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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 180

250.01arose. Avis was there and trilled her about it. She's her sex, for
250.01+VI.B.33.157f (r): 'Avis'
250.01+Young: Trial of Frederick Bywaters and Edith Thompson 174: (letter from Edith Thompson to Bywaters, trial exhibit 20) 'Avis was over to tea the other day'
250.01+Latin avis: bird; omen
250.01+phrase a little bird told me
250.01+VI.B.33.160e (r): 'she's my sex'
250.01+Young: Trial of Frederick Bywaters and Edith Thompson 230: (letter from Edith Thompson to Bywaters) 'Why didn't you recognise your sister on Thursday you must darlint pour moi — you know what you promised to do for me & she's my sex'
250.01+(she is a woman)
250.01+VI.B.33.160f (r): 'for certain'
250.02certain. So to celebrate the occasion:
250.03    — Willest thou rossy banders havind?
250.03+VI.B.33.031e (b): 'willst Du Rosa Baender haben'
250.03+German children's game Morgen ist die Hochzeit da!: 'Willst du dieses Mädchen haben, musst du rosa Bändchen tragen' (Tomorrow is the Wedding!: 'If you want to have this girl, you must wear a pink ribbon'; refers to the ribbon once worn by suitors in Germany)
250.03+German willst du rosa Bänder haben?: do you want to have pink ribbons?
250.03+Anglo-Irish rossy: impudent girl, brazen or sexually promiscuous woman
250.03+French Slang bander: to have an erection
250.03+German Hosenband: belt, garter
250.04     He simules to be tight in ribbings round his rumpffkorpff.
250.04+Latin simulare: to pretend, to imitate
250.04+tied in ribbons
250.04+Slang ribbons: reins
250.04+German Rumpf: rump
250.04+German Dummkopf: blockhead
250.04+German Kopf: head
250.05    — Are you Swarthants that's hit on a shorn stile?
250.05+Dialect swart: dark
250.05+Schwarzer Hans: devil figure in German folklore; fountain spirit in Grimm fairytale
250.05+German schwarze Hände: black hands
250.05+VI.B.33.032e (b): 'Hänschen, sass im Schonstein'
250.05+German children's game Hänschen Sass im Schornstein (Little Hans Sat in the Chimney Corner)
250.05+Lady Dufferin: song The Lament of the Irish Emigrant: (begins) 'I'm sitting on the stile, Mary'
250.05+German Schornstein: chimney
250.06     He makes semblant to be swiping their chimbleys.
250.06+VI.B.33.033a (b): '*C* pretends to sweep the chimney'
250.06+French il fait semblant de: he pretends to
250.06+Dublin Pronunciation chimbleys: chimneys
250.07    — Can you ajew ajew fro' Sheidam?
250.07+a Jew
250.07+VI.B.33.033b (r): 'adieu, adieu, frau Scheisdens' ('frau Scheisdens' uncertain)
250.07+French adieu: goodbye
250.07+(differ from)
250.07+German Slang Scheide: vagina
250.07+German scheiden: to separate, to divide, to divorce
250.07+German entscheiden: to tell one from another; to decide
250.07+Schiedam: town, Netherlands (famous for its gin production; had a small Jewish community)
250.08     He finges to be cutting up with a pair of sissers and to be buy-
250.08+Latin fingere: to pretend
250.08+(imitates cutting movements with his fingers)
250.08+acting up
250.08+buy things
250.08+biting off
250.09tings of their maidens and spitting their heads into their facepails.
250.09+Archaic maidenhead: maidenhood, virginity
250.09+The Maiden: an early form of guillotine used in Edinburgh for beheading criminals from the 16th to the 18th centuries
250.09+Slang spit: deflower
250.09+pale faces
250.10     Spickspuk! Spoken.
250.10+German spucken: to spit
250.10+VI.B.33.064b (r): '(spoken)'
250.10+Verrimst: Rondes et Chansons Populaires 70: children's game La Marguerite: 'LE CAVALIER SANS CHANTER' (French children's game The Daisy: 'THE CAVALIER WITHOUT SINGING' (instruction))
250.11     So now be hushy, little pukers! Side here roohish, cleany fug-
250.11+{{Synopsis: II.1.6.E: [250.11-251.32]: the end is drawing near — he is full of foul thoughts}}
250.11+Irish Bi i dho husht: Be quiet
250.11+VI.B.3.040j-.041a (b): 'children little squealers, little pissers little shitters, little pukers'
250.11+Volapük pük: speech
250.11+Slang puker: good-for-nothing
250.11+German Seid Ihr ruhig, kleine Vögel!: Hush, little birds!
250.12lers! Grandicellies, all stay zitty! Adultereux, rest as befour! For
250.12+Italian grandicelli: rather grown (masculine plural)
250.12+Italian state zitti!: shut up!
250.12+Dutch zitten: to sit
250.13you've jollywelly dawdled all the day. When ye coif tantoncle's
250.13+song 'Singing Polly Wolly Doodle all the day'
250.13+(when you're older)
250.13+Joseph Tabrar: song Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow-wow (music hall song, 1892): 'I've got a little cat, And I'm very fond of that, But I'd rather have a bow-wow-wow'
250.13+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...coif...} | {Png: ...colf...}
250.13+coif: a woman's close-fitting cap, worn under the veil by nuns
250.13+French coiffer: to dress hair; also, to deceive
250.13+German kaufen: to buy
250.13+French tante: aunt
250.13+French Slang tante: male homosexual
250.13+French oncle: uncle
250.14hat then'll be largely temts for that. Yet's the time for being now,
250.14+cat [.13]
250.14+French il y aura largement le temps: there'll be plenty of time
250.14+German jetzt: now
250.15now, now.
250.16     For a burning would is come to dance inane. Glamours hath
250.16+burning world (doomsday)
250.16+Shakespeare: Macbeth V.5.44: 'till Birnam Wood Do come to Dunsinane'
250.16+Archaic glamour: witchery
250.16+Shakespeare: Macbeth II.2.41: 'Glamis hath murther'd sleep, and therefore Cawdor Shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more'
250.17moidered's lieb and herefore Coldours must leap no more. Lack
250.17+Anglo-Irish moidered: bewildered, confused, bothered
250.17+Modred: nephew of King Arthur
250.17+German lieb: dear
250.17+German Liebe: love
250.17+German hierfür: for this
250.17+children's game Colours [219.01]
250.18breath must leap no more.
250.18+leap [.21]
250.19     Lel lols for libelman libling his lore. Lolo Lolo liebermann you
250.19+Motif: alliteration (l) [.19-.22]
250.19+'L is for' (a traditional formula for an alphabet nursery rhyme; Motif: X is for)
250.19+Slang lib: lie together
250.19+Motif: Hohohoho, Mister Finn, you're... (often paired with Motif: X is for) [.19-.20] [.21-.22]
250.19+Motif: A/O [.21]
250.19+Max Liebermann: 19th-20th century German-Jewish Impressionist painter (one of his major models in the 1920s was called Lola Leder)
250.19+German lieber Mann: dear husband
250.20loved to be leaving Libnius. Lift your right to your Liber Lord.
250.20+D'Alton: The History of the County of Dublin 666: 'The Liffey, the Libnius of Ptolemy' (probably incorrect, as Ptolemy has the Libnius on the west coast of Ireland)
250.20+(take an oath by lifting your right hand and swearing on the Bible)
250.20+(right hand or leg; Motif: left/right) [.21]
250.20+German lieber Gott: dear God
250.20+Latin liber: book
250.20+Father Liber: worshipped in Italian fertility rites, later identified with Bacchus
250.21Link your left to your lass of liberty. Lala Lala, Leapermann,
250.21+German links: left (direction)
250.21+(left hand or leg) [.20]
250.21+Statue of Liberty, New York City
250.21+Bog Latin liber: sea
250.21+Motif: Hohohoho, Mister Finn, you're... [.21-.22] [.19-.20]
250.21+leaper [.18]
250.22your lep's but a loop to lee.
250.22+proverb Look before you leap: carefully consider the consequences before taking an action
250.23     A fork of hazel o'er the field in vox the verveine virgins ode.
250.23+VI.B.33.059b (b): 'a fork of hazel'
250.23+Waite: The Occult Sciences 59: (of evoking fiends) 'According to the "Grand Grimoire," the materials required for evocation are... a forked branch of a wild hazel which has never borne fruit, and which must be cut on the day of the evocation, when the sun is just rising'
250.23+Archaic o'er: over
250.23+Latin vox: voice
250.23+VI.B.33.059a (r): (b): 'a virgin kid with vervain' (first four words crayoned in red, last in blue)
250.23+Waite: The Occult Sciences 59: (of evoking fiends) 'According to the "Grand Grimoire," the materials required for evocation are... a virgin kid, which must be crowned with vervain and decapitated on the third day of the moon'
250.24If you cross this rood as you roamed the rand I'm blessed but
250.24+Archaic rood: cross, crucifix
250.24+The Rand, South Africa, site of goldfields
250.24+Dialect rand: border or margin of land
250.24+Motif: bless/blast
250.25you'd feel him a blasting rod. Behind, me, frees from evil smells!
250.25+VI.B.33.059d (r): 'blasting rod'
250.25+Waite: The Occult Sciences 60: (of evoking fiends) 'the operator may be convinced that in the "Blasting Rod"... he is in possession of a most priceless treasure'
250.25+Matthew 16:23: 'Get thee behind me, Satan'
250.25+VI.B.33.060b (r): 'free from evil smell'
250.25+Waite: The Occult Sciences 63: (of evoking fiends) 'O Count Astarot... grant that to-night the great Lucifuge' may appear to me under a human form, and free from evil smell'
250.26Perdition stinks before us.
250.26+VI.B.33.059e (r): 'perdition'
250.26+Waite: The Occult Sciences 61: (of evoking fiends) 'the operator... was free to compound with perdition for a slightly less elaborate performance, if he would enter into a compact with the fiend whom he chose to evoke, and dispose of his soul in eternity for certain defined favours, invariably of a paltry character'
250.26+Russian perdet: to fart
250.26+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Where Is the Slave: 'The friends we've tried Are by our side, And the foe we hate before us'
250.27     Aghatharept they fleurelly to Nebnos will and Rosocale. Twice
250.27+VI.B.33.059f-.060a (r): 'Lucifuge Rofocale Satanachia Agalliarept Fleurety Sargatanet Nebiros' (first, third and sixth words not crayoned; 'Nebnos' may be Joyce misreading his own notes)
250.27+Waite: The Occult Sciences 61: (of evoking fiends) 'Of the fiends who are open to this kind of negotiation with humanity, the first is the great Lucifuge' Rofocale, Prime Minister infernal... The second is the grand Satanachia, General-in-Chief... Agaliarept, another Commander... Fleurety, Lieutenant-General... Sargatanet, Brigadier-Major... Nebiros, Field-Marshal and Inspector-General'
250.27+Greek agathos: good
250.27+French fleur: flower
250.27+German Rosenkohl: cauliflower
250.28is he gone to quest of her, thrice is she now to him. So see we so
250.28+proverb As you sow, so shall you reap: your actions dictate your consequences
250.29as seed we sow. And their prunktqueen kilt her kirtles up and
250.29+the prankquean
250.29+German Prunk: pomp
250.29+VI.B.33.064a (b): 'hold up her skirt as tower'
250.29+Verrimst: Rondes et Chansons Populaires 68: children's game La Marguerite: 'Une jeune fille se met à genoux au milieu de ses compagnes qui élèvent la jupe de sa robe au-dessus de sa tête pour faire comme une tour. Une autre enfant, qui représente le franc cavalier, s'avance vers le cercle en chantant' (French children's game The Daisy: 'A young girl goes down on her knees in the middle of her companions who raise the skirt of her dress over her head to make a tower. Another child, who represents the true cavalier, advances towards the circle singing')
250.29+Archaic kirtle: a woman's gown; a woman's skirt or outer petticoat
250.30set out. And her troup came heeling, O. And what do you think
250.30+Motif: heliotrope
250.30+song Monkey Married the Baboon's Sister: 'What do you think the bride was dressed in?'
250.31that pride was drest in! Voolykins' diamondinah's vestin. For ever
250.31+song Vilikins and His Dinah
250.31+vest: an upper-body undergarment, an undershirt
250.32they scent where air she went. While all the fauns' flares widens
250.32+nursery rhyme Mary Had a Little Lamb: 'everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go... It made the children laugh and play, To see a lamb at school'
250.32+fauna, flora
250.32+VI.B.33.096a (r): 'flowers expand as angelkinder enter garden'
250.32+Trobridge: A Life of Emanuel Swedenborg 199: (of angel children entering a heavenly garden as described in Swedenborg's Spiritual Diary) 'when the children entered... the beds of flowers, at the entrance, seemed to express joy by their increasing splendour'
250.33wild to see a floral's school.
250.34     Led by Lignifer, in four hops of the happiest, ach beth cac duff,
250.34+Latin lignifer: one who carries wood
250.34+Motif: alphabet sequence: ABCD
250.34+Macbeth and MacDuff (Shakespeare: Macbeth)
250.34+Irish cac: ordure, excrement
250.34+Anglo-Irish duff: black
250.35a marrer of the sward incoronate, the few fly the farbetween!
250.35+Thomas Francis Meagher: Irish nationalist (Young Irelander), popularly called 'Meagher of the Sword' (dubbed by Thackeray)
250.35+incoronate: crowned
250.35+Latin incoronatus: uncrowned
250.35+German Farbe: colour
250.36We haul minymony on that piebold nig. Will any dubble dabble
250.36+song Camptown Races: 'I put my money on de bob-tail nag, Somebody bet on de bay'
250.36+piebald: coloured in patches of white and black, or another dark colour (especially of horses)
250.36+Joyce: Ulysses.14.699: 'overtaken by the rain... as might be observed by Mr Mulligan's smallclothes of a hodden grey which was now somewhat piebald' [251.02]
250.36+nag: a small riding horse
250.36+Betting Colloquial double: to double the stakes
250.36+Dublin Bay

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