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Finnegans Wake lines: 60
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275.01from Bryan Awlining! Erin's hircohaired
275.01+song Brian O'Linn: 'Brian O'Linn had no breeches to wear, So he bought him a sheepskin to make him a pair; The skinny side out, the woolly side in' [274.29] [274.32] [.02]
275.01+Variants: {FnF: ...Awlining, Erin's...} | {Vkg, JCM: ...Awlining! Erin's...} | {Png: ...Awlining. Erin's...} (exclamation mark uncertain in JCM)
275.01+lining (of breeches)
275.01+EHC (Motif: HCE)
275.01+Latin hircus: goat (Motif: goat/sheep)
275.02+French culotte: breeches, trousers [274.29] [274.32] [.01]
275.03     And as, these things being so or ere those
275.03+{{Synopsis: II.2.4+5.A: [275.03-276.10] [275.F02-276.F08] [275.L03-276.L06] [275.R01-275.R10]: a side-story — the family story}}
275.03+(common Greek and Latin formulae beginning paragraphs in historical works)
275.04things having done, way back home in Pacata
275.04+(been done)
275.04+VI.B.15.139j (o): 'back home'
275.04+VI.B.14.178k (o): 'Pacata Hibernia'
275.04+O'Grady: Selected Essays and Passages 156: 'It is at this point that the writer of Pacata Hibernia begins his very singular tale'
275.04+Pacata Hibernia, or, A History of the Wars in Ireland during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Especially within the Province of Munster under the Government of Sir George Carew, and Compiled by His Direction and Appointment (1633; attributed to Carew himself, but believed to be by Sir Thomas Stafford, his illegitimate son and secretary)
275.04+Latin pacata Hibernia: peaceful Ireland
275.05Auburnia,2 (untillably holy gammel Eire) one
275.05+Oliver Goldsmith: The Deserted Village: (begins) 'Sweet Auburn!'
275.05+Danish gammel: old
275.05+Irish Éire: Ireland
275.05+Anglo-Irish phrase one word borrowing another: a quarrel
275.06world burrowing on another, (if you've got
275.06+Downing: Digger Dialects 25: 'GET (vb.) — "Get you in one"; "I get you, Steve"; "Get you in large lumps" — understand' (World War I Slang)
275.07me, neighbour, in any large lumps, geek?, and
275.07+Downing: Digger Dialects 25: 'GEEK (vb. or n.) — Look' (World War I Slang)
275.08got the strong of it) Standfest, our topiocal
275.08+Downing: Digger Dialects 26: 'GET THE STRENGTH (OR STRONG) OF — Become possessed of sufficient information to enable one to form a correct judgment in regard to the matter in question' (World War I Slang)
275.08+German standfest: steadfast
275.08+Mr. Stand-Fast is tempted by Madame Bubble in Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress (part II)
275.08+VI.B.14.177h (o): 'topical hero'
275.08+O'Grady: Selected Essays and Passages 83: 'Every district in the island had its topical gods and heroes, and its local traditions embodying what was believed to have been their character and achievements'
275.08+Archaic topical: local
275.08+tapioca: a species of food starch
275.09sagon hero, or any otther macotther, signs is
275.09+sago: a species of food starch
275.09+King Arthur was sometimes called Arthur Mab Uter
275.09+VI.B.14.224d (o): '*C* signs is on him'
275.09+Anglo-Irish sign's on it: consequently, therefore, as a result
275.10on the bellyguds bastille back, bucked up with
275.10+Motif: alliteration (b)
275.10+Slang belly-god: a glutton
275.10+Colloquial billy goat: male goat
275.10+belly, guts (intestines)
275.10+belly, back (Motif: back/front)
275.11fullness, and silvering to her jubilee,3 birch-
275.11+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, Png: ...and silvering...} | {BMs (47478-288): ...and his whitehatched patch, the towelturbaned, and Flower, a silvering...}
275.11+Variants: elucidations for variant: Motif: White hat ^^^ (*A*)
275.11+silver jubilee: 25th anniversary
275.11+VI.B.15.200e (o): 'birchleaf bed'
275.11+Vincent: Norsk, Lapp, and Finn 142: (of a Lapp family) 'Their birch-leaf beds were covered with seal-skins, their pillows were covered with sheep-skins, and they themselves were covered with reindeer-skins'
275.12leaves her jointure, our lavy in waving, visage
275.12+lady in waiting
275.13full of flesh and fat as a hen's i' forehead,
275.13+Anglo-Irish phrase fat as a hen in the forehead: very thin, meagre
275.14Airyanna and Blowyhart topsirturvy, that
275.14+(*A* and *E*)
275.14+Dukas: Ariane et Barbe-bleu (French Ariadne and Bluebeard; opera from a story by Perrault)
275.14+Slang blowhard: braggart
275.14+topsy-turvy: upside-down, inverted (order of sigla inverted) [.08] [.11] [.14]
275.15royal pair in their palace of quicken boughs
275.15+VI.B.14.179c (o): 'Finn palace of quicken boughs' (Finn)
275.15+O'Grady: Selected Essays and Passages 174: 'In primitive literatures we read much about enchantment; in our own instance those who come readily to mind are "The Stupefaction of the Ultonians," and the enchantment of Finn and his Fianna in the weird palace of the Quicken Boughs' (Finn)
275.15+quicken: a type of tree, rowan, mountain-ash
275.16hight The Goat and Compasses ('phone
275.16+Archaic hight: called, named
275.16+VI.B.14.161b (o): 'Goat & Compasses God encompasses us' (last 'es' uncertain; last three words not crayoned)
275.16+the common 'Goat and Compasses' inn sign was popularly supposed to be derived from 'God encompasseth us'
275.17number 17:69, if you want to know4) his sea-
275.17+Koran 17:69: 'And when a mishap befalleth you at sea, they whom you invoke beside God are not to be found'
275.17+Wellington born 1769
275.17+VI.B.15.202j (o): 'seaarms round her *E*' (the siglum is superimposed on a 'V')
275.17+Vincent: Norsk, Lapp, and Finn 14: (of Copenhagen) 'It is built upon the eastern and western coasts respectively of the islands of Sealand and Amager, a narrow arm of the sea which separates them forming its harbor'
275.18arm strongsround her, her velivole eyne aship-
275.18+Latin velivolus: sail-flying
275.18+velivolant: running with full sails
275.18+evil eyes
275.18+Middle English eyen: eyes
275.19wracked, have discusst their things of the
275.20past, crime and fable with shame, home and
275.20+Motif: Cain/Abel
275.20+Motif: Shem, Ham and Japhet
275.21profit,5 why lui lied to lei and hun tried to kill
275.21+Italian lui: he
275.21+Italian lei: her
275.21+Danish hun: she
275.22ham, scribbledehobbles, in whose veins runs
275.22+Danish ham: him
275.22+Ham: son of Noah [.20]
275.22+French Scribe le Diable: Scribe the Devil (Augustin Eugène Scribe, a prolific 19th century French dramatist, wrote the libretto for Meyerbeer's opera 'Robert le Diable'; both the opera and the dramatist are mentioned by name in the second chapter of Dujardin's 'Les Lauriers Sont Coupés' (which is a well-known source for Joyce: Ulysses))
275.23a mixture of, are head bent and hard upon.
275.23+(mixture of parents' blood)
275.23+(working hard on their lessons)
275.24Spell me the chimes. They are tales all tolled.6
275.24+tell me the time (Motif: O tell me all about Anna Livia; Motif: What is the time?)
275.24+chimes, tolled (bells ringing the time)
275.24+tales all told (Motif: Tale told of Shaun or Shem)
275.25Today is well thine but where's may tomorrow
275.25+Roberts: The Proverbs of Wales 55: 'To-day is thine, whose to-morrow?'
275.26be. But, bless his cowly head and press his
275.27crankly hat, what a world's woe is each's
275.F01     1 A pengeneepy for your warcheekeepy.
275.F01+Danish penge: money
275.F01+Jespersen: Language, its Nature, Development and Origin 150 (VIII.5): (of a children's secret language) ''Ziph' or 'Hypernese' (at Winchester) substitutes wa for the first of two initial consonants and inserts p or g, making 'breeches' into wareechepes and 'penny' into pegennepy'
275.F01+phrase a penny for your thoughts (used to ask someone what they are thinking about)
275.F01+Irish pingin: penny
275.F02     2 My globe goes gaddy at geography giggle pending which time I was
275.F03looking for my shoe all through Arabia.
275.F04     3 It must be some bugbear in the gender especially when old which they
275.F04+(female gender)
275.F04+VI.B.14.089b (o): 'especially when old, which they soon get to look'
275.F04+FitzGerald: Miscellanies 146: 'Euphranor': 'I think I have observed they have grave, taciturn faces, especially when old, which they soon get to look'
275.F05all soon get to look.
275.F06     4 After me looking up the plan in Humphrey's Justice of the Piece it said to
275.F06+Henry Humphreys: The Justice of the Peace for Ireland
275.F07see preseeding chaps.
275.F08     5 O boyjones and hairyoddities! Only noane told missus of her massas
275.F08+boy Jones: youth who habitually penetrated Buckingham Palace in 1840s
275.F08+Joyce: Ulysses.16.1534: 'some anonymous letter from the usual boy Jones'
275.F08+Herodotus: Greek historian
275.F08+no one
275.F09behaving she would laugh that flat that after that she had sanked down on her
275.F10fat arks they would shaik all to sheeks.
275.F10+Joyce: Ulysses.13.869: 'arks' (arse)
275.F10+(so flat)
275.F11     6 Traduced into jinglish janglage for the nusances of dolphins born.
275.F11+traduced: maliciously slandered (Obsolete translated)
275.F11+English language
275.F11+Latin ad usum Delphini: for the use of the Dauphin (the Delphin classics for schools)
275.F11+Dolphin's barn: district of Dublin [211.21]
275.L01Puzzly, puzzly,
275.L01+Italian puzzo: stink
275.L01+(hairy trousers)
275.L02I smell a cat.
275.L02+phrase I smell a rat
275.L02+Yeats: A Vision 16 (introduction, sec. VII): (of mystical psychosomatic phenomena) 'a smell of cat's excrement announced some being that had to be expelled'
275.L03Two makes a
275.L03+Dublin Slang make: halfpenny
275.L04wing at the ma-
275.L04+Dublin Slang wing: penny
275.L06+Latin tellus: earth
275.L06+tell us
275.L07From the Buffalo
275.L07+Buffalo Times, newspaper
275.L08Times of bysone
275.L08+(two sons)
275.L10Quick quake
275.L10+Latin qui, quae, quod: who, which (masculine, feminine, neuter, respectively)
275.L10+quack quack quotes
275.L11quokes the par-
275.L11+(children learn dates parrot-fashion)
275.L12rotbook of dates.
275.L12+Budge: The Book of the Dead
275.R01+ceno-: common-, shared- (hence, having a common origin or birth)
275.R01+(rival twins (*C* and *V*))
275.R05+Greek diagônistikos: disposed to fight
275.R05+conciliation: process of bringing into harmony or peace (*C* and *V* becoming *Y*)
275.R07ANCE TO
275.R08+VI.B.14.150j (o): 'dynastic continuity' (*Y* replacing *E*)

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