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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
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352.01(ye olde cottemptable!), his urssian gemenal, in his scutt's rudes
352.01+Old Contemptibles: British Expeditionary Force, 1914-18
352.01+Latin ursus: bear
352.01+Ossian, Finn's son
352.01+Russian General
352.01+Latin gemini: twins
352.01+Scott's Road, Shanghai, brothel area [351.29] [351.32]
352.01+Scots red
352.02unreformed and he went before him in that nemcon enchelonce
352.02+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 37: (of Finn) '(Fionn) takes leave then of Lochan, and went before him (goes his way)'
352.02+Russian nemtsy: the Germans
352.02+nem. con.: no one opposing
352.02+VI.B.46.097af (r): 'echelon'
352.02+Sapper: John Walters 120: 'The Man-Trap': (part of an inspection tour of a trench) 'the Adjutant... the platoon commander... the machine-gun officer... and the Sapper... advance in echelon'
352.02+Military echelon: a formation of troops in diagonal parallel rows
352.03with the same old domstoole story and his upleave the fallener
352.03+Danish domstole: courts of justice
352.03+Tom Fool story
352.03+fallen woman: prostitute
352.04as is greatly to be petted (whitesides do his beard!) and I seen his
352.04+Slang petted: (of a prostitute) reserved by a pimp for private satisfaction
352.04+James Whiteside: 19th century Irish barrister and judge (defended Daniel O'Connell in an 1843 trial)
352.05brichashert offensive and his boortholomas vadnhammaggs vise
352.05+Czech brich: belly, abdomen
352.05+Bartholomew Vanhomrigh: 17th century Lord-Mayor of Dublin and father of Swift's Vanessa
352.05+Finnish vanhemmat: parents
352.05+ham and eggs
352.05+French vis-à-vis: opposite, towards
352.06a vise them scharlot runners and how they gave love to him
352.06+General Scarlett (Crimea)
352.06+scarlet runner (beans)
352.06+Slang runner: brothel tout in Egypt
352.06+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 36: (of Cruithne and Finn) 'she gave love to the youth'
352.07and how he took the ward from us (odious the fly fly flurtation
352.08of his him and hers! Just mairmaid maddeling it was it he was!)
352.08+Maid Marian: Robin Hood's sweetheart
352.08+Slang Maid Marian: whore
352.09and, my oreland for a rolvever, sord, by the splunthers of colt
352.09+William Shakespeare: King Richard III V.5.7: 'my kingdom for a horse'
352.09+phrase a Roland for an Oliver: equal measure, adequate response
352.09+splendour of God
352.09+splinters of Cork [009.23]
352.09+Colt revolver
352.10and bung goes the enemay the Percy rally got me, messger, (as
352.10+Slang bung: anus
352.10+Colloquial phrase how goes the enemy?: what time is it? (Motif: What is the time?)
352.10+Percy Wyndham Lewis: The Enemy [.14]
352.10+Persse O'Reilly
352.10+French monsieur: sir, gentleman
352.11true as theirs an Almagnian Gothabobus!) to blow the grand off
352.11+Bog Latin almaig: night
352.11+French Allemagne: Germany
352.11+Almanac de Gotha (record of European noble families)
352.11+Almighty God above us
352.11+Motif: Ondt/Gracehoper
352.12his aceupper. Thistake it 's meest! And after meath the dulwich.
352.12+this steak it is meat
352.12+this take (time)
352.12+Trogan: Les Mots Historiques du Pays de France 106: 'LOUIS XIV... L'État, c'est moi!' (French 'LOUIS XIV... 'The State, it's me!'; probably apocryphal)
352.12+Dutch meest: most
352.12+VI.B.46.051af (r): 'après moi deluge'
352.12+Trogan: Les Mots Historiques du Pays de France 106: 'LOUIS XV... Cela durera bien autant que moi. Après moi, le déluge' (French 'LOUIS XV... This will last as long as me. After me, the deluge'; seen as an expression of nihilism or of an impending doom, it may have been said in a year (1757) which saw a great French defeat, an assassination attempt on the king, and the predicted arrival of Halley's Comet, then believed to be the cause of the Flood)
352.12+phrase grace after meat; the saying of a short prayer (grace) after a meal
352.12+County Meath
352.12+Dulwich: an area of south London
352.13We insurrectioned and, be the procuratress of the hory synnotts,
352.13+Slang procuress: woman who procures girls for brothel
352.13+Procurator of the Holy Synod
352.13+hoary sinners
352.13+Alfred Percy Sinnett: recipient of Blavatsky's Mahatma Letters, and author of Life of Madame Blavatsky
352.14before he could tell pullyirragun to parrylewis, I shuttm, missus,
352.14+Russian pulya: bullet
352.14+Greek polyergon: elaborate thing
352.14+Russian poligon: shooting ground
352.14+Percy Wyndham Lewis [.10]
352.14+Lewis machine gun
352.14+I shot him
352.14+shut (door)
352.15like a wide sleever! Hump to dump! Tumbleheaver!
352.15+Raglan coat has wide sleeves (Lord Raglan, Crimea)
352.15+white slaver
352.15+nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty
352.15+I'm believer
352.16     TAFF (camelsensing that sonce they have given bron a nuhlan
352.16+{{Synopsis: II.3.4.J: [352.16-353.21]: Butt and Taff are furious at the General — an insult to Ireland}}
352.16+common sense
352.16+(given him a gun)
352.16+Polish broń: weapon, gun, arms
352.16+Dutch bron: well (sb.)
352.16+Russian bronya: armour
352.16+Motif: Browne/Nolan
352.16+Polish ułan: uhlan, lancer, light cavalryman
352.17the volkar boastsung is heading to sea vermelhion but too wellbred
352.17+song The Volga Boat Song
352.17+Russian volk: wolf
352.17+Vermilion Sea: old name for Gulf of California
352.17+phrase to see red
352.17+Portuguese vermelho: red
352.18not to ignore the umzemlianess of his rifal's preceedings, in an effort
352.18+Russian zemlya: land, earth (i.e. unearthliness)
352.19towards autosotorisation, effaces himself in favour of the idiology
352.19+Greek autosôtêr: self-saver
352.19+idiot, wise
352.20alwise behounding his lumpy hump off homosodalism which means
352.20+Obsolete alwise: in any or every way; always
352.20+nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty
352.21that if he has lain amain to lolly his liking-cabronne! -he may pops
352.21+song Lullay Mine Liking
352.21+Irish Sinn Féin Amháin: Ourselves Alone (Irish nationalist slogan; Motif: Sinn Féin)
352.21+Spanish cabron: he-goat, cuckold
352.21+French Colloquial Cambronne: a euphemism for merde (as General Cambronne was said to have shouted 'Merde!' (French Slang 'Shit!'; an expletive indicating refusal) when ordered to retreat at the Battle of Waterloo) [353.20]
352.21+French comprends?: understand?
352.22lilly a young one to his herth - combrune -) Oholy rasher, I'm be-
352.22+Holy Russia
352.22+Bulgarian razh: rye
352.22+rasher of bacon
352.23liever! And Oho bullyclaver of ye, bragadore-gunneral! The
352.23+very clever
352.23+Russian braga: kind of beer, home-brewed beer
352.24grand ohold spider! It is a name to call to him Umsturdum Vonn!
352.24+Parnell called Gladstone a 'Grand Old Spider' (after Grand Old Man, an epithet applied to Gladstone by his supporters; Motif: Grand Old Man)
352.24+German hold: lovely
352.24+Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 31: (of Finn) 'It is a name for Deimne, Fionn, like that (Deimne shall be called Fionn, fair, on that account)'
352.25Ah, you were shutter reshottus and sieger besieged. Aha race of
352.25+Carlyle: Sartor Resartus
352.25+shutter reshot up (Motif: shutter)
352.25+German Sieger besiegt: victor conquered
352.25+Motif: A/O [.29]
352.25+a race of merchants
352.26fiercemarchands counterination oho of shorpshoopers.
352.26+fishmongers counter a
352.26+French marchand: shopkeeper
352.26+Motif: Nation of shopkeepers
352.27     BUTT (miraculising into the Dann Deafir warcry, his bigotes
352.27+Rudyard Kipling: Danny Deever (a ballad about a British soldier hanged for murder in India)
352.27+Irish déan deifir: make haste
352.27+Portuguese bigodes: moustaches
352.28bristling, as, jittinju triggity shittery pet, he shouts his thump and
352.28+Bulgarian tri, chetiri, pet: three, four, five
352.28+shoves his thumb and four fingers up the high hole of his arse [612.34-.35] [617.02-.03]
352.29feeh fauh foul finngures up the heighohs of their ahs!) Bluddy-
352.29+Motif: Fee faw fum
352.29+three, four, five
352.29+Motif: A/O [.25]
352.29+hee-haw (representing the bray of an ass)
352.30muddymuzzle! The buckbeshottered! He'll umbozzle no more
352.31graves nor horne nor haunder, lou garou, for gayl geselles in
352.31+Graves wine
352.31+song John Peel: 'his hounds and his horn'
352.31+Hound and Horn, magazine
352.31+French loup garou: werewolf
352.31+Armenian kayl: wolf
352.31+Gisela: 9th-10th century French princess, the daughter of Charles the Simple, the king of West Francia (modern France), and the wife of the Viking Rollo, the first ruler of the newly-created Normandy
352.31+German Geselle: companion, journeyman
352.32dead men's hills! Kaptan (backsights to his bared!), His Cum-
352.32+Le Mort Homme, Dead Man's Hill, north of Verdun (World War I)
352.32+Turkish kaptan: captain
352.32+Slang backside: buttocks
352.32+Anglo-Irish phrase bad cess to him: bad luck to him
352.32+HCE (Motif: HCE)
352.33bulent Embulence, the frustate fourstar Russkakruscam, Dom
352.33+Free State (Irish, 1920s)
352.33+first rate
352.33+four-star general (American army)
352.33+Russian General
352.33+Rosicrucian: a member of an alleged secret society whose members supposedly practised magic and alchemy
352.33+Portuguese Dom: Sir (honorific prefix)
352.33+Daniel O'Connell: the preeminent leader of Catholic Ireland in the first half of the 19th century
352.34Allaf O'Khorwan, connundurumchuff.
352.34+Polish kurwa: prostitute
352.35     TAFF (who, asbestas can, wiz the healps of gosh and his bluzzid
352.35+as best as he can with the help of God and His blessed mother
352.35+Basque besta: fiesta
352.35+Bulgarian blazhen: blessed
352.36maikar, has been sulphuring to himsalves all the pungataries
352.36+Bulgarian maika: mother
352.36+sulphur (in hell)
352.36+suffering to himself
352.36+Italian punga: fight
352.36+Saint Patrick's Purgatory: a small cave on an island in Lough Derg, County Donegal, said to have been revealed to Saint Patrick as an entrance to purgatory (a major pilgrimage site since at least the 12th century and possibly much earlier)

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