manifests itself in its great number of synonyms, whether we take this word in its strict sense of words of exactly the same meaning or in the looser sense of words with nearly the same meaning... Sometimes the Latin word is used in a more limited, special or precise sense than the English, as is seen by a comparison of identical and same' |
177.33 | unlike his polar andthisishis or procisely the seem as woops |
–177.33+ | antithesis |
–177.33+ | (hiccup) [.31] |
–177.33+ | pardon |
–177.33+ | darn |
177.34 | (parn!) as what he fancied or guessed the sames as he was him- |
–177.34+ | (fancies himself a Shakespeare) [.32] |
177.35 | self and that, greet scoot, duckings and thuggery, though he was |
–177.35+ | Scott, Dickens and Thackeray |
–177.35+ | Motif: Tom, Dick and Harry |
177.36 | foxed fux to fux like a bunnyboy rodger with all the teashop |
–177.36+ | foxed: cheated |
–177.36+ | Wyndham Lewis: The Lion and the Fox (1927, about Shakespeare) [178.01] |
–177.36+ | face to face |
–177.36+ | Slang phrase fuck like a rabbit: have sex eagerly and often |
–177.36+ | Slang bunny: female genitalia (Colloquial rabbit) |
–177.36+ | Charles Dickens: all works: Barnaby Rudge |
–177.36+ | Slang rod: penis |
–177.36+ | Slang to roger: to have sex with |
–177.36+ | bishop |
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