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Finnegans Wake lines: 58
Elucidations found: 146

303.01polypools. And this, pardonsky! is the way
303.01+pardon me
303.02Romeopullupalleaps.1 Pose the pen, man,
303.02+Latin Senatus Populusque Romanus: The Senate and People of Rome (ancient Roman motto; abbreviated S.P.Q.R.)
303.02+Motif: pen/post
303.03way me does. Way ole missa vellatooth fust
303.03+old mister
303.03+Joyce: Ulysses.3.232: 'Drumont, know what he called queen Victoria? Old hag with the yellow teeth'
303.03+Obsolete fust: fustic, a kind of wood used as a yellow dye
303.04show me how. Fourth power to her illpogue!
303.04+Anglo-Irish phrase more power to her elbow!: well done! (expression of admiration and encouragement)
303.04+(mathematical power)
303.04+Anglo-Irish pogue: kiss
303.05Bould strokes for your life! Tip! This is Steal,
303.05+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation bould: bold
303.05+Mrs Centlivre: Bold Stroke for a Wife (a play, 1717)
303.05+Motif: Tip
303.05+Motif: This is (10 times) [.05-.10]
303.05+Steele (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin)
303.06this is Barke, this is Starn, this is Swhipt, this is
303.06+Burke (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin)
303.06+Sterne (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin)
303.06+Motif: Swift/Sterne
303.06+Swift (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin)
303.07Wiles, this is Pshaw, this is Doubbllinnbbay-
303.07+Oscar Wilde (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin)
303.07+Shaw (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin)
303.07+W.B. Yeats (Cluster: Writers of Irish Origin)
303.07+Dublin Bay
303.07+Yeats signed his name in full 'W B Yeats', always run together without stops after initial letters
303.08yates.2 This is brave Danny weeping his spache
303.08+This... weeping... This... wiping... This... between... Top [.08-.13] [010.04-.07]
303.08+Daniel O'Connell (campaigned for Catholic Emancipation)
303.08+dispatch [009.03]
303.08+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation spache: speech
303.09for the popers. This is cool Connolly wiping
303.09+papists: Roman Catholics (derogatory)
303.09+James Connolly: one of the leaders of the 1916 Easter Rising
303.10his hearth with brave Danny. And this, regard!
303.10+Slang arse: buttocks
303.11how Chawleses Skewered parparaparnelligoes
303.11+Charles Stewart Parnell (Parnell stuttered) [302.13]
303.11+(Motif: stuttering)
303.11+he goes
303.12between brave Danny boy and the Connolly.
303.12+song Londonderry Air: 'Danny boy'
303.13Upanishadem! Top. Spoken hath L'arty Ma-
303.13+Sanskrit Upanishad: confidential information
303.13+Upanishads: Vedic and postvedic writings
303.13+Motif: Up, guards, and at them!
303.13+Motif: Tip
303.13+Mohammed ben Musa al-Khwarizmi, 9th century Arabian mathematician, began the Arithmetic section of his mathematical treatise 'Spoken has Algoritmi'
303.13+song Larry Mick McGarry
303.13+Lady Gregory: Irish dramatist and folklorist, a major figure in the Irish Literary Revival of the late 19th and early 20th centuries
303.13+Anglo-Irish Johnny Magorey: fruit of dog rose
303.14gory. Eregobragh. Prouf!3
303.14+Obsolete erege: heretic
303.14+Anglo-Irish phrase Erin go bragh: Ireland to the end of time, Ireland forever (slogan and cheer; Motif: Erin go bragh)
303.15     And Kev was wreathed with his pother.
303.15+{{Synopsis: II.2.8.H: [303.15-304.04] [304.F01-304.F02] [303.L12-303.L14] [303.R03-304.R02]: Kev is furious — Kev strikes Dolph}}
303.15+Genesis 4:5: 'And Cain was very wroth' [.21] [.32] [.F01] [304.01]
303.16     But, (that Jacoby feeling again for fore-
303.16+Jacob's biscuit factory, Dublin
303.16+forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:3)
303.17bitten fruit and, my Georgeous, Kevvy too he
303.17+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 13: 'My George!'
303.18just loves his puppadums, I judge!) after all his
303.18+pappadams: Indian savory biscuits
303.18+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 26: 'I judge'
303.19autocratic writings of paraboles of famellicurbs
303.19+Oliver Wendell Holmes: The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table
303.19+Yeats's wife's automatic writing led to Yeats: A Vision
303.19+famelicose: very hungry
303.19+'families of curves' (math)
303.20and meddlied muddlingisms, thee faroots hof
303.20+the far roots
303.20+the fruits
303.20+HCE (Motif: HCE)
303.20+German Hof: Dutch hof: court
303.21cullchaw end ate citrawn woodint wun able
303.21+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...citrawn woodint...} | {Png: ...citrawn' woodint...}
303.21+wouldn't one
303.21+Abel [.32]
303.22rep of the triperforator awlrite blast through
303.22+Wyndham Lewis's publication Blast frequently applied 'Bless' and 'Blast' to different people [.24]
303.22+Latin Pergama: Troy
303.23his pergaman hit him where he lived and do for
303.23+German Pergament: Latin pergamen: parchment
303.23+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 33: 'it was a grand adventure, and mysterious, and so it hit him where he lived'
303.24the blessted selfchuruls, what I think, smarter
303.24+blessed Saint Charles
303.24+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 35: 'whilst I think of it'
303.25like it done for a manny another unpious of
303.25+man, quare (Motif: Queer man) [.26]
303.26the hairydary quare quandary firstings till at
303.26+nursery rhyme Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
303.26+Latin quare: why
303.26+Anglo-Irish quare: queer (reflecting pronunciation)
303.26+(Abel tactfully slitting the throats of the firstlings)
303.26+Obsolete firsting: firstling, the first of its kind, an animal's first offspring
303.27length, you one bladdy bragger, by mercy-
303.27+VI.B.46.026a (o): 'you one —'
303.27+Lynch: Isles of Illusion 329: 'You one —' (i.e. 'You [redacted term of abuse]' in Beach-la-Mar)
303.27+bloody bugger (Slang bugger: fellow, chap; from bugger: sodomite) [081.26]
303.27+French coup de grâce: a finishing stroke, a death blow to put a wounded one out of one's misery (literally 'stroke of mercy')
303.28stroke he measured his earth anyway? could
303.28+geometry (literally 'measuring earth')
303.28+phrase measured his length
303.28+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 12: 'anyway' (over ten times in Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn)
303.29not but recken in his adder's badder cadder
303.29+Motif: alphabet sequence: ABC
303.29+adder (snake)
303.29+cad (the cad with the pipe)
303.30way our frankson who, to be plain, he fight
303.30+Frank [282.08] [302.31]
303.30+VI.B.46.025t (o): 'he fight him bloody face belong you' [.30-.32]
303.30+Lynch: Isles of Illusion 329: 'me fight 'im bloody face b'long you' (i.e. 'I will punch you in the face' in Beach-la-Mar) [.30-.32]
303.31him all time twofeller longa kill dead finish
303.31+Beach-la-Mar all time: always (appears several times in Lynch: Isles of Illusion)
303.31+VI.B.46.026e (r): 'Two feller he fall down longa'
303.31+Lynch: Isles of Illusion 330: 'Two feller 'e fall down longa salt-water' (i.e. 'They fell into the ocean' in Beach-la-Mar)
303.31+VI.B.46.025d (o): 'kill dead finish'
303.31+Lynch: Isles of Illusion 333: '(5) To kill = to hit. " " dead = unconscious. " " dead-finish = dead' (quotation marks ditto 'To kill'; i.e. 'to hit', 'to knock out' and 'to kill', respectively, in Beach-la-Mar)
303.32bloody face blong you, was misocain. Wince
303.32+miso-: hater-of-
303.32+Motif: Cain/Abel [.21]
303.32+once one's one
303.32+Rip Van Winkle [304.01]
303.32+Motif: 111
303.F01     1 He, angel that I thought him, and he not aebel to speel eelyotripes., Mr
303.F01+VI.C.7.133b (o): 'he angel that I thought him' === VI.B.8.231g ( ): 'he, angel that I thought him' [596.10]
303.F01+Angels and Devils [219.01]
303.F01+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...aebel...} | {Png: ...sebel...}
303.F01+not able to spell heliotrope (Parnell: hesitency; Motif: heliotrope)
303.F01+not Abel (i.e. Cain) [.15] [.21] [.32]
303.F01+Danish æble: apple
303.F01+Dutch speel: to play
303.F01+eely tripes
303.F02Tellibly Divilcult!
303.F02+terribly difficult (Colloquial terribly: very)
303.F02+devil cult (Anglo-Irish divil: devil (reflecting pronunciation))
303.F03     2 When the dander rattles how the peacocks prance!
303.F03+VI.B.45.132b (o): 'peacocks dance thunder'
303.F03+Daumal: Les Pouvoirs de la Parole dans la Poétique Hindoue: (of Hindu poetic conventions) 'les paons dansent au grondement du tonnerre' (French 'peacocks dance to the rumble of thunder')
303.F03+W.B. Yeats: 'The Peacock' (poem) [.07-.08]
303.F04     3 The Brownes de Browne - Browne of Castlehacknolan.
303.F04+Motif: Browne/Nolan
303.F04+Castle Browne renamed Clongowes Wood College
303.L01Force Centres of
303.L01+the six major chakras or subtle centres along backbone, through which 'serpent fire' Kundalini can ascend by yogic meditation: i) below genitals; ii) above genitals; iii) at navel; iv) at heart; v) at throat; vi) between eyebrows (i.e. third eye)
303.L02the Fire Serpen-
303.L03tine: heart,
303.L03+(seven centres; seven writers) [.05-.07]
303.L03+(heart of steel) [.05]
303.L04throat, navel,
303.L04+(barking from the throat) [.06]
303.L04+(stern of a naval ship) [.06]
303.L05spleen, sacral,
303.L06fontanella, inter-
303.L06+Italian fontanella: fontanelle
303.L06+intertemporal: situated between the two temples, at the centre of the forehead; related to different times
303.L06+parietal eye: a skin-covered eye-like structure located at the top of the head of some species of reptiles, amphibians and fish (a.k.a. third eye, pineal eye; associated with the pineal gland, which Descartes [304.27] considered as the seat of the soul)
303.L07temporal eye.
303.L08Conception of the
303.L09Compromise and
303.L10Finding of a
303.L12Ideal Present
303.L13Alone Produces
303.L14Real Future.
303.R01+Edward Cocker: Arithmetick (whence the phrase 'according to Cocker')
303.R03+froth-blowers: beer-drinkers (jocular) [227.32] [270.13]
303.R04FIG AND
303.R04+Matthew 7:16: 'gather... figs of thistles'
303.R06+Pig and Whistle (common pub name)

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