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Finnegans Wake lines: 63
Elucidations found: 144

305.01read we in must book. It tells. He prophets
305.01+VI.C.2.195b (o): 'a must book'
305.01+VI.C.2.195c (o): 'He tells'
305.01+Second motto of Rotary International: 'He Profits Most Who Serves Best' [304.L01] [304.L05]
305.01+Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner VII.101: 'He prayeth best, who loveth best'
305.02most who bilks the best.
305.02+bilk: deceive
305.03     And that salubrated sickenagiaour of yaours
305.03+{{Synopsis: II.2.9.B: [305.03-306.07] [305.F01-305.F03] [305.L01-306.L02] [305.R01-305.R21]: reconciliation — a conspiracy is hatched}}
305.03+Latin saluber: healthful
305.03+celebrated signature
305.03+sock in the jaw
305.03+Byron: other works: The Giaour
305.03+giaour: term of reproach applied by Turks to non-Muslims
305.04have teaspilled all my hazeydency. Forge away,
305.04+Motif: The Letter: teastain
305.04+misspelt hesitancy (Parnell: hesitency) [.09] [.R01-.R04]
305.05Sunny Sim! Sheepshopp. Bleating Goad, it is
305.05+when Joyce was a child, his family called him 'Sunny Jim', perhaps after 'Force' breakfast cereal advertisements (but these appeared only in 1903), perhaps after an obscene jump-rope rhyme about a coprophagic baby swimming in a lavatory bowl
305.05+Sim: pagan god of ancient Slavic people (literally 'Giant')
305.05+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Sim! Sheepshopp...} | {Png: ...Sim. Sheepshopp...}
305.05+Motif: goat/sheep
305.05+ship-shape: meticulously neat and tidy [244.06]
305.05+bleeding God!
305.06the least of things, Eyeinstye! Imagine it, my
305.06+Albert Einstein: 20th century physicist (his General Theory of Relativity showed space to be non-Euclidian) [304.05]
305.06+German einst: once
305.06+sty, stye: an inflammatory swelling on the eyelid
305.07deep dartry dullard! It is hours giving, not
305.07+Motif: Dear Dirty Dublin
305.07+Dartry: district of Dublin
305.07+dartra: vague name for skin diseases
305.07+VI.C.2.194g (o): 'He will give hours'
305.08more. I'm only out for celebridging over the
305.08+Celbridge: village, County Kildare
305.09guilt of the gap in your hiscitendency. You are
305.09+Gaping Gill
305.09+phrase gift of the gab: talent for speaking
305.09+HCE (Motif: HCE)
305.09+his city
305.09+Parnell: hesitency [.04]
305.10a hundred thousand times welcome, old wort-
305.10+Irish céad míle fáilte: a hundred thousand welcomes (traditional Irish greeting)
305.10+Old World
305.10+German Wort: word
305.10+wort: infusion of malt prior to its fermentation into beer or ale
305.11sampler, hellbeit you're just about as culpable
305.12as my woolfell merger would be. In effect I
305.12+woeful mother
305.12+wilful murder
305.12+VI.C.2.173d (o): 'merger'
305.13could engage in an energument over you till
305.13+energumen: enthusiast, fanatical devotee; a person possessed
305.14you were republicly royally toobally prussic
305.14+Royal Blue
305.14+Tubal-Cain: descendant of Cain; instructor of brass and iron artificers [.14-.20]
305.14+VI.C.2.139b (o): 'prussic blue'
305.14+prussic acid (hydrogen cyanide) was first isolated from the pigment called Prussian blue
305.15blue in the shirt after.1 Trionfante di bestia! And
305.15+Blueshirts: an Irish quasi-fascist movement of the 1930s
305.15+(blue in the face)
305.15+Giordano Bruno: Spaccio de la Bestia Trionfante (Italian 'The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast')
305.16if you're not your bloater's kipper may I never
305.16+Genesis 4:9: 'Am I my brother's keeper?' [.14-.20]
305.17curse again on that pint I took of Jamesons.
305.17+John Jameson Irish Whiskey
305.18Old Keane now, you're rod, hook and sinker,
305.18+Colloquial O.K.: okay
305.18+Old Keane: actor who collapsed (to die) whilst playing Othello to his son's Iago, after the words 'Othello's occupation's gone' (William Shakespeare: Othello)
305.18+Cain [.14-.20]
305.18+phrase hook, line and sinker
305.19old jubalee Keane! Biddy's hair. Biddy's hair,
305.19+Keen's Mustard advertised in 1892 as 'Keen's 3rd Jubilee, Established A.D. 1742'
305.19+Jubal-Cain: brother of Tubal; father of cattle-owners [.14-.20]
305.19+German Bitte sehr, mein Lieber: You're welcome, dear
305.19+Kevin and Biddy the hen [110.22] [110.32]
305.20mine lubber. Where is that Quin but he sknows
305.20+Genesis 4:9: 'and the Lord said unto Cain, where is Abel thy brother? and he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?' [.14-.20]
305.20+Quin: Dublin actor
305.20+knows it not
305.21it knot but what you that are my popular end-
305.21+polar antithesis
305.22phthisis were born with a solver arm up your
305.22+phthisis: a progressive wasting disease (especially pulmonary tuberculosis)
305.22+VI.B.3.087f (b): 'Trist born with a silver arm up his sleeve' ('born with' replaces a cancelled 'has'; Tristan)
305.22+phrase born with a silver spoon in his mouth
305.22+Nuad of the Silver Arm: king of the Tuatha Dé Danaan
305.22+phrase something up one's sleeve: a secret plan [169.12]
305.23sleep. Thou in shanty! Thou in scanty shanty!!
305.23+hymn Trisagion: (begins) 'Holy God' (in Greek 'Hagios ho Theos'; in Latin 'Sanctus Deus') [.L06]
305.23+Anglo-Irish shanty: old house
305.24Thou in slanty scanty shanty!!! Bide in your
305.24+T.S. Eliot: The Waste Land: (ends with) 'Shantih shantih shantih' (the formulaic ending of shantih mantras in the Upanishads; from Sanskrit shantih: peace, tranquillity)
305.24+hymn Sanctus: (begins) 'Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus' (Latin 'Holy, Holy, Holy'; sometimes confused with hymn Trisagion)
305.25hush! Bide in your hush, do! The law does
305.25+Irish bi i dho husht, tú: be quiet, you (said by the citizen to his dog in Joyce: Ulysses)
305.25+German beiden: to both
305.25+bird in the bush
305.26not aloud you to shout. I plant my penstock
305.26+Motif: pen/post
305.26+penstock: sluice for regulating flow of water
305.27in your postern, chinarpot. Ave! And let it be
305.27+chamber pot
305.27+Latin ave, vale: hail, farewell (Motif: ave, salve, vale) [.28]
305.28to all remembrance. Vale. Ovocation of maid-
305.28+Vale of Remembrance
305.28+Genesis 9:15: 'And I will remember my covenant... and the waters shall no more become a flood'
305.28+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song The Meeting of the Waters: 'Sweet vale of Avoca!'
305.28+Maida Vale, London
305.29ing waters.2 For auld lang salvy steyne. I
305.29+song Auld Lang Syne
305.29+Latin salve: hail!, be well!
305.29+Steyne: a pillar formerly standing in Dublin, erected by the Vikings near their landing place
305.29+German Stein: stone
305.29+VI.B.3.089b (b): 'I defend (defend) you to speak'
305.29+French je vous défends de chanter: I forbid you to sing
305.30defend you to champ my scullion's praises.
305.30+VI.B.3.093f-.094a (b): 'SD scullion to scholars (Adamnan'
305.30+Flood: Ireland, Its Saints and Scholars 88: 'poorer students lived in the houses of people in the vicinity of the school, and were maintained and educated without any charge. Others lived in the houses with their wealthier classfellows, and waited upon them... schooldays of Adamnan'
305.30+scullion: a domestic servant of the lowest rank
305.30+Archaic cullions: rascals; testicles
305.31To book alone belongs the lobe. Foremaster's
305.31+German Lob: praise
305.31+Annals of the Four Masters (*X*)
305.32meed3 will mark tomorrow when we are
305.32+meed: reward
305.33making pilscrummage to whaboggeryin with
305.33+pilgrimage [306.01]
305.33+Colloquial scrummage: struggle, scuffle (in rugby, a formal struggle between the players of the two teams in an attempt to gain possession of the ball)
305.33+Anglo-Irish Erin: Ireland
305.F01     1 From three shellings. A bluedye sacrifice.
305.F02     2 Not Kilty. But the manajar was. He! He! Ho! Ho! Ho!
305.F02+VI.C.2.058h (g): === VI.B.2.065d ( ): 'heehee (girl) hoho (boy)'
305.F02+Jespersen: Language, its Nature, Development and Origin 156n (VIII.8): 'Manchu... haha 'man', hehe 'woman''
305.F02+Motif: 2&3 (he x 3, ho x 2) [379.19]
305.F03     3 Giglamps, Soapy Geyser, The Smell and Gory Mac Gusty.
305.F03+Motif: 5 senses (touch missing) [086.32]
305.F03+Slang giglamps: spectacles (sight)
305.F03+soap intensifies explosive boiling of geysers
305.F03+(wash behind ears) (hearing)
305.F03+Variants: {FnF, Png: ...Mac Gusty...} | {Vkg: ...M Gusty...}
305.L01The Twofold
305.L01+VI.B.17.081e (b): 'twofold truth' [288.03] [490.16]
305.L01+McIntyre: Giordano Bruno 303: (of Giordano Bruno) 'It has been suggested that Bruno, like many others who were unstable in the Church, made use of the subterfuge of the twofold truth; in other words, that he professed to disbelieve theologically what he accepted as philosophical truth: or that he held one and the same proposition to be true to sense and reason, i.e. to harmonise with all other "natural" knowledge, and yet to be false to faith, i.e. inconsistent with revealed truth. But no theologian denied more strenuously than Bruno, in spite of occasional lapses, the possibility of two kinds of truth'
305.L02Truth and the
305.L03Conjunctive Ap-
305.L04petites of Oppo-
305.L04+opposite sexes
305.L05sitional Orexes.
305.L05+Latin orexis: appetite
305.L06+hymn Trishagion: a short ancient hymn, used especially in Eastern churches, invoking God as holy three times (usually spelled 'Trisagion'; from Greek trisagion: thrice-holy) [.23-.24]
305.R01COME SI
305.R01+Italian come si compita?: how do you spell?
305.R03+Latin cunctatio: hesitancy (Parnell: hesitency) [.04]
305.R10THIGH, LIG-
305.R10+L + (Motif: 5 vowels) + G: I, A, E, U (O may be Old Norse log: law, or missing) [.R10-.R15]
305.R13LEG IN A TEE,
305.R14LUG IN A
305.R14+Luggelaw, County Wicklow (Lough Tay)
305.R15LAW, TWO
305.R15+Motif: 2&3 [.R17]
305.R16AT A TIE,

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