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Finnegans Wake lines: 24
Elucidations found: 138

309.01     It may not or maybe a no concern of the Guinnesses but.
309.01+{{Synopsis: II.3.1A.A: [309.01-309.10]: maybe, but — a Viconian cycle}}
309.01+Motif: acronym: I'M NOMAN (Ulysses)
309.01+concerning the genesis [030.02] [099.02-.03]
309.01+Guinness (family)
309.02     That the fright of his light in tribalbalbutience hides aback in
309.02+(that man hides from thunder, but that marriage is the height of his life, yet that pride kills him, while the scheme is cyclical, was never much in dispute)
309.02+that... but that [.03]... yet that [.06]... while [.07]
309.02+Motif: 4-stage Viconian cycle (thunder, marriage, death, ricorso) [.02-.07]
309.02+(Motif: stuttering)
309.02+Italian tribolo: affliction, distress
309.02+Latin balbutiens: stuttering, stammering (Motif: stuttering)
309.03the doom of the balk of the deaf but that the height of his life
309.03+doombook: book of old Teutonic lore
309.03+Budge: The Book of the Dead
309.03+German Hochzeit
309.04from a bride's eye stammpunct is when a man that means a moun-
309.04+German Stamm: tree trunk; stem, origin
309.04+German Standpunkt: point of view, standpoint
309.05tain barring his distance wades a lymph that plays the lazy win-
309.05+weds a nymph
309.05+ALP (Motif: ALP)
309.05+Archaic lymph: clear spring or stream water, pure water; a stream
309.05+lady when
309.06ning she likes yet that pride that bogs the party begs the glory of
309.06+Rober Martin: song Enniscorthy: 'For the pride of balls and parties, and the glory of a wake'
309.06+bogs: sinks
309.07a wake while the scheme is like your rumba round me garden,
309.07+song Enniscorthy: 'and the steam was like a rainbow round McCarthy' [176.18]
309.07+rhythm of rumba is counterpoint of three beats against four
309.07+Alphonse Karr: Voyage autour de mon jardin (French A Tour Round My Garden; novel (1845))
309.08allatheses, with perhelps the prop of a prompt to them, was now
309.08+allotheism: worship of strange gods
309.09or never in Etheria Deserta, as in Grander Suburbia, with Finn-
309.09+Edri Deserta: an old name of Howth Head
309.09+C.M. Doughty: Travels in Arabia Deserta [363.21]
309.09+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Deserta, as...} | {Png: ...Deserta as...}
309.09+garden suburb: a suburb organised similarly to a garden city [553.09]
309.09+Anglo-Irish Sinn Feiner: militant Irish nationalist (not necessarily belonging to the so-named organisation; mostly derogatory; from Irish Sinn Féin: Ourselves (Irish nationalist slogan); Motif: Sinn Féin)
309.09+Motif: Fee faw fum
309.10fannfawners, ruric or cospolite, for much or moment indispute.
309.10+(fawning customers)
309.10+VI.B.46.092t (b): 'Rurik' (Cluster: Early Russian History)
309.10+Mawer: The Vikings 74: 'Rurik (O.N. Hrœrekr), settled in Novgorod' (Cluster: Early Russian History)
309.10+Rurik: 9th century Varangian (i.e. Viking) ruler of Novgorod, semi-legendary founder of the Rurik dynasty of Kiev Rus (i.e. first king of the Russians), possibly father of Oleg, grandfather of Svyatoslav, ancestor of Boris, and chieftain of Askold (Cluster: Early Russian History) [.12] [310.15-.18]
309.10+Latin ruricola: rustic
309.10+cosmopolite: citizen of the world
309.10+Russian gospodin: lord, sir
309.11     Whyfor had they, it is Hiberio-Miletians and Argloe-Noremen,
309.11+{{Synopsis: II.3.1B.A: [309.11-310.21]: the tavern's wireless radio — its waves reaching all the way into the ear}}
309.11+Obsolete whyfor: wherefore, for which reason
309.11+Milesians: in Irish mythology, the last race of legendary colonists of Ireland, who came from Spain (Hiberia)
309.11+Arklow: town, County Wicklow
309.11+Anglo-Norman (invaders)
309.11+Nore river
309.12donated him, birth of an otion that was breeder to sweatoslaves,
309.12+(bought him a radio) [.14]
309.12+The Birth of a Nation: a controversial film by D.W. Griffith (1915)
309.12+Greek ôtion: little ear
309.12+German Bruder: brother
309.12+sweaty slaves
309.12+Russian svet: world, society
309.12+Svyatoslav I: the last Viking king of Kiev Rus to be still distinguishable from his Slavic subjects (and the first to bear a Slavic name) (Cluster: Early Russian History)
309.13as mysterbolder, forced in their waste, and as for Ibdullin what of
309.13+Ibsen: all plays: The Master Builder
309.13+First in the West: an epithet of Osiris [077.03] [105.07]
309.13+VI.B.45.104f (o): 'Abdallah & Aminah'
309.13+Holland: The Story of Mohammed 30: (of Mohammed's parents) 'When he was twenty-four years of age Abdallah was married to Aminah, a maiden belonging to a distant branch of his own tribe, the Kuraysh'
309.14Himana, that their tolvtubular high fidelity daildialler, as modern
309.14+Hy Maine: tribal territory, County Galway
309.14+VI.B.37.122a-b (o): '29 tubes high fidelity'
309.14+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 323: (advertisement for an advanced radio set) '23 Tube High Fidelity SCOTT' (Cluster: Radio) [.17]
309.14+Danish tolv: twelve (*O*)
309.14+Irish Dáil: Assembly, the lower chamber of the post-independence Irish parliament
309.14+VI.B.37.123e (o): 'dial'
309.14+radio dial (Cluster: Radio)
309.14+VI.B.37.124g (o): 'as modern as tomorrow'
309.14+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 338: (article title) 'Latest TESTING Instruments As Modern As Tomorrow'
309.15as tomorrow afternoon and in appearance up to the minute, (hear-
309.15+VI.B.37.125c (o): 'up to the minute appearance'
309.15+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 338/1: (of a radio testing instrument) 'This new instrument, offering... attractive up-to-the-minute appearance'
309.16ing that anybody in that ruad duchy of Wollinstown schemed
309.16+anybody... seemed to have the wrong type of date [077.12]
309.16+VI.B.46.092ab (b): 'Ruad Ruotsi' (last word not crayoned; Cluster: Early Russian History)
309.16+Mawer: The Vikings 77: 'The name 'Rus' is the Slavonic, 'Rhôs' the Greek, and 'Rûs' the Arabic form of the Finnish name for Sweden, viz. Ruotsi' (Cluster: Early Russian History)
309.16+Irish ruadh: red (the primary colour of the Soviet flag) [310.17]
309.16+Duke of Wellington
309.16+VI.B.46.092q (b): 'on Wollin' (Cluster: Early Russian History)
309.16+Mawer: The Vikings 70: 'the establishment, in the tenth century, of the most characteristic of all Viking settlements, that of Jómsborg on the Island of Wollin at the mouth of the Oder' (Cluster: Early Russian History) [310.03-.04]
309.17to halve the wrong type of date) equipped with supershielded um-
309.17+phrase time of day: the exact time (as indicated by a clock)
309.17+by the early 20th century, most of the world had moved to the Gregorian calendar, while eastern Europe, centred on Russia, continued to use the Julian calendar, which by then differed from it by 13 days
309.17+VI.B.37.122c (o): 'equipped with magic link' [.17-.19]
309.17+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 323: (advertisement for an advanced radio set) '23 Tube High Fidelity SCOTT Equipped with "MAGIC LINK"' (Cluster: Radio) [.14]
309.17+VI.B.37.122d-e (o): 'supershield antenna coupling system' [.17-.19]
309.17+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 323/2: (advertisement for an advanced radio set) 'WHAT THE SCOTT SUPERSHIELD ANTENNA COUPLING SYSTEM ACCOMPLISHES' (Cluster: Radio)
309.18brella antennas for distancegetting and connected by the magnetic
309.18+Variants: {FnF, JCM: ...distancegetting...} | {Vkg: ...distance getting...} | {Png: ...distance, getting...}
309.18+VI.B.37.122g (o): 'distance getting'
309.18+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 323/2: (advertisement for an advanced radio set) 'Effectively doubles the sensitivity or distance-getting ability of the antenna and receiver combination' (Cluster: Radio)
309.18+magnetic (Cluster: Radio)
309.19links of a Bellini-Tosti coupling system with a vitaltone speaker,
309.19+Bellini and Tosti: composers
309.19+Bellini and Tosi: pioneers in radiotelegraphy (Cluster: Radio)
309.19+VI.B.37.122h (o): 'vitatone speaker'
309.19+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 325: (advertisement for new radio sets) 'The SENSATIONAL 1937 Knight RADIOS with exclusive magna-span dials and vita-tone speakers' (Cluster: Radio)
309.20capable of capturing skybuddies, harbour craft emittences, key
309.20+(radio messages from aircraft and ships; Cluster: Radio)
309.20+VI.B.37.123a (o): 'skybuddy — chief sky riders (dash dittos 'sky')
309.20+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 326: (advertisement for different radio set models, from most to least sophisticated) 'THE NEW 1937 Sky Riders... the SUPER SKY RIDER... the SKY RIDER COMMERCIAL... the ULTRA SKY RIDER... the SKY CHIEF... the SKY BUDDY' (Cluster: Radio)
309.20+sky bodies
309.20+HCE (Motif: HCE)
309.20+VI.B.37.123d (o): 'harbour craft'
309.20+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 331: (article title) 'Radio Now Brings TELEPHONE SERVICE To Harbor Craft' (Cluster: Radio)
309.20+emittance (Cluster: Radio)
309.20+Parnell: hesitency
309.20+VI.B.37.126b (o): 'key clicks'
309.20+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 340/3: (of a type of interference caused by continuous wave amateur radio transmission) 'Key clicks are the severest form of interference caused by c.w. stations' (Cluster: Radio)
309.21clickings, vaticum cleaners, due to woman formed mobile or
309.21+VI.B.37.126c (o): 'vacuum cleaner'
309.21+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 340/1: (of radio interference) 'oil burners, vacuum cleaners, heating pads and other household appliances... cause much more interference than the amateur' (Cluster: Radio)
309.21+Vatican radio (Cluster: Radio)
309.21+Latin viaticum: Eucharist, consecrated bread
309.21+Rigoletto: song 'La donna è mobile' (Italian 'Woman is fickle')
309.21+mobile, static (Pythagorean table of opposites makes motion a male attribute and rest a female one)
309.22man made static and bawling the whowle hamshack and wobble
309.22+VI.B.37.122f (o): 'man made static'
309.22+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 323: (advertisement for an advanced radio set) 'SENSATIONAL New SCOTT "MAGIC LINK" CONQUERS "Man-Made" STATIC' (Cluster: Radio)
309.22+VI.B.37.126a (o): 'ham shack'
309.22+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 340/1: (article title) 'The "Ham" Shack' (Cluster: Radio)
309.22+Slang ham shack: the room or shed from which an amateur radio hobbyist transmits (Cluster: Radio)
309.22+phrase lock, stock and barrel: completely, entirely, in its entirety
309.23down in an eliminium sounds pound so as to serve him up a mele-
309.23+Motif: up/down
309.23+VI.B.37.126f (o): 'eliminium'
309.23+Radio News and Short Wave Radio Dec 1936, 340/2: 'Elimination of broadcast interference should begin in the amateur's station' (Cluster: Radio)
309.23+aluminium saucepan
309.23+sound (Cluster: Radio)
309.23+Italian mele: apples
309.23+Hungarian meleg: warm; heat
309.23+mulligatawny soup
309.24goturny marygoraumd, eclectrically filtered for allirish earths and
309.24+German Raum: space, room
309.24+ecclesiastically (i.e. censored by the church)
309.24+electrically filtered (Cluster: Radio)
309.24+VI.B.37.124c (o): 'for all earth'
309.24+all Irish hearths and homes
309.24+song Old Ireland's Hearts and Hands

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