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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 176

328.01there's no pure rube like an ool pool roober when your pullar
328.01+proverb There's no fool like an old fool
328.01+American Slang poor rube: helpless rustic in New York City
328.01+wool pullover
328.01+Dutch pool: pole
328.01+Dutch Archaic roover: robber (now spelled 'rover')
328.01+polar bear
328.01+French foulard: silk neckerchief (pronounced 'fullar')
328.02beer turns out Bruin O'Luinn and beat his barge into a battering
328.02+Dutch beer: bear
328.02+beer brewing
328.02+Bruin: a quasi-proper name applied to the bear (for example in the Reynard cycle)
328.02+Dutch bruin: brown
328.02+Rhyming Slang Brian O'Linn: gin
328.02+Isaiah 2:4: 'they shall beat their swords into plowshares'
328.02+battering ram
328.03pram with her wattling way for cubblin and, be me fairy fay, sayd
328.03+Danish pram: barge
328.03+Watling Street, Dublin (in one version of song Finnegan's Wake, Finnegan lives there)
328.03+Watling Street: Roman road in England
328.03+song Rocky Road to Dublin
328.03+song Polly-wolly-doodle: 'my fairy fay'
328.04he, the marriage mixter, to Kersse, Son of Joe Ashe, her coax-
328.04+Gideon was son of Joash (Judges 6:29) [311.24] [321.34]
328.05fonder, wiry eyes and winky hair, timkin abeat your Andraws
328.05+song Polly-wolly-doodle: 'curly eyes and laughing hair'
328.05+talking about
328.05+Anglo-Irish Andrew Martins: pranks, tricks, shenaningans
328.06Meltons and his lovsang of the short and shifty, I will turn my
328.06+melton: a type of fabric
328.06+Norwegian lovsang: song of praise
328.06+Hood: Song of the Shirt (poem)
328.07thinks to things alove and I will speak but threes ones, sayd he,
328.07+(of love)
328.07+Judges 6:39: 'let me prove, I pray thee, but this once with the fleece' (Gideon asking God for a sign)
328.07+Motif: 111
328.08my truest patrions good founter, poles a port and zones asunder,
328.09tie up in hates and repeat at luxure, you can better your tooblue
328.09+proverb Marry in haste and repent at leisure: a rushed marriage is regretted for a long time
328.09+bet your true blue Protestant arse (Colloquial phrase true blue: unwaveringly faithful)
328.10prodestind arson, tyler bach, after roundsabouts and donochs and
328.10+Protestant parson
328.10+Welsh tyle: hill
328.10+Welsh bach: little
328.10+(rounds of drinks)
328.10+Anglo-Irish donochs: mugs
328.11the volumed smoke, though the clonk in his stumble strikes warn,
328.11+song My Last Cigar: 'the volumed smoke'
328.11+Henry Clay Work: song Come Home Father: 'The clock in the belfry strikes one... The clock in the steeple strikes two'
328.12and were he laid out on that counter there like a Slavocrates
328.12+song Rosin the Beau: 'When I'm dead and laid out on the counter'
328.12+song Lincoln and Liberty: 'the Slavocrat's giant he slew'
328.13amongst his skippies, when it comes to the ride onerable, sayd he,
328.13+Norwegian skib: ship
328.13+right honourable (the captain)
328.13+Latin onus: load
328.14that's to make plain Nanny Ni Sheeres a full Dinamarqueza, and
328.14+Nannywater river
328.14+Irish Ní: daughter of (in patronymic surnames)
328.14+French née: born (feminine)
328.14+sheers (tailors)
328.14+John and Henry Sheares: members of the Society of United Irishmen, the main force behind the Irish Rebellion of 1798 (defended by Curran but executed)
328.14+Portuguese Dinamarquesa: Danish (feminine)
328.14+Portuguese marquesa: marchioness
328.15all needed for the lay, from the hursey on the montey with the
328.15+house on the mountain
328.16room in herberge down to forkpiece and bucklecatch, (Elding,
328.16+Icelandic rúm: bed
328.16+Dutch herberg: inn
328.16+Icelandic herbergi: room
328.16+German Herberge: shelter, hostel
328.16+Norwegian eld: fire
328.16+Icelandic elding: lightning
328.16+Norwegian aelde: antiquity
328.16+Norwegian olding: old man
328.16+Anglo-Irish Erin: Ireland
328.17my elding! and Lif, my lif!) in the pravacy of the pirmanocturne,
328.17+Icelandic líf: life
328.17+Latin pravitas: deformity
328.17+Latin jus primus noctis: droit de seigneur (literally 'first night rights') [017.21]
328.18hap, sayd he, at that meet hour of night, and hop, sayd he, and the
328.18+Motif: A/O
328.18+Hap: Egyptian god of the Nile (represented as a man with the breasts of a woman and crowned with lotus and papyrus flowers)
328.18+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song At the Mid Hour of Night [air: Molly, My Dear]
328.19fyrsty annas everso thried (whiles the breath of Huppy Hulles-
328.19+Norwegian fyr: fellow, chap; fire; light
328.19+Danish fyrtste: prince
328.19+Norwegian fyrstik: match
328.19+Anna (*A*)
328.19+Icelandic annar: second
328.19+ever so tired
328.19+Joyce: Dubliners: 'A Mother': 'Hoppy Holohan'
328.19+Norwegian hull: hole
328.20pond swumped in his seachest for to renumber all the mallyme-
328.20+sea chest
328.20+Archaic for to: in order to
328.20+song Molly, My Dear
328.21dears' long roll and call of sweetheart emmas that every had a
328.21+'sweetheart Emma': Lady Hamilton, Nelson's mistress
328.21+sailor proverbially has wife in every port
328.21+ever he
328.22port in from Coxenhagen till the brottels on the Nile), while
328.22+Battle of Copenhagen, 1801 (in which Nelson was second in command; Motif: Copenhagen)
328.22+Norwegian hagen: the garden
328.22+Norwegian brott: surf
328.22+Battle of the Nile (Nelson's victory)
328.22+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Ill Omens: 'When daylight was yet sleeping under the billow' [air: Kitty of Coleraine; or, Paddy's Resource]
328.23taylight is yet slipping under their pillow, (ill omens on Kitty
328.23+in the song Kitty of Coleraine, she breaks a pitcher of buttermilk
328.24Cole if she's spilling laddy's measure!) and before Sing Mattins in
328.24+Norwegian spille: to play, to act
328.24+Archaic sing matins: (of birds) to sing their morning song (from matins: morning prayers)
328.24+Saint Martin-in-the-Fields: famous London church
328.25the Fields, ringsengd ringsengd, bings Heri the Concorant Erho,
328.25+Ringsend: district of Dublin
328.25+Danish seng: bed
328.25+Norwegian eng: lea, pasture
328.25+HCE (Motif: HCE)
328.25+Basque hiri, iri: village
328.25+Latin heri: yesterday
328.25+song See, the Conqu'ring Hero Comes
328.25+Basque concor: hunchback
328.25+Basque ertzo: crazy, insane
328.25+Chinese ehr: ear
328.26and the Referinn Fuchs Gutmann gives us I'll Bell the Welled or
328.26+Icelandic refr: fox
328.26+German Fuchs: fox
328.26+Fox Goodman
328.26+Norwegian gut: boy
328.26+German gut Mann: good man
328.26+Norwegian mann: man
328.26+song I'll Tell the World
328.26+Bell of the Well: another name for Saint Patrick's Bell (a relic associated with Saint Patrick; kept at the National Museum of Ireland, Dublin)
328.26+German Welt: world
328.27The Steeplepoy's Revanger and all Thingavalley knows for its
328.27+steeple-boy's revenge
328.27+Dutch vanger: catcher
328.27+Thingvellir: historic seat of Icelandic parliament; a great bell was set there when Christianity was adopted by the Icelanders
328.27+Irish an Bhealaigh: of the way
328.28never dawn in the dark but the deed comes to life, and raptist bride
328.28+rape [.29]
328.29is aptist breed (tha lassy! tha lassy!), and, to buoy the hoop
328.29+Motif: Thalatta! Thalatta!
328.29+Greek thalassa: sea
328.29+'Thalassio! Thallasio!': words of an ancient Roman wedding chant, said by Livy (History I.9.10-12) to have originated from the shouts of men leading a Sabine woman to her rape by someone prominent called Thallasius during the rape of the Sabine women [.28]
328.29+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Before the Battle: 'By the hope within us springing' [air: The Fairy Queen]
328.29+Dutch hoop: hope
328.30within us springing, 'tis no timbertar she'll have then in her arms-
328.30+Colloquial 'tis: it is
328.30+(wooden, i.e. inert)
328.31brace to doll the dallydandle, our fiery quean, upon the night of
328.31+Edmund Spenser: The Faerie Queene
328.31+Archaic quean: female, woman, ill-bred woman, prostitute
328.32the things of the night of the making to stand up the double
328.32+Budge: The Book of the Dead, ch. XX, p. 128: 'on the night of making to stand up the double Tet... on the night of the things of the night... and on the night of making Horus to triumph over his enemies'
328.33tet of the oversear of the seize who cometh from the mighty
328.33+'The overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Nu, triumphant, saith:' (frequent introduction in Budge: The Book of the Dead; Budge: The Book of the Dead, introductory hymns, p. 4n: 'The feminine principle of Nu, i.e., the watery mass out of which all the gods were evolved')
328.34deep and on the night of making Horuse to crihumph over his
328.34+according to Budge: The Book of the Dead, when Horus and Set fought, Thoth separated them and gave Horus power over day and Set power over night
328.34+Horus, representing the sun of the approaching morrow, avenged his father's (Osiris) death by fighting and emasculating Set, the incarnation of darkness
328.34+HCE (Motif: HCE)
328.34+cry 'Humph!'
328.35enemy, be the help of me cope as so pluse the riches of the roed-
328.35+Greek plousios: rich
328.35+VI.B.37.062a (o): 'K of red schilds' ('ilds' uncertain)
328.35+Bugge: Contributions to the History of the Norsemen in Ireland II.9: (of Magnus Barefoot) 'The name "King of the Red Shields" (na n-sciath dearg), given to Magnus, refers to the fact that the Norsemen very often used red shields. Red shields are often mentioned in the Edda poems and sagas and must have been characteristic of the Norsemen' [329.05]
328.35+Dutch roede: rod, penis
328.35+Norwegian röd: red
328.36shields, with Elizabeliza blessing the bedpain, at the willbedone
328.36+Basque eliza belza: black church
328.36+(Saint Elizabeth)
328.36+Italian bellezza: beauty
328.36+prayer Lord's Prayer: 'Thy will be done'

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