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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 151

471.01Paza! Paisy! Irine! Areinette! Bridomay! Bentamai! Soso-
471.01+Portuguese paz: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.01+French paix: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.01+Greek eirene: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.01+Malay berdamai: make peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.01+(Motif: stuttering)
471.01+Irish sos: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.02sopky! Bebebekka! Bababadkessy! Ghugugoothoyou! Dama!
471.02+Cambodian sok: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.02+Hungarian béke: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.02+Anglo-Irish phrase bad cess to you: bad luck to you
471.02+Armenian khaghaghout'iun: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.02+Senegalese dama: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.03Damadomina! Takiya! Tokaya! Scioccara! Siuccherillina! Peoc-
471.03+Latin Dominus: Lord
471.03+Lithuanian taika: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.03+Japanese taihei: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.03+Japanese tokeai: to restore friendship
471.03+Italian sciòcco: fool, foolish
471.03+Italian scioccheria: foolishness, nonsense
471.03+Irish síocháin: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.03+Irish socair: at peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.03+Irish siúcra: sugar
471.03+Italian scioccherellone: fool
471.03+Laotian shuk: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.03+Breton peoc'h: peace (North Breton dialect) (Cluster: Peace)
471.04chia! Peucchia! Ho Mi Hoping! Ha Me Happinice! Mirra! My-
471.04+Breton peuc'h: peace (South Breton dialect) (Cluster: Peace)
471.04+Chinese ho mu: domestic peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.04+Chinese ho p'ing: national peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.04+Russian mirra: myrrh
471.04+Russian mir: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.04+Ukrainian myr: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.05rha! Solyma! Salemita! Sainta! Sianta! O Peace!), but in self-
471.05+Solomon and Shulamit (Song of Solomon)
471.05+Arabic salaam: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.05+Hebrew shalom: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.05+Hindustani salamti: peace, public tranquillity (Cluster: Peace)
471.05+Bengali sainta: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.05+Sanskrit shantih: peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.05+peace (Cluster: Peace)
471.05+VI.B.1.095j (r): 'selfrighting | boat'
471.06righting the balance of his corporeity to reexchange widerem-
471.06+(of his barrel)
471.06+German wider-: mutual-
471.06+German wieder-: again-
471.07brace with the pillarbosom of the Dizzier he loved prettier, be-
471.08tween estellos and venoussas, bad luck to the lie but when next
471.08+Swift's Stella and Swift's Vanessa [.11]
471.08+VI.B.17.009f (b): 'next to nobody expected'
471.08+O'Brien: The Parnell of Real Life 84: (of Parnell) 'he lay in wait with the patience of an Indian chief on the warpath for the fall of the Government... The fall, by a usual experience in the House of Commons, came when next to nobody except Parnell himself expected it'
471.09to nobody expected, their star and gartergazer at the summit of
471.09+Star and Garter (pub name)
471.10his climax, he toppled a lipple on to the off and, making a brand-
471.10+'to the off' (cricket)
471.10+to the left
471.11new start for himself to run down his easting, by blessing hes
471.11+Nautical easting: easterly direction
471.11+blessing his stars
471.11+Cornish hes: a swarm
471.11+Swift's Stella and Swift's Vanessa were both called Esther [.08]
471.12sthers with the sign of the southern cross, his bungaloid borsa-
471.12+Motif: Sign of the cross
471.12+Southern Cross (constellation)
471.12+bungalow: a one-storey house
471.12+Borsalino: a trademarked fedora hat made by the Italian company Borsalino (Joyce wore one)
471.13line with the hedgygreen bound blew off in a loveblast (award
471.13+Hetty Green: American capitalist
471.13+(green edge)
471.13+(ejaculation of semen)
471.13+Wyndham Lewis's publication Blast frequently said BLESS and BLAST to different people [.11] [.21]
471.13+(reward for finder)
471.14for trover!) and Jawjon Redhead, bucketing after, meccamaniac,
471.14+trover: in law, act of finding and obtaining possession of any personal property
471.14+Jean-Jacques Rousseau
471.14+VI.B.2.155k (r): 'bucketed after'
471.14+Somerville & Ross: All on the Irish Shore 26: 'The Tinker's Dog': 'Mr. Taylour's pony gave two most uncomfortable bucks and ran away... the black mare... wholly out of hand, bucketed after the pony'
471.14+Colloquial bucket: to ride (a horse) hard, regardless of its fatigue; (of a horse) to gallop furiously
471.15(the headless shall have legs!), kingscouriered round with an easy
471.15+VI.B.16.063c (r): 'kingscouriered'
471.15+king's courier
471.15+VI.B.14.044b (g): 'with an easy rush'
471.15+Kinane: St. Patrick 201: (of Saint Patrick) 'with an easy rush he planted the cross over the ruins of idolatry'
471.16rush and ready relays by the bridge a stadion beyond Ladycastle
471.16+Greek stadion: a measure of distance (606.75 ft)
471.17(and what herm but he narrowly missed fouling her buttress for
471.17+herm: four-cornered pillar surmounted by head or bust, usually of Hermes
471.17+VI.B.10.074e (r): 'ship fouled buttress of bridge'
471.17+Irish Times 18 Dec 1922, 5/2: 'When the King's Ferry railway bridge was raised... the Norwegian steamer Gyp... knocked down an iron banded brick buttress'
471.18her but for he acqueducked) and then, cocking a snook at the
471.18+he ducked
471.18+phrase cock a snook: put the thumb on one's nose and wiggle the other fingers, as a sign of derision (Motif: thumb to nose)
471.19stock of his sermons, so mear and yet so fahr from that region's
471.19+phrase so near and yet so far
471.19+French mère: mother
471.19+German fahren: to travel, to ride, to drive
471.19+Danish far: father
471.20general, away with him at the double, the hulk of a garron,
471.20+VI.B.16.078g (r): 'the double diploma' (last word not crayoned)
471.20+Rothschild: Histoire de la Poste aux Lettres 52: (of a permit for private individuals to use the Imperial Post) 'Le diplôme était une sorte de passe-port tirant son nom de sa forme, plié en double' (French 'The diploma was a sort of passport that took its name from its form, folded in double')
471.20+garron: small Irish or Scottish horse
471.20+French garçon: boy
471.21pelting after the road, on Shanks's mare, let off like a wind hound
471.21+VI.B.14.105g (r): '*V* runs after road'
471.21+Colloquial Shanks's mare: one's own legs (as a means of conveyance)
471.21+German Windhund: greyhound; thoughtless boy
471.21+Wyndham Lewis
471.22loose (the bouchal! you'd think it was that moment they gave
471.22+(let loose)
471.22+VI.B.16.025a (r): 'bouchal'
471.22+Anglo-Irish bouchal: boy; young man
471.22+VI.B.16.047a (r): 'it must be only now they gave him the legs'
471.23him the jambos!) with a posse of tossing hankerwaves to his
471.23+jambo: 'rose-apple' and related species
471.23+French jambes: legs
471.23+handkerchiefs (Motif: kerchief or handkerchief)
471.24windward like seraph's summonses on the air and a tempest of
471.25good things in packetshape teeming from all accounts into the
471.26funnel of his fanmail shrimpnet, along the highroad of the
471.26+VI.B.16.056d (r): 'national rd'
471.26+Gallois: La Poste et les Moyens de Communication 179: 'Nous avons actuellement en France... 49.000 kilomètres de routes nationales' (French 'We now have in France... 49,000 kilometres of national roads')
471.27nation, Traitor's Track, following which fond floral fray he was
471.27+VI.B.6.043a (r): 'following which he silently left'
471.27+Irish Independent 2 Jan 1924, 5/1: (of a policeman eavesdropping and collecting evidence following a shooting) 'Remaining there for an hour, he overheard a conversation, following which he silently left'
471.27+Motif: alliteration (f)
471.28quickly lost to sight through the statuemen though without a
471.28+song Though Lost to Sight, to Memory Dear
471.28+Latin statumen: support of a floor
471.29doubt he was all the more on that same head to memory dear
471.30while Sickerson, that borne of bjoerne, la garde auxiliaire she
471.30+Constable Sackerson (Sackerson: a captive bear kept in Paris Garden near the Globe Theatre in Shakespeare's time; Joyce: Ulysses.9.155: 'The bear Sackerson growls in the pit near it, Paris garden')
471.30+Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson: 19th-20th Norwegian writer, at times considered Ibsen's rival (from Norwegian bjørnson: son of bear)
471.30+Brynjolf Bjarme: pen name used by Ibsen
471.30+VI.B.16.140g (r): 'auxiliary'
471.30+French la garde auxiliaire: the auxiliary guard (Constable Sackerson) [530.17]
471.30+Auxiliary Division of the Royal Irish Constabulary (formed in 1920 by the English)
471.31murmured, hellyg Ursulinka, full of woe (and how fitlier should
471.31+German Helligkeit: clarity, lightness
471.31+German heilige Ursula: Saint Ursula (and her 11,000 virgins)
471.31+prayer Hail Mary: 'Hail Mary, full of grace' (the Virgin Mary)
471.31+Latin ursus: bear
471.32goodboy's hand be shook than by the warmin of her besom
471.33that wrung his swaddles?): Where maggot Harvey kneeled till bags?
471.33+Danish Hvor meget har vi knibet tilbage? At ændre kurs og da farvel: How much have we held back? To change course and so goodbye [430.15-.16]
471.33+Bagenal Harvey: 18th century Irish revolutionary, a member of the Society of United Irishmen, the main force behind the Irish Rebellion of 1798
471.34Ate Andrew coos hogdam farvel!
471.35     Wethen, now, may the good people speed you, rural Haun,
471.35+{{Synopsis: III.2.2C.F: [471.35-473.11]: may he, Haun, fare well — his return will be awaited}}
471.35+well then
471.35+Dialect whethen: why then
471.35+Anglo-Irish good people: fairies
471.35+VI.B.16.057c (r): 'rural *V*'
471.35+Gallois: La Poste et les Moyens de Communication 198: 'facteur rural' (French 'rural postman')
471.35+HEC (Motif: HCE)
471.35+Irish Shean, Sheain: John (dative, genitive; pronounced 'haun')
471.35+German Hahn: cock, male fowl
471.36export stout fellow that you are, the crooner born with sweet
471.36+Guinness Export Stout
471.36+VI.B.1.161c (r): 'stout fellow'
471.36+Archaic phrase stout fellow: brave man
471.36+stout: (of people) thick in body, fat
471.36+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song The Meeting of the Waters: 'Sweet vale of Avoca!'

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