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Finnegans Wake lines: 62
Elucidations found: 147

276.01other's weariness waiting to beadroll his own
276.01+bead-roll: long list, catalogue (originally, of persons to be prayed for)
276.02properer mistakes, the backslapping glad-
276.02+Latin proprius: his own
276.02+gladhand: praise
276.02+gladhander: one who acts cordially towards everyone
276.03hander,1 free of his florid future and the other
276.03+future, past (Motif: tenses) [.04]
276.04singing likeness, dirging a past of bloody altars,
276.04+past [.03]
276.04+VI.B.14.178e (o): 'of bloody altars'
276.04+O'Grady: Selected Essays and Passages 113: 'Cuculain... routed... the children of Lægairey, of the Bloody Altars'
276.05gale with a blost to him, dove without gall.
276.05+Motif: Gall/Gael
276.05+Irish blas: flavour; good accent in speaking Irish
276.05+Motif: dove/raven (dove, jackdaw) [.06] [.F03]
276.05+doves have no gall bladder, supposedly because the dove sent out by Noah burst its gall out of grief
276.05+Irish Dubh-gall: Dane (literally 'dark foreigner')
276.05+hymn Glory Be: (ends) 'world without end. Amen'
276.06And she, of the jilldaw's nest2 who tears up
276.06+nursery rhyme Jack and Jill (hence, jackdaw) [.05]
276.07lettereens she never apposed a pen upon.3 Yet
276.07+(letters she never wrote)
276.07+Lucia Joyce, Joyce's daughter, drew a set of lettrines (ornamental capital letters), which were used to illustrate some of Joyce's works
276.07+Anglo-Irish -een (diminutive)
276.07+Motif: pen/post
276.08sung of love and the monster man. What's
276.08+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song She Sung of Love [air: The Munster Man]
276.08+William Shakespeare: Hamlet II.2.542: 'What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba'
276.09Hiccupper to hem or her to Hagaba? Ough,
276.09+Archaic hem: them
276.09+Hagar: concubine of Abraham
276.09+William Shakespeare: Macbeth V.5.23: 'Out, out, brief candle!'
276.09+German Auch, auch, brav' Kindli: that too, good little child
276.10ough, brieve kindli!4
276.11     Dogs' vespers are anending. Vespertilia-
276.11+{{Synopsis: II.2.4+5.B: [276.11-278.06] [276.F09-278.F04] [276.L07-278.L03] [276.R01-276.R10]: rural nightfall — an upcoming funeral and wake}}
276.11+VI.A.0762i (o): 'frogs' vespers'
276.11+Breton song Gousperoù ar raned (Breton The Frogs' Vespers; a traditional Breton ballad, consisting of a dialogue between a druid and a child in the form of twelve cumulative questions and answers)
276.11+vespers: the evening canonical hour; evening prayers [278.11]
276.11+(at an end)
276.11+Latin vespertilio: bat
276.12bitur. Goteshoppard quits his gabhard cloke
276.12+Latin -bitur: he will be -ed
276.12+goat [.12-.13] [.F07-.F10] [.L07-.L08]
276.12+good shepherd (Motif: goat/sheep)
276.12+Irish gabhar: goat
276.12+gabardine: a type of fabric; a cloak or overcoat of this or similar material
276.13to sate with Becchus. Zumbock! Achevre!
276.13+sit with Bacchus
276.13+Italian becco: he-goat
276.13+German Zum Bock!: To the Devil! (literally 'to the goat')
276.13+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Achevre!...} | {Png: ...Achèvre!...}
276.13+French chèvre: goat, she-goat
276.14Yet wind will be ere fadervor5 and the hour of
276.14+VI.B.14.112h (o): 'wind will be'
276.14+Danish Fadervor: Our Father, Lord's Prayer (prayer)
276.15fruminy and bergoo bell if Nippon have pearls
276.15+frumenty: hulled wheat boiled in milk and seasoned
276.15+Downing: Digger Dialects 11: 'BERGOO (n.), (Arab.) — Porridge' (World War I Slang)
276.15+Japanese nippon: Japan ('yellow peril'; East)
276.16or opals Eldorado, the daindy dish, the lecking
276.16+El Dorado: a myth among the Spanish conquistadors of South America about a fabled city or land of gold (West)
276.16+nursery rhyme Sing a Song of Sixpence: 'dainty dish'
276.16+Burns: song The Ranting Dog, the Daddy O't
276.16+German lecken: to lick; to leak
276.16+German lecker: tasty, delicious
276.16+William Edward Hartpole Lecky: Irish historian [438.26]
276.17out! Gipoo, good oil! For (hushmagandy!)
276.17+song Give us good ale
276.17+Downing: Digger Dialects 26: 'GIPOO — Gravy or Grease' (World War I Slang)
276.17+Dublin Slang gypo: semen
276.17+Downing: Digger Dialects 27, 36: 'GOOD OIL — See OIL... OIL — News; information' (World War I Slang)
276.17+Downing: Digger Dialects 28: 'HASHMAGANDY — An insipid and monotonous army dish' (World War I Slang)
276.18long 'tis till gets bright that all cocks waken
276.18+Colloquial 'tis: it is
276.18+VI.B.15.068b (o): 'waken all cocks'
276.18+Clodd: Tom Tit Tot 50: (of a tale about the devil) 'which tells how he agrees to build a house for a peasant at the price of the man's soul, the contract to be null and void if the work is not finished before cockcrow. Just as day dawns, and as the devil is putting on the last tile, the peasant wakens up all the roosters by imitating their crowing'
276.19and birds Diana6 with dawnsong hail. Aught
276.19+Spanish diana: reveille
276.20darks flou a duskness. Bats that? There peepee-
276.20+French flou: hazy
276.20+Italian pipistrello: bat
276.21strilling. At Brannan's on the moor. At Tam
276.21+song Brennan on the Moor
276.21+song Tim Finnegan's Wake
276.22Fanagan's weak yat his still's going strang.
276.22+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation wake: weak
276.22+Ulster Pronunciation yat: yet
276.22+Johnnie Walker whiskey slogan: 'Still going strong' (Colloquial phrase going strong: thriving, prosperous)
276.23And still here is noctules and can tell things
276.23+noctule: largest British bat
276.24acommon on by that fluffy feeling. Larges
276.24+coming on
276.24+Slang fluffy: drunk
276.25loomy wheelhouse to bodgbox7 lumber up
276.25+(the wheelhouse lumbers up to a lodge)
276.25+(to box the lumber up)
276.25+dog fox [.F12]
276.26with hoodie hearsemen carrawain we keep
276.26+hoodie: hooded crow
276.26+VI.B.14.178i (r): 'keep my peace follow — war' (dash dittos 'my')
276.26+O'Grady: Selected Essays and Passages 154: (of Henry II) 'In solemn parliament assembled they proclaimed their Lord Henry no longer Dominus Hiberniæ, but Rex, converting his shadowy lordship into an actual sovereignty. They swore themselves the King's men accepted State titles at his hands, undertook to pay royal rents to keep his peace and follow his war, "rising-out" with foot and horse to all his ocassions'
276.27is peace who follow his law, Sunday
276.27+Dante: The Divine Comedy: Paradiso III.85: 'and His will is our peace'
276.27+Colloquial follow: to attend a funeral
276.27+VI.B.6.036b (r): 'Sunday suit' [277.01]
276.F01     1 He gives me pulpititions with his Castlecowards never in these twowsers
276.F01+Castle Howard: famous edifice in North England
276.F01+VI.B.14.170e (o): 'pulpit = coward's castle'
276.F01+Slang coward's castle: pulpit
276.F01+Motif: A/O
276.F02and ever in those twawsers and then babeteasing us out of our hoydenname.
276.F02+VI.B.15.076a (o): 'hoydenname'
276.F02+maiden name
276.F02+hoyden: ill-bred girl
276.F03     2 My goldfashioned bother near drave me roven mad and I dyeing to
276.F03+old-fashioned brother
276.F03+Motif: dove/raven [.05]
276.F04keep my linefree face like readymaid maryangs for jollycomes smashing
276.F04+Maid Marian: Robin Hood's sweetheart
276.F04+song When Johnny Comes Marching Home
276.F06     3 What I would like is a jade louistone to go with the moon's increscent.
276.F06+the word 'jade' derives etymologically from Spanish piedra de ijada: loin stone (from the belief that jade could cure ailments of the loins and kidneys)
276.F07     4 Parley vows the Askinwhose? I do, Ida. And how to call the cattle black.
276.F07+Samuel Griswold Goodrich: Peter Parley's children books (e.g. Peter Parley's Tales about Ancient Greece)
276.F07+French parlez-vous: do you speak
276.F07+Ashkenazi: a European Jew
276.F07+Eskimo (now called Inuit)
276.F07+Ido: an artificial language (Ido)
276.F07+Zeus reared on goat's milk on Mount Ida [.12-.13]
276.F07+proverb The pot calling the kettle black: criticising another for one's own faults (hypocrisy)
276.F08Moopetsi meepotsi.
276.F08+moo (cattle)
276.F09     5 I was so snug off in my apholster's creedle but at long leash I'll stretch
276.F09+prayer Apostles' Creed
276.F10more capritious in his dapplepied bed.
276.F10+capricious (from Latin caper: male goat) [.12-.13]
276.F10+dappled, pied (marked with patches of a different colour)
276.F10+apple-pie bed
276.F11     6 Pipette. I can almost feed their sweetness at my lisplips.
276.F11+Swift: Ppt
276.F11+Joyce: Ulysses.13.707: 'she could almost feel him draw her face to his and the first quick hot touch of his handsome lips'
276.F11+(feed birds)
276.F11+my lisping lips (Motif: lisping)
276.F12     7 A liss in hunterland.
276.F12+Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
276.F12+liss: an ancient Irish circular enclosure with an earthen wall, often used as a fort
276.F12+Russian lis: male fox, dog fox [.25]
276.L01Some is out for
276.L01+Motif: some/more
276.L02twoheaded dul-
276.L02+Obsolete dulcarnon: dilemma (the word is derived from the Arabic for 'two-horned'; also an epithet for Alexander the Great, in the Koran, sura "The Cave")
276.L03carnons but more
276.L04pulfers turnips.
276.L04+German Pulver: powder
276.L05Omnitudes in a
276.L05+Latin omnis: all
276.L06+Dutch schedel: skull
276.L07For all us kids
276.L07+kids: young goats; children [.12-.13]
276.L08under his aegis.
276.L08+Greek aigis: Latin aegis: the shield of Zeus or Jupiter; protection, aegis (possibly related to Greek aigis: goatskin, as the shield may have been made of the skin of the goat Amalthea, who suckled Zeus)
276.L08+Greek aigiskos: a little goat
276.L09Saving the public
276.L09+(bats eat objectionable insects) [.20]
276.L10his health.
276.L11Superlative abso-
276.L12lute of Porter-
276.L12+Porterstown: townland, Castleknock, Dublin
276.R01THE MON-
276.R01+Crookshank: The Mongol in Our Midst
276.R01+(evening chorus of barking dogs)
276.R03THE DUNG-
276.R03+phrase cock on a dunghill
276.R10+Obsolete offrandes: offerings

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