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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 182

207.01grains of incense anguille bronze. And after that she wove a gar-
207.01+Anguille, United States (Cluster: Rivers)
207.01+French anguille: eel
207.01+Keats: La Belle Dame sans Merci: 'I made a garland for her head'
207.02land for her hair. She pleated it. She plaited it. Of meadowgrass
207.02+she pleated it, she plaited it... willow [.02-.04] [526.32]
207.02+Homer: Iliad XIV: (of Hera preparing to beguile Zeus) 'and with her hands plaited her shining tresses' [206.29] [208.08] [208.10]
207.03and riverflags, the bulrush and waterweed, and of fallen griefs of
207.03+flag: iris (flower)
207.04weeping willow. Then she made her bracelets and her anklets
207.05and her armlets and a jetty amulet for necklace of clicking cobbles
207.05+VI.B.1.084a (r): 'jetty'
207.05+VI.B.1.081o (r): 'clicking pebble'
207.05+cobble, pebble, rubble, rhine, marble (stones)
207.06and pattering pebbles and rumbledown rubble, richmond and
207.06+VI.B.1.083l (r): 'rubble'
207.06+Richmond (Cluster: Rivers)
207.06+VI.B.6.100j (r): 'Rich & rare'
207.06+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Rich and Rare Were the Gems She Wore
207.07rehr, of Irish rhunerhinerstones and shellmarble bangles. That
207.07+Rehr (Cluster: Rivers)
207.07+Irish runes: an old name for the Ogham alphabet (the predecessor of the traditional Irish alphabet), found on early medieval stone monuments throughout Ireland (although, strictly speaking, Ogham is not a runic alphabet)
207.07+Rhine, France and Germany (Cluster: Rivers)
207.07+Stone, United States (Cluster: Rivers)
207.07+VI.B.1.050g (r): 'bangles'
207.07+bangle: ring-bracelet, anklet
207.08done, a dawk of smut to her airy ey, Annushka Lutetiavitch
207.08+Dialect dawk: a hollow in a surface, depression, furrow
207.08+Smut (Cluster: Rivers)
207.08+Ey (Cluster: Rivers)
207.08+ALP (Motif: ALP)
207.08+Irish ean-uisce: water-water
207.08+Irish eanach: marsh, fen
207.08+Latin luteus: muddy
207.08+Latin Lutetia: Paris
207.09Pufflovah, and the lellipos cream to her lippeleens and the pick
207.09+Pavlova: a meringue-based dessert or cake topped with whipped cream and fruit (named after Anna Pavlova, a famous early 20th century Russian ballet dancer, in the late 1920s) [.09-.12]
207.09+Lilliput: an island of tiny people in Swift: Gulliver's Travels
207.09+Lippe (Cluster: Rivers)
207.09+Anglo-Irish -een (diminutive)
207.10of the paintbox for her pommettes, from strawbirry reds to
207.10+French pomme: apple (fruit)
207.10+French pommettes: cheekbones
207.10+strawberry (fruit)
207.10+Strawberry Beds
207.10+Birrie (Cluster: Rivers)
207.10+Motif: red/violet (the colours at the edges of the rainbow)
207.11extra violates, and she sendred her boudeloire maids to His
207.11+VI.B.32.202b (b): 'R. Sendre'
207.11+Indre, France (Cluster: Rivers)
207.11+French boue de: mud of
207.11+French bouder: to pout
207.11+boudoir: a lady's private room
207.11+Baudelaire: French poet
207.11+Loire, France (Cluster: Rivers)
207.12Affluence, Ciliegia Grande and Kirschie Real, the two chirsines,
207.12+Italian ciliegia grande: big cherry (fruit)
207.12+Grandê (Cluster: Rivers)
207.12+Grand Canal and Royal Canal, Dublin
207.12+German Kirsche: cherry (fruit)
207.12+Real (Cluster: Rivers)
207.12+Portuguese real: royal
207.12+Slang cherries: young girls
207.12+Prince: The Dissociation of a Personality 1: (begins) 'Miss Christine L. Beauchamp, the subject of this study, is a person in whom several personalities have become developed' (Motif: The Letter: Christine)
207.12+cousins (*IJ*)
207.13with respecks from his missus, seepy and sewery, and a request
207.13+VI.B.1.089a (r): 'Mrs Seepy'
207.13+Mississippi (Cluster: Rivers)
207.13+VI.B.1.088i (r): 'Miss Sewery'
207.13+Missouri (Cluster: Rivers)
207.14might she passe of him for a minnikin. A call to pay and light a
207.14+French pourrait-elle se passer de lui: could she manage without him (literally 'might she pass of him')
207.14+Danish passe: wait on, serve
207.14+French Slang passe: an act of sexual intercourse
207.14+(leave him)
207.14+Manneken Pis: a famous statue in Brussels of a child urinating
207.14+Anglo-Irish minnekin, minnikin: very small pin
207.14+Slang pay a call: urinate
207.14+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: and...} | {Png:, and...}
207.14+Catholic custom of lighting a votive candle to accompany a prayer for a specific person or intention
207.15taper, in Brie-on-Arrosa, back in a sprizzling. The cock striking
207.15+taper: slender candle
207.15+Brie (Cluster: Rivers)
207.15+Arros (Cluster: Rivers)
207.15+French arroser: to water (plants); to sprinkle, spray, bedew
207.15+Italian sprizzare: sprinkle
207.15+German spritzen: to squirt, to spray
207.15+song Just Down the Lane: (chorus) 'The clock striking nine, stars brightly shine, There's somebody waiting for me'
207.16mine, the stalls bridely sign, there's Zambosy waiting for Me!
207.16+Mine (Cluster: Rivers)
207.16+(urinal stalls)
207.16+Bride, Ireland (Cluster: Rivers)
207.16+Zambezi (Cluster: Rivers)
207.16+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Me! She...} | {Png: She...}
207.17She said she wouldn't be half her length away. Then, then, as
207.17+(the source of the Liffey river is less than half its length from Dublin)
207.18soon as the lump his back was turned, with her mealiebag slang
207.18+VI.B.3.120g (r): 'mealie bags'
207.18+O. Henry: The Four Million 254: 'The Brief Début of Tildy': 'Tildy with the blunt nose, the hay-coloured hair, the freckled skin, the bag-o'-meal figure, had never had an admirer'
207.18+mealie: South African name for maize
207.18+mealie: mailbag
207.18+Slang, Africa (Cluster: Rivers)
207.18+Dutch slang: snake, serpent
207.19over her shulder, Anna Livia, oysterface, forth of her bassein
207.19+Oyster (Cluster: Rivers)
207.19+Slang oysterfaced: needing a shave
207.19+Forth (Cluster: Rivers)
207.19+Bassein (Cluster: Rivers)
207.19+river basin
207.21     Describe her! Hustle along, why can't you? Spitz on the iern
207.21+{{Synopsis: I.8.1A.G: [207.21-208.26]: describing her — her attire}}
207.21+VI.B.6.063h (r): 'What for? What for? Where? who was there Describe How? Describe slowly' [.21-.27]
207.21+VI.B.1.141h (r): 'spit on the iron while it's hot'
207.21+German spitz: pointed, sharp
207.21+Spiti (Cluster: Rivers)
207.21+proverb Strike the iron while it is hot
207.21+Latin Ierna: Ireland
207.22while it's hot. I wouldn't miss her for irthing on nerthe. Not for
207.22+VI.B.5.007c (r): 'won't miss for worlds'
207.22+Irthing (Cluster: Rivers)
207.22+anything on earth
207.22+Neath (Cluster: Rivers)
207.23the lucre of lomba strait. Oceans of Gaud, I mosel hear that!
207.23+Lomba (Cluster: Rivers)
207.23+Lombard Street, London (long associated with the banking and insurance industries)
207.23+Latin gaudium: joy
207.23+Mosel (Cluster: Rivers)
207.23+Moselle (Cluster: Rivers)
207.24Ogowe presta! Leste, before Julia sees her! Ishekarry and washe-
207.24+o go
207.24+Ogowe (Cluster: Rivers)
207.24+Italian presto: Italian lesto: quick, fast
207.24+Julia (Cluster: Rivers)
207.24+Julius Caesar
207.24+Ishikari (Cluster: Rivers)
207.24+is she
207.24+Washimeska (Cluster: Rivers)
207.24+was she masked
207.25meskad, the carishy caratimaney? Whole lady fair? Duodecimo-
207.25+Italian carissima: very dear (feminine)
207.25+Arish (Cluster: Rivers)
207.25+Italian cara: dear, beloved (feminine)
207.25+Caratirimani (Cluster: Rivers)
207.25+holiday fair [018.07] [472.22]
207.25+Latin duodecimo: for the 12th time
207.25+duodecimoroon: person with one twelfth African blood
207.25+Boucicault: other plays: The Octoroon
207.26roon? Bon a ventura? Malagassy? What had she on, the liddel oud
207.26+Bonaventura (Cluster: Rivers)
207.26+Italian buona ventura: good luck
207.26+Malagasy (Cluster: Rivers)
207.26+Malagarasi (Cluster: Rivers)
207.26+Liddel, Scotland (Cluster: Rivers)
207.26+Alice P. Liddell: child-friend of Lewis Carroll and model for Lewis Carroll's Alice
207.26+Dutch oud: old
207.26+Oudon (Cluster: Rivers)
207.27oddity? How much did she scallop, harness and weights? Here
207.27+(how much did she weigh)
207.27+(how much did she carry)
207.27+schemes for harnessing the Shannon and Liffey rivers for electricity production repeatedly discussed in Irish newspapers of the mid 1920s [.28]
207.28she is, Amnisty Ann! Call her calamity electrifies man.
207.28+Latin amnis: river (Cluster: Rivers)
207.28+HCE (Motif: HCE)
207.29     No electress at all but old Moppa Necessity, angin mother of
207.29+VI.B.1.069h (r): 'electress'
207.29+Caufeynon: Les Monstres Humains 105: 'Catherine de Médicis essaya à plusieurs reprises de faire des mariages entre nains et naines, mais elle ne parvint jamais à les faire procréer entre eux. L'électrice de Brandebourg, qui se consacra aux mêmes soins, ne fut pas plus heureuse dans ses tentatives' (French 'Catherine de Medici repeatedly tried to marry male and female dwarves, but she could never succeed in having them procreate. The Electress of Brandenburg, who devoted herself to the same task, was equally unsuccessful in her attempts' (Electress: the wife of a German Elector of the Empire))
207.29+proverb Necessity is the mother of invention: if something is truly needed, a way will be found of achieving it
207.29+Middle English angin: beginning
207.29+Malay angin: air, wind, breeze
207.30injons. I'll tell you a test. But you must sit still. Will you hold
207.30+Irish iníon: girl, maiden; daughter
207.30+Test (Cluster: Rivers)
207.31your peace and listen well to what I am going to say now? It
207.31+Peace (Cluster: Rivers)
207.32might have been ten or twenty to one of the night of Allclose or
207.32+All Souls' Night: the night between 1 and 2 November
207.33the nexth of April when the flip of her hoogly igloo flappered and
207.33+(the door)
207.33+Dutch hoog: high
207.33+Hooghly (Cluster: Rivers)
207.33+Iglau (Cluster: Rivers)
207.34out toetippit a bushman woman, the dearest little moma ever
207.34+Bushman: a member of the aboriginal San people of southern Africa
207.34+Bush, Ireland (Cluster: Rivers)
207.34+Moma (Cluster: Rivers)
207.35you saw, nodding around her, all smiles, with ems of embarras
207.35+Ems (Cluster: Rivers)
207.35+Embarrass (Cluster: Rivers)
207.36and aues to awe, between two ages, a judyqueen, not up to your
207.36+Aue (Cluster: Rivers)
207.36+Awe (Cluster: Rivers)
207.36+VI.B.5.034c (r): 'entre 2 ages'
207.36+Judy Creek (Cluster: Rivers)
207.36+Queen, Australia (Cluster: Rivers)
207.36+(very short in height)

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