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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 199

313.01girdlers, mercers, cordwainers and first, and not last, the weavers.
313.01+Matthew 19:30: 'And many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first'
313.01+phrase last, but not least
313.02Our library he is hoping to ye public.
313.02+Archaic Slang library: tavern
313.02+Norwegian hope: to heap
313.02+open to the public
313.03     Innholder, upholder.
313.03+innholder: innkeeper
313.03+Norwegian innhold: contents
313.03+Norwegian inneholde: to contain, hold
313.03+Norwegian inneholder: contains
313.03+Norwegian opphold: sojourn
313.03+Norwegian oppeholde: to detain, stop
313.03+Norwegian oppeholder: supports; detains
313.03+Archaic opholder: undertaker; dealer in small wares
313.04    — Sets on sayfohrt! Go to it, agitator! they bassabosuned over
313.04+Set: Egyptian god
313.04+German setz an sofort: start immediately
313.04+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation say: sea
313.04+say forth
313.04+German Seefahrt: navigation (at sea)
313.04+Norwegian fort: quickly
313.04+Bass's ale
313.04+Nautical bosun: boatswain, an officer on a ship in charge of the deck, sails, riggings, etc.
313.05the flowre of their hoose. Godeown moseys and skeep thy beeble
313.05+flow of the hose
313.05+floor of the house
313.05+Norwegian gode: good
313.05+song Go Down, Moses, and set thy people free
313.05+Joyce: Ulysses.1.284: 'Dedalus, come down, like a good mosey'
313.05+skep: old-fashioned straw or wicker bee-hive
313.05+Norwegian skip: ship
313.05+keep thy Bible
313.05+bumblebee [256.18]
313.06+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...bee!} | {Png: ...bee.}
313.07    — I will do that, acordial, by mine hand, sazd Kersse, piece
313.07+Luke 1:38: 'Be it done unto me according to thy word'
313.07+Irish a cháirde: friends (vocative)
313.07+Judges 6:36: 'by mine hand' (Gideon)
313.07+Douglas: London Street Games 24: 'Pease Cods' (children's game)
313.07+please God
313.07+Archaic codpiece: a conspicuous and often ornamented appendage worn by men in the 15th and 16th centuries over the genital area
313.08Cod, and in the flap of a jacket, ructified after his nap of a blankit
313.08+cad (the cad with the pipe)
313.08+Colloquial phrase in a jiffy: in a very short time, in a moment
313.08+Latin ructus: a belch
313.08+Slang nap: blankets
313.08+Norwegian blankett: form
313.09their o'cousin, as sober as the ship's husband he was one my god-
313.09+phrase sober as a judge
313.09+Slang godfather: juryman
313.09+(MaCann was Joyce's godfather) [311.05]
313.10father when he told me saw whileupon I am now well and jurily
313.10+Norwegian saa: so
313.11sagasfide after the boonamorse the widower, according to rider,
313.11+Bona Mors Confraternity: a Catholic and Jesuit sodality founded in the 17th century with the purpose of preparing its members to a peaceful death (from Latin Bona Mors: Happy Death)
313.11+French bon amours: good loves
313.11+Reuter's: British news agency
313.12following pnomoneya, he is consistently blown to Adams. So
313.12+no money
313.12+phrase so help me God! (asserting an oath) [094.29] [375.15] [445.07]
313.13help me boyg who keeps the book!
313.13+phrase kiss the book: kiss a copy of the Bible (as a confirmation of an oath) [094.29] [375.16] [445.07]
313.13+The Boyg: ogre in Ibsen: all plays: Peer Gynt (Norwegian böyg: ogre, monster)
313.13+Serbo-Croatian Bog: God
313.13+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM:!} | {Png:}
313.14     Whereofter, behest his suzerain law the Thing and the pilsener
313.14+{{Synopsis: II.3.1C.E: [313.14-315.08]: the publican collects money for the drinks — then has a fall}}
313.14+(jury pass verdict between) Sovereign Lord the King and the prisoner at the bar
313.14+Thing: among the Vikings, a public assembly that functioned as a parliament, to make political decisions, and as a court of law, to resolve disputes
313.14+Pilsener beer
313.15had the baar, Recknar Jarl, (they called him Roguenor, Irl call
313.15+Dutch baar: bier, litter
313.15+(public-house bar)
313.15+Ragnar Lodbrok: 9th century Viking chief [.23]
313.15+Old Norse Jarl: Earl
313.15+(they called him reckoner, I'll call him roguenor)
313.15+Norwegian rogn: fish spawn
313.15+Norwegian Irland: Ireland
313.16him) still passing the change-a-pennies, pengeypigses, a several
313.16+(payment for drinks)
313.16+Norwegian penge: money
313.16+Irish pingin: penny
313.16+pig on Irish halfpenny
313.17sort of coyne in livery, pushed their whisper in his hairing,
313.17+VI.B.6.160j (o): 'coyne & livery for his men'
313.17+Lawless: The Story of Ireland 29: 'there grew up by degrees that class of armed retainers... who surrounded every important chief... and were by them quartered forcibly in war time upon others, and so there grew up that system of "coyne and livery," or forced entertainment for horse and men'
313.17+coyne and livery: a system of billeting in medieval Ireland, whereby the chief's horses and men were forcibly quartered on his tenants or subjects, making them responsible for their food, lodging and wages (from Irish coinmheadh: guesting and livery: provisions)
313.17+VI.C.3.237f (b): 'whispers pished in *E* ear stops ear, the Hly word head' ('pished... Hly... head' were probably 'question... 1st... heard' in the original B notebook entry, now lost; only first five words crayoned)
313.17+Harrison: Mythology 5: 'He who would consult the oracle comes at evening, burns incense on the hearth, lights the lamps, lays a coin of the country on the altar to the right of the image and whispers his question into the ear of the god. Then he stops his ears and quits the market place, and when he is gone outside a little way, he uncovers his ears and whatever word he hears that he takes for an oracle'
313.18(seemed, a some shipshep's sottovoxed stalement, a dearagadye,
313.18+Motif: alliteration (s, d) [.18-.19]
313.18+ship-shape: meticulously neat and tidy
313.18+Italian sottovoce: softly, in a low voice
313.18+Irish dearg-daol: earwig
313.18+dear God
313.19to hasvey anyone doing duty for duff point of dorkland compors)
313.19+Harvey Duff: police informant in Boucicault: other plays: The Shaughraun
313.19+Anglo-Irish duff: black
313.20the same to the good ind ast velut discharge after which he had
313.20+Danish ind: in
313.20+as well as
313.20+Norwegian vel: well
313.20+French velu: hairy
313.20+Latin velut: just as
313.20+Norwegian ut: out
313.21exemptied more than orphan for the ballast of his nurtural life.
313.21+emptied (bottles)
313.21+balance of his natural life
313.22And threw a cast. A few pigses and hare you are and no chicking,
313.22+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 27: (of Finn hunting ducks) '(He) threw a cast under (at) them'
313.22+Irish halfpenny had a pig on it, threepenny bit a hare and penny a chick
313.23tribune's tribute, if you guess mimic miening. Meanly in his lewd-
313.23+tribune's tribute: a popular name for contributions given by Irish to Daniel O'Connell
313.23+my meaning
313.23+Ragnar Lodbrok: 9th century Viking chief [.15]
313.24brogue take your tyon coppels token, with this good sixtric
313.24+Irish capall: horse (the Irish half-crown (i.e. two and a half shillings, or thirty pence) coin introduced in 1928 had a horse depicted on it) [.29]
313.24+Norwegian tok: took
313.24+Swedish token: the fool
313.24+Norwegian en: one
313.24+Sitric the Viking minted first (Danish) penny in Ireland
313.25from mine runbag of juwels. Nummers that is summus that is
313.25+German mein: my
313.25+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 20: 'his own round-bag of jewels (treasure-bag)'
313.25+German Juwel: jewel
313.25+(counting money)
313.25+German Nummer: Norwegian nummer: number
313.25+Latin nummus: a coin
313.25+Latin summus: the top
313.26toptip that is bottombay that is Twomeys that is Digges that is
313.26+Colloquial tip-top: excellent
313.26+Motif: top/bottom
313.26+Horatio Bottomley: 19th-20th century British financier, journalist, politician and fraudster
313.26+Thomas of Bologna: alchemist
313.26+Motif: Tom, Dick and Harry
313.26+Thomas Digges: 16th century mathematician
313.26+David Digges La Touche: first governor of Bank of Ireland
313.26+Sir Kenelm Digby: alchemist
313.27Heres. In the frameshape of hard mettles. For we all would fain
313.27+Hermes Trismegistus: legendary alchemist to which numerous Greek texts were attributed
313.27+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 22: 'the blood-shedding Fionn of hard weapons' (epithet of Finn)
313.27+Slang mettle: semen
313.27+Archaic fain: gladly, with pleasure
313.27+Finn MacCool
313.27+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 24: 'Muireann married with Gleoir... so from that the saying, Fionn son of Gleoir' (Finn Mac Gleoir, a name given to Finn after his mother married Gleoir)
313.28make glories. It is minely well mint.
313.28+(a tailor is paid for making a suit)
313.28+VI.B.37.081d (o): 'what be mint'
313.28+Worsaae: An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland 51: 'the Northumbrian kings... who resided in York during the first half of the tenth century, caused coins of their own to be minted there'
313.29     Thus as count the costs of liquid courage, a bullyon gauger,
313.29+the Irish shilling (i.e. twelve pence) coin introduced in 1928 had a bull depicted on it [.24]
313.29+Anglo-Irish gauger: a disagreeable ne'er-do-well, a ruffian (from Irish gabhadaire: a cunning fellow)
313.30stowed stivers pengapung in bulk in hold (fight great finnence!
313.30+stiver: small Dutch coin, any small coin
313.30+Norwegian pengepung: purse
313.30+Norwegian indhold: contents
313.30+Norwegian finnen: the Finn
313.31brayvoh, little bratton!) keen his kenning, the queriest of the
313.31+Bray: town, County Wicklow
313.31+Little Britain: a title used, at different times, to refer to Ireland, to Brittany, and to Wales
313.31+Little Britain Street, Dublin (Joyce: Ulysses.12.1729: 'the house of Bernard Kiernan and Co, limited, 8, 9 and 10 Little Britain street (location of 'Cyclops'))
313.31+kenning, a typical trope of the Eddas
313.31+queerest (Motif: Queer man)
313.32crew, with that fellow fearing for his own misshapes, should he be
313.33himpself namesakely a foully fallen dissentant from the peripu-
313.33+periplus: circumnavigation
313.33+tower (of Babel) [314.02]
313.34lator, sued towerds Meade-Reid and Lynn-Duff, rubbing the
313.34+the name Dublin derives from Irish dubh linn: black pool
313.34+Irish lionn dubh: porter, stout, black bile
313.35hodden son of a pookal, leaden be light, lather be dry and it be
313.35+Scottish hodden: a type of coarse woollen fabric
313.35+Anglo-Irish pooka: Irish púca: hobgoblin
313.35+Norwegian pokal: cup
313.35+German Pokal: wine-cup
313.35+Norwegian pukkel: hump, hunch
313.35+Genesis 1:3: 'Let there be light'
313.35+let there be day
313.35+Genesis 1:9: 'let the dry land appear'
313.35+Judges 6:39: 'let it now be dry' (Gideon)
313.35+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: dry...} | {Png: dry...}
313.35+Judges 6:37: 'it be dry upon all the earth beside it' (Gideon) [330.10-.11]
313.36drownd on all the ealsth beside, how the camel and where the
313.36+Judges 6:40: 'dew on all the ground' (Gideon)
313.36+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...beside, how...} | {Png: ...beside how...}
313.36+Colloquial phrase how the hell: how (intensified)
313.36+camel (Matthew 19:24) [314.01]
313.36+Norwegian gammel: old

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