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Finnegans Wake lines: 42
Elucidations found: 134

295.01homolocous humminbass hesterdie and ist-
295.01+homologous: corresponding (in structure, origin, position, etc.)
295.01+Obsolete hestern: of yesterday
295.01+Swift's Stella and Swift's Vanessa were both called Esther
295.01+Latin isto die: on that day
295.02herdie forivor.1 Vanissas Vanistatums! And
295.02+Swift's Vanessa
295.02+Vulgate Ecclesiastes 1:2: 'vanitas vanitatum' (Latin 'vanity of vanities')
295.03for a night of thoughtsendyures and a day. As
295.03+night of a thousand years: an appellation for the middle ages
295.03+The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night
295.03+thought, send yours (Yeats: A Vision 227n (book III, sec. VI): 'It seems that a mind must, as it were, release a thought before it becomes general property')
295.03+II Peter 3:8: 'one day is with the Lord as a thousand years'
295.03+as great Shakespeare puts it [.05-.06] [274.L10-.L11]
295.04Great Shapesphere puns it. In effect, I re-
295.04+Yeats: A Vision 187 (book II, sec. I): 'The whole system is founded upon the belief that the ultimate reality, symbolised as the Sphere, falls in human consciousness, as Nicholas of Cusa was the first to demonstrate, into a series of antimonies' (Nicholas of Cusa)
295.05mumble, from the yules gone by, purr lil mur-
295.05+Archaic Yule: Christmas
295.05+years gone by
295.05+song Little Mother of Mine
295.05+mirror (*J*)
295.05+Coleridge: other works: Biographia Literaria, ch. 15: 'myriad-minded Shakespeare' (Joyce: Ulysses.9.768: 'Coleridge called him myriadminded') [.04]
295.06rerof myhind, so she used indeed. When she
295.07give me the Sundaclouths she hung up for
295.07+Santa Claus
295.07+Yeats: A Vision 221 (book III, sec. III): 'Certain London Spiritualists for some years past have decked out a Christmas tree with presents that have each the names of some dead child upon them'
295.08Tate and Comyng and snuffed out the ghost
295.09in the candle at his old game of haunt the
295.09+children's game Hunt the slipper
295.10sleepper. Faithful departed. When I'm dream-
295.10+Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed: All Souls' Day
295.10+Yeats: A Vision 229 (book III, sec. VI): 'It is from the Dreaming Back of the dead... that we get the imagery of ordinary sleep... Having kept a steady watch upon my dreams for years I know that so long as I dream in words I know that my father, let us say, was tall and bearded. If, on the other hand, I dream in images and examine the dream immediately upon waking I may discover him there represented by a stool or the eyepiece of a telescope'
295.11ing back like that I begins to see we're only
295.12all telescopes. Or the comeallyoum saunds.
295.12+Anglo-Irish come-all-you: a traditional ballad
295.12+song Cummilum (an Irish air)
295.12+Communion of Saints
295.13Like when I dromed I was in Dairy and was
295.13+song I Dreamed I Was in Derry
295.13+Dutch dromen: to dream
295.14wuckened up with thump in thudderdown.
295.14+Motif: up/down
295.14+the eiderdown (used for stuffing quilts and pillows)
295.15Rest in peace! But to return.2 What a wonder-
295.15+prayer Prayer for the Dead: 'Rest in peace' [304.01]
295.16ful memory you have too! Twonderful
295.16+wonderful memory
295.17morrowy! Straorbinaire! Bene! I bring town
295.17+Italian straordinario: extraordinary
295.17+French binaire: binary
295.17+Italian bene!: well!, good! [287.16] [294.26] [295.29]
295.17+bring down ought and carry nothing (mathematics) [294.05]
295.17+French tonneau: cask, tun; ton, tonne
295.17+French Colloquial tonneau: drunkard
295.18eau and curry nothung up my sleeve. Now,
295.18+French eau: water
295.18+Nothung: Siegfried's sword (Joyce: Ulysses.15.4242)
295.19springing quickenly from the mudland Loosh
295.19+County Laois, in the midlands of Ireland (pronounced 'Leesh'; also called County Leix)
295.19+Irish luis: the letter L (like all the letters of the traditional Irish alphabet, it is the name of a tree, specifically the rowan or quicken tree)
295.19+(letter L on diagram)
295.20from Luccan with Allhim as her Elder tetra-
295.20+(letter A on diagram)
295.20+elm, elder (trees)
295.21turn a somersault. All's fair on all fours, as
295.21+(instructions: (d) turn compasses other way, i.e. with point of compasses on L and radius L-A, and produce an identical right-hand circle) [294.08] [296.05]
295.21+proverb All's fair in love and war: the usual rules of fair play do not apply in highly charged situations, such as love and war
295.22my instructor unstrict me. Watch! And you'll
295.22+in Yeats: A Vision, Yeats says he is transmitting information given to him by his 'instructors'
295.22+German umstricken: to ensnare
295.23have the whole inkle. Allow, allow! Gyre O,
295.23+French allo, allo! (telephone)
295.23+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 7: 'he 'lowed to tell it'
295.23+gyre: a term used in Yeats: A Vision for a conical helix of determined events (Yeats: A Vision 68 (book I, part I, sec. II): 'gyre of "Concord"... that of "Discord"')
295.23+Italian nursery rhyme children's game Giro, Giro Tondo (similar to nursery rhyme children's game Ring-a-ring o' Roses; literally 'turn, turn round')
295.24gyre O, gyrotundo! Hop lala! As umpty
295.24+Rotunda: public building and hospital, Dublin
295.24+German um... herum: round about
295.24+nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty
295.25herum as you seat! O, dear me, that was very
295.25+your seat
295.26nesse! Very nace indeed! And makes us a
295.26+German Nässe: wetness
295.26+Slang nace: intoxicating
295.26+German nass: wet
295.27daintical pair of accomplasses! You, allus for
295.27+Slang pair of compasses: human legs
295.27+Dutch alles voor de kunst: all for art
295.28the kunst and me for omething with a handel
295.28+German Kunsthandel: trade in works of art
295.28+Slang cunt: female genitalia
295.28+Dutch handel: trade, commerce, shop
295.29to it. Beve! Now, as will pressantly be felt,
295.29+Italian beve!: drink!
295.29+Italian bene!: well!, good! [287.16] [294.26] [295.17]
295.29+Yeats: A Vision 73 (book I, part I, sec. IV): 'As will be presently seen, the sphere is reality'
295.29+French pressant: urgent
295.29+(seen) [290.14]
295.30there's tew tricklesome poinds where our
295.30+Motif: 2&3
295.30+(two points where the two circles intersect)
295.30+dew, trickling, ponds (water)
295.30+Tew: Lord-Mayor of Dublin
295.31twain of doubling bicirculars, mating approxe-
295.31+North and South Circular Roads, Dublin, parallel to Royal and Grand Canals
295.31+meeting approximately
295.31+proxenete: one who mediates or negotiates something, especially a marriage
295.31+French Slang proxenete: bawd
295.31+Greek proxenetes: factor, broker
295.32metely in their suite poi and poi, dunloop
295.32+song In the sweet by and by
295.32+French suite: succession
295.32+Italian poi: then, afterwards
295.32+(two peas)
295.32+(points P and pi)
295.32+Dunlop, rubber (tyres)
295.32+loop into each other
295.33into eath the ocher. Lucihere.! I fee where you
295.33+Irish ochar: border, edge
295.33+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...ocher. Lucihere...} | {Png: ...ocher, Lucihere...}
295.33+look 'ee here!
295.33+I see where you mean
295.F01     1 Sewing up the beillybursts in their buckskin shiorts for big Kapitayn
295.F01+VI.C.7.165h (o): 'buckskin shirt' (a note originally intended for Joyce: Ulysses)
295.F01+Dutch kapitein: captain
295.F01+Captain Cook
295.F01+(the Norwegian captain)
295.F02Killykook and the Jukes of Kelleiney.
295.F02+Juke and Kallikak: American families of supposedly-hereditary degenerates [033.24]
295.F02+Killiney, County Dublin
295.F03     2 Say where! A timbrelfill of twinkletinkle.
295.F03+say when! a tumblerful
295.F03+timbrel: a tambourine-like biblical musical instrument
295.F03+nursery rhyme Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
295.F03+Colloquial tinkle: to urinate
295.L01The Vegetable
295.L02Cell and its Pri-
295.L03vate Properties.
295.L04The haves and
295.L04+phrase the haves and the have-nots: the very rich and the very poor (Motif: The haves and the have-nots)
295.L05the havenots: a

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