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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 177

237.01things feminite, towooerds him in heliolatry, so they may catch-
237.01+feminine [.03]
237.01+to woo
237.01+heliolatry: sun worship
237.01+harlotry: sexual promiscuity; prostitution
237.01+Motif: heliotrope [.02]
237.01+catch up
237.02cup in their calyzettes, alls they go troping, those parryshoots
237.02+cup, chalices
237.02+the calyx of a flower (i.e. the leafy whorl enclosing the flower) is often referred to as its 'cup' (owing to its shape and through confusion with the unrelated Latin calix: cup, chalice)
237.02+Italian calzette: stockings, socks
237.02+German als: like, as
237.02+shots from his pistol
237.03from his muscalone pistil, for he can eyespy through them, to
237.03+Latin musca: fly (pollination)
237.03+Italian musco: moss
237.03+Italian muscolone: big muscle
237.03+masculine [.01]
237.03+alone [236.36]
237.03+pistil: the female reproductive organ of a flower [236.33] [236.35]
237.03+HCE (Motif: HCE)
237.03+children's game I Spy with My Little Eye
237.03+VI.B.33.190a (g): 'saw through him'
237.03+Trobridge: A Life of Emanuel Swedenborg 332: (quoting a Swedish father telling his son about his own father's concealed respect for Swedenborg) 'I saw through my good old father'
237.04their selfcolours, nevertheleast their tissue peepers, (meaning
237.04+not the least
237.04+VI.B.33.197b (k): 'tissue papers dresses'
237.04+(tissue papers are commonly used for storing items of clothing, such as dresses)
237.05Mullabury mesh, the time of appling flowers, a guarded figure
237.05+children's game Mulberry Bush (the colour of the mulberry fruit is reddish purple, somewhat similar to heliotrope)
237.05+Italian muliebre: feminine, womanly
237.05+phrase flowers of speech: elaborate figures of speech
237.05+(a trope is a figure of speech)
237.06of speech, a variety of perfume, a bridawl, seamist inso one) as
237.06+and so on
237.07leichtly as see saw (O my goodmiss! O my greatmess! O my
237.07+German leicht: easy, light
237.07+she saw
237.07+see saw: (in children's game and nursery rhyme) a rhythmical nonsense jingle accompanying alternating movements
237.07+see, saw (Motif: tenses)
237.07+My goodness, my Guinness (advertisement, 1935)
237.08prizelestly preshoes!) while, dewyfully as dimb dumbelles, all
237.08+Obsolete dewfull: due, appropriate
237.08+(full of tears)
237.08+nursery rhyme Ding Dong Bell
237.08+Slang dumb: stupid
237.08+belles: handsome young women
237.08+song Jumbo Said to Alice: 'Jumbo said to Alice "I love you"' [105.17]
237.09alisten to his elixir. Lovelyt!
237.09+(his words)
237.09+(his semen)
237.09+love elixir (drunk by Tristan and Iseult)
237.09+Donizetti: L'elisir d'amore (Italian 'The Elixir of Love'; his most famous opera, including one of the most popular tenor arias ever, Una Furtiva Lacrima (Italian 'A Furtive Tear')) [.08]
237.09+VI.B.33.173c (g): 'lovely!'
237.10     And they said to him:
237.10+{{Synopsis: II.1.3.B: [237.10-239.15]: they sing his praise — they seduce him}}
237.11    — Enchainted, dear sweet Stainusless, young confessor, dearer
237.11+Stanislaus Joyce
237.12dearest, we herehear, aboutobloss, O coelicola, thee salutamt.
237.12+Motif: Hear, hear!
237.12+about to blossom
237.12+German bloß: bare
237.12+VI.B.3.057d (r): 'honor of coelicolae'
237.12+Latin O coelicola te salutamus: O heaven-dweller, we salute thee
237.12+Caligula: 1st century Roman emperor
237.12+Latin phrase morituri te salutant: those who are about to die salute you (attributed to gladiators addressing the Roman emperor Claudius)
237.13Pattern of our unschoold, pageantmaster, deliverer of softmis-
237.13+Anglo-Irish pattern: religious gathering on feast day of a patron saint (from English 'patron')
237.13+German Unschuld: innocence
237.13+VI.B.32.015d (r): 'pageant master'
237.13+pageant-master: the producer of a pageant [568.35]
237.13+postmaster, deliverer of letters (Shaun the Post; *V*) [.14] [.20]
237.13+(liberator of missies)
237.13+French billet doux: little love letter (literally 'soft missive'; Motif: The Letter)
237.14sives, round the world in forty mails, bag, belt and balmybeam,
237.14+VI.B.32.008a (r): 'round the world in 40 posts'
237.14+Jules Verne: Around the World in Eighty Days
237.14+(sun seems to travel round the world)
237.14+mail bag [.13] [.20]
237.14+Motif: alliteration (b)
237.14+Motif: Shaun's belted lamp
237.15our barnaboy, our chepachap, with that pampipe in your put-
237.15+Norwegian barn: child
237.15+Barnaboy: Irish placename (literally 'yellow gap')
237.15+Kiswahili barua: letter
237.15+Kiswahili chapa: stamp, mark
237.15+pan pipe
237.15+pipe (the cad with the pipe)
237.15+cutaway (coat)
237.16away, gab borab, when you will be after doing all your sight-
237.16+Bearlagair Na Saer gab borab: clerical student
237.16+Anglo-Irish begorra!: by God! (mild oath)
237.16+Motif: 5 senses [.16-.18]
237.17seeing and soundhearing and smellsniffing and tastytasting and
237.18tenderumstouchings in all Daneygaul, send us, your adorables,
237.18+song Father O'Flynn: 'in all Donegal'
237.19thou overblaseed, a wise and letters play of all you can ceive,
237.19+blasé: unimpressed due to over-familiarity
237.19+arise and let us pray (Motif: Let us pray)
237.19+ALP (Motif: ALP)
237.19+Motif: alliteration (c, ch)
237.19+conceive of the Holy Ghost
237.20chief celtech chappy, from your holy post now you hast as-
237.20+Irish ceilteach: denying
237.20+Bog Latin cetech: hermit, ecclesiastic
237.20+(postal service) [.13-.14]
237.20+German hast: (you) have
237.21certained ceremonially our names. Unclean you art not. Outcaste
237.21+VI.B.32.216e (r): 'ceremonially'
237.21+Hunt: India's Outcastes, A New Era 15: 'if one of these outcaste purchasers had gone too near that shop, no Hindu could have patronized it until its polluted contents had been destroyed and it had been ceremonially cleansed, for which again the priest would have to be paid'
237.21+VI.B.32.216d (r): 'unclean'
237.21+Hunt: India's Outcastes, A New Era 15: 'Outcastes, from the moment they are born until they die, are "unclean." They are so unclean that their proximity, much more their touch, pollutes'
237.21+VI.B.32.217a (b): 'outcastes'
237.21+Hunt: India's Outcastes, A New Era 16: 'That high-caste lady would genuinely believe that she had been made unclean, that her ceremonial purity had been besmirched, by the propinquity of those unclean outcastes if they had dared to come too near to her'
237.22thou are not. Leperstower, the karman's loki, has not blanched
237.22+VI.B.32.217d (b): 'leperstown'
237.22+Hunt: India's Outcastes, A New Era 17: (of outcastes) 'Like the lepers, they have to live outside towns and villages'
237.22+Leopardstown racecourse, County Dublin (name derives from 'Lepers' Town')
237.22+Parsee tower of silence: a structure built by Zoroastrians (also known as Parsees) in which to expose their dead until their flesh is devoured by vultures (Joyce: Ulysses.6.987: 'Where is that Parsee tower of silence? Eaten by birds')
237.22+VI.B.32.216f (r): 'karma'
237.22+Hunt: India's Outcastes, A New Era 16: 'we must not suppose that Hindus avoid pollution merely because of the trouble and expense which it causes. To the orthodox it really matters. It has for them "the nature of sin." It affects their karma, and, therefore, their status in their next life'
237.22+Sanskrit karma: action, occupation (in Buddhism and Hinduism, action as determining one's fate, destiny as determined by one's actions)
237.22+Shelta karnan: dungheap, rubbish heap
237.22+Carmanhall: townland north of Leopardstown, County Dublin
237.22+Loki: Norse god and mischief-maker
237.23at our pollution and your intercourse at ninety legsplits does not
237.23+VI.B.32.218b (r): 'pollute at 90 yds'
237.23+Hunt: India's Outcastes, A New Era 19: 'A Brahman in Malabar is polluted if an outcaste comes within ninety paces of him, but a man a little lower is not polluted if the outcaste keeps fifty paces away'
237.23+VI.B.32.218g (r): 'intercourse'
237.23+Hunt: India's Outcastes, A New Era 22: 'Assuming that the outcastes were aborigines, difference of race, difference of colour, difference of food, difference of customs and culture, and the aversion such differences produce, easily account for their exclusion from the castes (i.e. from Aryan or Dravidian society), and for the prohibition of intercourse with them... The determination to keep their race pure and dominant led the Hindu lawgivers... to prevent for all time any kind of social intercourse between their people and people of other races, including outcastes'
237.24defile. Untouchable is not the scarecrown is on you. You are
237.24+VI.B.32.219b (b): 'untouchable'
237.24+Hunt: India's Outcastes, A New Era 23: '"What crimes," exclaimed Mr. Ghandi, "have we not been guilty of towards our untouchable brethren!"'
237.24+VI.B.32.166b (r): 'I am pure (ter)'
237.24+Budge: The Book of the Dead (pamphlet) 23: (quoting from Budge: The Book of the Dead, ch. CXXV, where the deceased is addressing Osiris) 'I am pure. I am pure. I am pure. I am pure'
237.25pure. You are pure. You are in your puerity. You have not
237.25+Latin pueritia: innocence, boyhood
237.26brought stinking members into the house of Amanti. Elleb Inam,
237.26+VI.B.32.167b (b): 'stinking members'
237.26+Budge: The Book of the Dead (pamphlet) 24: (of Budge: The Book of the Dead, ch. CXXV, where the names of the Forty-Two gods in the Hall of Maāti are listed) 'Neha-hāu means "Stinking-members"'
237.26+member: a euphemism for penis
237.26+VI.B.32.166e (b): 'Amenit'
237.26+Budge: The Book of the Dead (pamphlet) 23: (of Budge: The Book of the Dead, ch. CXXV, where the Hall of Maāti and its inhabitants are described) 'the monster Āmemit, the Eater of the Dead, i.e., of the hearts of the wicked who were condemned in the Judgment of Osiris'
237.26+Italian amanti: lovers
237.26+Italian belle mani: beautiful hands
237.27Titep Notep, we name them to the Hall of Honour. Your head
237.27+French petit: small
237.27+French Colloquial peton: tiny foot
237.27+Motif: head/foot
237.27+VI.B.32.170c (r): 'his members deified'
237.27+Budge: The Book of the Dead (pamphlet) 38: (of Budge: The Book of the Dead, ch. XLII) 'In Chapter XLII every member of the deceased is put under the protection of, or identified with, a god or goddess, e.g., the hair with Nu, the face with Aten (i.e., the solar disk), the eyes with Hathor'
237.28has been touched by the god Enel-Rah and your face has been
237.28+Harlene: a brand of hair restorer [164.31]
237.29brightened by the goddess Aruc-Ituc. Return, sainted youngling,
237.29+Cuticura: a brand of soap [164.30]
237.29+German Jüngling: youth
237.30and walk once more among us! The rains of Demani are masikal
237.30+French demain: tomorrow
237.30+Kiswahili demani: spring in East Africa (August-November)
237.30+Kiswahili masika: autumn in East Africa (March-May, rain season)
237.31as of yere. And Baraza is all aflower. Siker of calmy days. As
237.31+Kiswahili baraza: veranda
237.31+Kiswahili siku: day
237.31+German sicher: sure
237.31+phrase balmy days: a period of mild and pleasant weather
237.31+phrase as sure as sure can be
237.32shiver as shower can be. Our breed and better class is in brood
237.32+bread and butter
237.32+breeding: good manners (regarded as somehow hereditary among the higher classes)
237.32+Dutch brood: bread
237.33and bitter pass. Labbeycliath longs. But we're counting on the
237.33+Irish Baile Átha Cliath: Town of the Ford of the Hurdles (the Irish name of Dublin)
237.33+Bog Latin cliath: cleric
237.34cluck. The Great Cackler comes again. Sweetstaker, Abel lord of
237.34+VI.B.32.170e (r): 'great Cackler'
237.34+Budge: The Book of the Dead (pamphlet) 38: (of the deceased) 'His life was that of the Egg of the "Great Cackler"'
237.34+Shelta cackler: a duck; egg
237.34+American Colloquial sweet-talker: one who flatters
237.34+Abelard and Heloise
237.35all our haloease, we (to be slightly more femmiliar perhips than is
237.35+familiar perhaps
237.36slickly more then nacessory), toutes philomelas as well as mag-
237.36+French toutes: all (feminine plural)
237.36+Philomela: in Greek mythology, a princess who was raped by her sister's husband, Tereus, and later, after obtaining her revenge, metamorphosed into a nightingale
237.36+magdalene: a reformed prostitute

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