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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
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334.01or a parrotsprate's cure for ensevelised lethurgies, spick's my
334.01+parish priest's
334.01+French ensevelir: to bury
334.01+Variants: {FnF, Vkg: ...lethurgies, spick's...} | {Png: ...lethurgies; spick's...}
334.02spoon and the veriblest spoon, 'twas her hour for the chamber's
334.02+Veribest: a popular American brand name in the early 20th century (applied to numerous different products, such as fertiliser, potted meat, soup, jam, cigars, sweets, etc.; Joyce: Ulysses.17.593: 'Veribest (Boot Blacking)')
334.02+very best
334.02+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Fly Not Yet: 'Fly not yet, 'tis just the hour' [air: Planxty Kelly]
334.02+Chambers' Encyclopædia
334.02+chamber pot
334.03ensallycopodium with love to melost Panny Kostello from
334.03+lycopodium (literally 'wolf's foot'): yellowish inflammable powder composed of lycopodium spores and used in fireworks, stage lighting and medicine (absorbent in skin excoriations)
334.03+Motif: The Letter: with fondest love
334.03+Czech milostivá paní: gracious lady
334.03+my lost
334.03+Czech panny: of the virgin (the Virgin Mary)
334.03+Czech kostel: church
334.04X.Y. Zid for to folly billybobbis gibits porzy punzy and she was
334.04+Motif: alphabet sequence: XYZ
334.04+Czech zid: Jew
334.04+Archaic for to: in order to
334.04+Czech bílé boby: white beans
334.04+give us
334.05a wanton for De Marera to take her genial glow to bed.
334.05+Obsolete awaiting for: waiting for, expecting
334.05+Demerara (Gladstone's father was a slaveowner there)
334.05+De Valera
334.05+Italian marito: husband
334.06    — This is time for my tubble, reflected Mr 'Gladstone
334.06+{{Synopsis: II.3.2.C: [334.06-334.31]: Kate speaks three times — then leaves}}
334.06+Motif: This is [.09] [.12] [.16]
334.06+Rhyming Slang trouble and strife: wife
334.06+Gladstone [321.08] [.09-.10] [.13-.14]
334.07Browne' in the toll hut (it was choractoristic from that 'man of
334.07+Motif: Browne/Nolan [.10]
334.07+German toller Hut: mad hat (Gladstone popularly regarded as model for Tenniel's Mad Hatter)
334.07+tall hat (Gladstone wore)
334.07+characteristic of
334.07+'Man of Destiny' (Napoleon)
334.08Delgany'). Dip.
334.08+Delgany: village, County Wicklow
334.08+Motif: Tip
334.09    — This is me vulcanite smoking, profused Mr 'Bonaparte
334.09+Motif: This is [.06] [.12] [.16]
334.09+Bonaparate [321.08] [.06-.07] [.14]
334.10Nolan' under the natecup (one feels how one may hereby reekig-
334.10+Captain Nolan carried the order that caused the Light Brigade to charge [.07]
334.10+Latin nates: buttocks
334.11nites the 'ground old mahonagyan'). Dip.
334.11+Grand Old Man: an epithet applied to Gladstone by his supporters (Motif: Grand Old Man) [.13]
334.11+MacMahon: French general in the Crimean War
334.11+Motif: Tip
334.12    — And this is defender of defeater of defaulter of deformer
334.12+Motif: This is [.06] [.09] [.16]
334.12+song The Wild Man from Borneo: 'The dog of the nurse of the child of the wife of the wild man from Borneo has just come to town'
334.12+Motif: alliteration (d)
334.13of the funst man in Danelagh, willingtoned in with this glance
334.13+VI.B.37.054b (o): 'Danelagh'
334.13+Bugge: Contributions to the History of the Norsemen in Ireland I.3: 'the Danelaw in England, as we also know, was colonised by men from Denmark'
334.13+Danelagh: area in north and northeast England settled by Danes in the 9th and 10th centuries and where Danish law prevailed (also spelled 'Danelaw')
334.13+Ranelagh: district of Dublin
334.13+James Willington: pseudonym employed by Oliver Goldsmith in 1758
334.13+Gladstone [321.08] [.06-.07] [.11]
334.14dowon his browen and that born appalled noodlum the panellite
334.14+down his brow
334.14+Motif: Browne/Nolan
334.14+German Brauen: brows
334.14+Bonaparte [321.08] [.09-.10]
334.14+in 1890, the Irish Parliamentary Party split into two factions over Parnell's leadership, the so-called Parnellites and anti-Parnellites
334.15pair's cummal delimitator, odding: Oliver White, he's as tiff as
334.15+Cumhall: Finn's father
334.15+common denominator
334.15+one etymology suggested for the Eddas was that their name derived from Oddi, a village in Iceland, where Snorri Sturluson (also spelled Snorre Sturlason), the author or compiler of Sturluson: The Prose Edda and Sturlason: Heimskringla, grew up
334.15+VI.B.37.057a (o): 'Oliver White'
334.15+Bugge: Contributions to the History of the Norsemen in Ireland I.10: 'the Dublin king, Olav the White'
334.15+Olaf the White: 9th century Viking of Norse descent, assumed by some scholars to be the same person as Amlaíb Conung, the first Norse king of Dublin
334.16she's tight. And thisens his speak quite hoarse. Dip.
334.16+Motif: This is [.06] [.09] [.12]
334.16+this is his big white horse (Motif: white horse) [008.21]
334.16+Slang arse: buttocks
334.16+Motif: Tip
334.17     In reverence to her midgetsy the lady of the comeallyous as
334.17+Slang reverence: excrement
334.17+Dumas fils: La dame aux camélias (The Lady of the Camelias)
334.17+Anglo-Irish come all you: a long traditional ballad (somewhat pejorative; from such ballads often beginning with this phrase, e.g. Come all you lads and lassies)
334.18madgestoo our own one's goff stature. Prosim, prosit, to the
334.18+Slang madge: female genitalia
334.18+majesty (Motif: The Letter: well Maggy/Madge/Majesty)
334.18+matches to
334.18+Italian goffo: clumsy
334.18+equestrian statue of Sir Hugh Gough in Phoenix Park [.16]
334.18+Czech prosím: please, I beg
334.18+Czech prosit: to beg
334.18+German Prosit!: cheers!, to your health! (a drinking toast)
334.19krk n yr nck!
334.19+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...krk...} | {Png: ...Krk...}
334.19+Czech krk: neck
334.19+crick: a painful muscle stiffness (especially in one's back or neck)
334.19+in your neck
334.20     O rum it is the chomicalest thing how it pickles up the punchey
334.20+song The Barley Corn: 'O rum it is the comicalest thing, How it tickles...'
334.20+Slang pickled: drunk
334.20+Punch and Judy
334.21and the jude. If you'll gimmy your thing to me I will gamey a sing
334.21+German Jude: Jew
334.22to thee. Stay where you're dummy! To get her to go ther. He
334.23banged the scoop and she bagged the sugar while the whole
334.23+song 'I got a shoe, you got a shoe, All God's chillun got shoes'
334.24pub's pobbel done a stare. On the mizzatint wall. With its chromo
334.24+German Pöbel: rabble, mob
334.24+Motif: By the Magazine Wall, zinzin, zinzin
334.24+Italian mezzatinta: half-tint
334.24+mezzotint on wall (depicting The Charge of the Light Brigade at Sevastopol)
334.24+chromo: chromolithograph
334.25for all, crimm crimms. Showing holdmenag's asses sat by Allme-
334.25+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...all, crimm...} | {Png: ...all crimm...}
334.25+German Krim: Crimea (Crimean War, a struggle between Russia and England for ascendancy in Near East, started with controversy whether key to church of Bethlehem should be held by Orthodox (Russia) or Roman (England and France) monks)
334.25+nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty: 'All the king's horses and all the king's men'
334.25+Almanack's: London club in Regency
334.26neck's men, canins to ride with em, canins that lept at em, woollied
334.26+Tennyson: The Charge of the Light Brigade iii: 'Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them Volley'd and thunder'd' (Motif: left/right)
334.26+Latin canis: dog
334.26+German Kanin: rabbit
334.26+Wallonia and Flanders: the two main regions of Belgium
334.27and flundered.
334.27+German Flunder: flounder
334.28     So the katey's came and the katey's game. As so gangs sludge-
334.28+come and gone
334.28+Dialect gang: to go
334.28+Czech slecny: unmarried middle-class girls
334.28+Czech slicnost: grace
334.28+slow coach: a person who acts or moves slowly
334.29nose. And that henchwench what hopped it dunneth there duft
334.29+Irish dúnann an doras: shuts the door
334.29+German Duft: aroma
334.30the. Duras.
334.30+('the' at the end of a sentence) [020.18] [257.27] [343.36] [628.16]
334.31                                                   (Silents)
334.31+silence (gap between ages) [014.06] [501.06]
334.32     Yes, we've conned thon print in its gloss so gay how it came
334.32+{{Synopsis: II.3.2.D: [334.32-337.03]: retelling of past stories round the bar — arguing about the grand old man}}
334.32+song Do Ye Ken John Peel?: 'Do ye ken John Peel with his coat so gray, Do ye ken John Peel at the break of day, Do ye ken John Peel when he's far far away, With his hounds and his horn in the morning'
334.32+Dialect thon: yon, that (over there)
334.33from Finndlader's Yule to the day and it's Hey Tallaght Hoe on
334.33+Findlaters: a Dublin merchant dynasty, much involved in 19th-20th century Dublin life and politics, most prominent of which were probably Alexander Findlater (the founder) and Adam Seaton Findlater (his grand-nephew) [619.03-.04]
334.33+Tallaght: parish seven miles southwest of Dublin; supposed plague grave of Parthalonian invaders of Ireland
334.33+tally-ho: the traditional cry raised by huntsmen on catching sight of a fox (or other quarry) [335.01]
334.34the king's highway with his hounds on the home at a turning.
334.35To Donnicoombe Fairing. Millikin's Pass. When visiting at
334.35+song Donnybrook Fair (about a young man going with his girlfriend Molly to Dublin's Donnybrook Fair, a famous fair from the 13th to the 19th century)
334.35+song Widdicombe Fair
334.35+Richard Alfred Millikin: 18th-19th century minor Irish poet, wrote song The Groves of Blarney
334.35+Manneken Pis: a famous statue in Brussels of a child urinating
334.35+(tourism advertisement) [367.12]
334.36Izd-la-Chapelle taste the lipe of the waters from Carlowman's Cup.
334.36+County Carlow

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