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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 224

484.01logical past, making so smell partaking myself to confess abiding
484.01+Motif: 5 senses [.01-.05]
484.01+VI.B.30.072h (g): 'or = to partake' === VI.B.30.062h (o): 'or = partake'
484.01+Fenollosa: The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry 375: (of the verbal meanings of Chinese conjunctions) 'or = to partake' (Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions)
484.01+Saint Patrick: Confession
484.01+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: in = abiding)
484.02clean tumbluponing yous octopods, mouthspeech allno finger-
484.02+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: to = tumbleuponing)
484.02+(four people; eight feet) [477.11]
484.02+VI.B.30.073b (g): 'five and a mouth = weak and defensive' (entries a-e on this notebook page are braced together and preceded by an 'I')
484.02+Fenollosa: The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry 375: (of the five Chinese forms of I, the first person pronoun) 'five and a mouth = a weak and defensive I, holding off a crowd by speaking'
484.02+the Japanese character for 'speech' is interpreted as signs for mouth, four and five
484.02+mouth (taste)
484.02+finger (touch)
484.03force, owning my mansuetude before him attaching Audeon's
484.03+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: of = owning)
484.03+VI.B.17.014l (b): 'mansuetude'
484.03+O'Brien: The Parnell of Real Life 206: (of the era after Parnell) 'It is by this time possible to contemplate with mansuetude, although not without a haunting sorrow, the campaign of unimaginable folly'
484.03+mansuetude: gentleness, meekness
484.03+Saint Mansuetus: 4th century first bishop of Toul, Lorraine, France (although once believed to be a 1st century disciple of Saint Peter; Joyce: other works: Ireland, Island of Saints and Sages: 'Even in the first century of the Christian era, under the apostleship of St. Peter, we find the Irishman Mansuetus, who was later canonized, serving as a missionary in Lorraine, where he founded a church and preached for half a century')
484.03+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: and = attaching)
484.03+Saint Audoen's Church, Dublin (sometimes spelled 'Audeon')
484.03+audition: hearing
484.03+audient: hearer of gospels
484.04prostratingwards mine sore accompanying my thrain tropps
484.04+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: to = prostrating)
484.04+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: with = accompanying)
484.04+German Träne Tropfen: teardrops
484.04+Italian troppo: too much
484.05offering meye eyesalt, what I (the person whomin I now am) did
484.05+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: for = offering)
484.05+my eyesight
484.05+Japanese me: eye
484.05+Exodus 3:14: 'And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM' (Motif: I am, I am) [481.35]
484.05+(the person I am speaking through)
484.05+in whom
484.06not do, how he to say essied anding how he was making errand
484.06+so to say
484.06+French essayer: to try
484.06+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: and = anding)
484.07andanding how he all locutey sunt, why did you, my sexth best
484.07+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: and = andanding)
484.07+Latin hi allocuti sunt: these have spoken to
484.07+Vulgate Psalms 21:8: 'locuti sunt labiis' (Latin Psalms 22:7: 'they shoot out the lip' (in derision)) [.24] [485.19]
484.07+low cut
484.07+Sext (Cluster: 8 Canonical Hours)
484.08friend, blabber always you would be so delated to back me, then
484.08+Latin delatus: accused
484.08+German dann erst: only then
484.09ersed irredent, toppling Humphrey hugging Nephew, old begge-
484.09+Obsolete Erse: Irish; Scottish Gaelic
484.09+Irredentists: a 19th and 20th century Italian party which advocated the recovery of Italian-speaking districts to Italy (Stanislaus Joyce was one; from Italian irredento: unredeemed)
484.09+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: to = toppling)
484.09+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: and = hugging)
484.09+Tristan was King Mark's nephew
484.09+(big noise)
484.10laut, designing such post sitting his night office? Annexing then,
484.10+German Laut: sound, tone
484.10+German laut: loud
484.10+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: for = designing)
484.10+(writing such letters)
484.10+post [483.13]
484.10+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: in = sitting)
484.10+Matins: the nighttime office (Cluster: 8 Canonical Hours)
484.10+(and then you questioned my signature [483.01-.06] when you remembered my twin brother and you imply I'm a make-believe Irish) [.10-.15]
484.10+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: and = annexing)
484.11producing Saint Momuluius, you snub around enclosing your
484.11+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: by = producing)
484.11+Motif: 4 evangelists (Mamalujo) (*X*)
484.11+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: in = enclosing)
484.12moving motion touching the other catachumens continuing say
484.12+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: to = touching)
484.12+catechumen: young Christian convert before baptism
484.12+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: and = continuing)
484.13providing append of signature quoniam you will celebrand my
484.13+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: with = providing)
484.13+Latin quoniam: because, inasmuch as (opening of Vulgate Luke) [483.18] [483.20] [484.29] [.16]
484.14dirthdags quoniam, concealed a concealer, I am twosides uppish,
484.14+Danish dag: day
484.14+VI.B.30.073c (g): 'conceal = selfish and private' (entries a-e on this notebook page are braced together and preceded by an 'I')
484.14+Fenollosa: The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry 375: (of the five Chinese forms of I, the first person pronoun) 'to conceal = a selfish and private I'
484.14+VI.B.6.129l (r): 'uppish'
484.15a mockbelief insulant, ending none meer hyber irish. Well, chunk
484.15+(Saint Patrick was a foreign missionary, not a local Irishman)
484.15+VI.B.33.141f (r): 'insulance'
484.15+insulant: an insulating substance
484.15+Latin insula: island
484.15+(Cluster: Verbal Prepositions and Conjunctions: and = ending)
484.15+Nones (Cluster: 8 Canonical Hours)
484.15+German nunmehr: henceforth
484.15+Dutch meer: more
484.15+VI.B.6.160c (r): 'mere Irish'
484.15+Lawless: The Story of Ireland 27: (of landowners in Ireland) 'owners of English descent who had become "meere Irish," as the phrase ran, or "degenerate English"'
484.15+Hibernian: Irish
484.15+German über: over
484.15+Cluster: Well
484.16your dimned chink, before avtokinatown, forasmuch as many
484.16+Colloquial damned cheek: audacity, impudence (intensified) [185.13] [619.06]
484.16+Modern Greek autokineto: automobile, car (from Greek autokinetos: self-moving)
484.16+Luke 1:1: 'Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth' [.13]
484.17have tooken in hand to, I may as well humbly correct that ves-
484.17+Japanese to: and
484.17+VI.B.14.195k (r): 'I might as well'
484.17+VI.B.14.195f (r): 'I correct that now'
484.17+Vespers (Cluster: 8 Canonical Hours)
484.18pian now in case of temporalities. I've my pockets full comeplay
484.18+VI.B.5.099b (r): 'temporalities'
484.18+Irish Times 24 Jun 1924, 7/1: 'Invitation to Resign': 'I invite you to resign your parish of Eyeries. I do so for the reasons:... (2) Your maladministration of the temporalities of your parish'
484.18+French complet: full
484.18+Compline (Cluster: 8 Canonical Hours)
484.19of you laycreated cardonals, ap rince, ap rowler, ap rancer, ap
484.19+VI.B.6.137l (r): 'lay cardinal'
484.19+Freeman's Journal 8 Feb 1924, 4/5: 'A Distinguished Lay Cardinal': 'Hercules Cardinal Consalvi, though he lived his most important years of public life while Napoleon filled Europe with the glory of French arms, scintillates through every memoir of the period'
484.19+a prince (man), a prowler (lion), a prancer (bull), a proud (eagle): emblems of the four evangelists (*X*)
484.19+Welsh ap: son of (in patronymic surnames)
484.19+up (four times) [393.20-.21]
484.20rowdey! Improperial! I saved you fore of the Hekkites and you
484.20+Latin Improperia: Reproaches (hymn, part of the Good Friday service, formed of a series of antiphons (sentences represented as sung by Christ to his people concerning his love and their ingratitude), each followed by hymn Trisagion (Thrice-Holy hymn) as a response, for example 'I led thee out of Egypt, drowning Pharaoh in the Red Sea: and thou didst deliver me to the chief priests') [.20-.25]
484.20+Hecate: Greek goddess of magic and the underworld
484.21loosed me hind bland Harry to the burghmote of Aud Dub. I
484.21+Matthew 7:3: 'And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?'
484.21+Japanese me: eye
484.21+VI.B.17.019o (b): 'Blind Harry — Bok' (dash dittos 'Blind'; only first two words crayoned)
484.21+Hirn: Les Jeux d'Enfants 64: (of different names for the same children's game) 'Blindbock dans les pays du Nord et dans certaines parties de l'Allemagne; Blind Buk dans la vieille Ecosse; Blinde Kuh en Allemagne; Billy Blind et Blind Harie en Angleterre' (French 'Blindbock in the countries of the North and in some parts of Germany; Blind Buk in old Scotland; Blinde Kuh in Germany; Billy Blind and Blind Harie in England')
484.21+Japanese hari: beam
484.21+Obsolete mote: mound (e.g. Thingmote)
484.21+Aud the Deepminded: wife of Olaf, 9th century King of Dublin
484.21+The Aud: German ship, under Norwegian flag, carrying arms for Irish uprising, that arrived at Tralee three days ahead of schedule, caught by the British and consequently blown up by its crew, despite Sir Roger Casement's preventive attempts
484.21+Aed Dub: a king of Ulster who killed Diarmait, king of Tara; also, a 7th century bishop of Kildare
484.21+old Dublin
484.22teachet you in fair time, my elders, the W.X.Y.Z. and P.Q.R.S. of
484.22+Latin Senatus Populusque Romanus: The Senate and People of Rome (ancient Roman motto; abbreviated S.P.Q.R.)
484.23legatine powers and you, Ailbey and Ciardeclan, I learn, episcop-
484.23+legatine: pertaining to a legate (i.e. an ecclesiatical delegate, a Roman governor or deputy, an envoy)
484.23+four Christian bishops in Ireland before Saint Patrick: Saint Ailbey of Emly, Saint Ciaran of Saigir, Saint Declan of Ardmore, Saint Ibar
484.23+Motif: alphabet sequence: ABCD
484.23+Latin episcopus: bishop
484.23+Greek episkopeô: to inspect, to observe
484.24ing me altogether, circumdeditioned me. I brought you from the
484.24+Colloquial in the altogether: in the nude, fully naked
484.24+Latin circumdedi: to have placed around, to have surrounded
484.24+Vulgate Psalms 21:13: 'Circumdederunt me vituli multi' (Latin Psalms 22:12: 'Many bulls have compassed me') [.07] [485.19]
484.24+dedition: surrender
484.25loups of Lazary and you have remembered my lapsus langways.
484.25+French loup: wolf
484.25+phrase lap of luxury
484.25+lapis lazuli [293.11]
484.25+Italian lazaroni: the mob
484.25+Latin lapsus linguae: slip of the tongue
484.25+German lang: long
484.25+Chinese lang: wolf
484.26Washywatchywataywatashy! Oirasesheorebukujibun! Wata-
484.26+VI.B.12.014e ( ): 'I: watakushi / ore (children) / boku (soldiers / temaye (beggars) / watashi (friends) / watai (W) / washi / wattchi (rustic) / sessha (officer) / jibun (self / oira (fam / Tekurada' (the 'I:' stands to the left of the entire list, so is assumed to precede it logically, rather than be part of the second line it is actually on; 'ore' is preceded by an illegible cancelled word, possibly 'do'; 'friends' uncertain)
484.26+Aston: A Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language 11: (of Japanese forms of I, the first person pronoun) 'washi (very familiar)'
484.26+Aston: A Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language 11: (of Japanese forms of I, the first person pronoun) 'wattchi (rustic)'
484.26+Aston: A Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language 11: (of Japanese forms of I, the first person pronoun) 'watai (by women)'
484.26+Aston: A Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language 11: (of Japanese forms of I, the first person pronoun) 'watashi (familiar)'
484.26+Aston: A Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language 11: (of Japanese forms of I, the first person pronoun) 'oira (familiar)'
484.26+Aston: A Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language 11: (of Japanese forms of I, the first person pronoun) 'sessha (formal)'
484.26+Aston: A Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language 11: (of Japanese forms of I, the first person pronoun) 'Ore... is less respectful, and is the word mostly used by coolies, etc., to each other. To inferiors it is a somewhat hauty word' (followed by a usage example from a children's game)
484.26+Aston: A Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language 11: (of Japanese forms of I, the first person pronoun) 'Students and soldiers say boku'
484.26+Aston: A Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language 11: (of Japanese forms of I, the first person pronoun) 'jibun (properly 'self')'
484.26+Aston: A Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language 11: (of Japanese forms of I, the first person pronoun) 'Watakŭshi... is the ordinary word for the pronoun of the first person'
484.26+what a
484.27cooshy lot! Mind of poison is. That time thing think! Honorific
484.27+Colloquial cushy: easy, comfortable
484.27+Chinese tsien sing: humble name
484.27+honorific forms of speech in Japanese [244.18]
484.28remembrance to spit humble makes. My ruridecanal caste is a cut
484.28+phrase eat humble cake
484.28+ruridecanal: pertaining to a rural dean or deanery
484.28+VI.B.5.028f (r): 'Caste — Cain'
484.28+VI.B.5.027j (r): 'a cut above that *V*'
484.29above you peregrines. Aye vouchu to rumanescu. See the leabhour
484.29+Peregrine O'Duignan [398.15]
484.29+Latin peregrinus: foreigner
484.29+I wish to remain
484.29+I wish you to remain
484.29+Romanian românesc: Romanian
484.29+Italian romanesco: modern Roman
484.29+Romanian -escu: child of (common suffix of Romanian surnames)
484.29+Irish leabhar: book
484.29+'Liber generationis' (opening of Vulgate Matthew) [483.18] [483.20] [484.13]
484.30of my generations! Has not my master, Theophrastius Spheropneu-
484.30+Theophrastus Bombastes von Hohenheim: 16th century alchemist, better known as Paracelsus
484.30+Theophrastus: a pupil of Aristotle
484.30+Greek pneuma: spirit
484.31maticus, written that the spirit is from the upper circle? I'm of the
484.31+circles of hell in Dante: The Divine Comedy: Inferno
484.32ochlocracy with Prestopher Palumbus and Porvus Parrio. Soa
484.32+ochlocracy: mob rule, government by the mob
484.32+Italian uccello: bird
484.32+Italian presto: quick
484.32+Christopher Columbus (Motif: P/Q) [120.02]
484.32+Motif: Paul/Peter
484.32+Latin palumbus: woodpigeon
484.32+Latin columbus, corvus: dove, raven (Motif: dove/raven)
484.32+Italian povero: poor
484.32+Latin corvus corone: carrion crow (Motif: P/Q)
484.32+Latin parra: owl
484.32+Italian Piero: Peter
484.32+The Placitum of Capua: 'Sao ko kelle terre, per kelle fini que ki contene, trenta anni le possette parte sancti Benedicti' (Italian 'I know that these lands, within their bounds, for thirty years have been in the possession of the Saint Benedict abbey'; a 10th century affidavit that forms the first written record of vernacular Italian and as such is widely known to students of Italian language and literature)
484.33koa Kelly Terry per Chelly Derry lepossette. Ho look at my
484.33+Terry Kelly: Dublin pawnbroker
484.33+County Kerry, County Derry
484.33+Latin terra: earth
484.33+cherry tree
484.33+Latin caelum: heaven, sky
484.33+French l'opposite: the opposite, the reverse
484.33+Italian ho: I have
484.34jailbrand Exquovis and sequencias High marked on me fake-
484.34+jailbird: a prisoner in jail (especially an habitual criminal)
484.34+brand... marked on my face (Motif: Brand on brow)
484.34+Latin proverb Ex quovis ligno non fit Mercurius: a statue of Mercury is not made out of just any piece of wood, a scholar is not made out of just any mind (attributed to Pythagoras) [163.15] [.36]
484.34+Portuguese sequencias: sequences
484.34+I marked
484.35similar in the foreign by Pappagallus and Pumpusmugnus:
484.35+Italian pappagallo: parrot
484.35+Latin gallus: cock, male fowl
484.35+Saint Gallus and Saint Magnus both associated with Abbey of Saint Gall
484.35+Pompeius Magnus (Pompey): famous 1st century BC Roman politician and general of the late Republic
484.35+Italian pompa magna: great pomp
484.36ahem! Anglicey: Eggs squawfish lean yoe nun feed marecurious.
484.36+Sanskrit aham: I
484.36+ham and eggs
484.36+French anglais: English
484.36+Latin proverb Ex quovis ligno non fit Mercurius: a statue of Mercury is not made out of just any piece of wood, a scholar is not made out of just any mind (attributed to Pythagoras) [163.15] [.34]
484.36+squaw-fish: a freshwater fish of the Western United States
484.36+though none
484.36+the Hebrew letter nun (N) historically meant 'fish' [485.05]
484.36+Latin mare: sea
484.36+more curious

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