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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 99

367.01mim. Look at Lokman! Whatbetween the cupgirls and the
367.01+mum (silent)
367.01+Lokman: Muslim prophet (and title of sura thirty-one of Koran) who admonished his son on respect due to parents
367.02platterboys. And he grew back into his grossery baseness: and
367.02+grocery business
367.03for all his grand remonstrance: and there you are.
367.03+The Grand Remonstrance: a document produced by the English Parliament in 1641 giving account of royal mismanagement and recommending radical reforms
367.04     Here endeth chinchinatibus with have speak finish. With a
367.04+HEC (Motif: HCE)
367.04+Slang chin: to converse
367.04+Cincinnatus [030.13]
367.05haygue for a halt on a pouncefoot panse. Pink, pleas pink, two
367.05+The Hague, Netherlands
367.05+Motif: Stop, please stop... [.05-.06]
367.06pleas pink, how to pleas pink.
367.07     Punk.
367.07+German Punkt: point, full stop, period (Motif: Full stop) [366.30]
367.08     Mask one. Mask two. Mask three. Mask four.
367.08+{{Synopsis: II.3.6.H: [367.08-369.05]: the four old men in the ark — commandments}}
367.09     Up.
367.10    — Look about you, Tutty Comyn!
367.10+VI.C.12.023n-.24a (b): 'P. looks about him remember & recall place & tongue after 40 years V' === VI.B.14.038d ( ): 'P looks about him to remember & recall place & tongue after 40 years' (referring to Saint Patrick's return to Ireland) [.11]
367.10+Italian tutti: all
367.11    — Remember and recall, Kullykeg!
367.11+Kallikak: American family of supposedly-hereditary degenerates [.18] [033.24]
367.12    — When visiting Dan Leary try the corner house for thee.
367.12+(tourism advertisement) [334.35]
367.12+Dún Laoghaire: a suburban town south of Dublin (pronounced and often spelled 'Dunleary')
367.12+Lyons Corner House for tea (a winged lion is the emblem of Mark the Evangelist)
367.12+Dutch thee: tea
367.13    — I'll gie ye credit for simmence more if ye'll be lymphing.
367.13+Archaic lymph: clear spring or stream water, pure water; a stream
367.14     Our four avunculusts.
367.14+four evangelists (*X*)
367.14+Latin avunculus: maternal uncle
367.15     And, since threestory sorratelling was much too many, they
367.15+'The three sorrows of storytelling': three well-known Irish folk stories
367.16maddened and they morgued and they lungd and they jowld.
367.16+Motif: 4 evangelists (Mamalujo) (*X*)
367.17Synopticked on the word.
367.17+Synoptic Gospels: the first three gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke)
367.17+John 1:1: 'In the beginning was the Word'
367.18     Till the Juke done it.
367.18+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: line is indented} | {Png: line is not indented}
367.18+Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 19: 'The duke done it'
367.18+Juke: American family of supposedly-hereditary degenerates [.11] [033.24]
367.19     Down.
367.20     Like Jukoleon, the seagoer, when he bore down in his perry
367.20+Deucalion and Pyrrha: the only two survivors of the Flood in Greek mythology
367.20+VI.C.13.049g (g): === VI.B.8.053d ( ): 'seagoer'
367.20+Dodd: Up the Seine to the Battlefields 11: 'the sea-going ships moored to the docks'
367.21boat he had raised a slide and shipped his orders and seized his
367.21+to ship oars: to lift them into boat
367.22pullets and primed their plumages, the fionnling and dubhlet, the
367.22+Motif: dark/fair
367.22+Irish fionn: fair (of hair or skin)
367.22+Irish fionn-linn: clear pool
367.22+Irish dubh: dark
367.23dun and the fire, and, sending them one by other to fare fore forn,
367.23+Motif: dark/fair
367.23+dun: dark, gloomy
367.23+one by one
367.23+German fahre vor: drive on, pass
367.23+Motif: Fee faw fum
367.23+German vorn: ahead
367.24he had behold the residuance of a delugion: the foggy doze still
367.24+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...residuance...} | {Png: ...residmance...}
367.24+song The Foggy Dew
367.24+Johnnie Walker whiskey slogan: 'Still going strong' (Colloquial phrase going strong: thriving, prosperous)
367.25going strong, the old thalassocrats of invinsible empores, maskers
367.25+Greek thalassokratôr: master of the sea (Joyce: Ulysses.1.574: 'the seas' ruler')
367.25+'invisible empire' of Ku Klux Klan
367.25+German empor: upward
367.26of the waterworld, facing one way to another way and this way
367.26+(four directions)
367.27on that way, from severalled their fourdimmansions. Where the
367.27+four dimensions (*X*)
367.27+Motif: 4-stage Viconian cycle (thunder, marriage, burial, ricorso)
367.28lighning leaps from the numbulous; where coold by cawld breide
367.28+lining (proverb Every cloud has a silver lining)
367.28+cumulonimbus: a type of cloud, often associated with thunderstorms
367.28+Motif: dove/raven (coo, caw)
367.28+Finn was the son of Cool (Cumhall)
367.28+German breit, lang: broad, long
367.28+Irish bréid: kerchief
367.29lieth langwid; the bounds whereinbourne our solied bodies all
367.30attomed attaim arrest: appoint, that's all. But see what follows.
367.30+at home attain a rest
367.30+Irish atáim: I am
367.31Wringlings upon wronglings among incomputables about an
367.31+Ringling Brothers Circus
367.32uncomeoutable (an angel prophetethis? kingcorrier of beheasts?
367.32+the emblems of the four evangelists: angel of Matthew, winged lion of Mark, winged calf of Luke, eagle of John (Motif: 4 evangelists (Mamalujo); *X*)
367.32+Kincora: Brian Boru's palace, County Clare
367.33the calif in his halifskin? that eyriewinging one?) and the voids
367.33+eyrie: the nest of a bird of prey, especially an eagle
367.34bubbily vode's dodos across the which the boomomouths from
367.34+Serbo-Croatian voda: water
367.34+Kiswahili dodo: a young woman's breast before it has fallen
367.34+Behemoth (Job 40:15): probably the hippopotamus
367.35their dupest dupes were in envery and anononously blowing
367.35+Polish dupa: buttocks
367.35+deepest deeps
367.35+phrase ever and anon: every now and then

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