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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 142

405.01letters, relayed wand postchased, multiply, ay faith, and plultiply!)
405.01+with post haste
405.01+Genesis 1:28: 'Be fruitful, and multiply'
405.02Shaun himself.
405.03     What a picture primitive!
405.04     Had I the concordant wiseheads of Messrs Gregory and Lyons
405.04+{{Synopsis: III.1.1A.C: [405.04-407.09]: Shaun's immense diet — not that he was guilty of gluttony}}
405.04+[[Speaker: the four's ass]]
405.04+German Weisheit: Dutch wijsheid: wisdom
405.04+(*X* + the four's ass = Motif: four fifths) [.04-.06]
405.05alongside of Dr Tarpey's and I dorsay the reverend Mr Mac
405.05+Latin orsa: words, speech
405.06Dougall's, but I, poor ass, am but as their fourpart tinckler's dun-
405.06+William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream IV.1.205-206: 'Man is but an ass as if he go about to expound this dream. Methought I was — there is no man can tell what'
405.06+Anglo-Irish tinkler: tinker, itinerant metal-worker and mender (from Irish tincléir)
405.07key. Yet methought Shaun (holy messonger angels be uninter-
405.07+French Messe: Mass
405.07+French mensonge: falsehood
405.07+French songe: dream
405.08ruptedly nudging him among and along the winding ways of
405.09random ever!) Shaun in proper person (now may all the blue-
405.09+Smollett: Roderick Random
405.10blacksliding constellations continue to shape his changeable time-
405.10+VI.B.16.040c (r): 'backsliding'
405.11table!) stood before me. And I pledge you my agricultural word
405.12by the hundred and sixty odds rods and cones of this even's
405.12+HCE (Motif: HCE)
405.12+six (Cluster: Cards)
405.12+rods: one of the suits of the Tarot pack (Cluster: Cards)
405.12+rods and cones make up the eye retina
405.12+cone: a term used in Yeats: A Vision
405.12+Motif: odd/even
405.12+seven (Cluster: Cards)
405.12+Archaic even: evening
405.13vision that young fellow looked the stuff, the Bel of Beaus'
405.13+French bel, beau: beautiful, handsome (masculine; before a vowel or a consonant, respectively)
405.13+Beau-Belle Walk, Phoenix Park
405.13+Beaux' Walk: a fashionable promenade along the northern side of Saint Stephen's Green, Dublin
405.13+beaus: men excessively focused on their external appearance, dandies, fops; male sweethearts, boyfriends
405.14Walk, a prime card if ever was! Pep? Now without deceit it is
405.14+VI.B.5.017f (r): '*V* a card' (Cluster: Cards)
405.14+(ace) (Cluster: Cards)
405.14+prime steak (Cluster: Steaks)
405.14+Motif: Caddy/Primas
405.14+VI.B.10.043d (r): 'it is hardly too much to say'
405.15hardly too much to say he was looking grand, so fired smart, in
405.15+Slang fired: damned, infernally
405.16much more than his usual health. No mistaking that beamish
405.16+king (Cluster: Cards)
405.16+Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking-Glass ch. I: 'my beamish boy!'
405.16+Beamish stout
405.16+Beamish Mac Coul: character in Boucicault: Arrah-na-Pogue, to whom Arrah had previously passed a note in a kiss when he had been in prison
405.17brow! There was one for you that ne'er would nunch with good
405.17+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...brow! There...} | {Png: ...brow. There...}
405.17+phrase dine with good Duke Humphrey: go dinnerless, go hungry
405.17+Dialect nunch: nuncheon, light refreshment
405.17+nine (Cluster: Cards)
405.18Duke Humphrey but would aight through the months without a
405.18+eight (Cluster: Cards)
405.18+eight months
405.18+(no oysters in months without an r)
405.19sign of an err in hem and then, otherwise rounding, fourale to the
405.19+Anglo-Irish Erin: Ireland
405.19+Archaic hem: them
405.19+four (Cluster: Cards)
405.19+four-ale: ale sold at four-pence a quart
405.20lees of Traroe. Those jehovial oyeglances! The heart of the rool!
405.20+song The Rose of Tralee (Cluster: John McCormack's Repertoire)
405.20+Irish Trágh Ruadh: Red Bank (famous for oysters)
405.20+Tarot (Cluster: Cards)
405.20+Jove: another name for Jupiter, the Roman god of the sky
405.20+jovial eyeglasses
405.20+Norwegian øye: eye
405.20+Dublin Slang the heart of the roll: a fine fellow
405.20+song The Heart of the Roll Is Dicey Riley
405.21And hit the hencoop. He was immense, topping swell for he was
405.21+VI.B.3.050i (r): 'Immense! (MFK)' (Matthew F. Kane, model for Martin Cunningham (Joyce: Ulysses.6.146))
405.22after having a great time of it, a twentyfour hours every moment
405.22+Time: thirteenth trump card in the Tarot pack (Cluster: Cards)
405.22+VI.B.5.050c (r): 'time if it'
405.23matters maltsight, in a porterhouse, scutfrank, if you want to
405.23+German Mahlzeit: meal (literally 'meal time')
405.23+American porterhouse: a house where porter is served
405.23+porterhouse steak (Cluster: Steaks)
405.23+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...porterhouse, scutfrank...} | {Png: ...porterhouse scutfrank...}
405.23+flank steak (Cluster: Steaks)
405.24know, Saint Lawzenge of Toole's, the Wheel of Fortune, leave
405.24+a fanatic, preoccupied with the murder of Becket, attacked Saint Laurence O'Toole on the altar steps of Canterbury Cathedral and beat him with a club, while he was preparing to celebrate Mass [.25]
405.24+Wheel of Fortune: tenth (X) trump card in the Tarot pack (Cluster: Cards)
405.25your clubs in the hall and wait on yourself, no chucks for wal-
405.25+clubs (Cluster: Cards)
405.25+club steak (Cluster: Steaks)
405.25+chuck steak (Cluster: Steaks)
405.25+no cheques (i.e. free-of-charge)
405.26nut ketchups, Lazenby's and Chutney graspis (the house the once
405.26+ketchup, pickle, chutney (condiments or relishes)
405.26+Lazenby's pickles
405.26+Italian graspi: grape stalks
405.26+Joyce: Ulysses.10.1279: 'the house said to have been admired by the late queen'
405.27queen of Bristol and Balrothery twice admired because her
405.27+queen (Cluster: Cards)
405.27+in 1172, Henry II granted the city of Dublin as a colony to the citizens of Bristol, with the same liberties and charters they were entitled to in Bristol (this led to many Bristolians emigrating to Dublin)
405.27+Balrothery: village, County Dublin
405.27+two (Cluster: Cards)
405.28frumped door looked up Dacent Street) where in the sighed of
405.28+front door
405.28+trump (Cluster: Cards)
405.28+rump steak (Cluster: Steaks)
405.28+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation dacent: decent
405.29lovely eyes while his knives of hearts made havoc he had re-
405.29+knave (Cluster: Cards)
405.29+hearts (Cluster: Cards)
405.30cruited his strength by meals of spadefuls of mounded food, in
405.30+Strength: eleventh (or eighth) trump card in the Tarot pack (Cluster: Cards)
405.30+by means of
405.30+(Macalister: Temair Breg 328: (of a rite for determining the next king after one had died not at the hands of his successor) 'Someone, presumably a druid, glutted himself with the flesh and broth of a white [sacred] bull, and then went to sleep, while four druids chanted over his body an ór firindi, or "spell of truth." The appointed king would appear to the sleeper amid the nightmares induced by his overloaded stomach') [456.03] [474.11] [474.21] [475.02] [477.01-.02] [532.06]
405.30+spades (Cluster: Cards)
405.30+VI.B.5.046l (r): 'mound of food'
405.30+Percy French: song Slattery's Mounted Foot
405.31anticipation of the faste of tablenapkins, constituting his three-
405.31+Anglo-Irish Pronunciation faste: feast
405.31+Feast of Tabernacles: a Jewish holiday commemorating the Israelites' camping in tabernacles (temporary dwellings, tents) after their exodus from Egypt
405.31+(fast of Lent)
405.31+three (Cluster: Cards)
405.31+The Tripartite Life of Saint Patrick: a 9th century biography of Saint Patrick
405.31+(Vico's three ages plus a ricorso (Motif: 4-stage Viconian cycle))
405.32partite pranzipal meals plus a collation, his breakfast of first, a bless
405.32+Italian pranzo: dinner
405.32+VI.B.14.158c (r): '*V* collation'
405.32+collation: light meal
405.32+'Bless us O Lord and these Thy gifts' (grace)
405.33us O blood and thirsthy orange, next, the half of a pint of becon
405.33+Blood Thursday: in Ireland, Innocents' Day or Childermas
405.33+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XIV, 'Innocents' Day', 583b: 'Innocents' Day, or Childermas, a festival celebrated in the Latin church on the 28th of December... in memory of the massacre of the children by Herod... The Irish call the day... Diar dasin darg, "blood Thursday"'
405.33+blood orange
405.33+John 19:28: 'I thirst' (fifth of seven last words of Christ)
405.33+pent-: five- (Cluster: Cards)
405.33+pound of bacon
405.34with newled googs and a segment of riceplummy padding, met
405.34+VI.B.14.013g (r): 'goog'
405.34+Slang googs: eggs
405.34+rice pudding, raspberry pudding, plum pudding
405.34+Colloquial plummy: rich, desirable, very good
405.34+paddy: rice in the husk
405.34+Dutch met of zonder suiker: with or without sugar
405.34+made of
405.35of sunder suigar and some cold forsoaken steak peatrefired from
405.35+Matthew 27:46: 'My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?' (fourth of seven last words of Christ)
405.35+steak (Cluster: Steaks)
405.35+Saint Peter
405.36the batblack night o'erflown then, without prejuice to evectuals,
405.36+Tennyson: other works: Maud, XXII.I: 'Come into the garden, Maud, For the black bat, night, has flown'
405.36+(the night before)
405.36+Archaic o'er: over
405.36+evectant: in math, a contravariant

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