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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 186

449.01score, phonoscopically incuriosited and melancholic this time
449.01+(musical score)
449.01+Italian incuriosite: made curious
449.01+Latin incuriosus: negligent
449.02whiles, as on the fulmament he gaped in wulderment, his on-
449.02+fulmar: a sea bird (Cluster: Birds)
449.02+Latin fulmen: thunderbolt
449.03saturncast eyes in stellar attraction followed swift to an imagin-
449.03+(i.e. upwards)
449.03+Swift's Stella [.04]
449.03+swift (Cluster: Birds)
449.04ary swellaw, O, the vanity of Vanissy! All ends vanishing! Pur-
449.04+swallow (Cluster: Birds)
449.04+Ecclesiastes 1:2: 'vanity of vanities; all is vanity'
449.04+John Earl of Orrery: Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr Jonathan Swift: (of Swift's Vanessa) 'Vanessa was excessively vain'
449.04+purse (i.e wants more money)
449.05sonally, Grog help me, I am in no violent hurry. If time enough
449.05+proverb 'Time enough' lost the ducks (Cluster: Birds)
449.06lost the ducks walking easy found them. I'll nose a blue fonx
449.06+Slang blue funk: extreme fear
449.07with any tristys blinking upon this earthlight of all them that
449.07+Cornish tristys: sorrow, sadness
449.07+Latin tristis: sad, sorrowful
449.07+Tristan (derived from French triste: sad)
449.07+'O all you who pass by'
449.08pass by the way of the deerdrive, conconey's run or wilfrid's
449.08+Deirdre and Conchubar (parallel with Iseult and King Mark)
449.08+Archaic coney: rabbit (Cluster: Rabbits)
449.08+Wilfred: rabbit in a comic-strip 'Pip, Squeak and Wilfred' (Cluster: Rabbits)
449.09walk, but I'd turn back as lief as not if I could only spoonfind
449.09+VI.B.16.090e (r): '*V* turn back'
449.09+Archaic phrase as lief as: as willingly as, as gladly as
449.09+(Jaun would like to find a girl with a job of her own to support him; a teashop assistant would do)
449.10the nippy girl of my heart's appointment, Mona Vera Toutou
449.10+Slang nippy: a Lyons' tea-shop girl (so called in the firm's advertisements) [.11]
449.10+VI.B.16.093i (r): 'appointment'
449.10+rabbits are referred to as 'Saint Mona's lambs' in some parts of Ireland (Cluster: Rabbits)
449.10+Triestine Italian Dialect Slang mona: female genitalia
449.10+'One True Catholic and Apostolic Church'
449.10+Latin vera: true
449.10+Italian tutti: all (i.e. 'catholic')
449.11Ipostila, my lady of Lyons, to guide me by gastronomy under
449.11+Italian ipostilo: hypostyle, having a pillar-supported ceiling
449.11+Lord Edward George Bulwer-Lytton: The Lady of Lyons
449.11+Lyons' Corner Houses (London tea-shop chain) [.10]
449.11+Lyonesse: Tristan's home country in Malory's account
449.11+VI.B.16.093b (r): 'guide'
449.11+Rothschild: Histoire de la Poste aux Lettres 97: (quoting an ordinance of Louis XI) 'Tous ceux qui seront envoyés avec passeport ou attache du Grand-Maistre de la part du roy payeront pour chaque cheval, y compris celui de la guide qui lui conduira, 10 sols par quatre lieües' (French 'All those sent by the King with a passport from the Grand-Master will pay for each horse, including that of the guide who will lead them, 10 sous per four leagues')
449.12her safe conduct. That's more in my line. I'd ask no kinder of
449.12+VI.B.16.093h (r): 'safeconduct'
449.13fates than to stay where I am, with my tinny of brownie's tea,
449.13+Scottish tinny: a small tin cup
449.13+VI.C.3.178b (b): 'brownie's tea'
449.13+Dublin Slang brownie: homosexual
449.13+brownies: junior girl guides
449.14under the invocation of Saint Jamas Hanway, servant of Gamp,
449.14+VI.B.6.105e (g): 'Jonas Hanway (gamp)'
449.14+Jonas Hanway (1712-86): first man to carry an umbrella in London; stones were thrown at him; wrote against tea drinking (in Aristophanes: The Birds, Prometheus uses an umbrella to hide himself from the gods (Cluster: Aristophanes))
449.14+Colloquial gamp: umbrella (after the umbrella-carrying Mrs Sarah Gamp in Charles Dickens: all works: Martin Chuzzlewit)
449.15lapidated, and Jacobus a Pershawm, intercissous, for my thuri-
449.15+lapidate: to stone
449.15+French lapin: rabbit (Cluster: Rabbits)
449.15+Jacob pipe: a long-stemmed tobacco pipe with a bowl carved in the form of a human head, popular in 19th-20th century continental Europe
449.15+meerschaum: a clay-like mineral, used for making the bowls of tobacco pipes
449.15+shawm: medieval wind instrument
449.15+Latin intercisus: cut up, cut through
449.15+intercessor: one who intercedes on behalf of another, mediator (between man and man or man and god)
449.15+Latin purifex: cleaner
449.16fex, with Peter Roche, that frind of my boozum, leaning on my
449.16+Matthew 16:18: 'thou art Peter, and upon this rock'
449.16+Sir Boyle Roche (1743-1807), Irish M.P., once said: 'Mr. Speaker, it is impossible I could have been in two places at once, unless I were a bird' (Cluster: Birds)
449.16+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song The Meeting of the Waters: ''Twas that friends, the belov'd of my bosom, were near' (Cluster: John McCormack's Repertoire)
449.17cubits, at this passing moment by localoption in the birds' lodg-
449.17+Obsolete cubit: forearm; elbow
449.17+local option: a right granted by law to each locality to decide on its own whether to allow or prohibit the local sale of liquor (or other matters)
449.17+Roberts: The Proverbs of Wales 86: 'In the bird's lodging (to spend the night under a hedge)' (Cluster: Birds)
449.17+Aristophanes: The Birds (Cluster: Birds, Cluster: Aristophanes)
449.17+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...lodging, me pheasants...} | {Png: ...lodging me, pheasants...}
449.18ing, me pheasants among, where I'll dreamt that I'll dwealth mid
449.18+pheasant (Cluster: Birds)
449.18+Slang pheasant: prostitute
449.18+Balfe: The Bohemian Girl: song I Dreamt That I Dwelt in Marble Halls: 'I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls With vassals and serfs at my side'
449.18+(spending a night in the woods (pastoral))
449.19warblers' walls when throstles and choughs to my sigh hiehied,
449.19+warbler (Cluster: Birds)
449.19+throstle: song-thrush (Cluster: Birds)
449.19+chough: red-legged crow (Cluster: Birds)
449.19+(prolonged sigh)
449.19+Archaic hie: to hasten
449.20with me hares standing up well and me longlugs dittoes, where
449.20+VI.B.6.115h (g): 'hares standing up well'
449.20+hare (Cluster: Rabbits)
449.20+(long ears) (Cluster: Rabbits)
449.20+Colloquial lug: ear
449.21a maurdering row, the fox! has broken at the coward sight till
449.21+Murderers' Row: a nickname for the New York Yankees baseball team in the late 1920s, especially the 1927 lineup
449.21+song Modereen Rue (Anglo-Irish little red dog, little red rogue; referring to a fox)
449.21+phrase broken cover: emerged suddenly from its hiding place or shelter (especially when hunted)
449.21+Couard: hare in the Reynard cycle (Cluster: Rabbits)
449.21+covert: undergrowth and woods sheltering game
449.22well on into the beausome of the exhaling night, pinching stop-
449.22+VI.B.14.042n (g): 'the bosom of the night'
449.22+Kinane: St. Patrick 171: (quoting from Saint Patrick's Confession) 'I saw in the bosom of the night... a man who appeared to come from Ireland... and he had innumerable letters with him'
449.22+VI.B.14.043k (g): 'exhaling round about'
449.22+Kinane: St. Patrick 190: 'some choice flower, exhaling round about a sweet fragrance'
449.22+Aristophanes: The Knights (Cluster: Aristophanes)
449.22+(traffic lights)
449.23andgo jewels out of the hedges and catching dimtop brilliants
449.23+(catching misty dew on the tip of the tongue)
449.23+German Brilliant: diamond
449.24on the tip of my wagger but for that owledclock (fast cease to it!)
449.24+owl (Cluster: Birds)
449.24+old clock
449.24+Anglo-Irish phrase bad cess to it: bad luck to it
449.25has just gone twoohoo the hour and that yen breezes zipping
449.25+owl's cry: 'tu-whit, tu-whoo!' (Cluster: Birds)
449.25+(two a.m.)
449.25+Breton yen: cold
449.25+Breton Breiz: Brittany
449.26round by Drumsally do be devils to play fleurt. I could sit on safe
449.26+VI.B.14.066j (g): 'Druimsaileach (Field of Sallows) Armagh'
449.26+Fleming: The Life of St. Patrick 122: 'St. Patrick in the year 445 moved onward to a place called Druim-Sailech, or the Field of Sallows, but afterwards called Armagh, on account of its eminence' (Saint Patrick)
449.26+VI.B.20.040i (o): 'flirt'
449.26+Lewis: The Art of Being Ruled 160: 'Bourgeois or parliamentary politics is to-day such a thin camouflage... the puppets have so little executive power... that politics no longer afford an outlet for energy comparable for a moment with the opportunities of a game of tennis or a flirtation'
449.26+French fleurette: little flower; amorous discourse
449.27side till the bark of Saint Grouseus for hoopoe's hours, till heoll's
449.27+Saint Grouse's day: beginning of grouse season (Cluster: Birds)
449.27+the hoopoe is the chief character in Aristophanes: The Birds (Cluster: Birds, Cluster: Aristophanes)
449.27+The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XIII, 'hoopoe', 676c: 'as incubation proceeds... the hen scarcely ever leaves her eggs' (Cluster: Birds)
449.27+(until eternity; until morning)
449.27+Breton heol: sun
449.28hoerrisings, laughing lazy at the sheep's lightning and turn a wida-
449.28+hour of rising
449.28+Archaic orisons: prayers
449.28+song On the Road to Mandalay: 'lookin' lazy at the sea'
449.28+sheet lightning
449.29most ear dreamily to the drummling of snipers, hearing the wire-
449.29+snipe drumming with wings (Cluster: Birds)
449.29+(listening to birds)
449.30less harps of sweet old Aerial and the mails across the nightrives
449.30+Aeolian harps
449.30+aerial (of wireless radio)
449.30+Ariel: an airy spirit in William Shakespeare: The Tempest
449.30+Anglo-Irish Erin: Ireland
449.30+VI.B.17.025a (g): '*T* (pipette cry of engine in night)'
449.30+(mail-trains at night)
449.30+French rives: banks, shores (of a river)
449.31(peepet! peepet!) and whippoor willy in the woody (moor park!
449.31+peewit: lapwing (Cluster: Birds)
449.31+Swift: Ppt
449.31+whip-poor-will: a nocturnal bird, so named for its call (Cluster: Birds)
449.31+Swift first met Swift's Stella at Moor Park, Surrey
449.31+morepork: an Australian bird, so named for its call (Cluster: Birds)
449.32moor park!) as peacefed as a philopotamus, and crekking jugs
449.32+Aristophanes: The Peace (Cluster: Aristophanes)
449.32+Greek Artificial philopotamus: river lover (caddisfly genus)
449.32+Aristophanes: The Frogs: (frogs' chorus) 'Brekekekex koax koax' (Cluster: Aristophanes)
449.32+cracking jokes
449.32+nightingale's cry: 'jug' (Cluster: Birds)
449.33at the grenoulls, leaving tealeaves for the trout and belleeks for the
449.33+French grenouilles: frogs
449.33+Slang frogs: Frenchmen
449.33+Aristophanes: The Frogs (Cluster: Aristophanes)
449.33+French genoux: knees
449.33+(after picnic)
449.33+(Tristan messaged Iseult by dropping bark and twigs into a stream flowing through her chamber) [460.21]
449.33+Belleek: a kind of china made at Belleek, County Fermanagh (town also noted for fishing)
449.34wary till I'd followed through my upfielded neviewscope the
449.34+upturned telescope
449.34+nephoscope: instrument for taking velocity and altitude of clouds
449.35rugaby moon cumuliously godrolling himself westasleep amuckst
449.35+Temple Observatory, Rugby School
449.35+(moon gibbous like rugby ball)
449.35+VI.A.0301ci (g): 'moon in scrum' [.36]
449.35+Latin cumulus: a heap
449.35+cumulus clouds
449.35+Thomas Davis: song The West's Awake: 'The West's asleep'
449.35+fast asleep
449.35+(moon "goes to sleep" at limit of its course)
449.36the cloudscrums for to watch how carefully my nocturnal goose-
449.36+Aristophanes: The Clouds (Cluster: Aristophanes)
449.36+Latin claustrum: cloister
449.36+scrum: in rugby, a formal struggle between the players of the two teams in an attempt to gain possession of the ball [.35]
449.36+Archaic for to: in order to
449.36+(he will await sunrise)
449.36+pantomime Mother Goose (as well as the imaginary author of several nursery rhyme collections; Cluster: Birds)
449.36+Fairy Godmother: a character in pantomime Cinderella
449.36+pantomime The Goose That Laid Golden Eggs (Cluster: Birds)

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