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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 178

423.01jameymock farceson in Shemish like a mouther of the incas with
423.01+VI.B.42.030a (r): 'Macpherson' [123.25]
423.01+Yonge: History of Christian Names 242: 'the Scottish author, James Macpherson' (mentioned repeatedly in the chapter about Gaelic names)
423.01+James Macpherson: author of Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian (claimed to be merely the translator of newly-discovered ancient epics, supposedly written by Ossian)
423.01+Anglo-Irish Janey Mac: Jesus
423.01+mock, farce
423.01+(Shem's language)
423.01+Hebrew shemesh: sun
423.01+Mother of the Incas: an epithet of Mama Kilya, the Inca goddess of the moon (and the wife of the sun god)
423.01+VI.B.42.107e-f (o): '*A* inca mother Garcillasso'
423.01+Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian I.8: A Dissertation Concerning the Æra of Ossian: (of Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, 16th-17th century Spanish-Peruvian chronicler of Inca history and culture, the son of a Spanish conquistador and an Inca noblewoman) 'It was from poetical traditions that Garcillasso composed his account of the Yncas of Peru... it was from ancient poems which his mother, a princess of the blood of the Yncas, taught him in his youth, that he collected the materials of his history'
423.02a garcielasso huw Ananymus pinched her tights and about the
423.02+French Slang garce: prostitute
423.02+Dialect lass: young woman
423.02+how anonymous
423.02+Slang anonyma: demi-mondaine, woman of doubtful reputation
423.03Balt with the markshaire parawag and his loyal divorces, when he
423.03+Baltic (man)
423.03+March Hare
423.03+Breton Mac'harid: Marguerite
423.03+W.G. Wills: A Royal Divorce
423.03+Divorce Court, Dublin
423.04feraxiously shed ovas in Alemaney, tse tse, all the tell of the tud
423.04+Latin ferax: fruitful
423.04+Latin ova: eggs
423.04+Spanish Aleman: German
423.04+tsetse flies
423.04+Swift: A Tale of a Tub
423.04+Breton tud: people
423.05with the bourighevisien backclack, and him, the cribibber like an
423.05+Breton bourcheoisien: bourgeois
423.05+Colloquial crib: to plagiarise, to pilfer
423.05+Colloquial crib: house, shop, pub
423.05+crib, bib (baby)
423.05+Colloquial crib-biter: persistent grumbler (likened to a horse biting its crib, a sign of bad digestion)
423.06ambitrickster, aspiring like the decan's, fast aslooped in the in-
423.06+Colloquial phrase like the dickens: like the devil, a lot (an intensifier)
423.06+Latin decanus: dean (Swift)
423.07trance to his polthronechair with his sixth finger between his cats-
423.07+Italian poltrone: armchairs
423.07+HCE (Motif: HCE)
423.08eye and the index, making his pillgrimace of Childe Horrid, en-
423.08+index finger
423.08+Byron: Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
423.08+CHE (Motif: HCE)
423.09grossing to his ganderpan what the idioglossary he invented under
423.09+(quill pen)
423.09+VI.B.17.104c (b): 'idioglossary'
423.09+Chervin: Bégaiement 303: 'On vient de voir combien sont nombreuses les variétés de la blésité. Il en est d'autres encore qui échappent à toute classification; c'est un véritable langage spécial, une sorte d'idioglossie imaginée de toutes pièces par le malade et qui ne se rapporte à rien' (French 'We have just seen how numerous are the varieties of lisping. There are still more which defy all classification; it is a veritable special language, a sort of idioglossia imagined entirely by the patient and which does not relate to anything'; Motif: lisping)
423.09+idioglossia: private language, invented language
423.10hicks hyssop! Hock! Ickick gav him that toock, imitator! And it
423.10+(hiccuping, hence the '-ck' sounds) [.10-.14]
423.10+his hiccup
423.10+hyssop twigs used for sprinkling in Jewish rites
423.10+German hocken: to squat
423.10+Hungarian ikrek: twins
423.10+VI.B.14.086l (r): 'I gave him that *V*'
423.11was entirely theck latter to blame. Does he drink because I am sorely
423.11+Motif: The Letter
423.11+William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night II.3.106: 'Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?'
423.12there shall be no more Kates and Nells. If you see him it took
423.13place there. It was given meeck, thank the Bench, to assist at the
423.13+fifth Station of the Cross: Simon of Cyrene made to bear the cross
423.13+German mich: me
423.13+King's Bench Court, Dublin
423.14whole thing byck special chancery licence. As often as I think of
423.14+Chancery Court, Dublin
423.14+VI.B.5.072a (r): '*V* as often as I think of that *C* I declare I get the jaw ache —' [.14-.17]
423.15that unbloody housewarmer, Shem Skrivenitch, always cutting
423.15+VI.B.14.178f (r): 'unbloody *V*'
423.15+unbloody: averse to bloodshed
423.15+Alois Skrivanitch learned English from Joyce in Trieste
423.15+scrivener: a professional scribe
423.15+phrase cut off one's nose to spite one's face: harm oneself more while attempting to harm another
423.16my prhose to please his phrase, bogorror, I declare I get the
423.16+Serbo-Croatian Bog: God
423.16+Anglo-Irish begorra!: by God! (mild oath)
423.17jawache! Be me punting his reflection he'd begin his beogre-
423.17+punting: in rugby, kicking
423.17+Irish beo: life
423.18fright in muddyass ribalds. Digteter! Grundtsagar! Swop beef!
423.18+Latin phrase in medias res: into the midst of things (a literary device in which a narrative opens in the middle of the plot)
423.18+Danish digter: poet
423.18+Colloquial tater: potato
423.18+Danish grøntsager: vegetables
423.18+Grand Tsar (of Russia)
423.18+stop, thief! [021.23]
423.18+Colloquial swop: to swap, exchange
423.19You know he's peculiar, that eggschicker, with the smell of old
423.19+VI.B.14.179g (r): '*C* grey at 15 peculiar *V*'
423.19+Court of Exchequer, Dublin
423.19+German schick: elegant
423.19+Yiddish schicker: drunk
423.19+German schicken: to send
423.20woman off him, to suck nothing of his switchedupes. M.D. made
423.20+Slang switched: married
423.20+Polish dupa: buttocks
423.20+French jupes: skirts (Joyce: A Portrait IV)
423.20+M.D.: Swift's abbreviation for Swift's Stella and her companion Mrs Dingley in his letters (standing for 'my dears', or for 'my dear' when only referring to Swift's Stella)
423.21his ante mortem for him. He was grey at three, like sygnus the
423.21+Latin ante mortem: before death
423.21+post mortem
423.21+(at the age of three; at three o'clock) [.23]
423.21+Danish syg: sick
423.21+Latin cygnus: swan
423.21+Cygnus: a northern constellation
423.22swan, when he made his boo to the public and barnacled up to the
423.22+phrase say boo to a goose
423.22+Nora Barnacle
423.22+barnacle goose
423.22+Colloquial barnacled: wearing spectacles
423.23eyes when he repented after seven. The alum that winters on his
423.23+(after the age of seven; after seven o'clock) [.21]
423.23+(seven deadly sins)
423.23+proverb Marry in haste and repent at leisure: a rushed marriage is regretted for a long time
423.23+Motif: tree/stone (elm, stone) [.24]
423.24top is the stale of the staun that will soar when he stambles till
423.24+Swift: A Tale of a Tub
423.24+stone [.23]
423.25that hag of the coombe rapes the pad off his lock. He was down
423.25+The Coombe: street and area west of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin (also the popular name of a well-known maternity hospital in the same area)
423.25+Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock
423.25+Lock Hospital, Dublin
423.26with the whooping laugh at the age of the loss of reason the
423.26+whooping cough
423.26+age of reason: in Catholic theology, the age at which a child is capable of moral responsibility and committing sin (normally, the age of seven)
423.26+Age of Reason: a name applied to 17th century philosophy (e.g. Descartes, Spinoza, Locke)
423.27whopping first time he prediseased me. He's weird, I tell you, and
423.28middayevil down to his vegetable soul. Never mind his falls
423.28+vegetative soul: according to Aristotle, the lowest of the three souls, responsible for reproduction and growth (the other two are the sensitive/animate and rational souls)
423.28+VI.B.17.005l (b): 'false teeth *C* joke'
423.28+(Joyce had false teeth from 1923)
423.28+falls over his feet
423.28+flat feet
423.29feet and his tanbark complexion. That's why he was forbidden
423.29+tanbark: the crushed bark of oak or other trees, used in the tanning of animal hides into leather
423.29+(dark complexion; leathery complexion)
423.29+forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:3)
423.30tomate and was warmed off the ricecourse of marrimoney, under
423.30+to mate
423.30+tomato (is botanically a fruit)
423.30+VI.B.3.073a (b): 'warned off the course'
423.30+marry money
423.31the Helpless Corpses Enactment. I'm not at all surprised the saint
423.31+HCE (Motif: HCE)
423.31+Legalese habeas corpus: a writ to bring a person before a court or a judge, usually in order to determine whether his or her detention is legal (Latin 'thou (shalt) have the body (in court)')
423.32kicked him whereby the sum taken Berkeley showed the reason
423.32+Samuel Johnson (as related in Boswell's biography) refuted Berkeley's philosophy of the non-existence of matter by forcibly kicking a large stone
423.32+phrase by the same token: for the same reason
423.32+Motif: How Buckley shot the Russian General
423.33genrously. Negas, negasti — negertop, negertoe, negertoby, ne-
423.33+Latin negas: you deny (singular)
423.33+Negus Negesti: King of Kings, title of Abyssinian Emperor
423.33+Latin negasti: you have denied (singular)
423.33+Danish negertop: a black person's head
423.33+Motif: top/bottom (top, toe)
423.33+Latin negator: one who denies
423.33+Slang toby: buttocks
423.33+Latin negarentur: they might be denied
423.34grunter! Then he was pusched out of Thingamuddy's school
423.34+German runter: downward, down
423.34+putsch: political coup, revolutionary attempt
423.34+Thingmote: Viking Parliament in Dublin [409.18]
423.35by Miss Garterd, for itching. Then he caught the europicolas and
423.35+Gertrude (possibly, Gertrude Stein)
423.35+Anglo-Irish miching: Dialect mitching: playing truant
423.35+HCE (Motif: HCE)
423.35+VI.B.17.085f-g (b): 'europicolas erisypelas'
423.35+erysipelas: a skin disease, also known as Saint Anthony's fire
423.36went into the society of jewses. With Bro Cahlls and Fran Czeschs
423.36+Society of Jesus (S.J.)
423.36+Colloquial bro: short for brother
423.36+Breton Bro-C'hall: France
423.36+Italian fra: bro (short for Italian frate: brother, monk)
423.36+Frantisek Schaurek: Joyce's brother-in-law (a Czech bank cashier who married Joyce's sister Eileen)
423.36+Franciscan Brothers
423.36+Latin frater: brother
423.36+Bohemian Brothers

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