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Finnegans Wake lines: 60
Elucidations found: 99

306.01staff, scarf and blessed wallet and our aureoles
306.01+phrase lock, stock and barrel: completely, entirely, in its entirety
306.01+VI.C.2.043c (g): === VI.B.2.046d ( ): 'pilgrim gets blessed wallet and scarf' [305.33]
306.01+Boissonnot: La Cathédrale de Tours 9n: (of a 12th century crusader on his way to the Holy Land) 'Foulques le Jeune... s'y présenta devant Hildebert, et reçut de sa main les insignes de pèlerin, un bourdon et une écharpe bénits avec des prières spéciales' (French 'Fulk the Younger... presented himself before Hildebert, and received from his hand the marks of a pilgrim, a staff and a scarf blessed with special prayers')
306.01+VI.C.2.044d (g): 'aureole round neck (S Deum)' === VI.B.2.047e ( ): 'aureole round neck (S. Denis)' (only first three words crayoned)
306.01+Boissonnot: La Cathédrale de Tours 35: (of Saint Denis, a 3rd century decapitated martyr, as portrayed in the cathedral) 'saint Denis, sa tête en main et le cou auréolé' (French 'Saint Denis, his head in hand and the neck aureoled') [568.20]
306.02round our neckkandcropfs where as and when
306.02+phrase neck and crop: entirely, bodily
306.02+German Kropf: crop, maw, craw
306.03Heavysciusgardaddy, parent who offers sweet-
306.03+American Slang heavy sugar papa: sweet old man with fat purse
306.03+Slang sugar daddy: an older man who lavishly spends on or financially supports a young woman with whom he is romantically or sexually involved
306.03+VI.C.2.141b (o): 'the parent offers sweetmeat'
306.03+Patten: The Passing of the Phantoms 24: 'The child trips over the door-mat and falls in its eagerness to reach the sweetmeat held up in the parent's hand at the other end of the room'
306.04meats, will gift uns his Noblett's surprize.
306.04+German Gift: poison
306.04+Danish gifte: to marry
306.04+give us
306.04+German uns: us
306.04+Noblett's: Dublin sweet shop
306.04+French phrase noblesse oblige: high status comes with social and moral responsibilities, especially towards those less fortunate (literally 'nobility requires')
306.04+Nobel Prize (T.S. Eliot won) [.08]
306.04+Pulitzer Prize (T.S. Eliot won) [.08]
306.05With this laudable purpose in loud ability let
306.05+VI.B.3.089f (b): 'same laudable purpose'
306.05+Flood: Ireland, Its Saints and Scholars 4: 'to perfect themselves in the practices of an ascetic life under Irish directors, and to study the Sacred Scriptures... At a later period the Anglo-Saxons passed over to Ireland in great numbers for the same laudable purpose'
306.05+Laudabiliter: papal bull issued in 1155 by Pope Adrian IV, granting Ireland to Henry II
306.06us be singulfied. Betwixt me and thee hung
306.06+single (become one)
306.06+Genesis 31:48: (of a heap of stones forming a covenant between Jacob and Laban) 'And Laban said, This heap is a witness between me and thee this day. Therefore was the name of it called Galeed; And Mizpah; for he said, The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another' (Hebrew mizpah: watchtower; alluding to this biblical episode, the word Mizpah has been used since at least the 19th century to refer to items, especially jewellery, symbolising an emotional bond between two people who are separated) [588.24]
306.06+Archaic betwixt: between
306.06+Hong Kong
306.07cong. Item, mizpah ends.
306.07+end of Mass: 'Ite, missa est'
306.08     But while the dial are they doodling dawd-
306.08+{{Synopsis: II.2.9.C: [306.08-308.04] [306.F01-307.F11] [306.L03-308.L01] [306.R01-306.R07]: lessons are over — a list of fifty-two essay topics}}
306.08+Colloquial phrase why the devil: why (intensified)
306.08+in 1926, the editors of The Dial periodical decided not to publish a section of Joyce: Finnegans Wake (book III) after considering it for many weeks and initally accepting it (in 1927, they refused another section, 'The Triangle' portion of II.2)
306.08+T.S. Eliot: The Waste Land won a $2000 prize from The Dial [.04]
306.09ling over the mugs and the grubs? Oikey,
306.09+Motif: Mookse/Gripes
306.09+Slang grub: food
306.09+Finnish oikea: right (hand)
306.09+Colloquial okay: all right
306.10Impostolopulos?1 Steady steady steady steady
306.10+song Mille Mille Mille Mille Mille Decollavimus (Roman soldiers' song)
306.11steady studiavimus. Many many many many
306.11+Latin studivimus: we shall have studied
306.12many manducabimus.2 We've had our day at triv
306.12+Latin manducabimus: we shall chew
306.12+in the middle ages, the seven Liberal Arts were divided into the Trivium (grammar, rhetoric and logic) and the Quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music)
306.13and quad and writ our bit as intermidgets. Art,
306.13+intermediates (i.e. in intermediate school)
306.13+ALP (Motif: ALP)
306.14literature, politics, economy, chemistry, human-
306.14+ECH (Motif: HCE)
306.15ity, &c. Duty, the daughter of discipline, the
306.15+(52 essay titles, one for every week of the year) [306.15-308.01] [306.L03-308.L01]
306.16Great Fire at the South City Markets, Belief in
306.16+Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section 1892: 'August 27. — The South City Market almost entirely destroyed by fire'
306.17Giants and the Banshee, A Place for Every-
306.17+phrase a place for everything and everything in its place
306.18thing and Everything in its Place, Is the Pen
306.18+Bulwer-Lytton: Richelieu II.ii.308: 'The pen is mightier than the sword... To paralyse the Cæsars' (proverb The pen is mightier than the sword: words are more effective than violence in bringing about change) [.L06]
306.19Mightier than the Sword? A Successful Career
306.20in the Civil Service,3 The Voice of Nature in
306.20+Colloquial phrase call of nature: need to urinate or defecate [.F04]
306.21the Forest,4 Your Favorite Hero or Heroine,
306.21+Joyce: Ulysses.17.643: 'essays on various subjects or moral apothegms (e.g. My Favourite Hero or Procrastination is the Thief of Time) composed during schoolyears'
306.21+American favorite: favourite
306.22On the Benefits of Recreation,5 If Standing
306.23Stones Could Speak, Devotion to the Feast of
306.23+the Portiuncula Indulgence, an indulgence (a pardon from punishment in purgatory) akin to that supposedly granted to Saint Francis of Assisi, can be received only during the feast of Our Lady of the Angels (2 August), initially only at the Portiuncula church near Assisi, where Saint Francis founded his order, but over time extended by several popes to include practically any Catholic church (there is no limit to the number of Portiuncula Indulgences one may obtain, either for oneself or for souls already in purgatory)
306.24the Indulgence of Portiuncula, The Dublin
306.25Metropolitan Police Sports at Ballsbridge, De-
306.26scribe in Homely Anglian Monosyllables the
306.26+Slang monosyllable: a euphemism for cunt (Slang cunt: female genitalia)
306.26+Longfellow: The Wreck of the Hesperus (a poem about a ship's captain who brings his daughter aboard despite the warnings of an approaching hurricane, then ties her to the mast to prevent her from being swept overboard, only to have the ship crash onto a reef and sink, with his daughter still tied to the mast)
306.27Wreck of the Hesperus,6 What Morals, if any,
306.28can be drawn from Diarmuid and Grania?7 Do
306.28+Diarmuid and Grania
306.29you Approve of our Existing Parliamentary
306.29+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Approve...} | {Png: ...approve...}
306.30System? The Uses and Abuses of Insects, A
306.F01     1 The divvy wants that babbling brook. Dear Auntie Emma Emma Eates.
306.F01+Downing: Digger Dialects 19: 'DIVVY — (1) A division; (2) a share' (World War I Slang)
306.F01+Downing: Digger Dialects 9: 'BABBLING BROOK; BABBLER (n.) — An Army cook' (World War I Slang)
306.F01+Downing: Digger Dialects 19: 'DEAR AUNTIE — A phrase signifying utter weariness or disgust. It implies the well-known text of a fictitious soldier's letter: — "Dear Auntie: This ain't no ordinary war. It's a bloody b—, and if you want to see your little Johnny again, get right down on your knees, and pray like hell"' (World War I Slang)
306.F01+Downing: Digger Dialects 22: 'EMMA-EMMA-ESSES — Smoke-oh. (From the signal alphabet, MMS, Men may smoke)' (World War I Slang)
306.F01+Downing: Digger Dialects 21: 'EATS — Food' (World War I Slang)
306.F02     2 Strike the day off, the nightcap's on nigh. Goney, goney gone!
306.F02+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song The Night Dance: 'Strike the gay harp! see the moon is on high' [air: The Nightcap]
306.F02+phrase going, going, gone (used to close bidding at an auction)
306.F03     3 R. C., disengaged, good character, would help, no salary.
306.F04     4 Where Lily is a Lady found the nettle rash.
306.F04+Motif: Lily is a lady
306.F04+(if one urinates in the forest, one risks getting a nettle rash on one's private parts) [.20-.21]
306.F04+(there's a popular myth that urinating on a nettle rash helps heal it or relieves the pain) [.20-.21]
306.F04+(preparations of stinging nettle have been used for centuries to treat urinary tract infections and to increase urine flow) [.20-.21]
306.F05     5 Bubabipibambuli, I can do as I like with what's me own. Nyamnyam.
306.F05+VI.C.2.059b (g): === VI.B.2.066b ( ): 'bupabambuli bupabepibambuli' (first word not crayoned)
306.F05+Jespersen: Language, its Nature, Development and Origin 157 (VIII.8): (of words for children and dolls, assumed to have originally arisen from young chidlren's babbling) 'Engl. babe, baby, German bube... Ital. bambo (bambino)... Lat. pupa or puppa, G. puppe... Lat. pupillus, pupilla... E. pupil'
306.F05+VI.C.2.059c (g): 'nyamnyam (gooood)' === VI.B.2.066c ( ): 'nyamnyam (goood)' (Motif: I am, I am)
306.F05+Jespersen: Language, its Nature, Development and Origin 158 (VIII.8): 'As the child's first nourishment is its mother's breast, its joyous mamama can also be taken to mean the breast. So we have the Latin mamma (with a diminutive ending mammilla, whence Fr. mamelle)... Inseparable from these words is the sound, a long m or am, which expresses the child's delight over something that tastes good; it has by-forms in the Scotch nyam or nyamnyam' (Motif: I am, I am)
306.F05+Dialect nyam-nyam: to eat with relish; food (Motif: I am, I am)
306.F06     6 Able seaman's caution.
306.F06+Motif: alphabet sequence: ABC
306.F07     7 Rarely equal and distinct in all things.
306.F07+Catechism: 'Really distinct and equal in all things'
306.F07+rarely: exceptionally, very
306.L01Abnegation is
306.L03+(52 figures or pairs of figures from the Bible and Greek and Roman history and mythology, one for every week of the year) [306.15-308.01] [306.L03-308.L01]
306.L03+Cato's policy was establishment of solidarity through traditional government
306.L04+Nero was rumoured to have instigated fire that destroyed half of Rome
306.L05Saul. Aristotle.
306.L05+I Samuel contains stories of Saul, Goliath and the Witch of Endor
306.L05+orderliness and desire to classify major characteristics of Aristotle
306.L06Julius Caesar.
306.L06+William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar [.18]
306.L07+William Shakespeare: Pericles
306.L07+Pericles: reserved, incorruptible Athenian statesman for over forty years
306.L08+Ovid's Metamorphoses includes much change of human into natural things
306.L09Adam, Eve.
306.L10Domitian. Edipus.
306.L10+Domitian: emperor responsible for extensive military campaigns and public works
306.L10+the Sphinx often depicted sitting on a column whilst confronting Oedipus
306.L11+Socrates drank hemlock, refusing assistance to escape execution
306.L12+Ajax fought Ulysses at funeral games for Patroclus
306.L14+Marcus Aurelius: Meditations (much concerned with morality)
306.L15+Alcibiades accused in Athens and obliged to escape, then invited back and made general when needed
306.L16+Lucretius went mad from a love potion made of Spanish Fly
306.R01+ECH (Motif: HCE)
306.R02COP AND
306.R04+Latin secures gubernant urbis terrorem: axes govern the city's terror (lictors' axes represented state's power)
306.R04+Motif: Securus iudicat orbis terrarum

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