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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 235

415.01dinous and oldbuoyant, inscythe his elytrical wormcasket and
415.01+Colloquial old boy: a vocative for a man (old or not); the devil
415.01+Father Time's scythe (Cluster: Time)
415.01+inside his electrical
415.01+elytron: hardened outer wing-case of beetles; also, vagina (Cluster: Insects)
415.01+worm (Cluster: Insects)
415.02Dehlia and Peonia, his druping nymphs, bewheedling him, com-
415.02+dahlia (among the earwig's favoured food sources)
415.02+Delia and Peona in Keats: Endymion
415.02+drupe: stone fruit
415.02+nymph: immature stage of a non-metamorphosing insect (Cluster: Insects)
415.02+nymphae: labia minora of female genitalia
415.02+nymphea: water-lily
415.02+CEH (Motif: HCE)
415.02+insects' compound eyes (Cluster: Insects)
415.03pound eyes on hornitosehead, and Auld Letty Plussiboots to
415.03+hornito: mound of volcanic origin
415.03+hornet (Cluster: Insects)
415.03+ALP (Motif: ALP)
415.03+pantomime Puss in Boots
415.04scratch his cacumen and cackle his tramsitus, diva deborah (seven
415.04+VI.B.27.022d ( ): 'wasp cacinan'
415.04+Welsh cacynen: wasp (Cluster: Insects)
415.04+Latin cacumen: summit, top end
415.04+cocoon (Cluster: Insects)
415.04+transitus: windpipe
415.04+Italian diva: goddess; glamorous female performer
415.04+Ukrainian diva: virgin, girl
415.04+Czech diva: wild
415.04+Hebrew deborah: bee (Cluster: Insects)
415.04+(possibly based on composition of human body)
415.04+(seven items)
415.05bolls of sapo, a lick of lime, two spurts of fussfor, threefurts of
415.05+boll weevil (Cluster: Insects)
415.05+Italian bolle di sapone: soap bubbles
415.05+bars of soap
415.05+Motif: 2&3
415.05+Danish fosfor: phosphorus
415.05+German Furz: a fart
415.06sulph, a shake o'shouker, doze grains of migniss and a mesfull of
415.06+German Zucker: sugar
415.06+Portuguese doze: French douze: twelve
415.06+Dutch mes: knife
415.07midcap pitchies. The whool of the whaal in the wheel of the
415.07+song The Wild Man from Borneo: 'The flea on the hair of the tail of the dog of the nurse of the child of the wife of the wild man from Borneo has just come to town'
415.08whorl of the Boubou from Bourneum has thus come to taon!),
415.08+French taon: gadfly (Cluster: Insects)
415.09and with tambarins and cantoridettes soturning around his eggs-
415.09+tambourines and castanets
415.09+French tabarin: buffoon
415.09+Italian canto: song
415.09+cantharides: a genus of beetles, Spanish Fly (Cluster: Insects)
415.09+VI.B.4.288a ( ): 'Saturn' (underlined)
415.09+Phillips & Steavenson: Hutchinson's Splendour of the Heavens 979: (in index) 'Saturn'
415.09+Saturn: the Roman equivalent of the Greek Cronus [414.36] [.10] [.21]
415.09+saturnia: a genus of moths (Cluster: Insects)
415.09+so trurning
415.09+eggs (Cluster: Insects)
415.09+anthill (Cluster: Insects)
415.10hill rockcoach their dance McCaper in retrophoebia, beck from
415.10+Russian rogach: stag beetle (Cluster: Insects)
415.10+cockroach (Cluster: Insects)
415.10+(periplaneta: a genus of cockroaches) (Cluster: Insects)
415.10+Saint-Saëns: Danse Macabre
415.10+VI.B.4.289g (b): 'Phoebe retrograde'
415.10+Phillips & Steavenson: Hutchinson's Splendour of the Heavens 362: (chapter on the planet Saturn) 'one very distant minute satellite... to which the name "Phoebe" has been given... When the motion of Phoebe was studied by its discoverer, a surprise developed. He found that this motion was "retrograde" and therefore in contrary direction to those of the inner satellites and of the planet's own rotation'
415.10+Phoebe: in Greek mythology, titaness and sister of Cronus [414.36] [.09] [.21]
415.10+VI.B.4.289d (b): 'bulk to bulk'
415.10+Phillips & Steavenson: Hutchinson's Splendour of the Heavens 360: (chapter on the planet Saturn) 'Saturn is so considerably lighter, bulk for bulk, than Jupiter'
415.10+back to back
415.10+Jakob Sigismund Beck: expounder of Kant (Cluster: Philosophers)
415.10+Irish beach: bee (Cluster: Insects)
415.11bulk, like fantastic disossed and jenny aprils, to the ra, the ra, the
415.11+Valentin La Desossé and Jane Avril painted by Toulouse-Lautrec
415.11+Ra: Egyptian sun-god (grasshoppers are sometimes associated with Ra in Egyptian myth)
415.11+Rigoletto: 'La, ra, la ra, la ra'
415.12ra, the ra, langsome heels and langsome toesis, attended to by a
415.12+proverb Handsome is as handsome does: people should be judged by their actions, not their looks
415.12+Danish langsom: Norwegian langsom: German langsam: slow
415.12+Old Norse by: bee (Cluster: Insects)
415.13mutter and doffer duffmatt baxingmotch and a myrmidins of
415.13+German Mutter: mother
415.13+Motif: Butt/Taff
415.13+boxing match
415.13+Myrmidons at Troy
415.13+Myrmicine: of the sub-family of stinging ants (myrmica: a genus of ants) (Cluster: Insects)
415.14pszozlers pszinging Satyr's Caudledayed Nice and Hombly,
415.14+Polish pszczoła: bee (Cluster: Insects)
415.14+Polish pszczelarz: bee-keeper (Cluster: Insects)
415.14+sozzlers singing
415.14+satyr: a genus of butterflies (Cluster: Insects)
415.14+Burns: Cottar's Saturday Night
415.14+caudle: a warm drink
415.14+caudicle: small stalk-like appendage to the pollen-masses of orchids
415.14+nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty: 'Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall'
415.15Dombly Sod We Awhile but Ho, Time Timeagen, Wake! For if
415.15+dumbly: speechlessly, silently
415.15+(Joyce wasting time writing Joyce: Finnegans Wake)
415.15+time (Cluster: Time)
415.15+song Tim Finnegan's Wake
415.16sciencium (what's what) can mute uns nought, 'a thought,
415.16+Latin silentium: silence
415.16+German uns: us
415.17abought the Great Sommboddy within the Omniboss, perhops an
415.17+hops (grasshopper) (Cluster: Insects)
415.17+Edward 'Hopalong' Cassidy: American cowboy actor (from the late 1930s onward)
415.18artsaccord (hoot's hoot) might sing ums tumtim abutt the Little
415.18+Art Accord: American cowboy actor (from the 1910s onward)
415.18+Edward 'Hoot' Gibson: American cowboy actor (from the 1920s onward)
415.18+Who's Who: a yearly reference publication of concise contemporary biographies
415.18+us something about
415.18+Motif: Tom/Tim
415.18+Tom Mix: American cowboy actor (from the 1910s onward)
415.19Newbuddies that ring his panch. A high old tide for the bar-
415.19+Motif: old/new
415.19+high time (Cluster: Time)
415.19+Middle English barrat: deception
415.20heated publics and the whole day as gratiis! Fudder and lighting
415.20+day (Cluster: Time)
415.20+Latin Deo Gratias: thanks to God
415.20+thunder and lightning
415.20+Scottish fudder: lightning; thunderbolt
415.21for ally looty, any filly in a fog, for O'Cronione lags acrumbling
415.21+German alle Leute: everyone
415.21+anopheles: a genus of mosquitoes (Cluster: Insects)
415.21+Phileas Fogg: the main character in Jules Verne: Around the World in Eighty Days
415.21+Cronus: in Greek mythology, leader of the titans and father of Zeus (who overthrew him) [414.36] [.09-.10]
415.21+Greek chronos: time (Cluster: Time)
415.21+song John Brown's Body: 'John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave, But his soul goes marching on'
415.22in his sands but his sunsunsuns still tumble on. Erething above
415.22+(sands of time) (Cluster: Time)
415.22+Chinese sun: descendants, grandchildren
415.22+(three sons)
415.22+ere (Cluster: Time)
415.22+Hebrew erets: earth
415.22+(anything on earth)
415.23ground, as his Book of Breathings bed him, so as everwhy, sham
415.23+Budge: The Book of the Dead, introduction, p. xlvii: 'a number of short religious works intended to be written upon funeral papyri had been composed... Of special interest... is the "Shai en Sensen", or "Book of Breathings"'
415.23+ever (Cluster: Time)
415.23+Motif: Shem/Shaun
415.24or shunner, zeemliangly to kick time.
415.24+Russian zemlya: the earth, land
415.24+Chinese liang: to excuse
415.24+phrase kill time: to engage in a pastime to while away the time (Cluster: Time)
415.25     Grouscious me and scarab my sahul! What a bagateller it is!
415.25+{{Synopsis: III.1.1C.B: [415.25-416.02]: the Ondt expresses his distaste — he prays for his own prosperity}}
415.25+[[Speaker: Shaun]]
415.25+grouse (appears in Egyptian myth as symbol of rebirth)
415.25+Colloquial phrase gracious me! (exclamation of surprise or alarm)
415.25+Egyptian sacred green stone beetle-like scarabs, identified with Khepera, god of matter about to pass from inertness into life and of the dead body from which a spiritual body is about to burst forth, were placed over or instead of deceased's heart (Budge: The Book of the Dead, introduction, p. cix) (Cluster: Insects)
415.25+(bless) my soul
415.25+sahu: spiritual body (incoruptible habitation of spiritual soul), one of nine constituent parts of man in Egyptian theology [.31] [.32] [.36]
415.25+Alexander Pope: Imitations of Horace: 'And Swift cry wisely, "Vive la bagatelle!"' (Swift)
415.25+bagatelle: a trifle, a thing of no value or importance
415.25+French bagatelliere: trickster
415.26Libelulous! Inzanzarity! Pou! Pschla! Ptuh! What a zeit for the
415.26+libellula: a genus of dragonflies (Cluster: Insects)
415.26+Italian zanzara: gnat (Cluster: Insects)
415.26+French pou: louse (Cluster: Insects)
415.26+Polish pchła: flea (Cluster: Insects)
415.26+Russian pchela: bee (Cluster: Insects)
415.26+Ptah: Egyptian god of speech, handicrafts and the rising sun
415.26+what a sight for the gods!
415.26+German Zeit: time (Cluster: Time)
415.27goths! vented the Ondt, who, not being a sommerfool, was
415.27+German Sommer: summer
415.27+Danish sommerfugl: butterfly (Cluster: Insects)
415.27+Will Sommers: Henry VIII's fool in Thomas Nashe's Summer's Last Will and Testament (song 'Brightness falls from the Air', which is sung to the ghost of Sommers in the play, is quoted by Stephen in Joyce: A Portrait)
415.28thothfolly making chilly spaces at hisphex affront of the icinglass
415.28+Thoth: Egyptian god of wisdom and writing
415.28+thoughtfully making silly faces at himself in front of the looking-glass of his window
415.28+Colloquial phrase making faces: grimacing, distorting one's facial expression (for humour or in distaste)
415.28+Colloquial phrase make faces at: to deceive, disappoint or verbally attack a friend
415.28+space (Cluster: Space)
415.28+sphex: a genus of solitary wasps (Cluster: Insects)
415.28+isinglass: variety of gelatine, firm whitish semi-transparent substance used in cookery; also, a kind of moth (Obsolete) (Cluster: Insects)
415.29of his windhame, which was cold antitopically Nixnixundnix.
415.29+Wyndham Lewis
415.29+anti-tropical (cold)
415.29+Nixnixundnix [414.34]
415.29+Latin nix: snow
415.29+German nichts, nix: nothing
415.29+German und: and
415.30We shall not come to party at that lopp's, he decided possibly,
415.30+VI.B.18.092r (g): 'lopp (flea)'
415.30+Power: Medieval English Nunneries 74: (quoting a medieval tale about the afflictions of the poor and the rich) 'The lopp (flea) and the gout on a time spake together'
415.30+Obsolete lopp: flea (Cluster: Insects)
415.31for he is not on our social list. Nor to Ba's berial nether, thon
415.31+(the ant is a 'social insect'; Cluster: Insects)
415.31+ba: heart-soul, one of nine constituent parts of man in Egyptian theology [.25] [.32] [.36] (also, an Egyptian ram-headed god of fertility; also, an epithet of the Egyptian god Set in monster form)
415.31+I Chronicles 7:23: 'he called his name Beriah, because it went evil with his house'
415.31+burial neither
415.31+Dialect thon: that, yon
415.31+Proverbs 6:6: 'Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise' (Cluster: Insects)
415.32sloghard, this oldeborre's yaar ablong as there's a khul on a khat.
415.32+Danish oldenborre: cockchafer (Cluster: Insects)
415.32+Hebrew yaar: forest
415.32+Hebrew yaara: honeycomb (Cluster: Insects)
415.32+ab: heart (conscience), one of nine constituent parts of man in Egyptian theology [.25] [.31] [.36]
415.32+as long as there's a tail on a cat
415.32+long [.35] [.36] (Cluster: Space)
415.32+khu: spiritual soul, one of nine constituent parts of man in Egyptian theology [.25] [.31] [.36]
415.32+khat: physical body, one of nine constituent parts of man in Egyptian theology [.25] [.31] [.36]
415.33Nefersenless, when he had safely looked up his ovipository, he
415.33+Nefer-sent: Egyptian city (Budge: The Book of the Dead, ch. CLIII.a, p. 513: 'Hail, ye fishers who have given birth to your own fathers, and who lay snares within the city of Nefer-sent, take ye me not into your net')
415.33+ovipositor: insect's egg-laying structure (Cluster: Insects)
415.34loftet hails and prayed: May he me no voida water! Seekit Ha-
415.34+Danish lofte: raise
415.34+lifted hands
415.34+Finnish voida: to be able to
415.34+Budge: The Book of the Dead, introduction, p. lxvii: 'the delights and pleasure of this world were believed to be forthcoming in the next... "he eatheth with his mouth, he voideth water, he enjoyeth the pleasures of love"'
415.34+Serbo-Croatian voda: water
415.34+Sekhet-Hetep: the afterlife paradise in Egyptian mythology (Budge: The Book of the Dead, introduction, p. lxix: '"Sekhet-Hetep" or "Sekhet-Hetepet," or "Fields of Peace"') [418.06]
415.34+Latin sicut habet: just as he has
415.35tup! May no he me tile pig shed on! Suckit Hotup! As broad as
415.35+Budge: The Book of the Dead, introduction, p. lxxix: 'The Judgement Scene was to be painted upon a tile made of earth upon which neither the pig nor any other animal had trodden'
415.35+pigshit on
415.35+suck it up hot (oral sex)
415.35+broad [.32] [.36] (Cluster: Space)
415.35+Budge: The Book of the Dead, introduction, p. lxiii: (inscription on the pyramid of Pepi II, which repeats a similar formula for many gods) 'If the name of... flourisheth... the name of this Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra shall flourish, and this his pyramid shall flourish, and this his building shall flourish for ever' [360.14-.16] [568.34]
415.36Beppy's realm shall flourish my reign shall flourish! As high as
415.36+Italian Beppe: diminutive of Joseph
415.36+(Joseph and Pharaoh)
415.36+Childish pappy: father
415.36+ren: name, one of nine constituent parts of man in Egyptian theology [.25] [.31] [.32]
415.36+high [.32] [.35] (Cluster: Space)

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