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Finnegans Wake lines: | 36 |
Elucidations found: | 112 |
487.01 | your iberborealic imagination, when it's quicker than this quack- |
–487.01+ | Latin Hibernia: Ireland |
–487.01+ | hyperborean |
–487.01+ | hyperbolic |
487.02 | ing that you might, bar accidens, be very largely substituted in |
–487.02+ | barring accidents |
–487.02+ | Latin per accidens: by accident |
–487.02+ | VI.B.14.194n (r): 'very largely' |
487.03 | potential secession from your next life by a complementary char- |
–487.03+ | succession |
487.04 | acter, voices apart? Upjack! I shudder for your thought! Think! |
–487.04+ | Genesis 27:22: 'The voice is Jacob's voice' [.13-.14] [.16] [.21] |
–487.04+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...apart? Upjack...} | {Png: ...apart. Upjack...} |
–487.04+ | object! |
–487.04+ | VI.B.17.088n (b): 'I shudder at the thought' |
–487.04+ | Chervin: Bégaiement 179: (quoting from an anonymoous 17th century medical text) 'La parole ayant esté donné à l'homme pour expliquer les mouemens de son esprit, qui n'a point d'autre porte pour en faire sortir ses pensées que celle-là, ceux qui la débitent indistinctement semblent auoir autant d'auantage sur les autres hommes qui le font beguayant, que l'homme en a sur la beste' (French 'Speech having been given to man to explain the movements of his mind, which has no other door to bring out his thoughts than this, those who utter it indinstictly seem to have as much advantage over the other men who do it stuttering, as man has on the beast') |
–487.04+ | (if speech reflects thought, stutterers could be said to have shuddering thoughts; Motif: stuttering) |
487.05 | Put from your mind that and take on trust this. The next word |
–487.05+ | |
487.06 | depends on your answer. |
–487.06+ | |
487.07 | — I'm thinking to, thogged be thenked! I was just trying to |
–487.07+ | [[Speaker: Yawn]] |
–487.07+ | trying |
–487.07+ | God be thanked |
–487.07+ | James Hogg: 19th century Scottish novelist [.09] |
487.08 | think when I thought I felt a flea. I might have. I cannot say for |
–487.08+ | |
487.09 | it is of no significance at all. Once or twice when I was in odin- |
–487.09+ | VI.B.16.101i (r): ' occurred to me once or twice...' [486.35] [.13] |
–487.09+ | (in James Hogg's The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner, the hero kills his brother and enemy George in Edinburgh) [.07] |
487.10 | burgh with my addlefoes, Jake Jones, the handscabby, when I |
–487.10+ | Greek adelphos: brother |
–487.10+ | Variants: {FnF, Vkg, JCM: ...Jones, the...} | {Png: ...Jones the...} |
–487.10+ | hansom cabby |
–487.10+ | Hans-Koebi [163.05-.06] |
487.11 | thinkled I wore trying on my garden substisuit, boy's apert, at |
–487.11+ | Colloquial tinkled: urinated |
–487.11+ | thought I was |
–487.11+ | VI.B.14.197a (g): '*V* garment substitute' |
–487.11+ | Langdon: The Babylonian Epic of Creation 29n: 'Theoretically the king was present at certain vital parts of every New Year festival in each city, but that was of course impossible, and as a substitute he sent his royal garments' |
–487.11+ | garden suburb: a suburb organised similarly to a garden city [553.09] |
–487.11+ | suit |
–487.11+ | Archaic apert: open, public, unconcealed |
–487.11+ | apart [.04] |
–487.11+ | pert: (of young people) forward in speech or behaviour, saucy, cheeky |
487.12 | my nexword nighboor's, and maybe more largely nor you |
–487.12+ | Latin nex: murder, killing |
–487.12+ | next word |
–487.12+ | nextdoor neighbour's |
–487.12+ | VI.B.5.045d (r): 'he may be stronger than you realise' [.12-.13] |
–487.12+ | you, qua you [486.36] |
487.13 | quosh yet you, messmate, realise. A few times, so to shape, I chanced |
–487.13+ | quoth |
–487.13+ | phrase mess of pottage: a stew-like dish, applied primarily to the pottage given by Jacob to Esau for his birthright (although the phrase does not appear in any English translation of the Bible) [.04] [.14] [.16] [.21] |
–487.13+ | VI.B.16.101i (r): '...a few times' [.09] |
–487.13+ | VI.B.17.014n (b): 'So to shape' |
–487.13+ | O'Brien: The Parnell of Real Life 210: (of a future Parnell) 'Should another Parnell arise in the new generation, he will possess unprecedented powers and opportunities so to shape the present situation' |
–487.13+ | so to say |
487.14 | to be stretching, in the shadow as I thought, the liferight out |
–487.14+ | Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a pottage of lentils (Genesis 25:29-34) [.04] [.13] [.16] [.21] |
487.15 | of myself in my ericulous imaginating. I felt feeling a half Scotch |
–487.15+ | miraculous |
–487.15+ | eric: a blood fine for murdering an Irishman |
–487.15+ | ridiculous |
–487.15+ | imagination |
487.16 | and pottage like roung my middle ageing like Bewley in the |
–487.16+ | pottage [.04] [.13-.14] [.21] |
–487.16+ | VI.B.16.102a (r): 'queer around my middle' |
–487.16+ | Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 21: 'As I stood facing my auditors — the Bishop, schoolmates and teachers — I felt queer around my middle. No absolute fear, mind you; just a sudden consciousness that I wanted to do well — and wondering if I would' |
–487.16+ | Bewley's Oriental Tearooms, Dublin |
–487.16+ | pantomime Beauty and the Beast |
487.17 | baste so that I indicate out to myself and I swear my gots how |
–487.17+ | German Gott: god |
–487.17+ | guts |
487.18 | that I'm not meself at all, no jolly fear, when I realise bimiselves |
–487.18+ | VI.B.16.125a (r): 'I'm not myself at all' |
–487.18+ | S. Lover: song I'm not meself at all |
–487.18+ | VI.B.14.008g (g): 'Realise himself *C*' |
–487.18+ | Boulenger & Thérive: Les Soirées du Grammaire-Club 115: 'Fénelon dit d'ailleurs, dans ses Lettres spirituelles: "Je comprends sans peine que l'âge et les infirmités vous font regarder la mort de près: cette même vue rapproche et réalise tristement l'objet..." Réaliser a exactement ici le sens contraire à celui d'idéaliser' (French 'Fenelon moreover writes, in his Lettres Spirituelles: "I understand without trouble that age and infirmity have made you look death in the eye: this same sight brings closer and sadly realises the object..." Realise has here exactly the opposite meaning to that of idealise') |
–487.18+ | realise by myself |
487.19 | how becomingly I to be going to become. |
–487.19+ | [.20] |
487.20 | — O, is that the way with you, you craythur? In the becom- |
–487.20+ | [[Speaker: Mark]] |
–487.20+ | song Finnegan's Wake: 'He'd a drop of the craythur every morn' |
–487.20+ | Anglo-Irish Pronunciation craythur: creature |
–487.20+ | John 1:1: 'In the beginning was the Word' |
–487.20+ | [.19] |
487.21 | ing was the weared, wontnat! Hood maketh not frere. The voice |
–487.21+ | wear |
–487.21+ | we are |
–487.21+ | Old English wyrd: time, change, becoming, destiny, fate |
–487.21+ | won't it? |
–487.21+ | proverb The hood does not make the monk: do not judge by appearances |
–487.21+ | Obsolete frere: friar, monk |
–487.21+ | VI.B.14.196e (g): 'voice of Esau' |
–487.21+ | Genesis 27:22: 'The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau' (Motif: Jacob/Esau) [.04] [.13-.14] [.16] |
487.22 | is the voice of jokeup, I fear. Are you imitation Roma now or |
–487.22+ | I hear |
–487.22+ | Romanov: Russian Tsar family |
–487.22+ | (Roman Catholic) [486.02] |
–487.22+ | temples of Venus and Rome (AMOR and ROMA) were built as mirror-images |
487.23 | Amor now. You have all our empathies, eh, Mr Trickpat, if you |
–487.23+ | Armoricus (Amory) Tristram |
–487.23+ | sympathy |
–487.23+ | Patrick (Saint Patrick) |
487.24 | don't mind, that is, aside from sings and mush, answering to my |
–487.24+ | |
487.25 | straight question? |
–487.25+ | |
487.26 | — God save the monk! I won't mind this is, answering to |
–487.26+ | [[Speaker: Yawn]] |
–487.26+ | phrase God save the mark! (exclamation of impatience or contempt) |
–487.26+ | Mark [.20] |
487.27 | your strict crossqueets, whereas it would be as unethical for me |
–487.27+ | cross-questions: a parlour game in which a ludicrous effect is produced by connecting unrelated questions and answers, supplied by different players (also called 'cross-questions and crooked answers') |
–487.27+ | croquet |
487.28 | now to answer as it would have been nonsensical for you then |
–487.28+ | not to answer |
487.29 | not to have asked. Same no can, home no will, gangin I am. |
–487.29+ | some cannot, some will not |
–487.29+ | Motif: Shem, Ham and Japhet |
–487.29+ | Motif: A/O |
–487.29+ | German gegangen: gone |
487.30 | Gangang is Mine and I will return. Out of my name you call me, |
–487.30+ | Romans 12:19: 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay' |
–487.30+ | Danish gengang: return |
–487.30+ | Ibsen: all plays: Gengangere (Ghosts) |
–487.30+ | mine is the way |
–487.30+ | Anglo-Irish phrase call out of one's name: call one by an improper or abusive name [.23] |
487.31 | Leelander. But in my shelter you'll miss me. When Lapac walks |
–487.31+ | Lee river, Cork (i.e. Mark) [.20] |
–487.31+ | Charles Leland discovered Shelta, Irish tinkers' secret language |
–487.31+ | Thomas Leland: The History of Ireland |
–487.31+ | French l'Irlandais: the Irishman |
–487.31+ | low-lander |
–487.31+ | Shelta |
–487.31+ | Irish capall: horse |
487.32 | backwords he's darkest horse in Capalisoot. You knew me once |
–487.32+ | (he's the darkest) |
–487.32+ | Chapelizod |
487.33 | but you won't know me twice. I am simpliciter arduus, ars of |
–487.33+ | Latin simpliciter arduus: frankly difficult |
–487.33+ | Latin magister artes: master of arts |
487.34 | the schoo, Freeday's child in loving and thieving. |
–487.34+ | school |
–487.34+ | nursery rhyme 'Friday's child is loving and giving' (a variant has 'Thursday's child's inclined to thieving') |
487.35 | — My child, know this! Some portion of that answer appears |
–487.35+ | |
487.36 | to have been token by you from the writings of Saint Synodius, |
–487.36+ | taken |
–487.36+ | synod: an ecclesiastical assembly |
–487.36+ | odious |
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