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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 116

394.01door, or leaning out of the chair, or kneeling under the sofa-
394.02cover and setting on the souptureen, getting into their way
394.02+(chamber pot) [393.36]
394.03something barbarous, changing the one wet underdown convi-
394.03+VI.B.1.116n (r): 'barabarous'
394.03+eiderdown (used for stuffing quilts and pillows)
394.03+VI.C.13.239j (g): '*V* convibrating bed' === VI.B.22.160l ( ): '*V*c on vibrating bed' (i.e. the result of a mistranscription)
394.03+Fraser-Harris: Morpheus or The Future of Sleep 28: 'We have an example of the efficacy of monotonous sensations to produce sleep in the recent invention of a vibrating bed. A distinguished traveller having found that he slept so well in the train, had a bed constructed on the principle of vertical vibrations which imitated the vibrations of the train'
394.04brational bed or they used to slumper under, when hope was there
394.04+VI.B.2.132i (b): 'sleep under bed'
394.04+Pascal: La Démence Précoce 104: (of the mentally ill) 'Ils n'entrent plus dans leur lit, se couchent sur la couverture, sous leur lit ou sous celui des autres' (French 'They enter their bed no more, lie on the blanket, under their bed or under that of others')
394.04+Armenian or: that
394.04+VI.C.13.239k (g): === VI.B.22.161a ( ): 'nothing to hope for sleep'
394.04+Fraser-Harris: Morpheus or The Future of Sleep 30: (of a tendency seen during Pavlov's research on dogs) 'if after the bell was rung the dog was not given the meat at all... the animal went to sleep. This is taken as showing that if... there is, as it were, for the time being nothing to live for, the animal will go to sleep'
394.05no more, and putting on their half a hat and falling over all synop-
394.05+Synoptic Gospels: the first three gospels
394.05+VI.B.5.070c (b): 'opticals (obstacles)'
394.05+Schuré: Woman the Inspirer 17: (of the text of Wagner's Tristan und Isolde (Tristan and Iseult)) 'with all its lyrical passion springing up from the depths of the inner life and dashing itself against the obstacles of the outer world'
394.06ticals and a panegyric and repeating themselves, like svvollovv-
394.06+VI.B.1.104a (r): 'panegyric'
394.06+Cluster: Repeat Oneself
394.06+Italian svollazare: to flutter
394.07ing, like the time they were dadging the talkeycook that chased
394.07+dodging the turkeycock
394.08them, look look all round the stool, walk everywhere for a jool,
394.08+Motif: Look, look!
394.08+Dutch jool: fun
394.09to break fyre to all the rancers, to collect all and bits of brown,
394.09+Danish fyre: heat, fire
394.09+Military Slang bit of brown: homosexuality
394.10the rathure's evelopment in spirits of time in all fathom of space
394.10+Hegel: The Philosophy of History: 'History in general is therefore the development of Spirit in Time, as Nature is the development of the Idea in Space' [389.16-.17]
394.10+spirits of wine: ethyl alcohol
394.10+Motif: time/space
394.11and slooping around in a bawneen and bath slippers and go away
394.11+Anglo-Irish bawneen: white flannel smock worn by peasants, loose off-white woollen jacket (from Irish báinín)
394.11+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...slippers...} | {Png: ...slipper...}
394.12to Oldpatrick and see a doctor Walker. And after that so glad
394.12+VI.B.1.042a (r): 'Oldpatrick'
394.12+Sen Patrick: a mysterious near-contemporary of Saint Patrick, possibly a composite of Saint Patrick and Saint Palladius (from Irish Patraic Sen: Old Patrick)
394.12+VI.B.1.111b (r): 'a doctor Walker'
394.12+VI.B.2.167c (b): 'So glad'
394.13they had their night tentacles and there they used to be, flapping
394.14and cycling, and a dooing a doonloop, panementically, around
394.14+VI.B.1.105i (r): 'cycling'
394.14+Handbook of the Ulster Question 1: 'The great Irish epic tale of Tain Bo Cuailnge, the most celebrated piece of Irish literature, along with its numerous companion tales of the "Ulster Cycle," has been the subject of study by many modern scholars'
394.14+Dunlop: a famous brand of pneumatic rubber tyres
394.14+Dutch loop: walk
394.14+Greek Artificial panemmenetikos: disposed to endure all
394.15the waists of the ships, in the wake of their good old Foehn
394.15+song The West's Awake
394.15+German Föhn: South wind in Switzerland
394.16again, as tyred as they were, at their windswidths in the
394.17waveslength, the clipperbuilt and the five fourmasters and
394.17+VI.B.10.001h (b): 'clipper ship'
394.17+VI.B.1.003g (r): 'the 5 fourmaster'
394.17+VI.B.1.041a (r): 'five four master'
394.17+five four (Motif: four fifths)
394.18Lally of the cleftoft bagoderts and Roe of the fair cheats, ex-
394.18+Thomas Moore: other works: Lalla Rookh
394.18+left-off bag of dirt
394.18+Dagobert: 7th century king of Franks
394.18+French roi: king
394.19changing fleas from host to host, with arthroposophia, and he
394.19+Arthropoda: super-phylum including insects
394.19+anthroposophy: knowledge of man's nature, human wisdom
394.20selling him before he forgot, issle issle, after having prealably
394.20+VI.B.1.045d (r): 'tell before forget' ('tell' replaces a cancelled 'be')
394.20+Parnell (about selling him): 'When you sell, get my price'
394.20+Cluster: Forget and Remember
394.20+preallably: previously, beforehand
394.21dephlegmatised his gutterful of throatyfrogs, with a lungible fong
394.21+dephlegmate: in alchemy, to free from phlegm (watery material)
394.21+phrase frog in one's throat
394.21+Chinese feng: wind (in French Romanisation of Chinese, transcribed as 'fong')
394.22in his suckmouth ear, while the dear invoked to the coolun dare
394.22+song Coolin Das (means 'pretty fair-haired girl')
394.23by a palpabrows lift left no doubt in his minder, till he was in-
394.23+Latin palpebra: eyelid
394.23+Danish minder: memories
394.24stant and he was trustin, sister soul in brother hand, the subjects
394.25being their passion grand, that one fresh from the cow about
394.26Aithne Meithne married a mailde and that one too from Engr-
394.26+Aithne: girl in Yeats: Only Jealousy of Emer
394.26+children's game 'eenie, meenie, minie, mo'
394.26+Hungr-vaka: saga of bishops in Skalholt up to 1178
394.27vakon saga abooth a gooth a gev a gotheny egg and the park-
394.27+pantomime The Goose That Laid Golden Eggs
394.27+Goth who gave a Goth an egg
394.27+(from Phoenix Park (giant's feet) to Howth Head (giant's head); Motif: head/foot) [.27-.28]
394.27+Phoenix Park once known as Queen's Gardens
394.27+Motif: P/Q
394.28side pranks of quality queens, katte efter kinne, for Earl Hooved-
394.28+the prankquean and Jarl van Hoother [021.05]
394.28+proverb A cat can look at a queen: even a person of low status has some minimal rights
394.28+Danish katte: cat
394.28+William Shakespeare: As You Like It III.2.98: 'If the cat will after kind'
394.28+Danish efter: after
394.28+EHC (Motif: HCE)
394.28+Howth Head (from Danish hoved: head)
394.28+Hobson's choice
394.29soon's choosing and Huber and Harman orhowwhen theeupon-
394.29+Heber and Heremon: legendary Milesian progenitors of the Irish race (brothers, sons of Milesius)
394.29+or how when
394.30thus (chchch!) eysolt of binnoculises memostinmust egotum
394.30+(Motif: stuttering)
394.30+I sort of
394.30+my most inmost ego
394.30+Latin ego tum: I then
394.31sabcunsciously senses upers the deprofundity of multimathema-
394.31+Latin super: above
394.31+Vulgate Psalms 129:1: 'De profundis' (Latin Psalms 130:1: 'Out of the depths'; traditionally said at wakes)
394.31+(many-numbered non-material things)
394.32tical immaterialities wherebejubers in the pancosmic urge the
394.32+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...immaterialities...} | {Png: ...immaterialites...}
394.32+pancosmism: the belief that all that exists is the material universe, materialism [613.12]
394.33allimmanence of that which Itself is Itself Alone (hear, O hear,
394.33+Irish Sinn Féin, Sinn Féin Amháin: Ourselves, Ourselves Alone (Irish nationalist slogan; Motif: Sinn Féin)
394.33+Motif: Hear, hear!
394.33+HCE (Motif: HCE)
394.34Caller Errin!) exteriorises on this ourherenow plane in disunited
394.34+song Caller Herring
394.34+our here now
394.35solod, likeward and gushious bodies with (science, say!) peril-
394.35+solid, liquid and gaseous
394.35+Pearl White: film star
394.36whitened passionpanting pugnoplangent intuitions of reunited
394.36+Italian pugno: fist

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