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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 102

458.01teeny witween piece torn in one place from my hands in second
458.01+Colloquial teeny: tiny
458.01+VI.B.14.063l (g): '*V* bit torn'
458.01+German Witwe: widow
458.01+Anglo-Irish wee: tiny
458.01+Anglo-Irish -een (diminutive)
458.02place of a linenhall valentino with my fondest and much left to
458.02+Linen Hall, Dublin
458.02+Rudolf Valentino
458.02+Motif: The Letter: with fondest love
458.03tutor. X.X.X.X. It was heavily bulledicted for young Fr Ml,
458.03+Motif: The Letter: four crosskisses
458.03+papal bull
458.03+Motif: The Letter: poor Father Michael [459.02] [461.21]
458.04my pettest parriage priest, and you know who between us by
458.04+pet parish priest
458.05your friend the pope, forty ways in forty nights, that's the
458.05+Genesis 7:12: (of the Flood) 'And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights' ('forty days and forty nights' is a common biblical phrase)
458.06beauty of it, look, scene it, ratty. Too perfectly priceless for
458.06+Achille Ratti became Pope Pius XI
458.06+Italian ratto: quickly; quick
458.07words. And, listen, now do enhance me, oblige my fiancy and
458.07+to enhance
458.07+VI.B.5.097d (r): 'oblige my fancy'
458.08bear it with you morn till life's e'en and, of course, when never
458.08+(from morning to life's evening)
458.08+Motif: The Letter: unto life's end
458.09you make usage of it, listen, please kindly think galways again
458.09+VI.B.14.210o (g): '*V* please kindly'
458.09+VI.B.16.088e (r): 'again & again'
458.10or again, never forget, of one absendee not sester Maggy. Ahim.
458.10+Motif: The Letter: don't forget
458.10+Motif: The Letter: well Maggy/Madge/Majesty
458.11That's the stupidest little cough. Only be sure you don't catch your
458.12cold and pass it on to us. And, since levret bounds and larks is
458.12+song Goodbye, Sweetheart, Goodbye: 'The levret bounds o'er earth's soft flooring'
458.13soaring, don't be all the night. And this, Joke, a sprig of blue
458.13+VI.B.20.087l (g): 'veronica = blue speedwell' [.13-.14]
458.13+Carruthers: Flower Lore 12: 'The bright blue blossoms of the speedwell, which enliven our waysides in the spring, display in their markings a representation of the kerchief of S. Veronica impressed with the features of Our Lord' (the speedwell belongs to the genus Veronica)
458.14speedwell just a spell of floralora so you'll mind your veronique.
458.14+VI.B.20.087h (g): 'floralore'
458.14+Carruthers: Flower Lore
458.14+Leslie Stuart: Florodora (operetta)
458.14+sixth Station of the Cross: Veronica wipes Christ's face with a cloth (French Véronique: Veronica)
458.14+French véronique: speedwell (plant)
458.15Of course, Jer, I know you know who sends it, presents that
458.15+(*J*, her sister)
458.15+VI.B.16.094d ( ): '*L* I know' [457.29] [460.03]
458.16please, mercy, on the face of the waters like that film obote,
458.16+French merci: thank you
458.16+Genesis 1:2: 'And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters'
458.17awfly charmig of course, but it doesn't do her justice, apart from
458.18her cattiness, in the magginbottle. Of course, please too write,
458.18+cattiness: spitefulness
458.18+(feline quality)
458.18+William Maginn: Irish poet, died of drink
458.18+please do write (letter)
458.18+VI.B.14.099h (g): 'Write, won't you'
458.19won't you, and leave your little bag of doubts, inquisitive, be-
458.19+VI.C.1.185b (o): 'leave little bag of doom behind' === VI.B.11.133h ( ): 'leave little bag of gloom behind'
458.19+song Never Mind: 'When you've left your little bag of glooms behind' (a 1922 song)
458.20hind you unto your utterly thine, and, thank you, forward it
458.20+Motif: The Letter: unto life's end
458.20+Motif: The Letter: dear, thank you ever so much
458.21back by return pigeon's pneu to the loving in case I couldn't
458.21+(she gets it back if he dies abroad)
458.21+Joyce: Ulysses.3.162: '— C'est le pigeon, Joseph' (Leo Taxil)
458.21+French pneu: express letter transmitted by pneumatic tube in Paris [.24]
458.21+Greek pneuma: spirit, breath
458.21+(Holy Ghost)
458.22think who it was or any funforall happens I'll be so curiose to
458.22+Motif: The Letter: grand funeral/fun-for-all
458.22+Italian curiose: curious (feminine plural)
458.23see in the Homesworth breakfast tablotts as I'll know etherways
458.23+Harmsworth: a large family of 19th-20th century British newspaper magnates, politicians and peers (the eldest and most famous, Alfred Harmsworth, was born in Chapelizod)
458.23+Oliver Wendell Holmes: The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table (and its sequels, The Professor at the Breakfast-Table and The Poet at the Breakfast-Table)
458.23+tabloids: newspapers of a specific format, sensationalist newpapers (Alfred Harmsworth was one of the main founders of the format and style)
458.23+North Lotts Street and South Lotts Road, Dublin (not adjacent)
458.24by pity bleu if it's good for my system, what exquisite buttons,
458.24+French petit bleu: express letter transmitted by pneumatic tube in Paris [.21]
458.25gorgiose, in case I don't hope to soon hear from you. And thanks
458.25+Gipsy gorgio: a Gentile, a person who is not a Gypsy, one who lives in a house and not in a tent (Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil 33)
458.25+Motif: The Letter: hopes to soon hear
458.25+VI.B.10.081m (r): 'heard from him'
458.25+Motif: The Letter: dear, thank you ever so much
458.26ever so many for the ten and the one with nothing at all on. I will
458.27tie a knot in my stringamejip to letter you with my silky paper,
458.27+Colloquial thingamajig (a stand-in for a forgotten word)
458.27+(to remember to write to you)
458.27+Danish silkepapir: tissue paper
458.28as I am given now to understand it will be worth my price in
458.28+VI.C.4.106a (o): === VI.B.5.110a ( ): '*V* that will be worth LSD one of these days'
458.28+Parnell (about selling him): 'When you sell, get my price'
458.29money one day so don't trouble to ans unless sentby special as
458.30I am getting his pay and wants for nothing so I can live simply
458.30+(the wives of World War I soldiers got a portion of their husbands' pay)
458.30+(divorce alimony)
458.30+phrase simply and solely: merely, only
458.31and solely for my wonderful kinkless and its loops of loveliness.
458.32When I throw away my rollets there's rings for all. Flee a girl,
458.32+Variants: {FnF: ...Flea a girl, says...} | {Vkg, JCM: ...Flee a girl, says...} | {Png: ...Flee a girl says...}
458.33says it is her colour. So does B and L and as for V! And listen
458.34to it! Cheveluir! So distant you're always. Bow your boche!
458.34+French chevelure: head of hair
458.34+French chevalier: knight
458.34+Joyce: Ulysses.13.88: 'her rosebud mouth was a genuine Cupid's bow, Greekly perfect'
458.34+French bouche: mouth
458.35Absolutely perfect! I will pack my comb and mirror to praxis
458.35+VI.B.17.052f (g): '*L* packed up her comb & mirror'
458.35+One Hundred Merrie and Delightsome Stories, story 22, p. 118: 'You had not been gone more than a month when she packed up her combs and mirrors and betook herself to the house of a certain merchant'
458.35+German Praxis: practice
458.35+Greek praxis: business
458.36oval owes and artless awes and it will follow you pulpicly
458.36+VI.B.6.049f (g): 'oval ohs'
458.36+Crépieux-Jamin: Les Éléments de l'Écriture des Canailles 283: 'une écriture artificielle... avec des o ovales qui, à eux seuls, disent l'artifice' (French 'artificial handwriting... with oval o's that, even by themselves, speak of deceit')
458.36+Motif: A/O

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