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Finnegans Wake lines: 36
Elucidations found: 132

505.01heather down and timtits tapping resin there and tomahawks
505.01+Motif: Tom/Tim
505.01+tom tit (Cluster: Birds)
505.01+hawk (Cluster: Birds)
505.02watching tar elsewhere, creatures of the wold approaching him,
505.02+VI.B.14.102f (r): 'creatures of this wold' ('wold' uncertain)
505.03hollow mid ivy, for to claw and rub, hermits of the desert
505.03+holly, ivy [504.35]
505.03+German mit: with
505.03+Archaic for to: in order to
505.03+Saint Jerome learned Hebrew in the desert
505.04barking their infernal shins over her triliteral roots and his acorns
505.04+bark, roots, acorns, pinecones, shoots, plants [.04-.05]
505.04+the Hebrew letter shin (SH) looks like three vertical lines connected by a baseline horizontal line (not unlike *M*)
505.04+roots in Semitic languages usually have three letters
505.04+Yggdrasil had three roots [504.35]
505.05and pinecorns shooting wide all sides out of him, plantitude
505.05+twenty-two thousand of twenty-two thousand [412.26-.27]
505.06outsends of plenty to thousands, after the truants of the utmost-
505.06+her, snake, naked (Eve and the Serpent; Cluster: Snakes)
505.07fear and her downslyder in that snakedst-tu-naughsy whimmering
505.07+Danish sludder: nonsense, chatter, talk
505.07+serpent at base of Yggdrasil (Cluster: Snakes) [504.35]
505.07+Danish snakke: to talk, to chatter
505.07+Danish snakke du norsk?: do you speak Norwegian?
505.07+German wimmern: to whimper
505.08woman't seeleib such a fashionaping sathinous dress out of that
505.08+German See: sea, lake
505.08+German Seele: soul
505.08+German Leib: body
505.08+VI.B.14.161e (r): 'dressed in leaves'
505.09exquisitive creation and her leaves, my darling dearest, sinsin-
505.09+ECH (Motif: HCE)
505.10sinning since the night of time and each and all of their branches
505.11meeting and shaking twisty hands all over again in their new
505.12world through the germination of its gemination from Ond's
505.12+gemination: doubling
505.12+Danish onde: evil
505.13outset till Odd's end. And encircle him circuly. Evovae!
505.13+world's end
505.13+EHC, HCE (Motif: HCE)
505.13+Latin in saecula saeculorum: for ever and ever (a common biblical and liturgical phrase; in hymn Glory Be, traditionally translated as 'world without end')
505.13+Euouae: the last six vowels of the words 'saeculorum amen' (also spelled Evovae), used as an abbreviation for the closing words of the hymn Gloria Patri (Glory Be) in liturgical books
505.13+Latin Evoe!: the cry of the Bacchantes, to call Bacchus (confused by some writers with Euouae)
505.13+Italian evivva!: hurray!, long live!
505.14    — Is it so exaltated, eximious, extraoldandairy and excels-
505.14+eximious: distinguished
505.14+Irish dair: oak
505.14+Latin excelsior: higher
505.16    — Amengst menlike trees walking or trees like angels weep-
505.16+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
505.16+Mark 8:24: 'I see men as trees, walking'
505.16+Motif: tree/stone (tree, rock) [.17]
505.16+Milton: Paradise Lost I.620: 'Tears such as Angels weep' (Joyce: Ulysses.9.33)
505.17ing nobirdy aviar soar anywing to eagle it! But rocked of agues,
505.17+nobody ever saw anything to equal it
505.17+Outlook 29 Apr 1922, 339: 'James Joyce's Ulysses' (review of Joyce: Ulysses by Arnold Bennett): (of 'Penelope') 'I have never read anything to surpass it, and I doubt if I have ever read anything to equal it' (Deming: The Critical Heritage 221)
505.17+bird (Cluster: Birds)
505.17+Latin aviarius: of birds (Cluster: Birds)
505.17+soar (Cluster: Birds)
505.17+wing (Cluster: Birds)
505.17+eagle (Cluster: Birds)
505.17+eagle on topmost branch of Yggdrasil [504.35]
505.17+rock [.16]
505.17+hymn Rock of Ages: 'Rock of Ages, cleft for me'
505.18cliffed for aye!
505.18+Motif: tree/stone (cliff, tree) [.19]
505.19    — Telleth that eke the treeth?
505.19+tree [.18]
505.20    — Mushe, mushe of a mixness.
505.20+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
505.20+Motif: mishemishe/tauftauf [.23]
505.20+Anglo-Irish musha: well, indeed (expressing surprise or annoyance; often duplicated)
505.20+Colloquial phrase much of a muchness: much of the same
505.21    — A shrub of libertine, indeed! But that steyne of law indead
505.21+Motif: tree/stone (shrub, stone)
505.21+tree of liberty
505.21+VI.C.3.180o (b): 'Steyn'
505.21+Haliday: The Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin 151: (of the Stein, an area east of medieval Dublin) 'The Long Stone of the Steyne... It was from the "Long Stone"... that the Stein derived its Scandinavian name. This remarkable pillar stone stood not far from the landing place near where Hawkins-street and Townsend-street now join'
505.21+Steyne: a pillar formerly standing in Dublin, erected by the Vikings near their landing place
505.21+stone of law
505.22what stiles its neming?
505.22+Latin nemus: grove
505.23    — Tod, tod, too hard parted!
505.23+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
505.23+tauftauf [.20]
505.23+tod: a bushy mass of vegetation, especially ivy
505.23+German Tod: death
505.23+The Book of Common Prayer: Matrimony: 'till death us do part' (prayer)
505.23+Matthew 16:18: 'thou art Peter'
505.24    — I've got that now, Dr Melamanessy. Finight mens mid-
505.24+Greek melas: black
505.24+Danish mellemmand: middleman
505.24+Manesse Codex: a collection of Minnelieder
505.24+Latin mens: mind
505.24+Danish mens: while, meanwhile
505.24+German mit: with
505.25infinite true. The form masculine. The gender feminine. I see.
505.25+VI.B.3.126a (r): 'tree bisexual m form fem gend' (Motif: mixed gender) [504.22] [504.25] [504.26]
505.25+Mordell: The Erotic Motive in Literature 170: (quoting Jung) 'The bisexual symbolic character of the tree... is intimated by the fact that in Latin trees have a masculine termination and a feminine gender' (Motif: mixed gender)
505.26Now, are you derevatov of it yourself in any way? The true
505.26+Russian derevo: tree
505.27tree I mean? Let's hear what science has to say, pundit-the-
505.27+R. Ord and W. Gayer-Mackay: Paddy-the-Next-Best-Thing (play, 1920)
505.28next-best-king. Splanck!
505.28+Max Planck (quantum theory)
505.29    — Upfellbowm.
505.29+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
505.29+VI.B.14.223h (r): 'Upfellbowm'
505.29+fell up
505.29+Motif: up/down
505.29+German Apfelbaum: apple tree (Newton)
505.30    — It reminds of the weeping of the daughters?
505.30+Luke 23:28: 'Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me'
505.30+Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song The Meeting of the Waters
505.31    — And remounts to the sense arrest.
505.31+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
505.32    — The wittold, the frausch and the dibble! How this loose-
505.32+The Book of Common Prayer: Litany: 'all the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the devil' (prayer)
505.32+wittol: cuckold who does nothing about it, a conniving cuckold
505.32+German Frau: woman
505.32+German Rausch: drunkenness, intoxication
505.32+dibble: a pointed implement used to bore holes in the ground for seeds, bulbs, or young plants (Slang penis)
505.32+lucifer: a type of match (contained phosphorus) [.33]
505.33affair brimsts of fussforus! And was this treemanangel on his
505.33+brimstone: sulphur (especially in reference to its flammable nature and its association with hell)
505.33+German Fuß: foot
505.33+fuss for us
505.33+phosphorus [.32]
505.33+tree, man, angel
505.34soredbohmend because Knockout, the knickknaver, knacked
505.34+sore bottom
505.34+Dutch boom: tree
505.34+beam end
505.34+German knackt: cracks
505.35him in the knechtschaft?
505.35+German Knechtschaft: servitude
505.36    — Well, he was ever himself for the presention of crudities to
505.36+[[Speaker: Yawn]]
505.36+Cluster: Well
505.36+Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
505.36+crudités: raw vegetables served as an appetiser

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