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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 114

438.01when closehended together behind locked doors, kissing steadily,
438.02(malbongusta, it's not the thing you know!) with the calfloving
438.02+Esperanto malbongusta: in bad taste, coarse
438.02+VI.B.6.098l (g): 'not the thing'
438.02+VI.B.16.145a (r): 'the thing'
438.02+Crawford: Thinking Black 161: 'here is the true tale of a mirage. Back came our faggot-searchers one by one, solemnly reporting a lake to be seen away on the Southern skyline. The oldest Biheans with us stoutly refused to believe the thing'
438.02+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...know!) with...} | {Png: ...know) with...}
438.03selfseeker, under the influence of woman, inching up to you, dis-
438.03+VI.B.5.063g (r): 'selfseeker'
438.04arranging your modesties and fumbling with his forte paws in your
438.04+modesty: a kind of veil, usually made of lace, previously used to conceal a female bosom (often attached to the top of a corset or stays)
438.04+VI.B.16.071a (r): 'fumble *V*'
438.04+Italian forte: strong
438.05bodice after your billy doos twy as a first go off (take care, would
438.05+VI.B.3.062c (r): 'billydoo' (the second 'o' replaces a cancelled 'ux')
438.05+Slang billydoo: loveletter (from French billet doux)
438.05+Dutch doos: box
438.05+French deux: two
438.05+Archaic twy: two
438.05+VI.B.14.134j (r): 'take care, wd ye *V*' (last 'e' uncertain)
438.06you stray and split on me!) and going on doing his idiot every
438.06+Greek idiotes: peculiarity
438.06+VI.B.16.013e (r): 'every time he got the chance'
438.06+Connacht Tribune 29 Mar 1924, 3/4: 'Guard v. Publican': (part of a court examination) '— Did Mr. Hickey follow you up the second flight of stairs? — Yes. — Was he hanging on to your neck all the time? — Yes, every time he got the chance (laughter)'
438.07time you gave him his chance to get thick and play pigglywiggly,
438.07+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...pigglywiggly...} | {Png: ...piggly-wiggly...}
438.08making much of you, bilgetalking like a ditherer, gougouzoug,
438.08+VI.B.16.111k (r): 'talk bilge'
438.08+Slang bilge: nonsense
438.08+(Motif: stuttering)
438.08+French cou: Breton gouzoug: neck
438.09about your glad neck and the round globe and the white milk and
438.09+VI.B.11.091j (r): 'her glad neck'
438.09+glad neck: a type of V-shaped open collar (in past times considered too revealing)
438.09+German glatt: smooth
438.09+(breasts, milk, nipples)
438.10the red raspberries (O horrifier!) and prying down furthermore to
438.10+Motif: up/down [.10-.11]
438.11chance his lucky arm with his pregnant questions up to our past
438.11+VI.B.16.122g (r): '*V* pregnant questions'
438.11+Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 215: 'Mario Sammarco came to me. 'Giovanni,' he said, 'what you do in March?' It was a pregnant question, and I asked my baritone friend what he meant by it'
438.12lives. What has that caught to sing with him? The next fling
438.12+got to do
438.13you'll be squitting on the Tubber Nakel, pouring pitchers to the
438.13+(on the lavatory)
438.13+Irish tobar: well; spring
438.13+(praying) [.17]
438.13+turning pictures to the wall [233.01] [587.14] [598.21]
438.13+proverb The pitcher will go to the well once too often: a period of good luck will eventually end (inevitable reversal of fortune)
438.14well for old Gloatsdane's glorification and the postequities of
438.15the Black Watch, peeping private from the Bush and Rangers.
438.15+Black Watch: forty-second Highland Regiment
438.15+Slang bush: pubic hair (especially a woman's)
438.15+Slang ranger: penis
438.16And our local busybody, talker-go-bragk. Worse again! Off of
438.16+Anglo-Irish phrase Erin go bragh: Ireland to the end of time, Ireland forever (slogan and cheer; Motif: Erin go bragh)
438.16+phrase out of the frying pan into the fire: from a bad situation into a worse one
438.17that praying fan on to them priars! It would be a whorable state
438.18of affairs altogether for the redcolumnists of presswritten epics,
438.19Peter Paragraph and Paulus Puff, (I'm keepsoaking them to cover
438.19+Peter Paragraph: name under which Samuel Foote satirised a Dublin bookseller
438.19+Motif: Paul/Peter
438.19+Mr. Puff in Sheridan's The Critic
438.19+puff: extravagantly laudatory advertisement or review (Joyce: Ulysses.16.525: 'the Tweedy-Flower grand opera company... providing puffs in the local papers could be managed')
438.19+keep asking
438.19+cover: to report for a newspaper
438.20my concerts) to get ahold of for their balloons and shoot you
438.21private by surprise, considering the marriage slump that's on this
438.21+VI.B.14.081i (g): 'marriage slump'
438.21+(boredom with married life)
438.22oil age and pulexes three shillings a pint and wives at six and
438.22+Latin pulex: flea
438.22+phrase at sixes and sevens: disordered
438.23seven when domestic calamities belame par and newlaids bellow
438.23+below par
438.23+Colloquial pa, ma: father, mother
438.24mar for the twenty twotoosent time thwealthy took thousands
438.24+Portuguese mar: sea
438.25in the slack march of civilisation were you, becoming guilty of
438.26unleckylike intoxication to have and to hold, to pig and to pay
438.26+William Edward Hartpole Lecky: Irish historian, author of History of European Morals and of History of Rationalism
438.26+The Book of Common Prayer: Matrimony: 'to have and to hold' (prayer)
438.27direct connection, qua intervener, with a prominent married member
438.27+VI.B.16.106i (r): 'no direct connection'
438.27+Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 47: 'I was chiefly concerned with anything which had no direct connection with Skerries'
438.27+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...connection, qua intervener, with...} | {Png: ...connection qua intervener with...}
438.27+Latin qua: in the capacity of
438.27+intervener: one who interposes in a legal action to which he or she was not originally a partner
438.27+VI.A.0641ap (g): 'intervener (fem corresp)'
438.27+Variants: {FnF, Png: 'member' on .27} | {Vkg: 'mem-' on .27, 'ber' on .28}
438.28of the vicereeking squad and, in consequence of the therinunder
438.28+viceregal: pertaining to a viceroy (e.g. the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland)
438.28+vice squad
438.28+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...and, in...} | {Png: ...and in...}
438.28+Variants: {FnF, Png: ...therinunder...} | {Vkg: ...thereinunder...}
438.28+Variants: {FnF, Png: 'therinunder' on .28} | {Vkg: 'therein-' on .28, 'under' on .29}
438.29subpenas, be flummoxed to the second degree by becoming a
438.29+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...subpenas, be...} | {Png: ...subpenas be...}
438.29+VI.B.3.037d (r): 'Flummox & Co' [.30]
438.29+VI.B.10.093g (r): 'flummuxed'
438.29+Gilbert: Old England 75: 'We were completely flummuxed'
438.29+Colloquial flummoxed: utterly at a loss, confused
438.29+second degree [408.11] [522.27] [572.26]
438.30detestificated companykeeper on the dammymonde of Luca-
438.30+VI.B.16.039l (r): 'company keeping'
438.30+Connacht Tribune 12 Apr 1924, 5/3: 'Doing the Devil's Work': (quoting the Bishop of Galway about the evil tendencies of modern Irish girls) 'it has fallen to my lot to come into Galway a few times in the winter after dark, and I was ashamed and horrified to find the amount of company keeping and the kind of company keeping that was going on publicly on these roads'
438.30+company-keeping: revelling; wooing
438.30+VI.B.5.049e (r): 'demi-monde dammymonde'
438.30+demi-monde: women of doubtful reputation (halfway between 'good' and 'bad' society)
438.31lamplight. Anything but that, for the fear and love of gold! Once
438.31+Dublin by Lamplight: a Dublin Magdalene laundry founded in the 19th century (Motif: Magdalene laundry)
438.32and for all, I'll have no college swankies (you see, I am well
438.33voiced in love's arsenal and all its overtures from collion boys
438.33+Slang arse: buttocks
438.33+Archaic collions: testicles, rascals
438.34to colleen bawns so I have every reason to know that rogues'
438.34+Anglo-Irish colleen bawn: fair-haired girl, pretty young woman, darling girl (Boucicault: The Colleen Bawn)
438.34+VI.B.16.124g (r): 'reason to know'
438.35gallery of nightbirds and bitchfanciers, lucky duffs and light
438.35+Slang nightbird: whore
438.35+Motif: dark/fair
438.35+Irish dubh: dark
438.36lindsays, haughty hamiltons and gay gordons, dosed, doctored
438.36+song Battle of Otterbourne: 'He chose the Gordons and the Graems, With them the Lindsays, light and gay'
438.36+Gay Gordons: Scottish dance

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