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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 80 |
190.01 | of sweetempered gunpowdered didst unto dudst but it never |
–190.01+ | VI.B.6.119j (r): 'sweet-tempered (Si)' |
–190.01+ | Collins: The Doctor Looks at Literature 49: (of Joyce: Ulysses) 'Mr. Dædalus is a sweet-tempered, mealy-mouthed man given to strong drink and high-grade vagrancy' |
–190.01+ | The Book of Common Prayer: Burial of the Dead: 'dust to dust' (prayer) [189.35] |
190.02 | stphruck your mudhead's obtundity (O hell, here comes our |
–190.02+ | struck |
–190.02+ | Slang mudhead: stupid person |
–190.02+ | obtundity: dulness |
–190.02+ | Latin obtundo: I thump |
–190.02+ | I Corinthians 15:55: 'O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?' |
190.03 | funeral! O pest, I'll miss the post!) that the more carrots you |
–190.03+ | French peste!: good gracious! |
–190.03+ | phrase the more the merrier: more people are welcome [.08] |
–190.03+ | (Genesis 4:3: 'Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect' (Motif: Cain/Abel)) [.03-.06] [189.28] |
190.04 | chop, the more turnips you slit, the more murphies you peel, the |
–190.04+ | Slang murphies: potatoes |
190.05 | more onions you cry over, the more bullbeef you butch, the |
–190.05+ | bully beef |
–190.05+ | VI.B.6.077h (r): 'butch (knife)' |
–190.05+ | Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 176 (sec. 173): 'butcher is the French boucher, derived from bouc 'a buck, goat' with no corresponding verb, but in English it has given rise to the rare verb to butch and to the noun a butch-knife' |
–190.05+ | Motif: baker/butcher [.29] |
190.06 | more mutton you crackerhack, the more potherbs you pound, |
–190.06+ | crackerhash: biscuits and salt meat |
–190.06+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...the more potherbs...} | {BMs (47471b-66): ...the more bacon you rasher, the more potherbs...} |
190.07 | the fiercer the fire and the longer your spoon and the harder you |
–190.07+ | proverb He who sups with the devil hath need of a long spoon |
190.08 | gruel with more grease to your elbow the merrier fumes your |
–190.08+ | Anglo-Irish phrase more power to your elbow!: well done! (expression of admiration and encouragement) |
–190.08+ | Slang elbow grease: hard work |
–190.08+ | the merrier [.03] |
190.09 | new Irish stew. |
–190.09+ | |
190.10 | O, by the way, yes, another thing occurs to me. You let me tell |
–190.10+ | {{Synopsis: I.7.2.D: [190.10-191.04]: he is accused of shirking work — emigrating instead}} |
–190.10+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...yes, another...} | {Png: ...yes another...} |
190.11 | you, with the utmost politeness, were very ordinarily designed, |
–190.11+ | |
190.12 | your birthwrong was, to fall in with Plan, as our nationals |
–190.12+ | birthright (Motif: right/wrong) |
–190.12+ | The Plan of Campaign: a concerted scheme devised and carried out between 1886 and 1891 by the Irish National League, then under Parnell's leadership, in order to force landlords to reduce the rent they were charging Irish tenants (sometimes referred to simply as 'The Plan') |
190.13 | should, as all nationists must, and do a certain office (what, I will |
–190.13+ | MacDonald: Diary of the Parnell Commission 130: (during the cross-examination of Major Le Caron, a witness testifying about Parnell's involvement with the American Fenians, concerning the location of some documents) 'Before their lordships decided that the witness must answer "where", there was a lively and amusing questioning of him by process of "elimination". Was it at The Times office? — No. At Mr. Soames' office? — No. At the Home Office? — No' |
190.14 | not tell you) in a certain holy office (nor will I say where) during |
–190.14+ | Joyce: other works: The Holy Office |
190.15 | certain agonising office hours (a clerical party all to yourself) from |
–190.15+ | |
190.16 | such a year to such an hour on such and such a date at so and |
–190.16+ | such and such, so and so (Motif: So and so) |
190.17 | so much a week pro anno (Guinness's, may I remind, were just |
–190.17+ | Latin pro anno: per year |
–190.17+ | Joyce's father urged James to seek a clerkship in Guinness's (Father Butt in Joyce: Stephen Hero thought similarly; so did Stanislaus) |
–190.17+ | Guinness is good for you (advertisement, 1929) |
190.18 | agulp for you, failing in which you might have taken the scales off |
–190.18+ | agape |
–190.18+ | scales: deposits that form on the insides of boilers and have to be cleaned off periodically |
190.19 | boilers like any boskop of Yorek) and do your little thruppenny |
–190.19+ | bishop of York |
–190.19+ | Dutch doodskop: death skull |
–190.19+ | Yorick's skull (William Shakespeare: Hamlet V.1.169) |
190.20 | bit and thus earn from the nation true thanks, right here in our |
–190.20+ | VI.B.42.094d (r): '& thus gain from the nation true thanks' |
–190.20+ | Bodelsen: The Red White and Blue 160: (quoting a British nationalistic song from the time of the Second Boer War) 'And our soldiers will conquer wherever they go And thus gain from the nation true thanks' (song) |
190.21 | place of burden, your bourne of travail and ville of tares, where |
–190.21+ | place of birth |
–190.21+ | William Shakespeare: Hamlet III.1.79-80: 'The undiscovered country from whose bourn No traveller returns' |
–190.21+ | phrase separate the wheat from the tares |
–190.21+ | phrase vale of tears: the world, as a place of sorrow and misery (unlike heaven) |
–190.21+ | VI.B.6.001f (r): 'where I breathe first breath of life' |
190.22 | after a divine's prodigence you drew the first watergasp in your |
–190.22+ | divine providence (Vico) |
190.23 | life, from the crib where you once was bit to the crypt you'll |
–190.23+ | crib-biter: nervous person, cantankerous horse, persistent grumbler |
190.24 | be twice as shy of, same as we, long of us, alone with the colt |
–190.24+ | proverb Once bitten, twice shy |
190.25 | in the curner, where you were as popular as an armenial with |
–190.25+ | Armenia (Christian) occupied by (Muslim) Turks from 1405; nationalism in 19th and 20th centuries met with systematic massacres |
190.26 | the faithful, and you set fire to my tailcoat when I hold the |
–190.26+ | held |
190.27 | paraffin smoker under yours (I hope that chimney's clear) but, |
–190.27+ | |
190.28 | slackly shirking both your bullet and your billet, you beat it |
–190.28+ | proverb Every bullet has its billet |
–190.28+ | VI.B.5.001d (r): 'Walk backward & restore blades of grass to position' [.28-.30] |
–190.28+ | Crawford: Thinking Black 350: 'The Valomotwa... Breaking through grass, they walk backwards and restore each blade to its natural position, defying wit of man to know where they have gone' |
190.29 | backwards like Boulanger from Galway (but he combed the grass |
–190.29+ | Boulanger: French general with whom the Irish conspired |
–190.29+ | French boulanger: baker [.05] |
–190.29+ | Thomas Barnacle, Nora's father, was a Galway baker, from a family of Galway bakers |
–190.29+ | Nautical Slang grass-comber: farm-labourer; land-lubber |
190.30 | against his stride) to sing us a song of alibi, (the cuthone call over |
–190.30+ | VI.B.3.060g (r): 'sing me an alibi' |
–190.30+ | song I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby |
–190.30+ | Latin alibi: elsewhere |
–190.30+ | Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian II.6: Fingal I: 'on rocky Cuthon' (glossed in a footnote: 'the mournful sound of waves') |
190.31 | the greybounding slowrolling amplyheaving metamorphoseous |
–190.31+ | Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian II.99: Fingal VI: 'A thousand dogs fly off at once, gray-bounding through the heath' |
–190.31+ | Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian I.181: Carric-Thura: 'slow-rolling eye!' |
–190.31+ | Ovid's Metamorphoses |
190.32 | that oozy rocks parapangle their preposters with) nomad, mooner |
–190.32+ | Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian II.166: Temora I: 'Foldath stands, like an oozy rock' |
–190.32+ | Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian I.281: The War of Inis-Thona: 'Waves lash the oozy rocks' |
–190.32+ | preposterous (from Latin praeposterus: inverted, perverted, absurd) |
190.33 | by lamplight, antinos, shemming amid everyone's repressed |
–190.33+ | Latin anti nos: against us |
–190.33+ | Antinous: suitor of Penelope, represented in Joyce: Ulysses by Mulligan and Boylan |
–190.33+ | shamming |
–190.33+ | scheming |
190.34 | laughter to conceal your scatchophily by mating, like a thorough- |
–190.34+ | scatophily: coprophily, a marked interest in excrement |
–190.34+ | VI.B.14.151a (r): 'thoroughgoing' |
–190.34+ | thoroughpaced proselyte |
190.35 | paste prosodite, masculine monosyllables of the same numerical |
–190.35+ | prosody |
–190.35+ | Slang monosyllable: a euphemism for cunt (Slang cunt: female genitalia) |
190.36 | mus, an Irish emigrant the wrong way out, sitting on your crooked |
–190.36+ | sum |
–190.36+ | German Mus: sauce |
–190.36+ | Latin mus: mouse |
–190.36+ | Lady Dufferin: song Lament of the Irish Emigrant: 'I'm sitting on the stile, Mary' |
–190.36+ | nursery rhyme There was a Crooked Man (mentions 'crooked sixpence' and 'crooked stile') |
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