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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 144 |
256.01 | And eher you could pray mercy to goodness or help with your |
–256.01+ | German eher: before, ere |
–256.01+ | here |
256.02 | hokey or mehokeypoo, Gallus's hen has collared her pullets. |
–256.02+ | French sauve-qui-peut: save himself who can, every man for himself |
–256.02+ | Latin gallus: cock, male fowl |
256.03 | That's where they have owreglias for. Their bone of contention, |
–256.03+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...owreglias...} | {Png: ...wreglias...} |
–256.03+ | Italian Obsolete oreglia: ear (i.e. pull them home by their ears) |
256.04 | flesh to their thorns, prest as Prestissima, makes off in a thinkling |
–256.04+ | phrase thorn in their flesh |
–256.04+ | Italian presto prestissimo: very quickly |
–256.04+ | Italian prestissima: very ready |
–256.04+ | twinkling |
256.05 | (and not one hen only nor two hens neyther but every blessed |
–256.05+ | neither |
–256.05+ | nursery rhyme Who Killed Cock Robin?: 'All the birds of the air Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing' |
256.06 | brigid came aclucking and aclacking), while, a rum a rum, the |
–256.06+ | Brigid (Biddy the hen) |
–256.06+ | rum: sugar-cane spirit |
–256.06+ | song 'The Wren, the Wren, the King of All Birds' |
256.07 | ram of all harns, Bier, Wijn, Spirituosen for consumption on the |
–256.07+ | rams' horns [.11] |
–256.07+ | German Harn: urine |
–256.07+ | harns: brains |
–256.07+ | German Bier: Dutch bier: beer |
–256.07+ | Dutch wijn: wine |
–256.07+ | German Spirituosen: liquor, spirits |
–256.07+ | 'licenced for consumption on the premises' (pubs) |
256.08 | premises, advokaat withouten pleaders, Mas marrit, Pas poulit, |
–256.08+ | Dutch advokaat: barrister, lawyer; egg-and-brandy liqueur |
–256.08+ | ma's, pa's (Colloquial ma, pa: mother, father) |
–256.08+ | Provençal marrit: bad |
–256.08+ | Provençal poulit: merry |
256.09 | Ras ruddist of all, though flamifestouned from galantifloures, is |
–256.09+ | Provençal flam: flame |
–256.09+ | Provençal festoun: a festoon |
–256.09+ | Provençal galant: Italian galanti: gallant |
–256.09+ | Provençal galantet: pretty |
–256.09+ | gillyflower: clove-scented flower, wallflower |
–256.09+ | Provençal flour: flower |
256.10 | hued and cried of each's colour. |
–256.10+ | HCE (Motif: HCE) |
–256.10+ | phrase hue and cry: outcry, public cry of alarm or pursuit or disapproval (but given that 'hue' also means 'colour', Motif: ear/eye) |
256.11 | Home all go. Halome. Blare no more ramsblares, oddmund |
–256.11+ | all go home |
–256.11+ | 'Home Olga': catch-phrase, secret call for flight (after an event in which a husband, bored with a party in Ireland, called to his wife 'Home, Olga!' and brought her away without thanking the hostess) |
–256.11+ | 'Home Olga': title of an acidic acrostic poem by Samuel Beckett on Joyce (appears in Ellmann: James Joyce 701) |
–256.11+ | Hebrew khalom: dream |
–256.11+ | rams' blares (Joshua 6:6-20: seven priests with trumpets of rams' horns demolish walls of Jericho) [.07] |
–256.11+ | Edmund Burke (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin) |
–256.11+ | German Mund: mouth |
256.12 | barkes! And cease your fumings, kindalled bushies! And sherri- |
–256.12+ | Crone: Concise Dictionary of Irish Biography 23: 'BUSHE, CHARLES KENDAL... wrote Cease Your Fuming' (the actual title is 'Cease Your Funning') |
–256.12+ | Moses's burning bush |
–256.12+ | Richard Brinsley Sheridan (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin) |
256.13 | goldies yeassymgnays; your wildeshaweshowe moves swiftly |
–256.13+ | Oliver Goldsmith (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin) |
–256.13+ | yeas and nays |
–256.13+ | William Butler Yeats (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin) |
–256.13+ | John Millington Synge (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin) |
–256.13+ | Oscar Wilde (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin) |
–256.13+ | Geoge Bernard Shaw (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin) |
–256.13+ | show |
–256.13+ | Swift (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin; Motif: Swift/Sterne) |
256.14 | sterneward! For here the holy language. Soons to come. To |
–256.14+ | Laurence Sterne (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin) |
–256.14+ | German Sterne: stars |
–256.14+ | (prayers) |
–256.14+ | come to pass |
256.15 | pausse. |
–256.15+ | |
256.16 | 'Tis goed. Het best. |
–256.16+ | Dutch 't is goed: it is all right |
–256.16+ | Colloquial 'tis: it is |
–256.16+ | Dutch het beste: the best thing |
–256.16+ | Dutch het beste!: all the best |
–256.16+ | Dutch best!: very well!, all right! |
256.17 | For they are now tearing, that is, teartoretorning. Too soon |
–256.17+ | {{Synopsis: II.1.6.K: [256.17-257.02]: homework is waiting — Izzy is unhappy}} |
–256.17+ | tear, tore, torn |
–256.17+ | thereto returning |
256.18 | are coming tasbooks and goody, hominy bread and bible bee, |
–256.18+ | Cornish tas: father |
–256.18+ | task books |
–256.18+ | Dutch boekentas: satchel, book-bag |
–256.18+ | Anglo-Irish goody: a children's or invalid's supper dish of bread and sugar mashed in warm milk |
–256.18+ | hominy: maize coarsely milled and boiled for bread |
–256.18+ | homily |
–256.18+ | bumblebee [313.05] |
256.19 | with jaggery-yo to juju-jaw, Fine's French phrases from the |
–256.19+ | jaggery: Burmese palm sugar |
–256.19+ | Burmese ju: jam |
–256.19+ | juju: magical object in West Africa |
256.20 | Grandmère des Grammaires and bothered parsenaps from the |
–256.20+ | French grand-mère: grandmother |
–256.20+ | Charles-Pierre Girault: Grammaire des grammaires (digest of grammatical opinion) |
–256.20+ | Anglo-Irish bothered: deaf |
–256.20+ | proverb Fine words butter no parsnips |
–256.20+ | parse (grammar) |
256.21 | Four Massores, Mattatias, Marusias, Lucanias, Jokinias, and what |
–256.21+ | Annals of the Four Masters (*X*) |
–256.21+ | Massora: pronunciation rules of Hebrew text of Bible |
–256.21+ | Motif: 4 evangelists (Mamalujo) (*X*) |
–256.21+ | Lucan |
256.22 | happened to our eleven in thirtytwo antepostdating the Valgur |
–256.22+ | (our football team in 1932) |
–256.22+ | Motif: 1132 |
–256.22+ | ante, post (opposites) |
–256.22+ | Vulgar Era: an older name for Common or Christian Era, the numbering of years from the accepted birth of Jesus (from Latin vulgaris: common) |
256.23 | Eire and why is limbo where is he and what are the sound waves |
–256.23+ | Irish Éire: Ireland |
–256.23+ | William Shakespeare: Two Gentlemen of Verona IV.2.39: 'Who is Silvia? What is she' |
–256.23+ | song What Are the Wild Waves Saying: (begins) 'What are the wild waves saying, Sister, the whole day long?' |
256.24 | saying ceased ere they all wayed wrong and Amnist anguished |
–256.24+ | went |
–256.24+ | mnemonic of Latin masculine nouns of the third declension: 'amnis, anguis, axis, collis' (Latin 'river, snake, axle-tree, hill'; *A* and *E*) [468.10] |
256.25 | axes Collis and where fishngaman fetched the mongafesh from |
–256.25+ | Latin collus: neck (hence, beheading, also known as decollation; Joyce: A Portrait V: (of John the Baptist) 'a stern severed head... Decollation they call it') |
–256.25+ | fishermen |
–256.25+ | Burmese nga: fish |
–256.25+ | Burmese nga-man: sea monster |
–256.25+ | mango-fish: edible Indian fish |
256.26 | and whatfor paddybird notplease rancoon and why was Sindat |
–256.26+ | Colloquial paddy: Irishman |
–256.26+ | paddy bird: species of egret feeding on paddy fields |
–256.26+ | French rancune: rancour, resentment, grudge |
–256.26+ | Rangoon: capital of Burma |
–256.26+ | Burmese sin: elephant |
–256.26+ | pantomime Sinbad the Sailor [.33] |
256.27 | sitthing on him sitbom like a saildior, with what the doc did in the |
–256.27+ | sitting on his |
–256.27+ | DOC: mysterious character in Carleton's Irish Prophecy Man |
–256.27+ | Languedoc (Southern France) |
256.28 | doil, not to mention define the hydraulics of common salt and, |
–256.28+ | Langue d'oil (Northern France) |
–256.28+ | Irish Dáil: Assembly, the lower chamber of the post-independence Irish parliament (pronounced 'doyl') |
256.29 | its denier crid of old provaunce, where G.P.O. is zentrum and |
–256.29+ | denier: a French coin |
–256.29+ | French dernier cri: latest fashion |
–256.29+ | Provence |
–256.29+ | (*W*) |
–256.29+ | trams in Dublin converged on the General Post Office |
–256.29+ | German Zentrum: centre |
256.30 | D.U.T.C. are radients write down by the frequency of the scores |
–256.30+ | D.U.T.C.: Dublin United Tramways Company (operated the majority of trams in Dublin from 1891 to 1944) |
–256.30+ | radii |
256.31 | and crores of your refractions the valuations in the pice of ding- |
–256.31+ | Anglo-Indian crore: ten million (rupees) |
–256.31+ | reflections |
–256.31+ | variations in price |
–256.31+ | pices: Burmese copper coins |
–256.31+ | Colloquial diggings: lodgings, quarters |
256.32 | gyings on N.C.R. and S.C.R. |
–256.32+ | North Circular Road, Dublin |
–256.32+ | South Circular Road, Dublin |
256.33 | That little cloud, a nibulissa, still hangs isky. Singabed sulks |
–256.33+ | Joyce: Dubliners: 'A Little Cloud' |
–256.33+ | nebulous: cloud-like, cloudy |
–256.33+ | in sky |
–256.33+ | Irish uisce: water |
–256.33+ | Roberts: The Proverbs of Wales 16: 'He who sings in bed will cry before he sleeps' |
–256.33+ | pantomime Sinbad the Sailor [.26] |
–256.33+ | Danish senga: the bed |
256.34 | before slumber. Light at night has an alps on his druckhouse. |
–256.34+ | late |
–256.34+ | ALP (Motif: ALP) |
–256.34+ | German Alpdruck: nightmare (in the form of suffocating pressure on the sleeper's chest) |
–256.34+ | German Druckhaus: printer's shop |
–256.34+ | German Dreckhaus: shithouse |
256.35 | Thick head and thin butter or after you with me. Caspi, but |
–256.35+ | Roberts: The Proverbs of Wales 25: 'A mother-in-law's slice of bread and butter — thick bread and thin butter' |
–256.35+ | Provençal caspi!: egad! |
256.36 | gueroligue stings the air. Gaylegs to riot of us! Gallocks to lafft! |
–256.36+ | French guerre: war |
–256.36+ | garlic |
–256.36+ | Gaelic League |
–256.36+ | stinks |
–256.36+ | Motif: Gall/Gael |
–256.36+ | Tennyson: The Charge of the Light Brigade iii: 'Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them' (Motif: left/right) |
–256.36+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...lafft! What...} | {Png: ...lafft. What...} |
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