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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 141

393.01smell of Shakeletin and scratchman and his mouth watering, acid
393.01+VI.B.2.126b (b): 'smell of OM' (probably 'Old Men', referring to this chapter)
393.01+Shackleton and Sons, flour millers, Dublin [392.33]
393.01+VI.B.41.195d (b): 'acid + alkali = salt'
393.01+Roscoe: Chemistry 81: 'a salt is the substance formed when an acid combines with an alkali and forms a neutral body'
393.02and alkolic; signs on the salt, and so now pass the loaf for Christ
393.02+Anglo-Irish phrase signs on: therefore, consequently, as a result
393.02+(sign, salt) [168.08]
393.02+Johann Rudolph Glauber: De signatura salium... (17th century alchemical treatise on a salt used as a universal solvent)
393.02+Motif: So pass the fish for Christ sake, Amen
393.02+(Last Supper)
393.03sake. Amen. And so. And all.
393.03+Motif: And so. And all.
393.04     Matt. And loaf. So that was the end. And it can't be helped.
393.05Ah, God be good to us! Poor Andrew Martin Cunningham!
393.05+Anglo-Irish Andrew Martin: prank, trick, shenanigan [392.03]
393.06Take breath! Ay! Ay!
393.06+Motif: Ay, ay!
393.07     And still and all at that time of the dynast days of old konning
393.07+{{Synopsis: II.4.1+2.G: [393.07-395.25]: the four together — yet more rambling reminiscences}}
393.07+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...days of...} | {Png: ...days, of...}
393.07+Dutch koning: king
393.08Soteric Sulkinbored and Bargomuster Bart, when they struck coil
393.08+Greek sôtêr: saviour
393.08+Sitric Silkenbeard led the Danes against Brian Boru at the Battle of Clontarf, 1014
393.08+sulking and bored
393.08+German Bürgermeister: mayor
393.08+German Muster: paragon, pattern
393.08+German Bart: beard
393.08+Bartholomew Vanhomrigh: 17th century Lord-Mayor of Dublin and father of Swift's Vanessa
393.08+Colloquial phrase strike oil: have a piece of good luck, be successful
393.09and shock haunts, in old Hungerford-on-Mudway, where first I
393.09+shook hands
393.09+Hurdle Ford (the Irish name of Dublin)
393.09+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song When First I Met Thee [air: O Patrick! Fly from Me]
393.10met thee oldpoetryck flied from may, and the Finnan haddies and
393.10+mayfly (often used as bait for fishing)
393.10+finnan haddie: haddock cold-smoked with green wood or peat, a traditional Scottish dish
393.11the Noal Sharks and the muckstails turtles like an acoustic pot-
393.11+Noah's Ark
393.11+Irish muc: pig
393.11+Motif: Mookse/Gripes [.12]
393.11+Mock Turtle: character in Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (from mock turtle soup, made with calf's head to resemble green turtle soup)
393.11+oxtail and turtle soup
393.11+VI.B.41.195c (b): 'caustic potash'
393.11+Roscoe: Chemistry 81: 'Take a little caustic potash solution'
393.12tish and the griesouper bullyum and how he poled him up his
393.12+German Tisch: table; meal
393.12+German Gries Suppe: semolina soup
393.12+Danish gris: pig
393.12+French souper: supper
393.12+bully: pickled or tinned beef
393.12+French bouillon: broth
393.12+yum (exclamation indicating deliciousness of food)
393.13boccat of vuotar and got big buzz for his name in the airweek's
393.13+Italian boccata: mouthful
393.13+bucket of water
393.13+Finnish vuota: to leak
393.13+Italian vuota: empty
393.13+New Year's
393.14honours from home, colonies and empire, they were always with
393.14+HCE (Motif: HCE)
393.15assisting grace, thinking (up) and not forgetting about shims and
393.15+VI.C.12.156e (r): === VI.B.14.152a ( ): 'assisting grace' [395.21]
393.15+The Catholic Encyclopedia vol. XI, 'Pelagius and Pelagianism', 605a: 'In the East... as an offset to widespread fatalism, the moral power and freedom of the will were... strongly insisted on, assisting grace being spoken of more frequently than preventing grace'
393.15+assisting grace: term used by Saint Augustine, referring to grace which co-operates with man's good tendencies (Cluster: Graces)
393.15+Cluster: Up
393.15+Cluster: Forget and Remember
393.15+Motif: Shem/Shaun
393.16shawls week, in auld land syne (up) their four hosenbands, that
393.16+song Auld Lang Syne
393.16+Cluster: Up
393.16+German Hosenband: belt, garter
393.17were four (up) beautiful sister misters, now happily married, unto
393.17+Cluster: Up
393.17+Motif: mixed gender (sister, misters)
393.17+now happily married [397.03]
393.18old Gallstonebelly, and there they were always counting and con-
393.18+Glastonbury (according to Giraldus Cambrensis it was once the Isle of Avalon; he recounts the discovery there of King Arthur's grave)
393.18+(button counting) [392.10] [396.35-.36]
393.19tradicting every night 'tis early the lovely mother of periwinkle
393.19+Colloquial 'tis: it is
393.19+mother-of-pearl: a smooth iridescent material produced by certain molluscs
393.20buttons, according to the lapper part of their anachronism (up
393.20+VI.B.1.093h (r): 'anachronists'
393.20+Cluster: Up (four times) [484.19-.20]
393.21one up two up one up four) and after that there now she was,
393.21+VI.B.2.111g (r): 'counts badly'
393.22in the end, the deary, soldpowder and all, the beautfour sisters,
393.22+VI.B.41.195b (b): 'saltpetre'
393.22+Roscoe: Chemistry 79: 'Nitrogen also is found in many compounds, in nitric acid, and nitre or saltpetre'
393.22+four beautiful sisters [.17]
393.23and that was her mudhen republican name, right enough, from
393.23+Dialect midden: dunghill, refuse heap [110.22-111.04]
393.23+VI.B.1.114k (r): 'republic' [398.16]
393.23+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Vico, Giovanni Batista', 24c: 'Patrician tyranny rouses the populace to revolt, and then democratic equality is established under a republic'
393.23+Latin phrase ab ovo usque ad mala: from start to finish, entirely, throughout (literally 'from the egg to the apples'; Latin malum: apple; Latin ovum: egg)
393.24alum and oves, and they used to be getting up from under, in
393.24+Adam and Eve
393.24+VI.B.41.196l (b): 'alum &'
393.24+Roscoe: Chemistry 93: 'Aluminium... The white crystals of alum contain this metal'
393.24+alum: a mineral salt with many diverse uses
393.25their tape and straw garlands, with all the worries awake in their
393.25+straw garlands were previously used as symbols of shame and rebuke, being made to be worn, for example, by sexually promiscuous women
393.25+VI.C.13.241g (g): === VI.B.22.261g ( ): '*X* they can't sleep worrying'
393.25+Fraser-Harris: Morpheus or The Future of Sleep 39: 'The worries and excitements of modern life do not tend to permit most people to have too much sleep'
393.26hair, at the kookaburra bell ringring all wrong inside of them
393.26+VI.B.25.157p (b): 'Kookaburra bell'
393.26+kookaburra: native Australian name for the brown kingfisher, also known as the laughing jackass, on account of its laughing cry
393.26+VI.B.2.169j (b): 'telephone in head'
393.26+Pascal: La Démence Précoce 210: 'Voici un exemple de délire physique chez une paranoïde... Un docteur lui arrache les yeux, la scalpe tous les jours, la chloroformise, la galvanise, l'hypnotise. Il la force de parler; il lui arrache ses pensées. Il s'est installé dans son corps et il communique avec elle par le téléphone' (French 'Here is an example of physical delirium in a paranoid... A doctor pulls her eyes out, scalps her every day, chloroforms her, electrifies her, hypnotises her. He forces her to speak; he pulls her thoughts out. He has installed himself in her body and he communicates with her by telephone')
393.26+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...ringring all...} | {Png: ...ringring, all...}
393.27(come in, come on, you lazy loafs!) all inside their poor old Shan-
393.27+Francis Sylvester Mahony ('Father Prout'): song The Bells of Shandon
393.28don bellbox (come out to hell, you lousy louts!) so frightened,
393.28+brain-box: the top part of the skull, enclosing the brain (Colloquial head)
393.29for the dthclangavore, like knockneeghs bumpsed by the fister-
393.29+Armenian vdankauor: dangerous, noxious
393.29+knock-knees: knees bumping each other due to inwardly curved legs
393.29+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Let Erin Remember the Days of Old: 'On Lough Neagh's bank, as the fisherman strays, When the clear cold eve's declining He sees the round towers of other days In the wave beneath him shining'
393.30man's straights, (ys! ys!), at all hours every night, on their mistle-
393.30+Welsh ys: it is, there is (impersonal or subjectless verb form)
393.30+Ys: a legendary city on the coast of Brittany, engulfed by the ocean after its king's daughter stole the keys to the gates of the dikes protecting it and unlocked them (by mistake, to allow her lover in, etc.)
393.31toes, the four old oldsters, to see was the Transton Postscript
393.31+VI.B.10.020k (b): 'oldster'
393.31+Monahan: Adventures in Life and Letters 87: (upon finding a special book in a second-hand book stall) 'From an oldster of some forty odd I became in a flash a boy of eleven'
393.31+oldsters [533.17]
393.31+VI.B.47.087a (g): 'Transton Boastcript'
393.31+Boston Evening Transcript: a Boston newspaper (until 1941; T.S. Eliot wrote a poem about it, titled 'The Boston Evening Transcript', in 1915; Motif: The Letter: Boston Transcript)
393.32come, with their oerkussens under their armsaxters, all puddled
393.32+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...with their...} | {Png: ...with the...}
393.32+VI.C.13.257i (g): === VI.B.22.183n ( ): 'oreiller — oorkussen'
393.32+Dutch oorkussens: pillows
393.32+Dutch oer-: primitive-, primeval-
393.32+Motif: A/O
393.32+Slang puzzled: crazy, insane
393.33and mythified, the way the wind wheeled the schooler round,
393.33+Anglo-Irish shooler: vagrant, wanderer, beggar
393.34when nobody wouldn't even let them rusten, from playing
393.34+Dutch even: for a short while, briefly
393.34+VI.C.13.253l (g): === VI.B.22.180b ( ): 'reposer — rusten'
393.34+Dutch rusten: to rest
393.34+German rüsten: to arm, to equip for war
393.35their gastspiels, crossing their sleep by the shocking silence,
393.35+German Gastspiel: performance by guest ensemble
393.35+counting the sheep (to get to sleep)
393.35+VI.C.13.239h (g): === VI.B.22.160j ( ): 'Silence wakes'
393.35+Fraser-Harris: Morpheus or The Future of Sleep 27: 'we can sleep in the rattle of a train or the creaking of a steamer, but as soon as either stops, we wake up'
393.36when they were in dreams of yore, standing behind the
393.36+days of yore
393.36+VI.C.13.239b-c (g): === VI.B.22.160e-f ( ): '*V* goes asleep on chamber porcelline soldier sleeps standing' (a line in the B notebook indicates that 'porcelline' should precede 'chamber'; the line is missing in the C notebook and the word is not crayoned) [393.36-394.02]
393.36+Fraser-Harris: Morpheus or The Future of Sleep 21: 'Sir Philip Gibbs, in his account of the retreat from Mons...: "Being attacked was the only thing that kept them awake. Towards the end of this fighting they had a drunken craving for sleep, and they slept standing, with their heads falling over the parapet; slept sitting, hunched in ditches; slept like dead men where they lay in the open ground"' [393.36-394.02]

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