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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 110

461.01end of your chapter, you citch water on the wagon for me being
461.01+Emerson: Civilization: 'hitch your wagon to a star'
461.01+Slang on the water wagon: teetotal
461.02turned a star I'll dubeurry my two fesces under Pouts Vanisha
461.02+Du Barry: brand of cosmetics
461.02+French beurre: butter
461.02+bury my face (two-faced)
461.02+French fesses: buttocks
461.02+Pond's Vanishing Cream (a highly popular skin cream in the early 20th century)
461.02+Swift's Vanessa
461.03Creme, their way for spilling cream, and, accent, umto extend
461.03+German um zu: in order to
461.03+VI.A.0901am (g): 'clothes extend personality' [144.23]
461.03+extend my personal greetings to the latter
461.04my personnalitey to the latents, I'll boy me for myself only of
461.04+Prince: The Dissociation of a Personality [460.12] [460.22]
461.04+buy (mourning if he dies)
461.05expensive rainproof of pinked elephant's breath grey of the
461.05+Elverys Sports: Ireland's oldest store for sporting goods and raincoats (founded 1847 in Dublin; locally known as Elvery's Elephant House, due to the large elephant sculpture over its entrance)
461.06loveliest sheerest dearest widowshood over airforce blue I am
461.06+VI.B.21.212d (g): 'sheerest gown'
461.06+a 1920s advertisement for Kotex women's sanitary pads: 'Sheerest gowns are worn without a moment's thought or fear. One dances, motors, goes about for hours in confidence and security'
461.06+Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...sheerest dearest widowshood...} | {Png: ...sheerest, dearest, widowshood...}
461.07so wild for, my precious once, Hope Bros., Faith Street, Charity
461.07+(once, not any more)
461.07+Hope Bros: London department store
461.07+Motif: faith, hope, charity
461.08Corner, as the bee loves her skyhighdeed, for I always had a
461.08+honeybee copulates in flight (drone dies immediately after)
461.09crush on heliotrope since the dusess of yore cycled round the
461.09+Motif: heliotrope
461.09+The Book of Charms and Ceremonies Whereby All May Have the Opportunity of Obtaining Any Object They Desire (in Joyce's private library): 'A person wearing the stone Heliotropion can make himself invisible' [.02]
461.09+Duse: world-famous 19th-20th century Italian actress (her full name was Eleonora Duse)
461.09+Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section 1897: 'August 18. — Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York arrived in Dublin... left Dublin on the 29th, and after making a tour through Ireland took their departure for Scotland, from Belfast, on 8th September'
461.10Finest Park, and listen. And never mind me laughing at what's
461.10+Phoenix Park
461.11atever! I was in the nerves but it's my last day. Always about
461.12this hour, I'm sorry, when our gamings for Bruin and Noselong
461.12+Dutch bruin: brown
461.12+Bruin: a quasi-proper name applied to the bear (for example in the Reynard cycle)
461.12+Motif: Browne/Nolan
461.13is all oh you tease and afterdoon my lickle pussiness I stheal
461.13+after doing
461.13+little business
461.13+steal home
461.14heimlick in my russians from the attraction part with my terri-
461.14+German Heim: home
461.14+German heimlich: secretly
461.15blitall boots calvescatcher Pinchapoppapoff, who is going to be
461.16a jennyroll, at my nape, drenched, love, with dripping to affec-
461.16+American Slang jelly-roll: penis
461.17tionate slapmamma but last at night, look, after my golden vio-
461.17+(last thing at night)
461.18lents wetting in my upperstairs splendidly welluminated with
461.18+(upstairs room)
461.18+VI.B.3.061d (b): 'room splendidly well luminated'
461.19such lidlylac curtains wallpapered to match the cat and a fire-
461.20please keep looking of priceless pearlogs I just want to see will
461.20+(logs of pear wood)
461.21he or are all Michales like that, I'll strip straight after devotions
461.21+Michaels [458.03] [459.02]
461.22before his fondstare — and I mean it too, (thy gape to my gazing
461.22+German Fenster: Latin fenestra: window
461.22+song My Grief on the Sea: 'His breast to my bosom, His mouth to my mouth' (parodied in Joyce: Ulysses.3.397 and Joyce: Ulysses.7.522)
461.23I'll bind and makeleash) and poke stiff under my isonbound with
461.23+German Eisen: iron
461.23+German Eisenbahn: railway train
461.23+iron bed
461.24my soiedisante chineknees cheeckchubby chambermate for the
461.24+French soie: silk
461.24+French soi-disant: so-called
461.24+Motif: alliteration (ch)
461.24+Chinese (i.e. a foreign male)
461.25night's foreign males and your name of Shane will come forth
461.25+mail [308.16]
461.26between my shamefaced whesen with other lipth I nakest open
461.26+German Wesen: essence, nature; being, creature
461.26+Balfe: The Bohemian Girl: song Then You'll Remember Me: (begins) 'When other lips' (Cluster: John McCormack's Repertoire)
461.27my thight when just woken by his toccatootletoo my first morn-
461.27+Italian toccato: touched
461.27+toccata: in music, a composition for a keyboard instrument, intended to exhibit the touch and technique of the performer, and having the air of an improvisation (literally 'a touching')
461.27+cock-a-doodle-doo (representing the crow of a cock)
461.28ing. So now, to thalk thildish, thome, theated with Mag at the
461.28+Motif: alliteration (th)
461.28+talk childish
461.28+song The Lost Chord: 'Seated one day at the organ' (Cluster: John McCormack's Repertoire)
461.29oilthan we are doing to thay one little player before doing to
461.29+going to say
461.29+song 'Say a little prayer for me' (popular 1930s song)
461.29+going to bed
461.30deed. An a tiss to the tassie for lu and for tu! Coach me how to
461.30+Scottish tassie: a small cup
461.30+Scottish lassie: girl, young woman
461.30+Italian lui: he
461.30+Italian tu: you
461.30+VI.B.16.009c (r): 'Teach me how to tumble'
461.31tumble, Jaime, and listen, with supreme regards, Juan, in haste,
461.31+be humble
461.31+Spanish Jaime, Juan: James, John (Motif: Shem/Shaun)
461.31+French j'aime: I love
461.31+VI.C.1.183n (o): 'With supreme regard' === VI.B.11.131f ( ): 'vice supreme regent' (i.e. the result of a mistranscription)
461.32warn me which to ah ah ah ah. . . .
461.32+(which to wed)
461.32+Cluster: Amens (Paragraphs Ending with) [.33]
461.33    — MEN! Juan responded fullchantedly to her sororal sono-
461.33+{{Synopsis: III.2.2B.A: [461.33-462.14]: Jaun drinks to her kindness — also promising faithfulness}}
461.33+[[Speaker: Jaun]]
461.33+VI.B.6.091c (r): 'sororal'
461.33+Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 134 (sec. 131): 'we possess not a few native adjectives by the side of more learned ones, e.g. fatherly: paternal... (but only sisterly, as sororal is so rare as to be left out of account)'
461.34rity, imitating himself capitally with his bubbleblown in his
461.34+(MEN in capital letters) [.33]
461.34+(a caterpillar smoking a hookah: character in Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
461.35patapet and his chalished drink now well in hand. (A spilt, see,
461.36for a split, see see!) Ever gloriously kind! And I truly am
461.36+'s easy
461.36+VI.B.25.157m (r): 'gloriously kind'

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