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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 217 |
202.01 | more and merrier, twills and trills, sparefours and spoilfives, nord- |
–202.01+ | phrase the more the merrier: more people are welcome |
–202.01+ | two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine |
–202.01+ | Danish twillinger: twins |
–202.01+ | Danish trillinger: triplets |
–202.01+ | spoil five: a card game |
–202.01+ | Nord (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.01+ | French nord: north |
202.02 | sihkes and sudsevers and ayes and neins to a litter. Grandfarthring |
–202.02+ | Suke (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.02+ | Sud (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.02+ | French Sud: south |
–202.02+ | Russian sever: north |
–202.02+ | Motif: yes/no (Dialect aye: yes + German nein: no) |
–202.02+ | grandfather |
–202.02+ | farthing nap: a card game |
202.03 | nap and Messamisery and the knave of all knaves and the joker. |
–202.03+ | Napoleon |
–202.03+ | Mess (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.03+ | Italian messa: Mass |
–202.03+ | Missouri (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.03+ | misère: in card games of the Solo family, a bid to lose every trick at no trump |
–202.03+ | knave, joker (cards) |
202.04 | Heehaw! She must have been a gadabount in her day, so she |
–202.04+ | hee-haw (representing the bray of an ass) |
–202.04+ | Haw, United States (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.04+ | Colloquial gadabout: one who wanders about, a gossip who moves from neighbour to neighbour, a woman constantly out shopping and visiting others |
202.05 | must, more than most. Shoal she was, gidgad. She had a flewmen |
–202.05+ | VI.B.6.063k (r): 'more than most' |
–202.05+ | Shoal (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.05+ | sure |
–202.05+ | Danish gid Gud: God willing |
–202.05+ | Colloquial egad!: ah God! (mild oath) |
–202.05+ | few men |
–202.05+ | Latin flumen: river (Cluster: Rivers) |
202.06 | of her owen. Then a toss nare scared that lass, so aimai moe, |
–202.06+ | Anglo-Irish owen: river (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.06+ | Owen (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.06+ | own |
–202.06+ | Greek thanatos: death |
–202.06+ | Toss (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.06+ | Nare (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.06+ | ne'er |
–202.06+ | Greek zôe mou, sas agapô: my life, I love you (last line of Byron: other works: Maid of Athens) |
202.07 | that's agapo! Tell me, tell me, how cam she camlin through all |
–202.07+ | Cam (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.07+ | could she come |
–202.07+ | Camlin (Cluster: Rivers) |
202.08 | her fellows, the neckar she was, the diveline? Casting her perils |
–202.08+ | Neckar (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.08+ | Slang necker: one who engages in kissing and cuddling |
–202.08+ | German necken: to tease |
–202.08+ | Dive (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.08+ | Diveline: a name for Dublin used by inhabitants of Fingal (north of Dublin) |
–202.08+ | (little devil) |
–202.08+ | Bellini: Norma: 'Casta Diva' |
–202.08+ | Matthew 7:6: 'cast ye your pearls before swine' |
202.09 | before our swains from Fonte-in-Monte to Tidingtown and |
–202.09+ | Font (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.09+ | Italian fonte in monte: the spring on the mountain |
–202.09+ | Thames is tidal to Teddington |
202.10 | from Tidingtown tilhavet. Linking one and knocking the next, |
–202.10+ | Danish til havet: to the sea |
–202.10+ | Link (Cluster: Rivers) |
202.11 | tapting a flank and tipting a jutty and palling in and pietaring |
–202.11+ | Tapti (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.11+ | Jutaí (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.11+ | jetty |
–202.11+ | Motif: Paul/Peter |
–202.11+ | pulling in |
–202.11+ | Pietar (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.11+ | petering out |
202.12 | out and clyding by on her eastway. Waiwhou was the first thur- |
–202.12+ | Clyde (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.12+ | gliding |
–202.12+ | estuary |
–202.12+ | Waihou (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.12+ | who |
–202.12+ | Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner II.23: 'We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea' |
–202.12+ | Thur (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.12+ | to ever |
202.13 | ever burst? Someone he was, whuebra they were, in a tactic attack |
–202.13+ | (burst her virginity) |
–202.13+ | VI.B.6.050h (r): 'Somebody, whoever you are,' |
–202.13+ | Huebra (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.13+ | Spanish huebra: day's work |
–202.13+ | Latin tactus: attack |
202.14 | or in single combat. Tinker, tilar, souldrer, salor, Pieman Peace |
–202.14+ | nursery rhyme Tinker, Tailor: 'Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief' |
–202.14+ | Tilar (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.14+ | Sauldre (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.14+ | Salor (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.14+ | Pieman (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.14+ | pieman: a vendor of pies (nursery rhyme Simple Simon: 'Simple Simon met a pieman') |
–202.14+ | Peace (Cluster: Rivers) |
202.15 | or Polistaman. That's the thing I'm elwys on edge to esk. Push |
–202.15+ | Polista, Russia (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.15+ | VI.B.10.037a (r): 'polishman (DMP)' |
–202.15+ | policeman |
–202.15+ | VI.B.32.101b (r): 'Elwy R' |
–202.15+ | The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Wales', 259d: 'the banks of the Elwy' |
–202.15+ | Elwy, Wales (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.15+ | always |
–202.15+ | Esk (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.15+ | ask |
202.16 | up and push vardar and come to uphill headquarters! Was it |
–202.16+ | Vardar (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.16+ | farther |
–202.16+ | harder |
–202.16+ | headwaters |
202.17 | waterlows year, after Grattan or Flood, or when maids were in |
–202.17+ | Sir Ernest Albert Waterlow: English painter (1850-1919) |
–202.17+ | low water |
–202.17+ | Battle of Waterloo (1815) |
–202.17+ | Aherlow (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.17+ | Henry Grattan and Henry Flood: Irish politicians of late 18th century and close friends |
–202.17+ | (WHEN) |
–202.17+ | Motif: 7 rainbow girls (French arc-en-ciel: rainbow) |
202.18 | Arc or when three stood hosting? Fidaris will find where the |
–202.18+ | Joan of Arc |
–202.18+ | Arc (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.18+ | hosting: raising of army |
–202.18+ | Hosty |
–202.18+ | Fidaris (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.18+ | Latin fides: faith |
202.19 | Doubt arises like Nieman from Nirgends found the Nihil. Worry |
–202.19+ | Doubs (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.19+ | German niemand: nobody |
–202.19+ | Niemen (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.19+ | German nirgends: nowhere |
–202.19+ | Wagner: The Flying Dutchman, act I: 'Nirgens ein Grab! Niemals der Tod!' |
–202.19+ | Latin nihil: nothing |
–202.19+ | Nile (search for its source [.20]) (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.19+ | what are you sighing for |
–202.19+ | [023.19-.21] [089.27] [.19-.21] |
202.20 | you sighin foh, Albern, O Anser? Untie the gemman's fistiknots, |
–202.20+ | William Blake: Visions of the Daughters of Albion: (begins) 'Enslav'd, the Daughters of Albion weep... sighs toward America' (Blake's frontispiece illustration for the poem shows a kneeling man in fetters) |
–202.20+ | Albert Nyanza and Victoria Nyanza: two of the major reservoir lakes of the Nile river ('Nyanza' is Bantu for 'Lake') [.21] |
–202.20+ | German albern: silly, foolish |
–202.20+ | Irish ní h-annsa: not hard (formula for answering riddles) |
–202.20+ | Latin anser: goose |
–202.20+ | Slang gemman: gentleman |
–202.20+ | Irish gemin: fetter |
–202.20+ | mystic knots: entanglements in a bride's nightdress made by bridesmaids (Burns) |
202.21 | Qvic and Nuancee! She can't put her hand on him for the mo- |
–202.21+ | quick |
–202.21+ | Latin hic et nunc: here and now |
–202.21+ | no one see |
–202.21+ | nuance |
–202.21+ | Nuanetzi (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.21+ | VI.B.6.033r (r): 'can't put my hand on for the moment' |
202.22 | ment. Tez thelon langlo, walking weary! Such a loon waybash- |
–202.22+ | Tez (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.22+ | Thelon (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.22+ | Langlo (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.22+ | VI.B.1.076j (r): '*V* walks backwards' [426.34] |
–202.22+ | Wear, England (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.22+ | song It's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary: 'It's a long way to Tipperary, It's a long way to go' |
–202.22+ | Loon (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.22+ | Wabash (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.22+ | backwards |
202.23 | wards to row! She sid herself she hardly knows whuon the annals |
–202.23+ | Tow (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.23+ | Sid (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.23+ | said |
–202.23+ | Huon (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.23+ | who in |
–202.23+ | Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section [.24] |
202.24 | her graveller was, a dynast of Leinster, a wolf of the sea, or what |
–202.24+ | Slang gravel: confound |
–202.24+ | Gravelly (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.24+ | Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section 1431: (of Diarmaid MacMurrough) 'McMorogh, dynast of Leinster, makes an incursion into the English pale, and defeats the forces sent against him, but is finally defeated with great loss' |
–202.24+ | Diarmaid MacMurrough was a 12th century king of Leinster, whose daughter married Strongbow, the leader of the Anglo-Norman invaders of Ireland (his Irish patronymic, Mac Murchadha, means 'son of sea warrior' in Old Irish) |
–202.24+ | Wolf (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.24+ | Archaic sea-wolf: pirate [049.28] |
202.25 | he did or how blyth she played or how, when, why, where and |
–202.25+ | Blyth (Cluster: Rivers) |
202.26 | who offon he jumpnad her and how it was gave her away. She |
–202.26+ | how often |
–202.26+ | Ofin (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.26+ | Jump (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.26+ | Slang jump: to have sex with |
–202.26+ | Jumna (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.26+ | who |
–202.26+ | (marriage or betrayal) |
–202.26+ | Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Marble Faun 200: 'She was a fresh, cool, dewy thing, sunny and shadowy, ... fitful and changeable with the whim of the moment, but yet as constant as her native stream, which kept the same gush and flow forever' |
202.27 | was just a young thin pale soft shy slim slip of a thing then, |
–202.27+ | just a (six monosyllabic adjectives) slip of a thing then, sauntering (*A*; Motif: time/space (then, there)) [627.04-.05] |
–202.27+ | (small light monosyllables (feminine) and heavy ponderous polysyllables (masculine)) |
202.28 | sauntering, by silvamoonlake and he was a heavy trudging |
–202.28+ | VI.B.6.090f (r): 'S'aunter (aventurer)' |
–202.28+ | Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 103 (sec. 104): 'saunter, where the French reflective pronoun has become fixed as an inseparable element of the word, from s'auntrer, another form for s'aventurer 'to adventure oneself'' |
–202.28+ | sauntering: walking at a leisurely pace, strolling |
–202.28+ | Silva (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.28+ | Latin silva: forest |
–202.28+ | silver moonlight (reflected in lake) |
–202.28+ | moon, sun [.30] |
–202.28+ | VI.B.1.080i (r): 'dredge trudge' (only last word crayoned) |
202.29 | lurching lieabroad of a Curraghman, making his hay for whose |
–202.29+ | lie-abed: sluggard, late riser |
–202.29+ | VI.B.6.148l (r): 'curragh' |
–202.29+ | The Curragh: a plain in Kildare, noted for its racecourse |
–202.29+ | Anglo-Irish currach: Irish curach: coracle, a small wickerwork boat |
–202.29+ | proverb Make hay while the sun shines: make the most of a favourable situation while it lasts |
–202.29+ | Hay (Cluster: Rivers) |
202.30 | sun to shine on, as tough as the oaktrees (peats be with them!) |
–202.30+ | Sun (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.30+ | [022.23-.24] |
–202.30+ | Kildare means 'church of the oak' |
–202.30+ | peace |
202.31 | used to rustle that time down by the dykes of killing Kildare, |
–202.31+ | VI.B.1.028c (r): 'dyke' |
–202.31+ | Metchnikoff: La Civilisation et les Grands Fleuves Historiques xxvi: (of early riverbank communities) 'lutter en commun contre les inondations, élever des digues et des contre-digues' (French 'struggle together against floods, raise dykes and counter-dykes') |
–202.31+ | 'Killing Kildares': Kildare Foxhounds |
202.32 | for forstfellfoss with a plash across her. She thought she's sankh |
–202.32+ | (first cascade created through falling of tree across the stream) |
–202.32+ | German Forst: forest |
–202.32+ | first |
–202.32+ | Danish fossefald: waterfall |
–202.32+ | Foss (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.32+ | Norwegian -foss (denotes waterfall) |
–202.32+ | VI.B.1.045h (r): 'plashed woods' ('shed' uncertain) |
–202.32+ | plash: to bend and interlace stems, branches and twigs to form an obstruction; to treat a wood thus |
–202.32+ | plash: to splash; a splash |
–202.32+ | plash: a shallow piece of standing water, a puddle |
–202.32+ | in an Adam and Eve story, part of Saltair na Rann, a collection of medieval Irish poems, Eve does penance in the Tigris river, the devil gets her to leave off her penance, and upon finding the deceit she falls to the ground half-dead and reproaches Lucifer |
–202.32+ | she'd sink beneath |
–202.32+ | Sankh (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.32+ | sunk |
–202.32+ | VI.B.1.033d (r): 'goes underground' |
–202.32+ | Metchnikoff: La Civilisation et les Grands Fleuves Historiques 204: 'Terre qui se forme, la couche de débris finit par se consolider... au-dessus d'un fleuve caché, qui continue lentement son cours dans ses profondeurs' (French 'Land in the making, the layer of debris ends by becoming solid... over a hidden river, that slowly pursues its course deep down') |
202.33 | neathe the ground with nymphant shame when he gave her the |
–202.33+ | Neath (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.33+ | nymphs: in Greek mythology, minor deities taking the form of beautiful maidens associated with specific landscape features, such as rivers, trees, hills, etc. (from Greek nymphe: maiden, young bride) |
–202.33+ | infant |
–202.33+ | Colloquial phrase give (someone) the eye: look at (someone) in a way that indicates sexual interest |
202.34 | tigris eye! O happy fault! Me wish it was he! You're wrong there, |
–202.34+ | Tigris (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.34+ | Latin tigris: tiger |
–202.34+ | tiger's eye: a gem |
–202.34+ | Motif: O felix culpa! |
–202.34+ | Dublin Slang wish: female genitalia |
202.35 | corribly wrong! Tisn't only tonight you're anacheronistic! It |
–202.35+ | Corrib, Ireland (Cluster: Rivers) |
–202.35+ | horribly |
–202.35+ | Colloquial 'tisn't: it isn't |
–202.35+ | anachronistic |
–202.35+ | Acheron, Hades (river of woe; Cluster: Rivers) |
202.36 | was ages behind that when nullahs were nowhere, in county |
–202.36+ | (ages before) |
–202.36+ | Latin nulla: none |
–202.36+ | nullah: a watercourse |
–202.36+ | Nula (Cluster: Rivers) |
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