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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
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344.01     TAFF (though the unglucksarsoon is giming for to git him, jotning
344.01+{{Synopsis: II.3.4.E: [344.01-345.33]: Butt explains why he could not shoot the defecating General — another round of drinks}}
344.01+German Unglück: bad luck, accident, misery
344.01+Anglosaxon is coming
344.01+Armenian sarsoun: shiver
344.01+Siegfried Sassoon: World War I poet
344.01+Archaic for to: in order to
344.01+Icelandic jötnar: giants
344.02in, hoghly ligious, hapagodlap, like a soldierry sap, with a pique at
344.02+Italian ligio: faithful, loyal
344.02+happy-go-lucky: carefree, cheerfully untroubled
344.02+Motif: P/Q
344.03his cue and a tyr in his eye and a bond of his back and a croak in his
344.03+phrase hue and cry: outcry, public cry of alarm or pursuit or disapproval (but given that 'hue' also means 'colour', Motif: ear/eye)
344.03+Old Norse -tyr: -god
344.03+tear in his eye
344.03+Old Norse bönd: constraining powers (class of gods)
344.04cry as did jolly well harm lean o'er him) Is not athug who would.
344.04+song Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye
344.04+Archaic o'er: over
344.04+VI.B.46.052g (r): 'N'est pas athée qui veut'
344.04+Trogan: Les Mots Historiques du Pays de France 107: 'NAPOLÉON Ier... N'est pas athée qui veut' (French 'NAPOLEON I... Is not an atheist who wants'; on his last years, on exile in Saint Helena, meaning that one cannot be an atheist merely by wishing it)
344.05Weepon, weeponder, song of sorrowmon! Which goatheye
344.05+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Weep On, Weep On [air: The Song of Sorrow]
344.05+Song of Solomon
344.05+Motif: goat/sheep
344.05+Goethe (The Sorrows of Werther)
344.06and sheepskeer they damnty well know. Papaist! Gambanman!
344.06+German Papst: pope
344.06+papist: Roman Catholic (derogatory)
344.06+Italian gamba: leg
344.06+Anglo-Irish gombeen man: usurer (from Irish gaimbín: usury)
344.06+Malay jamban: lavatory, water-closet
344.06+Malay jambangan: garden pleasure house
344.07Take the cawraidd's blow! Yia! Your partridge's last!
344.07+VI.B.46.005b (g): 'cawraidd (W)' (on a page titled 'GIANT')
344.07+Welsh cawraidd: gigantic
344.07+phrase coward's blow: a soft hit given to provoke one to fight or be branded a coward; a sly underhanded attack [.18]
344.07+Malay ya, iya: yes
344.07+John Partridge: 17th-18th century famous English astrologer, ridiculed by Swift in Predictions for the Year 1708 (predicting Partridge's death)
344.07+Milton: Paradise Lost
344.08     BUTT (giving his scimmianised twinge in acknuckledownedgment
344.08+Italian scimmia: ape
344.08+Siamese twin
344.09of this cumulikick, strafe from the firetrench, studenly drobs led, sa-
344.09+VI.B.46.097w (r): 'communiqués'
344.09+Sapper: John Walters 103: 'The Man-Trap': 'It is a harrowing tale, and it found no place in official communiqués'
344.09+communiqué: official report or announcement
344.09+Russian kamel'ok: hearth, fireplace, fireside
344.09+VI.B.46.097h (r): 'strafe' (Military)
344.09+Sapper: John Walters 29: 'The Awakening of John Walters': 'the bursts outside... debating in their minds whether it was an ordinary strafe or whether'
344.09+World War I Slang strafe: a fierce attack, especially with machine guns (from German strafe!: punish!)
344.09+VI.B.46.097f (r): 'firetrench'
344.09+Sapper: John Walters 13: 'The Awakening of John Walters': 'the fire-trench'
344.09+Military fire-trench: a deep and narrow trench from which firing at the enemy takes place
344.09+Bulgarian studen: cold
344.09+suddenly drops dead
344.09+Bulgarian drob: liver
344.09+Russian drob: buckshot
344.09+Bulgarian led: ice
344.09+lead (i.e. lead pellets)
344.09+sat on his heels
344.10toniseels ouchyotchy, he changecors induniforms as he is lefting the
344.10+Russian ushi otchii: father's ears
344.10+Czech uši, oči: ears, eyes (Motif: ear/eye)
344.10+change uniforms
344.10+phrase let the cat out of the bag: reveal a secret, usually inadvertently
344.11gat out of the big: his face glows green, his hair greys white, his
344.11+green, white, twilight (Motif: green, white, orange)
344.12bleyes bcome broon to suite his cultic twalette). But when I seeing
344.12+blue eyes become brown [418.31]
344.12+French Slang cul: buttocks
344.12+Celtic twilight
344.12+French toilette: lavatory, water-closet (pronounced 'twalet')
344.13him in his oneship fetch along within hail that tourrible tall
344.13+(style of Synge's Playboy of the Western World (son tries to murder father))
344.13+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 27: (of Finn) 'The son (Fionn) came in his oneship (i.e. alone, by himself)'
344.13+French tour: tower
344.14with his nitshnykopfgoknob and attempting like a brandylogged
344.14+Ukrainian nichnyk: night watchman (from Ukrainian nichnyi: night (adj.))
344.14+Ukrainian nyzhnyk: young man; jack (in cards)
344.14+Nijni Novgorod: town, Russia (literally 'Lower New Town')
344.14+German Kopf: head
344.14+Slang knob: head; penis
344.14+bandylegged [343.27]
344.15rudeman cathargic, lugging up and laiding down his livepelts
344.15+Roman Catholic
344.15+Motif: up/down
344.15+phrase laying down his life
344.15+(pulling down his trousers)
344.16so cruschinly like Mebbuck at Messar and expousing his old
344.16+'Kruschens': laxative salts
344.16+Latin messa: harvest
344.16+French Messe: Mass
344.16+espousing: choosing, adopting, embracing; marrying
344.16+Motif: old/new [.17]
344.17skinful self tailtottom by manurevring in open ordure to renew-
344.17+teetotum: game in which four-sided disk is spun
344.17+open order (infantry formation)
344.17+renew [.16]
344.18murature with the cowruads in their airish pleasantry I thanked
344.18+Italian muratura: masonry
344.18+cowards [.07]
344.18+cow herds
344.18+Irish ruad: brown
344.18+Irish peasantry
344.19he was recovering breadth from some herdsquatters beyond the
344.20carcasses and I couldn't erver nerver to tell a liard story not of I
344.20+phrase have the nerve
344.20+French liard: small coin
344.21knew the prize if from lead or alimoney. But when I got inoccu-
344.21+for love or money
344.21+antimony (present in various base metal alloys)
344.21+Italian inoccupato: at leisure
344.22pation of a full new of his old basemiddelism, in ackshan, pagne
344.22+full view
344.22+Motif: old/new
344.22+base metal
344.22+bimetallism: circulation of two monetary metals in fixed ratio
344.22+Albanian akshan: morning
344.22+pagne: loincloth
344.22+Motif: Pingpong, the bell for Sechseläuten, and concepit de Saint-Esprit [.22-.23] [.27]
344.23pogne, by the veereyed lights of the stormtrooping clouds and
344.23+VI.B.46.097aa (r): 'veerey lights'
344.23+Sapper: John Walters 113: 'The Man-Trap': 'the nights are full of noises and Verey lights'
344.23+Military Verey light: a common type of illumination flare shot from a flare gun, used extensively during World War I (more accurately spelled 'Very')
344.23+German vier: four
344.23+Nazi storm troopers
344.24in the sheenflare of the battleaxes of the heroim and mid the
344.24+VI.B.46.097l (r): 'flare' (Military)
344.24+Sapper: John Walters 41: 'A Point of Detail': 'then they put up a flare. I couldn't see 'im as I was lying doggo in a 'ole... I looked round when the flare was out, but couldn't see him, nor 'ear him'
344.24+Hebrew -im (plural suffix for masculine nouns)
344.25shieldfails awail of the bitteraccents of the sorafim and caught the
344.25+Irish Sinn Féin Amháin: Ourselves Alone (Irish nationalist slogan; Motif: Sinn Féin)
344.26pfierce tsmell of his aurals, orankastank, a suphead setrapped,
344.26+fierce smell
344.26+Armenian zmell: drink
344.26+Latin aura: odour
344.26+Malay orang-utan (literally 'man of the woods')
344.26+(rank smell; military rank)
344.26+Dutch kaasstank: cheese-smell
344.26+Dutch stank: stench
344.26+VI.B.46.097c (r): 'saphead'
344.26+Sapper: John Walters 13: 'The Awakening of John Walters': 'Suddenly the saphead seemed to swarm with men who leaped into it out of the silent mists'
344.26+Military saphead: the foremost end of a sap (a covered trench advancing towards the enemy)
344.26+saphead: fool, simpleton
344.26+satrap: a subordinate ruler (especially if tyrannical or despotic)
344.27like Peder the Greste, altipaltar, my bill it forsooks allegiance
344.27+Turkish peder: father
344.27+pederast: a man who has sexual relations with adolescent boys, sodomite
344.27+Peter the Great
344.27+Motif: Paul/Peter
344.27+Albanian altipalter: revolver
344.27+bell for
344.27+Sechseläuten: Zurich spring festival, celebrating the end of winter, on the Monday following the vernal equinox, by church bell ringing at 6 p.m. and by burning of an exploding effigy of Böögg, a personification of winter (Swiss German Sechseläuten: six o'clock pealing of bells) [.22]
344.28(gut bull it!) and, no lie is this, I was babbeing and yetaghain
344.28+German gut: good
344.28+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 21: 'no lie (is this)'
344.28+Baba Yaga: a witch in Russian folktales
344.28+yet again
344.28+Albanian yatagan: curved dagger
344.29bubbering, bibbelboy, me marrues me shkewers me gnaas me
344.29+German Bub: boy
344.29+Dutch bibberen: to tremble
344.29+('me' precedes Albanian infinitives)
344.29+marrows (i.e. bones)
344.29+arrows, skewers
344.29+French Slang gnaas: 'number one', 'moi'
344.29+Naas: town, County Kildare
344.30fiet, tob tob tob beat it, solongopatom. Clummensy if ever mis-
344.30+(Motif: stuttering)
344.30+Colloquial to beat it: to run away
344.30+Colloquial so long: goodbye
344.30+Seringapatam besieged 1792, 1799
344.30+Russian potom: then, after, afterwards
344.31used, must used you's now! But, meac Coolp, Arram of Eirze-
344.31+prayer Confiteor: 'mea culpa' (Latin 'through my fault')
344.31+MacCool: Finn's patronymic
344.31+Kulp: Armenian region near Ararat, famous for salt mines
344.31+Aram: early semi-mythical Armenian king
344.31+Aram, son of Shem
344.31+Irish Éire: Ireland
344.31+Erzerum: Turkish base in Crimean War, once Armenian
344.32rum, as I love our Deer Dirouchy, I confesses withould pride-
344.32+Armenian der: expression used to address secular clergy
344.32+Armenian dirouhi: female equivalent of Armenian der (e.g. clergy's wife)
344.32+Russian ushi: ears
344.32+without prejudice
344.32+Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
344.33jealice when I looked upon the Saur of all the Haurousians with
344.33+Saul (biblical king)
344.33+Armenian sour: sword
344.33+Tsar of All the Russias
344.33+Armenian Haroutioun: male Christian name (name means 'resurrection')
344.33+Armenian hour: fire
344.34the weight of his arge fullin upon him from the travaillings of
344.34+weight of his age
344.34+German Ärger: anger
344.34+Greek argia: idleness
344.34+Armenian arj: bear
344.34+Slang arse: buttocks
344.34+French travail: work
344.34+proverb An army travels on its stomach: one needs to be fed to perform one's function
344.35his tommuck and rueckenased the fates of a bosser there was fear
344.35+German Nasenrücken: bridge of the nose
344.35+recognised the face
344.35+French bosse: hump
344.35+German Böser: evil person
344.35+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 25: (of Finn's mother) 'there was fear with her (the) son of Morna for him (She feared the son of Morna on his account)'
344.36on me the sons of Nuad for him and it was heavy he was for me
344.36+the sons of Noah covered his nakedness (Genesis 9:23)
344.36+Nuad: king of the Tuatha Dé Danann
344.36+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 26: (of Finn's mother) 'she heavy (she being pregnant)'

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