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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 160

337.01only a pippappoff pigeon shoot that gracesold getrunner, the
337.01+German Childish Piffpaffpuff: imitation of the sound of a gun
337.01+Motif: Grand Old Gardener [336.21]
337.01+Grand Old Man: an epithet applied to W.G. Grace, a famous 19th-20th century English cricketer (Motif: Grand Old Man; Cluster: Cricket) [336.21]
337.01+run getter: a free scorer (Cluster: Cricket)
337.02man of centuries, was bowled out by judge, jury and umpire at
337.02+Hundred of Manhood
337.02+centuries: hundreds of runs (Cluster: Cricket)
337.02+bowled out: (of a batsman) dismissed by having the ball dislodge his wicket's bails (Cluster: Cricket)
337.02+umpire (Cluster: Cricket)
337.03batman's biff like a witchbefooled legate. Dupe.
337.03+batsman (Cluster: Cricket)
337.03+children's game Blind Man's Buff
337.03+VI.C.8.128b (b): === VI.B.18.107c ( ): 'w b l'
337.03+leg before wicket: a type of fault for which a batsman is dismissed, for having prevented the ball from striking the wicket with his leg or other body part (Cluster: Cricket; often abbreviated L.B.W.)
337.03+Papal Legate
337.03+Motif: Tip
337.03+Polish dupa: buttocks
337.04     His almonence being alaterelly in dispensation with his three
337.04+{{Synopsis: II.3.3.A: [337.04-338.03]: re-imagining the sin in the park — the customers ask for Butt and Taff, or How Buckley Shot the Russian General}}
337.04+almoner: distributer of alms
337.04+Legatus a Latere: the highest rank of papal legate (literally Latin 'legate from the (Pope's) side')
337.04+Papal dispensation
337.04+(dispensing drinks)
337.04+Church of the Three Patrons, Rathgar, Dublin
337.05oldher patrons' aid, providencer's divine cow to milkfeeding
337.05+divine providence (Vico)
337.05+Motif: mixed gender (milk, man)
337.06mleckman, bonafacies to solafides, what matter what all his
337.06+Polish mleko: milk
337.06+Latin bona facies: good face
337.06+bona fide: genuine
337.06+Boniface: generic proper name for an innkeeper
337.06+VI.C.12.156d (b): '(fides-sola)' === VI.B.14.151n ( ): '(fides sola)' [579.23]
337.06+The Catholic Encyclopedia vol. XI, 'Pelagius and Pelagianism', 604d: 'By justification we are indeed cleansed of our personal sins through faith alone (loc. cit., 663, "per solam fidem iustificat Deus impium convertendum")'
337.06+Latin sola fides: only faith
337.07freudzay or who holds his hat to harm him, let hutch just keep
337.07+Sigmund Freud
337.07+German Freude: joy
337.07+friends say
337.07+'Hutch' and 'Annabel': popular singers 1920s-30s
337.08on under at being a vanished consinent and let annapal livibel
337.08+vanished continent (Atlantis) [336.27]
337.08+VI.C.6.021l (r): 'H = vanished consinant'
337.08+ALP (Motif: ALP)
337.09prettily prattle a lude all her own. And be that semeliminal
337.09+PAL (Motif: ALP)
337.09+Latin ludus: game
337.10salmon solemonly angled, ingate and outgate. A truce to lovecalls,
337.10+the Salmon of Knowledge was caught and eaten by Finn
337.10+Solomon (wisdom)
337.10+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...angled, ingate...} | {Png: ...angled ingate...}
337.10+(entrance and exit)
337.11dulled in warclothes, maleybags, things and bleakhusen. Leave
337.11+Charles Dickens: all works: Bleak House
337.11+Danish blækhuse: inkpots, inkwells
337.12the letter that never begins to go find the latter that ever comes
337.12+Motif: The Letter
337.13to end, written in smoke and blurred by mist and signed of
337.14solitude, sealed at night.
337.15     Simply. As says the mug in the middle, nay brian nay noel,
337.15+Motif: Browne/Nolan
337.16ney billy ney boney. Imagine twee cweamy wosen. Suppwose
337.16+French Marshal Ney at Waterloo
337.16+Italian nè bello nè buono: neither beautiful nor good
337.16+Billy Bones: character in R.L. Stevenson's Treasure Island
337.16+William (Gladstone)
337.16+imagine *IJ*, *E* and *VYC* (Motif: 2&3) [.16-.21]
337.16+(Motif: rhotacism, w = r) [.16-.17]
337.16+Dutch twee: two
337.16+German Rosen: roses
337.17you get a beautiful thought and cull them sylvias sub silence.
337.17+Sylvia Silence: fictional girl detective in an English schoolgirls' magazine of the 1920s [061.01]
337.18Then inmaggin a stotterer. Suppoutre him to been one bigger-
337.18+German Stotterer: stutterer (Motif: stuttering)
337.18+French poutre: beam, girder
337.18+Ibsen: all plays: The Master Builder (in Norwegian, Bygmester Solness: Master Builder Solness)
337.19master Omnibil. Then lustily (tutu the font and tritt on the boks-
337.19+Dutch bil: buttock
337.19+turn to the front and tread back (Motif: back/front)
337.19+Motif: 2&3
337.19+German tritt!: step!
337.19+Dutch bok: male goat
337.20woods like gay feeters's dance) immengine up to three longly
337.20+Motif: Dear Dirty Dublin
337.21lurking lobstarts. Fair instents the Will Woolsley Wellaslayers.
337.21+Slang lobster: British soldier
337.21+for instance
337.21+Viscount Wolseley (Crimea)
337.21+Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington
337.22Pet her, pink him, play pranks with them. She will nod ampro-
337.22+Peter (Motif: Paul/Peter) [.24]
337.22+not improbably
337.23perly smile. He may seem to appraisiate it. They are as piractical
337.23+practical jokers
337.24jukersmen sure to paltipsypote. Feel the wollies drippeling out
337.24+Paul [.22]
337.24+Latin potus: a drink
337.24+worries dribbling
337.25of your fingathumbs. Says to youssilves (floweers have ears,
337.25+phrase one's fingers are all thumbs: clumsy with one's hands
337.25+say to yourselves
337.25+proverb Walls have ears: be careful of what you say as someone might be listening
337.26heahear!) solowly: So these ease Budlim! How do, dainty dau-
337.26+Motif: Hear, hear!
337.26+M.J. MacManus: So This Is Dublin (1927; derided Joyce)
337.26+Motif: Dear Dirty Dublin
337.26+Irish dubh: dark
337.26+darlings (*IJ*)
337.27limbs? So peached to pick on you in this way, prue and simple,
337.27+pick flower (flora)
337.28pritt and spry! Heyday too, Malster Faunagon, and hopes your
337.28+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...spry! Heyday...} | {Png: ...spry. Heyday...}
337.28+how d'you do [.29]
337.28+Master Finnegan (*E*)
337.29hahititahiti licks the mankey nuts! And oodlum hoodlum dood-
337.29+Tahiti (Society Islands)
337.29+Slang mankey: decrepit
337.29+monkey nuts
337.29+how d'you do [.28]
337.29+Dutch dood: dead; death
337.30lum to yes, Donn, Teague and Hurleg, who the bullocks brought
337.30+Dante Alighieri
337.30+Motif: Tom, Dick and Harry (*VYC*)
337.30+Colloquial Teague: Irishman
337.30+Bullock: village near Dalkey
337.30+Slang ballocks: nonsense, absurdity
337.31you here and how the hillocks are ye?
337.31+Colloquial phrase how the hell: how (intensified)
337.32     We want Bud. We want Bud Budderly. We want Bud Budderly
337.32+Butt (Motif: Butt/Taff) [.35]
337.33boddily. There he is in his Borrisalooner. The man that shunned
337.33+Borsalino: a trademarked fedora hat made by the Italian company Borsalino (Joyce wore one)
337.33+Morris saloon car (Morris: major British car manufacturer of the first half of the 20th century)
337.33+Motif: How Buckley shot the Russian General
337.34the rucks on Gereland. The man thut won the bettlle of the
337.34+German Bettler: beggar
337.34+belle of the ball
337.34+Battle of the Boyne, 1690 (famous victory of the Protestant William III of Orange over the Catholic Jacobites)
337.34+Billy-in-the-Bowl: legless beggar and strangler in old Dublin [135.13]
337.35bawll. Order, order, order, order! And tough. We call on Tan-
337.35+Taff [.32]
337.35+Tancred: Norman leader of First Crusade
337.35+Tancred: king of Sicily, defeated by Romans
337.36cred Artaxerxes Flavin to compeer with Barnabas Ulick Dunne.
337.36+Artaxerxes: name of three Persian kings [113.04] [162.15]
337.36+Flavin: Lombard king
337.36+French compère: godfather; companion, pal
337.36+Barnabas: male given name (from the name of an early Christian disciple, which in Hebrew roughly means 'son of prophet')
337.36+George Moore's Evelyn Innes includes 'Ulick Dean' (W.B. Yeats)
337.36+Russian uleeka: evidence (of crime)

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