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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 192

212.01Yuinness or Yennessy, Laagen or Niger, for Festus King and
212.01+Yun (Cluster: Rivers)
212.01+VI.B.1.055a (g): 'Ni Yenessy'
212.01+Yenisey, Asia (Cluster: Rivers)
212.01+Hennessy brandy
212.01+Laagen (Cluster: Rivers)
212.01+Lager beer
212.01+Niger, Africa (Cluster: Rivers)
212.01+(black beer)
212.01+Festus King: shop in Clifden, County Galway (Festy King)
212.01+King, Australia (Cluster: Rivers)
212.02Roaring Peter and Frisky Shorty and Treacle Tom and O. B.
212.02+Treacle Tom and Frisky Shorty [039.16-.18]
212.02+Ob (Cluster: Rivers)
212.03Behan and Sully the Thug and Master Magrath and Peter Cloran
212.03+Sully (leader of the twelve Sullivans (*O*) and Magrath's thug)
212.03+song Master McGrath (about a famous Irish greyhound, the first to win the Waterloo cup, the most prestigious hare coursing event, on three occasions (1868, 1869, 1871); Magrath)
212.03+Magra (Cluster: Rivers)
212.03+Peter Cloran [040.16]
212.04and O'Delawarr Rossa and Nerone MacPacem and whoever you
212.04+O'Donovan Rossa Bridge, Dublin
212.04+Delaware (Cluster: Rivers)
212.04+Rossa (Cluster: Rivers)
212.04+Italian rossa: red (feminine)
212.04+Italian Nerone: Nero (the emperor)
212.05chance to meet knocking around; and a pig's bladder balloon for
212.05+inflated pig's bladders were used a balloons in festivals, usually attached to a stick
212.06Selina Susquehanna Stakelum. But what did she give to Pruda
212.06+VI.B.10.025c (r): 'Mary Selina'
212.06+Irish Times 6 Nov 1922, 1/1: 'Deaths': 'Blake — On the evening of October 28, 1922, at Ballycogoran, Killaloe, Mary Selina, second daughter and only surviving child of the late Walter Blake'
212.06+Selinus (Cluster: Rivers)
212.06+Salina Creek, United States (Cluster: Rivers)
212.06+Greek Selênê: moon
212.06+Susquehanna, United States (Cluster: Rivers)
212.06+Dutch stekel: thorn
212.06+(twenty-five female names, unless the last name refers to four women; many related to plants and flowers; Motif: 28-29; *Q*)
212.06+Pru, Africa (Cluster: Rivers)
212.07Ward and Katty Kanel and Peggy Quilty and Briery Brosna and
212.07+Ward (Cluster: Rivers)
212.07+Motif: P/Q
212.07+briery: brambly, thorny; vexing
212.07+VI.B.1.078c (r): 'Nora Brosna'
212.07+Brosna, Ireland (Cluster: Rivers)
212.07+Irish brosna: bundle of firewood
212.08Teasy Kieran and Ena Lappin and Muriel Maassy and Zusan Camac
212.08+Ena, Norway (Cluster: Rivers)
212.08+Maas, Netherlands (Cluster: Rivers)
212.08+Zusam (Cluster: Rivers)
212.08+Serbo-Croatian camac: boat
212.08+Cammock (Camac), Dublin (Cluster: Rivers)
212.09and Melissa Bradogue and Flora Ferns and Fauna Fox-Good-
212.09+Melisse (Cluster: Rivers)
212.09+Bradogue, Dublin (Cluster: Rivers)
212.09+flora, fauna
212.09+Fox, United States (Cluster: Rivers)
212.09+Fox Goodman
212.10man and Grettna Greaney and Penelope Inglesante and Lezba
212.10+Gretna Green: the first village north of the England-Scotland border on the old London-Edinburgh road, and thus famously a destination for eloping couples under the age of 21 wishing to marry without their parents' consent, which was impossible from 1754 onwards in England and Wales, but legal in Scotland (many such weddings were officiated by local blacksmiths over their anvils) [197.11]
212.10+Greaney (Cluster: Rivers)
212.10+Portuguese inglesante: one who turns English
212.10+ingle-side: a fire-side, hearth (Joyce: Ulysses.9.620: 'Penelope stay-at-home')
212.10+Leza (Cluster: Rivers)
212.11Licking like Leytha Liane and Roxana Rohan with Simpatica
212.11+Licking (Cluster: Rivers)
212.11+Leytha (Cluster: Rivers)
212.11+Liane (Cluster: Rivers)
212.11+liane: climbing forest plant
212.11+Daniel Defoe: Roxana
212.11+Rosanna (Cluster: Rivers)
212.11+Rohan (Cluster: Rivers)
212.11+Italian simpatica: nice
212.12Sohan and Una Bina Laterza and Trina La Mesme and Philomena
212.12+Sohan (Cluster: Rivers)
212.12+Irish sohan: pleasant
212.12+Una (Cluster: Rivers)
212.12+Latin una, bina, trina: single, double, triple (feminine)
212.12+Bina (Cluster: Rivers)
212.12+Laterza (Cluster: Rivers)
212.12+Italian la terza: the third (feminine)
212.12+Old French mesme: same
212.12+Greek philomênê: moon-lover
212.13O'Farrell and Irmak Elly and Josephine Foyle and Snakeshead
212.13+Turkish irmak: river (Cluster: Rivers)
212.13+VI.B.1.078d (r): 'Josephine Foyle'
212.13+Joseph (Cluster: Rivers)
212.13+Foyle, Ireland (Cluster: Rivers)
212.13+Snake (Cluster: Rivers)
212.14Lily and Fountainoy Laura and Marie Xavier Agnes Daisy
212.14+Fountain Creek (Cluster: Rivers)
212.14+Battle of Fontenoy, 1745 [009.06]
212.14+Noya (Cluster: Rivers)
212.14+Laura (Cluster: Rivers)
212.14+Marie (Cluster: Rivers)
212.14+Mary Mackay: real name of Marie Correlli (19th century "trash" novelist)
212.14+VI.B.3.128e (b): 'Aunt Zavier'
212.14+Latin Agnus Dei: Lamb of God, a title of Jesus (and the name of a prayer)
212.15Frances de Sales Macleay? She gave them ilcka madre's daughter
212.15+Frances, Canada (Cluster: Rivers)
212.15+Saint François de Sales: patron of writers
212.15+Macleay (Cluster: Rivers)
212.15+Scottish Dialect ilka: every
212.15+Ilek (Cluster: Rivers)
212.15+phrase every mother's daughter
212.15+Italian madre: mother
212.15+Madre de Dios (Cluster: Rivers)
212.15+mother, daughter, moon, blood (menstruation) [219.19]
212.16a moonflower and a bloodvein: but the grapes that ripe before
212.16+Bloodvein (Cluster: Rivers)
212.16+grapes, raisin, vine, winepress (viticulture)
212.16+(ovaries or testicles)
212.16+Motif: sound/sense (rhyme, reason)
212.17reason to them that devide the vinedress. So on Izzy, her shame-
212.17+Isaiah 63:3: 'I have trodden the winepress alone... for I will tread them in mine anger... For the day of vengeance is in mine heart'
212.17+Obsolete devoid: to empty out
212.17+Devi (Cluster: Rivers)
212.17+Vine (Cluster: Rivers)
212.18maid, love shone befond her tears as from Shem, her penmight,
212.18+beyond her years
212.18+Shem the Penman
212.18+proverb The pen is mightier than the sword: words are more effective than violence in bringing about change (from Bulwer-Lytton: Richelieu)
212.18+Motif: pen/post
212.18+Tristan died at the cliffs of Penmark (Penmarch) in Brittany
212.19life past befoul his prime.
212.19+passed before his time
212.20     My colonial, wardha bagful! A bakereen's dusind with tithe
212.20+{{Synopsis: I.8.1B.C: [212.20-213.10]: arguing over the washing — and over books}}
212.20+my colonial! (expletive)
212.20+Wardha (Cluster: Rivers)
212.20+what a
212.20+Baker (Cluster: Rivers)
212.20+phrase baker's dozen: thirteen [213.26]
212.20+Anglo-Irish -een (diminutive)
212.20+Dusi, South Africa (Cluster: Rivers)
212.20+Danish dusin: dozen
212.20+Sind (Cluster: Rivers)
212.20+Archaic tithe: a tenth part of anything
212.21tillies to boot. That's what you may call a tale of a tub! And Hi-
212.21+Anglo-Irish tilly: a small extra measure given to a customer at no additional charge, thirteenth to the dozen
212.21+May, Australia (Cluster: Rivers)
212.21+Swift: A Tale of a Tub
212.21+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...tub! And...} | {Png: ...tub. And...}
212.21+Hibernian: Irish
212.22bernonian market! All that and more under one crinoline enve-
212.22+markets were forbidden on the Nones of the month
212.22+Caledonian Market, London
212.22+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM:! All...} | {Png: All...}
212.22+(under her dress)
212.22+(envelope of the letter; Motif: The Letter)
212.23lope if you dare to break the porkbarrel seal. No wonder they'd
212.23+(Pandora's Box)
212.23+American pork barrel: Federal Treasury viewed as source of grants for local purposes
212.23+Seal, Canada (Cluster: Rivers)
212.23+(sealed book of Revelation 5-6)
212.24run from her pison plague. Throw us your hudson soap for the
212.24+VI.B.1.022f (r): '*A* all flee her like plague'
212.24+Pison (Cluster: Rivers)
212.24+French plage: beach
212.24+Hudson (Cluster: Rivers)
212.24+Hudson's Soap
212.25honour of Clane! The wee taste the water left. I'll raft it back,
212.25+Clane: village, County Kildare (Clongowes Wood College, where Joyce studied as a child from 1888 to 1892, is located nearby)
212.25+Childish wee-wee: urination
212.25+Anglo-Irish 'could you give me the least taste in life of a bit of soap?'
212.25+Raft (Cluster: Rivers)
212.25+(give it back)
212.26first thing in the marne. Merced mulde! Ay, and don't forget the
212.26+Marne (Cluster: Rivers)
212.26+Merced (Cluster: Rivers)
212.26+most mild
212.26+mercy me!
212.26+Mulde (Cluster: Rivers)
212.26+German Mulde: trough, depression
212.27reckitts I lohaned you. You've all the swirls your side of the cur-
212.27+Reckitt's Blue
212.27+Lohan (Cluster: Rivers)
212.27+Finnish lohi: salmon
212.27+German lohnen: to pay
212.27+VI.B.1.081l (r): 'you're pulling it all to yrself'
212.27+(making rinsing easier)
212.27+VI.B.1.081j (r): 'swirls'
212.28rent. Well, am I to blame for that if I have? Who said you're to
212.28+Cluster: Well
212.29blame for that if you have? You're a bit on the sharp side. I'm on
212.30the wide. Only snuffers' cornets drifts my way that the cracka
212.30+Slang wide: shrewd
212.30+snuffer: one who takes snuff
212.30+(paper cones for snuff)
212.30+crack of dawn
212.30+Slang cracked: crazy, insane (Swift became mentally ill in his last years)
212.31dvine chucks out of his cassock, with her estheryear's marsh
212.31+Dvina (Cluster: Rivers)
212.31+divine: cleric, theologian (Swift was a Church of Ireland clergyman, with a Doctor of Divinity degree)
212.31+Swift's Stella and Swift's Vanessa were both called Esther
212.31+Narcissus Marsh: 17th-18th archbishop of Dublin and Armagh (Church of Ireland), famous for having founded the first public library in Ireland (Marsh's Library, adjacent to Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin)
212.31+the daffodil (Narcissus) blooms around March
212.32narcissus to make him recant his vanitty fair. Foul strips of his
212.32+in Greek mythology, Narcissus died as a result of his own vanity
212.32+William Makepeace Thackeray: Vanity Fair
212.33chinook's bible I do be reading, dodwell disgustered but chickled
212.33+Chinook (Cluster: Rivers)
212.33+Chinook: a jargon originating as a trade language in northwestern United States and Canada
212.33+Anglo-Irish do be: habitual present tense of 'to be'
212.33+Dodwell (Cluster: Rivers)
212.33+Henry Dodwell: Irish theologian
212.33+J.M. Rodwell: translator of the Koran
212.34with chuckles at the tittles is drawn on the tattlepage. Senior ga
212.34+tittle-tattle: gossip, foolish chatter
212.34+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...tattlepage...} | {Png: ...tattle-page...}
212.34+(Ellmann: James Joyce 464n: (of Joyce's friend Ottocaro Weiss) 'Weiss told him that the students at the University of Vienna who came from Trieste, Istria, and Trento held a party every year for the freshmen... a boy dressed himself up as a priest and delivered a sermon in which he imitated a Slovene priest... Instead of saying, in correct Italian... God said: Let there be man, and man was. God said: Let there be Adam, and Adam was... or in good Triestine... he intoned in a heavy Slovene accent, and with a syntax which after the Slavic fashion omitted the definite article and in other ways sounded barbarous: Senior ga dito: Faciasi Omo! E omo fu fò. Senior ga dito: Faciasi Hidamo! Hidamo se ga facessà'; Italian Dialect)
212.35dito: Faciasi Omo! E omo fu fò. Ho! Ho! Senior ga dito: Faciasi
212.35+Omo (Cluster: Rivers)
212.36Hidamo! Hidamo se ga facessà. Ha! Ha! And Die Windermere
212.36+German die: the
212.36+Oscar Wilde: Lady Windermere's Fan (play)
212.36+(lake poets)

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