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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 155

427.01slackfoot, linkman laizurely, lampman loungey, and by Killesther's
427.01+VI.B.44.181d (b): 'linkman'
427.01+Fay: A Short Glossary of Theatrical Terms 19: 'Linkman. — The attendant in front of the theatre to open carriage doors for visitors or call their conveyances after the performance. In the past he held a lighted torch or link'
427.01+lapis lazuli
427.01+lamp-man: a person who attends to or deals in lamps (Motif: Shaun's belted lamp)
427.01+song Killarney: (begins) 'By Killarney's lakes and fells' (Cluster: John McCormack's Repertoire)
427.01+Killester: northeastern district of Dublin
427.02lapes and falls, with corks, staves and treeleaves and more bub-
427.02+Latin lapis: stone
427.02+Motif: fall/rise (leaps, falls)
427.02+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...corks, staves...} | {Png: ...corks staves...}
427.02+Anglo-Irish phrase more power to his elbow!: well done! (expression of admiration and encouragement)
427.03bles to his keelrow a fairish and easy way enough as the town cow
427.03+song The Keel Row (Cluster: John McCormack's Repertoire)
427.03+phrase as the crow flies: in a straight line, by the most direct route
427.04cries behind the times in the direction of Mac Auliffe's, the crucet-
427.04+Sitric Mac Aulaf (Silkenbeard) gave the ground for Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin
427.04+VI.B.2.119f (r): 'crucet house'
427.04+Fitzpatrick: Ireland and the Making of Britain 294: 'The so-called Norman Conquest marked the passing of Irish authority and influence over the English... The apostles of law and order, humanity and learning, were followed by the apostles of the thumb screw and crucet house'
427.04+Archaic crucet-house: a type of torture device
427.05house, Open the Door Softly, down in the valley before he was
427.05+song Open the Door Softly (sung by Shaun the Post in Boucicault: Arrah-na-Pogue; Arrah pretends to mistake his voice for that of a pig or a cow; Cluster: John McCormack's Repertoire)
427.05+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song The Fortune-Teller: 'Down in the valley' [air: Open the Door Softly]
427.05+Motif: up/down (down, up, down) [.05-.06]
427.06really uprighted ere in a dip of the downs (uila!) he spoorlessly
427.06+Samoan uila: lightnining
427.06+French voilà!: there!, that's it!
427.06+Dutch spoorloos: German spurlos: without leaving a trace, without a trace
427.07disappaled and vanesshed, like a popo down a papa, from circular
427.07+Swift's Vanessa [.10]
427.07+(like excrement flushed down the lavatory)
427.07+Samoan popo: coconut
427.07+Italian Childish popò: excrement, faeces
427.07+Motif: A/O [.09]
427.07+Samoan papa: rock, crag
427.07+Latin circularis circulatio: a round revolution
427.07+Latin in saecula saeculorum, amen: for ever and ever, amen (a common biblical and liturgical phrase; in hymn Glory Be, traditionally translated as 'world without end, amen')
427.08circulatio. Ah, mean!
427.08+Cluster: Amens (Paragraphs Ending with)
427.09     Gaogaogaone! Tapaa!
427.09+phrase going, going, gone (used to close bidding at an auction)
427.09+Samoan gaogao: empty; desert
427.09+Samoan ao: cloud
427.09+Motif: A/O [.07]
427.09+Samoan tapa'a: tobacco [.13]
427.09+too bad
427.09+Danish pas paa!: take care!
427.10     And the stellas were shinings. And the earthnight strewed
427.10+[[Speaker: the four's ass]]
427.10+Puccini: Tosca: song E Lucevan le Stelle: 'E lucevan le stelle e olezzava la terra, stridea l'uscio dell'orto e un passo sfiorava la rena. Entrava ella, fragrante, mi cadea tra le braccia. Oh! dolci baci o languide carezze, mentr'io fremente le belle forme disciogliea dai veli!' (Italian 'And the stars shone and the earth was perfumed, the gate to the garden creaked and a footstep rustled the sand on the path. Fragrant, she entered, and fell into my arms. Oh! sweet kisses, languid caresses, as I trembling unloosed her veils and disclosed her beauty'; Cluster: John McCormack's Repertoire) [.10-.13]
427.10+Italian stella: star
427.10+Swift's Stella [.07] [.11]
427.11aromatose. His pibrook creppt mong the donkness. A reek was
427.11+Irish piobaireacht: playing on the (bag)pipes (pronounced 'pibrokht')
427.11+crept among the darkness
427.11+Swift: Ppt [.10]
427.11+Dutch donker: darkness, dark
427.11+(lavatory stench)
427.12waft on the luftstream. He was ours, all fragrance. And we were
427.12+German Luft: air
427.13his for a lifetime. O dulcid dreamings languidous! Taboccoo!
427.13+dulcet: pleasant to the ear
427.13+VI.B.20.065k (g): 'languid' [434.23]
427.13+Lewis: The Art of Being Ruled 382: (quoting Charles Fourier) 'of the stock market... The tenderest expressions have replaced the old language of the merchants, and it is now said, in elegant phrase, that 'sugars are languid' — that is, are falling; that 'soaps are looking up' — that is, have advanced'
427.13+tobacco (possibly the source of the smell) [.09] [.11-.12]
427.13+Colloquial ta: thank you
427.13+French beaucoup: very much (pronounced 'bocoo')
427.14     It was sharming! But sharmeng!
427.14+John Sharman: Irish astronomer [.10]
427.14+German Schar: German Menge: crowd
427.15     And the lamp went out as it couldn't glow on burning, yep, the
427.15+[[Speaker: the four's ass]]
427.15+(his lamp goes out; Motif: Shaun's belted lamp) [404.11] [411.25] [421.22]
427.15+Harry S. Miller: song The Cat Came Back (1893): 'But de cat came back, couldn't stay no longer, Yes de cat came back de very next day; De cat came back — thought she were a goner, But de cat came back for it wouldn't stay away.'
427.16lmp wnt out for it couldn't stay alight.
427.16+lamp went out (Motif: Shaun's belted lamp)
427.17     Well, (how dire do we thee hours when thylike fades!) all's dall
427.17+{{Synopsis: III.1.1D.N: [427.17-428.27]: his departure is lamented — his return, awaited}}
427.17+[[Speaker: the four's ass]]
427.17+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song How Dear to Me the Hour: 'How dear to me the hour when daylight dies' [air: The Twisting of the Rope]
427.17+Irish dall: Breton dall: blind
427.17+dull and yellow
427.18and youllow and it is to bedowern that thou art passing hence,
427.18+German es ist zu bedauern: it is regretable
427.18+to bed
427.18+VI.B.1.090i (r): 'Thour't passing Hence'
427.18+song Thou'rt Passing Hence, My Brother (music by Arthur Sullivan, of Gilbert and Sullivan fame; Cluster: John McCormack's Repertoire)
427.19mine bruder, able Shaun, with a twhisking of the robe, ere the
427.19+German mein Bruder: my brother
427.19+VI.B.16.086b (r): '*V* able Shaun'
427.19+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song In the Morning of Life [air: The Little Harvest Rose]
427.20morning of light calms our hardest throes, beyond cods' cradle
427.20+cod's roe
427.20+cat's cradle
427.21and porpoise plain, from carnal relations undfamiliar faces, to the
427.21+German und: and
427.22inds of Tuskland where the oliphants scrum till the ousts of
427.22+elephants' tusks
427.22+Danish Tyskland: Germany
427.22+Archaic oliphant: elephant; a horn made of ivory
427.22+Laurence and Margaret Oliphant: cousins, both were born in Cape Town and became voluminous writers
427.22+scrum: to jostle, crowd (in rugby, a formal struggle between the players of the two teams in an attempt to gain possession of the ball)
427.22+come, to the west
427.22+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...scrum till...} | {Png: ...scrum from orw till...}
427.22+Danish til: to
427.22+French ouest: west
427.22+Variants: {FnF, Vkg: 'ousts of' on .22} | {Png: 'ousts of' on .23}
427.23Amiracles where the toll stories grow proudest, more is the pity,
427.23+German toll: crazy, insane, wild
427.23+tall stories
427.23+VI.B.6.079c (r): 'more is the pity'
427.23+Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 33 (sec. 33): 'the first conquest of England by the English... The more is the pity that we know so very little either of the people who came over or of the state of things they found in the country they invaded'
427.23+Variants: {FnF, Vkg: 'the pity,' on .23} | {Png: 'the pity,' on .24}
427.24but for all your deeds of goodness you were soo ooft and for
427.24+Samoan so'o: often
427.24+so often
427.24+too soft
427.24+Dutch ooft: fruit
427.24+Variants: {FnF, Vkg: 'for' on .24} | {Png: 'for' on .25}
427.24+VI.B.16.107c (r): 'forever doing'
427.24+Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 53: 'a young Athlone attorney named John Walsh... was forever doing something for others; an altruist, if ever there was one'
427.25ever doing, manomano and myriamilia even to mulimuli, as
427.25+manomano... milia... mulimuli [628.03]
427.25+Samoan manomano: more than ten thousand
427.25+Italian a mano a mano: little by little, gradually
427.25+Italian mano: hand
427.25+Latin milia: thousands
427.25+Samoan mulimuli: last, final
427.26our humbler classes, whose virtue is humility, can tell, it is hardly
427.26+VI.B.16.087f (r): 'humble people whose favourite virtue is humility'
427.26+Irish Independent 26 Apr 1924, 8/7: (letter to the editor) 'As this is the age for summer courses for the "backward" in all branches of learning, I hereby propose that Miss McSwiney should give a summer course of lectures to the Bishops on Theology... as to her qualifications, is she not by profession a teacher of infant school children?... As to the attendance of the Bishops, I answer with the Yankees, it is a "sure thing" they would attend. They are humble people whose favourite virtue is humility'
427.27we in the country of the old, Sean Moy, can part you for, oleypoe,
427.27+(Land of the Ever Young in Irish myth)
427.27+'Old Country' (as opposed to America) [.23]
427.27+Irish Sean Magh: Old Plain (Moyelta, where Parthalonian colonisers died of plague and were buried)
427.27+Russian moi: my (i.e. my Shaun)
427.27+VI.B.11.027o (r): 'I can't part you'
427.27+Graves: Irish Literary and Musical Studies 59: 'Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu': (from Le Fanu: other works: A Drunkard's Address to a Bottle of Whiskey) 'But I can't part you, darling, their preachin's all vain'
427.27+John Ireland: The Holy Boy (a 1913 short musical composition, often used as a Christmas carol)
427.28you were the walking saint, you were, tootoo too stayer, the
427.29graced of gods and pittites and the salus of the wake. Countenance
427.29+Pearce: Sims Reeves, Fifty Years of Music in England 133: 'A "popular" musical audience of those days, like the pittites of the theatre who could bless or damn a play on its first night'
427.29+Latin salus: safety, health
427.29+(toast of the wake)
427.29+solace of the weak
427.30whose disparition afflictedly fond Fuinn feels. Winner of the
427.30+disparition: disappearance
427.30+Motif: alliteration (f)
427.31gamings, primed at the studience, propredicted from the story-
427.32bouts, the choice of ages wise! Spickspookspokesman of our
427.33specturesque silentiousness! Musha, beminded of us out there in
427.33+Anglo-Irish musha: well, indeed (expressing surprise or annoyance) [.35]
427.33+Dutch bemind: beloved
427.33+be minded
427.33+(think of us)
427.34Cockpit, poor twelve o'clock scholars, sometime or other any-
427.34+nursery rhyme 'A dillar, a dollar, a ten o'clock scholar'
427.34+Dialect anywhen: at any time
427.34+VI.B.5.009h (r): '*V* any time'
427.35when you think the time. Wisha, becoming back to us way home
427.35+you find the time
427.35+Anglo-Irish wisha: well, indeed (expressing surprise or annoyance) [.33]
427.35+be coming
427.35+song Come Back to Erin (Cluster: John McCormack's Repertoire)
427.36in Biddyhouse one way or either anywhere we miss your smile.
427.36+Joyce: Ulysses.8.200: 'Milly tucked up in beddyhouse'
427.36+(Biddy the hen)

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