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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 172

222.01ment in the pit. Accidental music providentially arranged by
222.01+pit: the region of a theatre hall behind the stalls, and its occupants
222.01+providence (Vico)
222.02L'Archet and Laccorde. Melodiotiosities in purefusion by the
222.02+J.F. Larchet: orchestra leader at Abbey Theatre from 1908
222.02+(bow and string instrument, e.g. violin)
222.02+French l'archet: the bow
222.02+French la corde: the string
222.02+French l'accord: the chord
222.02+otiosity: idleness, leisure; uselessness, futility
222.02+Mina Purefoy: a character in Joyce: Ulysses, noted for her many children and pregnancies (her husband, Theodore, is a Methodist)
222.02+pure fusion
222.03score. To start with in the beginning, we need hirtly bemark,
222.03+score: written piece of musical composition; group of twenty (phrase by the score: in large numbers; Joyce: Ulysses.11.686: 'Tenors get women by the score')
222.03+Genesis 1:1, John 1:1: 'In the beginning'
222.03+HCE (Motif: HCE)
222.03+hardly remark
222.03+German Hirte: shepherd; spiritual leader of a community, pastor
222.03+Danish bemærke: observe
222.04a community prayer, everyone for himself, and to conclude
222.04+HCE (Motif: HCE)
222.05with as an exodus, we think it well to add, a chorale in canon,
222.05+exode: concluding part of a Greek drama
222.05+canon: a musical composition in which the different parts take up the same subject one after another [.06]
222.06good for us all for us all us all all. Songs betune the acts by
222.06+(imitation of voices in a four-part canon) [.05]
222.06+Anglo-Irish betune: between
222.07the ambiamphions of Annapolis, Joan MockComic, male so-
222.07+Amphion, with his twin brother, rebuilt walls of Thebes by playing lyre
222.07+John McCormack: Irish tenor
222.07+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...MockComic...} | {Png: ...Mock-Comic...}
222.08prano, and Jean Souslevin, bass noble, respectively: O, Mester
222.08+John Sullivan: Irish tenor (whom Joyce promoted indefatigably)
222.08+French sous le vin: under the wine
222.08+base, noble: of metals, susceptible and resistant to oxidation (hence, common and precious); low and high on the social scale
222.08+song 'Oh, Mr. Porter, Whatever shall I do, I want to go to Birmingham and they're taking me on to Crewe'
222.09Sogermon, ef thes es whot ye deux, then l'm not surpleased ye
222.09+Constable Sackerson
222.09+Colloquial soger: soldier
222.09+if this is what you do
222.09+French deux: two
222.09+French veux: (I, you) want
222.09+so pleased
222.10want that bottle of Sauvequipeu and Oh Off Nunch Der Rasche
222.10+French sauve-qui-peut: save himself who can, every man for himself
222.10+Veuve Clicquot: a famous brand of champagne
222.10+German O Hoffnung der Rache, verlasse mich nicht!: O hope of revenge, do not forsake me! (Rossini: Guillaume Tell, IV.i: 'ARNOLD (seul) Ne m'abandonne pas, espoir de la vengeance!' (French 'ARNOLD (alone) Do not forsake me, hope of revenge!'); the German translation is probably Joyce's own; Joyce: Letters III.205: letter 22/10/30 to Mrs Herbert Gorman: (referring to John Sullivan's superlative singing as Arnold in Rossini's Guillaume Tell) 'something... which you cannot ever have heard in your life and will never hear again')
222.10+German Der Rasche: the quick one
222.11Ver Lasse Mitsch Nitscht. Till the summit scenes of climbacks
222.11+Motif: Mick/Nick
222.11+climax [032.34]
222.12castastrophear, The Bearded Mountain (Polymop Barethe-
222.12+Portuguese catastrofear: to make a catastrophe
222.12+VI.C.18.016k-.017b (o): 'ribbon — cat! mew, W's beard Mt roots beos mews, fish heater hiss spit' === VI.B.38.031d ( ): 'ribbon — cat's tread, W's beard, Mt roots, bears sinews, fish breath birds spit' ('tread' uncertain; only fourth through seventh words crayoned)
222.12+Sturluson: The Prose Edda 43: 'Skírnir, Freyr's messenger... caused to be made the fetter named Gleipnir. It was made of six things: the noise a cat makes in foot-fall, the beard of a woman, the roots of a rock, the sinews of a bear, the breath of a fish, and the spittle of a bird... The fetter was soft and smooth as a silken ribbon, but as sure and strong as thou shalt now hear'
222.12+mountain and river (*E* and *A*)
222.12+Moussorgsky: Night on the Bare Mountain
222.12+pull him up by the roots
222.13rootsch), and The River Romps to Nursery (Maidykins in Undi-
222.13+Christa Winsloe: Mädchen in Uniform (a German play (and 1931 film by Leontine Sagan) about a young girl falling in love with her mistress in a boarding school)
222.13+Undine: Greek water nymph
222.14form). The whole thugogmagog, including the portions under-
222.14+Colloquial thingamajig (a stand-in for a forgotten word)
222.14+Gog and Magog: legendary giants in British folklore
222.15stood to be oddmitted as the results of the respective titulars
222.15+titular: one who has title
222.16neglecting to produce themselves, to be wound up for an after-
222.17enactment by a Magnificent Transformation Scene showing the
222.17+19th century English pantomimes were usually composed of two unrelated parts, the pantomime proper followed by a comic harlequinade, connected through a transformation scene (often initiated by a fairy queen) in which the actors changed roles on stage
222.18Radium Wedding of Neid and Moorning and the Dawn of
222.18+Petit Journal called 70th wedding anniversary a radium wedding
222.18+German Neid: envy
222.18+night and morning
222.19Peace, Pure, Perfect and Perpetual, Waking the Weary of the
222.19+Motif: alliteration (p)
222.19+phrase the way of the world: the manner in which things are typically done or people typically behave
222.21     An argument follows.
222.21+(summary of the story)
222.21+(contention between children)
222.22     Chuffy was a nangel then and his soard fleshed light like like-
222.22+{{Synopsis: II.1.2.A: [222.22-222.31]: the antagonists — Chuff the Angel and Glugg the Devil}}
222.22+an angel
222.22+phrase flesh one's sword: use one's sword for the first time, fight one's first battle
222.22+flash of lightning
222.23ning. Fools top! Singty, sangty, meekly loose, defendy nous from
222.23+full stop (Cluster: Grammar; punctuation; Motif: Full stop) [.26]
222.23+Douglas: London Street Games 26: (girls' skipping-rope games) 'Full-Stop, and Colours' (children's game)
222.23+prayer 'Sancte, sancte, Michaelus, defende nos in praelio' (Latin 'Holy, holy Saint Michael, defend us in battle'; at the end of Mass)
222.23+(rhythm of nursery rhyme Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe (used in children's game))
222.23+Greek nous: intelligence, mind
222.24prowlabouts. Make a shine on the curst. Emen.
222.24+Slang make a shine: make a fuss, commotion
222.24+Motif: Sign of the cross
222.25     But the duvlin sulph was in Glugger, that lost-to-lurning.
222.25+the Devil himself
222.25+Anglo-Irish glugger: empty noise; a foolish boaster; egg that does not hatch (from Irish gliogar)
222.25+VI.B.32.034c (b): 'loss to learning'
222.25+(too much education leading to loss of faith)
222.25+Norwegian lur: cunning
222.26Punct. He was sbuffing and sputing, tussing like anisine, whip-
222.26+German Punkt: point, full stop, period (Cluster: Grammar; punctuation; Motif: Full stop) [.23]
222.26+Italian sbuffare: to pant, to puff, to snort
222.26+Italian sputare: to spit
222.26+Latin tussire: to cough
222.26+Italian tosse asinina: pertussis, whooping cough (literally 'asinine cough')
222.26+aniseed (the seed of the anise) was previously a common component in cough drops and cough syrups (and, to some degree, still is)
222.26+weeping his eyes out
222.26+Matthew 25:30: 'And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth'
222.27ping his eyesoult and gnatsching his teats over the brividies from
222.27+Gertrud Eysoldt: 20th century German film actress
222.27+German Dialect gnatchen: to wail
222.27+Italian brividi: shivers
222.27+Colloquial briefs: very short women's drawers or underpants
222.27+Latin brevis dies: (our) brief day
222.27+brevity of existence
222.27+American BVDs: underwear from a popular men's brand (plural; pronounced 'bividies') [238.01]
222.27+privities: secrets, private thoughts
222.28existers and the outher liubbocks of life. He halth kelchy chosen
222.28+his sister
222.28+The Book of Life: in Judaism and Christianity, a mythical book in which God lists all the righteous people
222.28+John Lubbock, Lord Avebury: The Pleasures of Life
222.28+Irish lúbach: deceitful
222.28+Irish leabar: book
222.28+Slang ballocks: nonsense, absurdity
222.28+German Kelche: chalice, cup
222.28+French quelque chose accablé: something overcome
222.28+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Oh the Shamrock: 'Chosen leaf' [223.22]
222.29a clayblade and makes prayses to his three of clubs. To part from
222.29+German Kleeblatt: clover leaf
222.29+swords (correspond to spades) and clubs are the two black suits of a Tarot pack
222.29+(three-leaved shamrock, supposedly used by Saint Patrick to demonstrate the concept of the Trinity)
222.29+Matthew 25:41: 'Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels' (God's words on doomsday to the damned)
222.30these, my corsets, is into overlusting fear. Acts of feet, hoof and
222.30+Motif: faith, hope, charity (the three Christian theological virtues; from I Corinthians 13:13: 'faith, hope, charity')
222.30+(devil's cloven hoof)
222.31jarrety: athletes longfoot. Djowl, uphere!
222.31+French jarret: bend of the knee
222.31+athlete's foot (disease)
222.31+Irish diabhal: devil
222.31+giaour: term of reproach applied by Turks to non-Muslims (rarely spelled 'djowr', in imitation of French orthography)
222.32     Aminxt that nombre of evelings, but how pierceful in their so-
222.32+{{Synopsis: II.1.2.B: [222.32-223.11]: evening falls with stars and girls — Izod's colour}}
222.32+minx: impudent young woman
222.32+Spanish nombre: name, reputation
222.32+French nombre: number
222.32+French ombre: shadow
222.32+Joyce: Dubliners: 'Eveline'
222.32+Persse (Persse O'Reilly)
222.33jestiveness were those first girly stirs, with zitterings of flight re-
222.33+early stars
222.33+Italian zitte: silent (feminine plural)
222.33+German Zittern: trembling
222.33+glitterings of light
222.34leased and twinglings of twitchbells in rondel after, with waver-
222.34+Dialect twitchbell: earwig
222.34+Archaic rondel: circle; kind of dance
222.35ings that made shimmershake rather naightily all the duskcended
222.35+shimmy shake: a type of dance popular in the 1920s
222.36airs and shylit beaconings from shehind hims back. Sammy, call
222.36+behind his back
222.36+semicolon (Cluster: Grammar; punctuation)

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