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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 215

209.01facemen, boomslanging and plugchewing, fruiteyeing and flower-
209.01+VI.B.11.090i (r): 'boomslangs'
209.01+boomslang: a type of venomous tree-dwelling African snake (from Afrikaans boomslang: tree-snake)
209.01+Dutch boomen: to chat idly
209.01+Colloquial slang: to use slang
209.01+plug: a stick or cake of pressed tobacco for chewing
209.01+(Lotus Eaters: in Greek mythology, a race of people addicted to the narcotic flowers and fruits of a large lotus tree)
209.01+(urinating in the flowerbeds)
209.02feeding, in contemplation of the fluctuation and the undification
209.02+Motif: -ation (*O*; 4 times) [.02-.03]
209.02+(waving of her hair)
209.03of her filimentation, lolling and leasing on North Lazers' Waal
209.03+VI.B.14.103b (r): 'lolling *A*'
209.03+O'Grady: Selected Essays and Passages 23: (of the stream of Irish history) 'here and there flowers lolling on those delusive waters'
209.03+North Wall: an area of docks in Dublin along the northern bank of the Liffey river
209.03+Lazar's Hill, Dublin
209.03+Waal, Netherlands (Cluster: Rivers)
209.04all eelfare week by the Jukar Yoick's and as soon as they saw her
209.04+Eel (Cluster: Rivers)
209.04+Jucar (Cluster: Rivers)
209.04+Duke of York (pub) [208.34]
209.04+Oich (Cluster: Rivers)
209.05meander by that marritime way in her grasswinter's weeds and
209.05+Meander (Cluster: Rivers)
209.05+grass widow: a married woman whose husband has gone away
209.05+Colloquial widow's weeds: the black garments worn by a widow in deep mourning
209.06twigged who was under her archdeaconess bonnet, Avondale's
209.06+Anglo-Irish twig: get the point, realise, understand, notice (from Irish tuigim: I understand)
209.06+Bonnet (Cluster: Rivers)
209.06+Avon (Cluster: Rivers)
209.06+Avondale: Parnell's birthplace and estate, in County Wicklow (Cluster: Wicklow)
209.06+VI.B.9.093b-d (o): 'Avondale Clarence Grillroom'
209.06+Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale [208.34]
209.06+proverb One man's meat is another man's poison: different people have different likes and dislikes
209.07fish and Clarence's poison, sedges an to aneber, Wit-upon-
209.07+Fish, Africa (Cluster: Rivers)
209.07+Clarence (Cluster: Rivers)
209.07+French poisson: fish
209.07+says one to another
209.07+An (Cluster: Rivers)
209.07+Anabar (Cluster: Rivers)
209.07+German neben: next to
209.07+Wit Upon Crutches, Or, The Biter Bitten: an anonymous poem published in a Dublin broadside in 1725 and rarely, if ever, reprinted since (at some point attributed, without much proof, to Swift)
209.08Crutches to Master Bates: Between our two southsates and the
209.08+Crouch (Cluster: Rivers)
209.08+Master Bates: an epithet repeatedly applied to Charley Bates, a character in Charles Dickens: all works: Oliver Twist
209.08+Bates Creek (Cluster: Rivers)
209.08+(lame wit)
209.08+(two bottoms)
209.08+South (Cluster: Rivers)
209.08+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation sates: seats
209.09granite they're warming, or her face has been lifted or Alp has doped!
209.09+Granite Creek (Cluster: Rivers)
209.09+(wall they're sitting on)
209.09+(either... or)
209.09+facelift: form of cosmetic surgery
209.09+(face of the water, lifted by the tide)
209.09+ALP (Motif: ALP)
209.09+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...doped!} | {Png: ...doped.}
209.10     But what was the game in her mixed baggyrhatty? Just the
209.10+{{Synopsis: I.8.1B.B: [209.10-212.19]: her bag's contents — a vengeful gift for everyone}}
209.10+game: a hunted animal, the meat of a hunted animal (held in a game-bag during the hunt)
209.10+VI.B.10.080e (r): 'mixed bag' (some shooting term)
209.10+Bhagirathi (Cluster: Rivers)
209.10+baccarat: a card game
209.10+Hatti (Cluster: Rivers)
209.11tembo in her tumbo or pilipili from her pepperpot? Saas and
209.11+Kiswahili tembo: palm wine [428.01]; elephant
209.11+Tembe (Cluster: Rivers)
209.11+Kiswahili tumbo: belly
209.11+Pili (Cluster: Rivers)
209.11+Kiswahili pilipili: pepper
209.11+Kiswahili saa: watch, clock, hour
209.11+Saaservisp (in Saas Thal valley, Switzerland) (Cluster: Rivers)
209.12taas and specis bizaas. And where in thunder did she plunder?
209.12+Kiswahili taa: lamp, lantern, light; a kind of large flat edible fish
209.12+Taas, England (Cluster: Rivers)
209.12+Kiswahili bizaa: merchandise, trade goods
209.12+Kiswahili bizari: a spice
209.12+Hebrew bizza: plunder
209.12+Colloquial phrase where in thunder: where (intensified)
209.12+Thunder (Cluster: Rivers)
209.13Fore the battle or efter the ball? I want to get it frisk from the
209.13+song Just before the Battle, Mother
209.13+Battle, Canada (Cluster: Rivers)
209.13+Danish efter: after
209.13+song After the Ball
209.13+VI.B.10.103a (r): 'get it while it's fresh'
209.13+Danish frisk: fresh
209.14soorce. I aubette my bearb it's worth while poaching on! Shake
209.14+Soo Canal
209.14+Aube (Cluster: Rivers)
209.14+VI.B.14.131m (r): 'bet my beard'
209.14+(bearded woman)
209.14+Bearba (Cluster: Rivers)
209.14+French barbe: beard
209.14+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...on! Shake...} | {Png: ...on. Shake...}
209.15it up, do, do! That's a good old son of a ditch! I promise I'll
209.15+Son (Cluster: Rivers)
209.15+Motif: Son of a bitch
209.15+phrase I'll make it worth your while: I will adequately recompense you
209.16make it worth your while. And I don't mean maybe. Nor yet
209.16+Worth (Cluster: Rivers)
209.16+Colloquial phrase and I don't mean maybe: I am certain
209.17with a goodfor. Spey me pruth and I'll tale you true.
209.17+Slang goodfor: promissory note
209.17+Spey (Cluster: Rivers)
209.17+Prut (Cluster: Rivers)
209.18     Well, arundgirond in a waveney lyne aringarouma she pattered
209.18+Cluster: Well
209.18+round and round in a wavy line round and round
209.18+Arun (Cluster: Rivers)
209.18+Latin arundo: reed, cane
209.18+German rund: French rond: round, circular
209.18+Italian nursery rhyme children's game Giro, Giro Tondo (similar to nursery rhyme children's game Ring-a-ring o' Roses; literally 'turn, turn round') [210.03]
209.18+French Slang gironde: (of a woman) pretty, attractive
209.18+Gironde (Cluster: Rivers)
209.18+Waveney (Cluster: Rivers)
209.18+Lyne (Cluster: Rivers)
209.18+Italian aringa: herring
209.18+Garumna (Cluster: Rivers)
209.18+Finnish roume: stream
209.19and swung and sidled, dribbling her boulder through narrowa
209.19+Boulder Creek (Cluster: Rivers)
209.19+Narova (Cluster: Rivers)
209.19+Arrow (Cluster: Rivers)
209.20mosses, the diliskydrear on our drier side and the vilde vetchvine
209.20+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Where is the Slave: 'The friends we've tried Are by our side, And the foe we hate before us'
209.20+Anglo-Irish dilisk: dulse, a type of edible seaweed
209.20+Archaic drear: Obsolete driery: dreary, gloomy; dull, uninteresting
209.20+wild west wind
209.20+Lucia Joyce appeared in several dance recitals in the role of one of 'les vignes sauvages' ('the wild vines') in Lois Hutton's 'Ballet Faunesque' [.18-.19]
209.20+Vet (Cluster: Rivers)
209.20+vine [.21]
209.21agin us, curara here, careero there, not knowing which medway
209.21+Curaray (Cluster: Rivers)
209.21+curare: a strong paralysing poison extracted from South American lianas (woody vines) [.20]
209.21+Latin currere: to run
209.21+VI.B.1.085b (r): 'which way to turn *A*'
209.21+Medway (Cluster: Rivers)
209.22or weser to strike it, edereider, making chattahoochee all to her
209.22+Weser, Germany (Cluster: Rivers)
209.22+Eder (Cluster: Rivers)
209.22+Eider (Cluster: Rivers)
209.22+Chattahoochee Choo Choo: the nickname of a narrow gauge railroad at the Fort Benning US Army base, Georgia (with 20 locomotives and 27 miles of track in 1923)
209.22+Chattahoochee (Cluster: Rivers)
209.23ain chichiu, like Santa Claus at the cree of the pale and puny,
209.23+Ain (Cluster: Rivers)
209.23+own children
209.23+Chinese chi: chicken
209.23+Chichiu (Cluster: Rivers)
209.23+Cree (Cluster: Rivers)
209.23+Irish croí: heart (pronounced 'cree') [.24]
209.23+French cri: a cry
209.23+VI.B.5.056j (r): 'call of the pale & puny'
209.24nistling to hear for their tiny hearties, her arms encircling Isola-
209.24+Nisling (Cluster: Rivers)
209.24+Isole (Cluster: Rivers)
209.24+Isolabella: island in Lake Maggiore (ilt. 'beautiful island')
209.25bella, then running with reconciled Romas and Reims, on like a
209.25+Rom (Cluster: Rivers)
209.25+Rome and Reims
209.25+Motif: Romulus/Remus
209.25+German Reim: rhyme
209.26lech to be off like a dart, then bathing Dirty Hans' spatters with
209.26+Lech (Cluster: Rivers)
209.26+VI.B.32.203a (r): 'R Dart'
209.26+Dart, England (Cluster: Rivers)
209.26+Clever Hans: first of Elberfeld Calculating Horses
209.26+Hans (Cluster: Rivers)
209.27spittle, with a Christmas box apiece for aisch and iveryone of her
209.27+Box Creek, Australia (Cluster: Rivers)
209.27+Aisch (Cluster: Rivers)
209.27+phrase each and every one: every single member of a group (used for emphasis)
209.27+Ivari (Cluster: Rivers)
209.28childer, the birthday gifts they dreamt they gabe her, the spoiled
209.28+Anglo-Irish childer: children
209.28+German Gabe: gift, present
209.29she fleetly laid at our door! On the matt, by the pourch and in-
209.29+Fleet (subterranean London river, with history of flooding city; Cluster: Rivers)
209.30under the cellar. The rivulets ran aflod to see, the glashaboys, the
209.30+Old English flod: river (Cluster: Rivers)
209.30+to sea
209.30+Glashaboy (Cluster: Rivers)
209.31pollynooties. Out of the paunschaup on to the pyre. And they all
209.31+Polly (Cluster: Rivers)
209.31+Polimounty (Cluster: Rivers)
209.31+phrase out of the frying pan into the fire: from a bad situation into a worse one
209.32about her, juvenile leads and ingenuinas, from the slime of their
209.32+leads: actors who play the principal parts in a play
209.32+Latin ingenuina: belonging to a freeborn woman
209.32+ingénue: naïve young woman; an actress who plays such parts in a play
209.33slums and artesaned wellings, rickets and riots, like the Smyly
209.33+Artizan Dwelling Company, buildings, Dublin
209.33+artesian wells
209.33+rickets: a metabolic disease of young children, characterised by skeletal deformities (its relation to vitamin D deficiency, due to a poor diet and lack of exposure to the sun, was discovered during the 1920s)
209.33+Smyly Boys' Home, Dún Laoghaire
209.34boys at their vicereine's levee. Vivi vienne, little Annchen! Vielo
209.34+French reine: queen
209.34+levee: a formal reception by a dignitary (e.g. a Viceroy; originally, after rising from bed in the morning)
209.34+American levee: an embankment against river floods
209.34+(greetings, cheers)
209.34+Vivi (Cluster: Rivers)
209.34+Italian vivi: live!; you live
209.34+Vienne (Cluster: Rivers)
209.34+Council of Vienne: an ecumenical council held in 1311-1312 (Cluster: Church Councils)
209.34+German Annchen: little Ann
209.34+French vieillot: oldish
209.35Anna, high life! Sing us a sula, O, susuria! Ausone sidulcis!
209.35+Sula (Cluster: Rivers)
209.35+suras of Koran
209.35+Susurluk (Cluster: Rivers)
209.35+Latin susurrus: whisper
209.35+Aubone (Cluster: Rivers)
209.35+Latin Ausonia si dulcis: Italy so pleasant
209.36Hasn't she tambre! Chipping her and raising a bit of a chir or a
209.36+Tambre (Cluster: Rivers)
209.36+timbre: the character or quality of a musical or vocal sound
209.36+Synod of Hippo: a church synod held in 393 (Cluster: Church Councils)
209.36+Chir (Cluster: Rivers)

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