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Finnegans Wake lines: 45
Elucidations found: 169

284.01median, hce che ech, interecting at royde
284.01+median (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.01+HCE, CHE, ECH (Motif: HCE)
284.01+intersecting (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.01+Obsolete royde: rigid, stiff, rough; rude
284.01+right angles (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.02angles the parilegs of a given obtuse one bis-
284.02+parallel (sides) (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.02+parallax: in astronomy, the apparent displacement of an observed object due to a change in the position of the observer
284.02+(obtuse angle) (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.02+(obtuse triangle) (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.02+bisects the arcs (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.03cuts both the arcs that are in curveachord
284.03+Ark of the Covenant
284.04behind. Brickbaths. The family umbroglia.
284.04+brickbats: fragments of a brick, especially when used as missiles
284.04+Bath brick: alluvial silt compressed into brick form, used for polishing metal and cleaning hard surfaces (an extremely popular household product in the 19th century and well into the 20th)
284.05A Tullagrove pole1 to the Height of County
284.05+Tulla: town, County Clare (from Irish an tulach: the mound, the hill)
284.05+telegraph pole
284.05+highest common factor (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.05+County Fermanagh, Ulster
284.06Fearmanagh has a septain inclinaison2 and the
284.06+sept: Irish clan
284.06+French septain: seven-line stanza
284.06+certain inclination
284.06+French inclinaison: inclination, slope
284.06+graph, plot (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.07graphplot for all the functions in Lower
284.07+(mathematical functions) (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.07+Slang The Low Countries: female pudend
284.07+lowest common multiple (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.08County Monachan, whereat samething is rivi-
284.08+County Monaghan, Ulster
284.08+Triestine Italian Dialect Slang mona: female genitalia
284.08+something is divisible by nothing (x/0 = infinity) (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry) [.11]
284.09sible by nighttim, may be involted into the
284.09+night time
284.09+Tim (Finnegan)
284.09+Latin involatus: flown into
284.09+involution: raising of a number to an assigned power
284.10zeroic couplet, palls pell inhis heventh glike
284.10+(the infinity symbol looks like two zeroes) (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry) [.11]
284.10+heroic couplet: a form of English poetry, characterised by rhyming pairs of iambic pentameters (associated with Chaucer and Dryden)
284.10+all's well in his heaven like
284.10+Cornish pell: Welsh pell: distant, long, remote, far
284.10+John Pell: 17th century English mathematician (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.10+Browning: Pippa Passes: 'God's in His heaven — All's right with the world!'
284.10+German gleich: equal; alike
284.11noughty times ∞, find, if you are not literally
284.11+(zero) (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.11+∞: mathematical symbol for 'infinity' (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry) [.10]
284.12cooefficient, how minney combinaisies and per-
284.12+coefficient: numerical, as opposed to literal, part of mathematical term (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.12+German Minne: love
284.12+how many combinations and permutations (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.12+French Slang combine: scheme, trick, ruse
284.12+French Slang binaise: scheme, trick, ruse
284.12+Latin permutandis: things needing to be changed
284.13mutandies can be played on the international
284.13+Italian mutande: drawers, underpants
284.14surd! pthwndxrclzp!, hids cubid rute being
284.14+surd: irrational number (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.14+(twelve consonants) [.L08] [285.17-.22]
284.14+its cubic root being extracted (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.14+German Rute: rod, switch, wand
284.15extructed, taking anan illitterettes, ififif at a tom.
284.15+Latin exstructus: built up
284.15+taking 'n' as (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.15+five at a time
284.16Answers, (for teasers only).3 Ten, twent, thirt,
284.16+American Slang ten-twent-thirt: cheap, melodramatic theatrical entertainment (so called from its price scheme, namely ten, twenty or thirty cents, depending on the choice of seat; prevalent from the 1890s to the 1910s, when it was superseded by cheap cinema)
284.17see, ex and three icky totchty ones. From
284.17+Roman numeral CXIII: 113
284.17+Motif: 111
284.17+Russian tochka: dot
284.17+solution (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.18solation to solution. Imagine the twelve
284.19deaferended dumbbawls of the whowl above-
284.19+Motif: ear/eye (deaf, blind)
284.19+deaf and dumb
284.19+different dumbbells
284.19+(the infinity sign looks like a dumbbell) (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.19+(a bell striking the zero hour would be a dumb bell)
284.19+French aveugle: blind
284.20beugled to be the contonuation through
284.20+French beugler: to bellow, to low
284.20+Motif: -ation (*O*; 3 times) [.20-.21]
284.20+Our Exagmination round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress: essays on Joyce: Finnegans Wake by twelve contemporaries of Joyce, published during its composition
284.20+Latin tonare: to thunder
284.21regeneration of the urutteration of the word
284.21+German ur-: original-, primeval-, primitive-
284.21+Joyce: Ulysses.14.1390: 'utterance of the Word'
284.22in pregross. It follows that, if the two ante-
284.22+Motif: 2&3 (two bicycles, three tricycles; *IJ* and *VYC*)
284.22+antecedent: the first number in a ratio (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry) [.23]
284.23sedents be bissyclitties and the three come-
284.23+French Slang bissac: female genitalia (from French bissac: satchel or bag with two compartments)
284.23+French bicyclettes: bicycles
284.23+(two circles) (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry) [293.12]
284.23+Slang clit, clitty: clitoris
284.23+Clytie: sea nymph metamorphosed into heliotrope
284.23+consequent: the second number in a ratio (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry) [.22]
284.24seekwenchers trundletrikes, then, Aysha Lali-
284.24+Colloquial trikes: tricycles
284.24+VI.B.45.107e (o): 'n Ayesha'
284.24+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 70: (of Mohammed) 'He was also betrothed to Ayesha, the daughter of his friend Abu Bakr, but, as she was still very young, the marriage did not take place till three years later'
284.24+ALP (Motif: ALP)
284.24+Lilliput: an island of tiny people in Swift: Gulliver's Travels
284.25pat behidden on the footplate, Big Whiggler4
284.25+(the capital T on the Tunc page of The Book of Kells (Sullivan: The Book of Kells plate XI; Motif: tunc)) [.26]
284.25+bigwig: a man of high importance
284.26restant upsittuponable, the NCR5 presents to
284.26+French restant: remaining; surviving
284.26+nCr: the number of r-item combinations (selections irrespective of item order) possible with n original unlike items (i.e. n! / (r! x (n-r)!)) (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry) [285.15]
284.26+North Circular Road, Dublin
284.26+(the letters NCCR on the Tunc page of The Book of Kells (Sullivan: The Book of Kells plate XI; Motif: tunc)) [.25]
284.27us (tandem year at lasted length!) an otto-
284.27+Latin tandem: at length
284.27+tandem bicycle
284.27+Ottoman: Turk
284.28mantic turquo-indaco of pictorial shine by
284.28+Motif: 7 colours of rainbow [284.28-285.02]
284.28+turquoise (blue)
284.29pictorial shimmer so long as, gad of the gidday,
284.29+VI.B.45.104c (o): 'god of the day'
284.29+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 23: (of pre-Muslim Arab customs) 'In the sixth century there were 360 idols, one for each day of the Arab year, around and within the Kaabah'
284.30pictorial summer, viridorefulvid, lits asheen,
284.30+factorial sum (Cluster: Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry)
284.30+Latin viridis: green
284.30+Latin or: gold (yellow)
284.30+Latin fulvus: reddish-yellow, orange
284.F01     1 Dideney, Dadeney, Dudeney, O, I'd know that putch on your poll.
284.F01+Henry Dudeny: puzzle expert
284.F01+Dialect poll: head
284.F01+pole [.05]
284.F02     2 That is tottinghim in his boots.
284.F02+Charles Tottenham rode sixty miles and entered Parliament in his boots to vote against government; 'Tottenham in his boots' was long after a toast in Dublin
284.F03     3 Come all ye hapney coachers and support the richview press.
284.F03+Albanian hapni: open
284.F03+Richview Press, Dublin
284.F04     4 Braham Baruch he married his cook to Massach McKraw her uncle-in-
284.F04+Brian Boru
284.F04+Hebrew baruch: blessed (first word of many prayers)
284.F04+the original 'Justine' was the Marquis de Sade's young cook
284.F04+Anglo-Irish massach: person with large buttocks, thighs or hips (from Irish másach) [127.32]
284.F04+song Master McGrath (about a famous Irish greyhound, the first to win the Waterloo cup, the most prestigious hare coursing event, on three occasions (1868, 1869, 1871); Magrath)
284.F05law who wedded his widow to Hjalmar Kjaer who adapted his daughter to
284.F05+(if he has a widow, he is dead)
284.F05+Hjalmar Ekdal: character in Ibsen: all plays: The Wild Duck (discovers that old Werle has married him to his cast-off mistress)
284.F05+Danish kjaer: dear
284.F06Braham the Bear. V for wadlock, P for shift, H for Lona the Konkubine.
284.F06+V.P.H.: Victoria Palace Hotel, Paris, where Joyce lived in 1923-4 [099.13] [286.L01]
284.F06+Lona Hessel: character in Ibsen: all plays: Pillars of Society
284.F06+German Konkubine: concubine
284.F07     5 A gee is just a jay on the jaunts cowsway.
284.F07+Anglo-Irish Slang gee: female genitalia
284.F07+Giant's Causeway: a columnar basalt promontory, Country Antrim, Northern Ireland
284.F07+causeway: a raised road across a boggy or watery place
284.F07+North Circular Road was used for driving cattle to and from the Dublin cattle market [.26]
284.L01A stodge An-
284.L01+stage Englishman
284.L02gleshman has
284.L03been worked by
284.L05An oxygon is na-
284.L06turally reclined
284.L07to rest.
284.L07+rust (oxidation)
284.L08Ba be bi bo bum.
284.L08+VI.B.17.082q (b): 'ba be bi bo bu' [259.09]
284.L08+Chervin: Bégaiement 32: (list of famous people who stuttered) 'Boissy d'Anglas, surnommé l'orateur ba bé bi bo bu' (French 'Boissy d'Anglas, nicknamed the orator ba be bi bo bu') [259.09] [485.06]
284.L08+(Motif: 5 vowels) [.14]
284.L08+Motif: Fee faw fum

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