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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 139

395.01selfdom (murky whey, abstrew adim!) in the higherdimissional
395.01+Motif: Tom/Tim
395.01+Milky Way
395.01+whey: the watery part of milk after the separation of the curd by coagulation in the process of making cheese
395.01+strew a dim (light)
395.01+Latin dimissio: sending forth
395.02selfless Allself, theemeeng Narsty meetheeng Idoless, and telling
395.02+Isolde: another name for Iseult (Motif: anagram)
395.03Jolly MacGolly, dear mester John, the belated dishevelled, hack-
395.03+Anglo-Irish Johnny Magorey: fruit of dog rose
395.03+Prester John: mythical Eastern ruler in whose armies were Gog and Magog
395.03+in Albrecht's Titurel, Parzival takes the Grail to Prester John's land
395.03+song Dashing Away with a Smoothing Iron
395.04ing away at a parchment pied, and all the other analist, the
395.04+French pied: foot
395.05steamships ant the ladies'foursome, ovenfor, nedenfor, dinkety,
395.05+VI.B.10.001m (b): 'ladies foursome tournament'
395.05+Irish Times 20 Oct 1922, 3/5: 'Golf... Ladies' Foursomes Tournament in Ranelagh yesterday'
395.05+Danish ovenfor: above
395.05+Danish nedenfor: below
395.06duk, downalupping, (how long tandem!) like a foreretyred schoon-
395.06+Danish duk: plunge, dive
395.06+Dunlop (tyres)
395.06+Motif: up/down
395.06+Cicero: all works: Oratio In Catilinam I: (begins) 'Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?' (Latin 'How long, finally, will you abuse, Catiline, our patience?')
395.06+four retired schoolmasters
395.06+four-masted schooners
395.06+fore, rear (Motif: back/front; Anglo-Irish rere: rear)
395.06+Dutch schoon: clean, beautiful
395.07masters, and their pair of green eyes and peering in, so they say, like
395.07+Joyce: Dubliners: 'An Encounter': 'I came back and examined the foreign sailors to see had any of them green eyes, for I had some confused notion...'
395.08the narcolepts on the lakes of Coma, through the steamy win-
395.08+VI.C.13.240g (g): === VI.B.22.161h ( ): 'narcolepsy'
395.08+Fraser-Harris: Morpheus or The Future of Sleep 38: 'Every now and again reports are made of persons, usually young women, entering upon very prolonged periods of sleep. This condition is called trance or narcolepsy' [397.28]
395.08+VI.C.13.240i (g): === VI.B.22.161j ( ): 'lake of Coma'
395.08+Fraser-Harris: Morpheus or The Future of Sleep 38: '"Coma", a technical medical term, indicates a more intense form of lethargy; it is derived from the Greek "koimao", to hush or lull to sleep'
395.08+Lake Como, Italy
395.09dows, into the honeymoon cabins, on board the big steamadories,
395.09+VI.B.2.111o (r): 'simadory'
395.09+Greek dory: ship (hence, steamships) [.22]
395.10made by Fumadory, and the saloon ladies' madorn toilet chambers
395.10+Spanish fumador: smoker
395.10+Italian madornale: huge
395.11lined over prawn silk and rub off the salty catara off a windows
395.11+cataract: opacity of eye lens (i.e. opacity of window)
395.12and, hee hee, listening, qua committe, the poor old quakers, oben
395.12+VI.B.11.031e (b): 'hee hee (they laugh) shee shee' [.15] [.24] [.25]
395.12+Motif: Hear, hear!
395.12+the Hebrew letter heh (H) historically meant 'window'
395.12+Latin qua: in the capacity of
395.12+German oben: over, upward
395.12+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song She Is Far from the Land [air: Open the Door] [.14]
395.13the dure, to see all the hunnishmooners and the firstclass ladies,
395.13+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation dure: door
395.13+Norwegian hunn: female
395.13+VI.B.2.168f (b): '1st class' [396.11]
395.14serious me, a lass spring as you fancy, and sheets far from the lad,
395.14+Alice Springs: town, Australia
395.14+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song She Is Far from the Land [.12]
395.15courting in blankets, enfamillias, and, shee shee, all improper, in a
395.15+French en famille: as a family
395.15+(laugh) [.12]
395.16lovely mourning toilet, for the rosecrumpler, the thrilldriver, the
395.16+VI.B.25.159e (r): 'rosecrumpler'
395.16+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Lesbia Hath a Beaming Eye: 'Bed of peace! whose roughest part Is but the crumpling of the roses'
395.17sighinspirer, with that olive throb in his nude neck, and, swayin
395.17+Yiddish nudnick: someone who nags or pesters
395.18and thayin, thanks ever so much for the tiny quote, which sought
395.18+sort of made
395.19of maid everythingling again so very much more delightafellay,
395.19+Dutch tafel: table
395.20and the perfidly suite of her, bootyfilly yours, under all their
395.20+perfectly sweet
395.21familiarities, by preventing grace, forgetting to say their grace be-
395.21+VI.C.12.156f (r): === VI.B.14.152a ( ): 'preventing —' (dash dittos 'grace') [393.15]
395.21+The Catholic Encyclopedia vol. XI, 'Pelagius and Pelagianism', 605a: 'In the East... as an offset to widespread fatalism, the moral power and freedom of the will were... strongly insisted on, assisting grace being spoken of more frequently than preventing grace'
395.21+preventing (or prevenient) grace: that preceding repentance and conversion (Cluster: Graces)
395.21+Cluster: Forget and Remember
395.21+phrase grace before meat; the saying of a short prayer (grace) before a meal (Motif: Grace before/after fish; Cluster: Graces)
395.22fore chambadory, before going to boat with the verges of the
395.22+dory: a type of fish
395.22+Greek dory: ship [.09]
395.22+in Egyptian theology, the soul travels in a boat after death
395.22+French Slang verge: penis (literally 'rod')
395.23chaptel of the opering of the month of Nema Knatut, so pass the
395.23+Budge: The Book of the Dead, ch. XXIII, p. 133: 'The Chapter of opening the mouth of Osiris' (to give the deceased the power to eat, drink and talk)
395.23+Italian operare: to work
395.23+Motif: So pass the fish for Christ sake, Amen
395.24poghue for grace sake. Amen. And all, hee hee hee, quaking, so
395.24+Anglo-Irish pogue: kiss
395.24+grace (Cluster: Graces)
395.24+(laugh) [.12]
395.24+Motif: 2&3 (he x 3, she x 2)
395.24+VI.B.2.076c (b): 'fear of ship' [.22]
395.24+Pascal: La Démence Précoce 50: (of the mentally ill) 'Les malades ont peur de l'orage, de l'obscurité, ils tremblent à la vue d'un incendie, du sang, etc.' (French 'Patients are afraid of storms, of the dark, they tremble at the sight of a fire, blood, etc.')
395.25fright, and, shee shee, shaking. Aching. Ay, ay.
395.25+(laugh) [.12]
395.25+Motif: Ay, ay!
395.26     For it was then a pretty thing happened of pure diversion
395.26+{{Synopsis: II.4.1+2.H: [395.26-396.33]: the passionate and willing kiss — goal scored}}
395.26+VI.B.25.145i (r): 'a pretty thing happened'
395.26+VI.A.0301bj (r): 'par diversion peutêtre (stage direction)'
395.26+Bouhélier: La Tragédie de Tristan et Iseult III.ii: 'TRISTAN, par diversion peut-être' (French 'TRISTAN, by way of diversion perhaps'; stage direction as part of a dialogue between Iseult and Tristan)
395.27mayhap, when his flattering hend, at the justright moment, like
395.27+Archaic mayhap: perhaps
395.27+flattering hand [004.18]
395.28perchance some cook of corage might clip the lad on a poot of
395.28+clap the lid on a pot of porridge
395.28+Dutch poot: foot, leg, paw
395.29porage handshut his duckhouse, the vivid girl, deaf with love,
395.29+and shut
395.29+VI.B.3.073i (r): 'Hoping that he wd soon shut his duckhouse'
395.29+VI.B.3.075a (r): 'he wd in a short time shut his duckhouse'
395.29+(his mouth)
395.29+Ibsen: all plays: Et Dukkehjem (A Doll's House)
395.29+death (Wagner: Tristan und Isolde (Tristan and Iseult): Liebestod ('love-death' aria))
395.30(ah sure, you know her, our angel being, one of romance's fade-
395.31less wonderwomen, and, sure now, we all know you dote on
395.32her even unto date!) with a queeleetlecree of joysis crisis she
395.32+Matthew 26:38: 'even unto death' (a common biblical phrase; Motif: Triste to death)
395.32+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM:!) with...} | {Png: with...}
395.32+queer little cry of Jesus Christ!
395.32+French cri: cry
395.32+in Egyptian mythology, Isis reassembled the dismembered body of Osiris
395.33renulited their disunited, with ripy lepes to ropy lopes (the dear
395.33+reunited (kiss)
395.33+ruby lips
395.33+Motif: Adear, adear!
395.34o'dears!) and the golden importunity of aloofer's leavetime,
395.34+VI.B.3.154b (r): 'a golden opportunity'
395.34+opportunity of a lover's lifetime
395.35when, as quick, is greased pigskin, Amoricas Champius, with one
395.35+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...when, as quick, is...} | {Png: ...when as quick is...}
395.35+(description of a football move and a kiss)
395.35+as quick as
395.35+American Slang pigskin: a football
395.35+America's champion
395.35+Tristan died in Brittany (previously known as Armorica)
395.35+Armoricus (Amory) Tristram
395.36aragan throust, druve the massive of virilvigtoury flshpst the
395.36+Armenian aragan: male
395.36+arrogant thrust
395.36+French ouragan: hurricane
395.36+virile organ: penis
395.36+missive (tongue; also the message) [385.03]
395.36+flash past

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